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Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier
@Nina @Hollow
Iopah was limping home.

Every few steps the she wolf would pause and drag her coral tongue across the gash in her front leg. It burned and every movement pulled at the edges of the wound. A thin line of blood began to leak and Iopah whined at the familiar, coppery taste in her mouth. She sat, holding out the leg awkwardly. If it only it wold stop bleeding. She rested silently, her ears pivoting anxiously. Injured and alone she was vulnerable. She longed to be home once again.

Needless to say the hunting expedition had not gone well. She had set off into the neighboring cedars several days ago. The forest deer were coming into season and they were starting to congregate. Iopah was optimistic when she first started to trail the group of four does. They lead her through the forest and Iopah followed, waiting for an opportunity. Iopah was never aware of the buck following the does until it was too late. Her attacker came from behind while she was focused on her target. A loud snort and crash announced the bucks charge. Does forgotten she had spun to face him. Just as she turned he lashed out, striking with his hooves. Iopah yelped as her flesh was split open. She fell back, stumbling on the uneven ground and smearing blood the whole way. Tucking her leg against her body she managed a stumbling run.

The next few days were spent making the tedious return home. She had to keep stopping to get the bleeding to stop. As it was her entire foot had been stained a light shade of blood. Finally now this journey from hell was coming to an end. The border was not yet in sight, but she could smell it.

She howled brokenly, hoping someone her leaders would hear her. Still she continued on, she wanted to be inside the border. She wanted to be home.
This is not a deep wound, but because of the area it'll bleed if Io tries to use the leg, ie it's really messy
(This post was last modified: Oct 27, 2013, 01:16 AM by Iopah.)
Played by Ghoff who has 312 posts.
No Rank
Hollow Nite
Hollow moved silently through the woodlands, head down. His fur had finally begun to thicken, later than usual he felt, probably due to the added weight of caring for a pack. But still the chill only just got through to his skin. So his eyes were narrowed and he moved stiffly whenever a cold wind would hit him. Hollow's mouth was open slightly and his nose was an ever quivering black sensor. Prey, threats, anything, he was searching for anything that could harm or help the Woodlands wolves. It felt like he was always on the alert recently, as every predator the lore had seemed to press at Secret Woodlands' border. Constantly it seemed he was fighting off some animal, or dealing with some crisis.

But through the turmoil the pack remained resilient, It made Hollow proud to be their leader. Though briefly he wondered what they thought of him. Whether or not he was doing a good job. After all, Tacoma had still died. Hollow sometimes felt as though he were the fearsome and kind leader of the most resilient pack in the lands, but at the same time, he felt as though it would be obvious that he had been unceremoniously propelled into his role.

Lost in thought he almost did not notice Iopah's fresh scent radiating from the other side of the border. He had noticed her brief absence and assumed her to have a good reason for being gone for so long. So without hesitation Hollow strode across the scent markings and towards Iopah's ever growing scent, until at last he found the huntress. Blood scent hit his glands and he quickly pinpointed an injured leg. Something for Nina and Azariah to look at for certain. But first he had to be sure she was actually here to return home. "Iopah." He spoke strongly and nodded his head towards her injured leg, "I assume this is the cause of your scent fading away from our borders." There wasn't a challenge upon his vice but instead, a questioning tinge.

Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier
Her goal was almost in sight now. She would be safe. She could let her leg rest and heal. Nearly home now. Rapid footsteps make her stop in place. Beyond the borders this could be anyone. She was keenly aware of her current disadvantage should this be an unfriendly wolf. She braced herself, gingerly stretching her leg to touch it to the ground, trying to create some semblance of health and ability.

A black wolf popped from the underbrush and Iopah's shoulders slumped in relief. Thank god. The bedraggled wolf wasted no time in hobbling towards him. She was sure she looked a mess. Now that she home embarrassment was starting to set in.

Hollow looked her over and Iopah only whined softly in mild appeasement. He questioned her absence and she visibly winced at the word. Not only was she returning with an injury, but because of her Secret Woodlands had been without one of it's members.

She nodded. She was worn, mentally and physically, but guilt was making her heart pound. Her smokey tail twitched once, twice, then stopped as if uncertain. "I was tracking does in the cedars. I didn't know there was a buck. He... he charged he." Here Iopah stopped and bent down to lick the wound. When her head came back up there was a rusty smudge on her muzzle. "I only meant to be gone for the day." She wanted to spring up and greet Hollow enthusiastically. She wanted to drag her bleeding self across their border and collapse. But the though of Hollow's disappointment held her down. Iopah sighed and looked around her. Frost had affected the more vulnerable plants. The ground was dotted with soft, blackened clumps of leaves. The start of winter was one of the poorest times to be wounded. Very soon snow would coat it all. "I should have been more careful. Sorry, Hollow." She said finally turning her gaze from the landscape.
Played by Vami who has 183 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Making a quick, unofficial re-join so get back in since I missed the check. XD But I would not imagine he had been gone for more then a few days...

Near sheepishly does the child arrive, moving along the edges of his home with much lack of confidence, hesitant even for what was to come. Yet once more did the boy run away, this time, having left far longer then a few hours after Nina had chased after him. This time he was not captured. This time he had successfully made it all away across the berry fields to the other side where the spring lay. This time he had not hidden away from the pack by hiding in Nina's den, yet instead had hide away from everyone, far from home - or what his idea of very far was. He sighs, his pain at the news he had been given far from extinguished but he knew not to worry his mother for too long. She loved him, did she not? Little did he know her 'lover' had returned. That in time, perhaps they would plan for pups because they did like her, and the sorrowful 'mistake' rape child would be long forgotten amongst children that had been wanted. Once more, ill news would fall before Bane Aranna but for the time being the pups only moved silently towards his pack's boarders and the direction of Iopah and Hollow, awaiting his own verdict with a huff.
BANE Aranna
(This post was last modified: Nov 02, 2013, 08:45 PM by Bane.)
Played by Ghoff who has 312 posts.
No Rank
Hollow Nite
Very slight PP let me know if you want it changed

Hollow open his jaws to speak, of course Iopah could come home, Hollow knew she would not stay gone without reason, and she was hurt. Of course he knew she had been doing her duty to the pack. It had just gone awry, and before he could get the words out. Bane appeared, having been gone longer than usual, Hollow grinned an almost malicious grin. He would certainly have to stress the importance of scent on the borders before he let him back in. So to Iopah Hollow turned and said, "Of course my friend, you may come home. I would never dream to deny you Iopah." He stepped aside and let her pass before he would raise his tail in an unspoken order for everyone to still themselves, for first of all he at least wanted to inspect Iopah's wounds. Second he wanted this to seem as official as possible for Bane's benefit.

He squared himself before the pup and turned a stony gaze upon him. "Bane you should know better than to go wandering off, even it's only for a few days. Do you think your mother doesn't have enough to worry about? It's the beginning of winter and we do not need anymore pups passing away." A shadow crossed his face at the thought of Tacoma. Then it deepened as the thought of Bane, alone and dead, cold, decaying. Crossed his mind, he knew he wouldn't forgive himself if that ever happened. "If you want to go on a day trek or adventure, just let some wolf know, we would all be happy to stretch our legs. Do you understand?" He finished and gave the young male a rough lick on the top of his head and scooted him inside the border. He cared deeply for the boy and felt bad for scolding him. But he felt Bane had to understand that he couldn't just come and go as he pleased... Though Hollow began to suspect he'd make a good scout.

Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier
Only after you've lost everything are you free to do anything.

Hollow seemed to be on the verge of speaking and Iopah waited easily for him. Every breath or so her eyes flicked up to him expectantly, only to drift away. Eyes downcast, Iopah felt his attention shift and she looked up from the sodden, dropping fern that she had been studying. The soft noise of another's approach made her straighten and turn into the weak sunlight to see. Bane?

Sharply Iopah glanced to Hollow. Had he known that Bane had left the pack's borders? A peculiar expression came across his face and Iopah could easily read the exasperation there.

Hollow welcomed her, stepping aside as if to allow her entrance. Her attention piqued, his words were more proper and formal than she would expect. Even his actions stuck her as oddly formal. As if meant for another.... Iopah glanced sidelong at Bane.

At Hollow's silent command she sat and looked at him with a trace of amusement in her eyes. Hollow spoke to Bane and Iopah turned her attention to the youngster as well. He was old enough that Iopah was beginning to think of him as wolf rather than pup. Iopah did not remember her pup-hood. It was not until she was five months old that her life changed and became distinct. She was Bane's age when the famine started. Her family had traveled vast distances in search of prey. Iopah remembered being restless and scornful of her parents. As Bane was unceremoniously relocated Iopah nodded firmly in agreement. "We can't afford to lose anyone with winter coming."

"Bane, if you ever have more energy than can be burnt in the thickets let me know. This winter will be hard, I think. We'll need as many hunters as possible." Iopah glanced at Hollow, wondering how he felt about the idea. Iopah would rather have Bane working in tandem with another than of on his own. It would be good for him to feel as if he was part of a team.

Played by Vami who has 183 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Everything grew suddenly - intense. The dominant stance in Hollow was something Bane had never seen before, not like this, not like he held himself without any uncertainty, unlike the child before him. Bane knew the other pups had lost their father too, that he had wondered off somewhere, perhaps because he too had become 'sick'. Now, Hollow was in charge and though he was young there was no lack upon the way he held his authority. Bane was frozen before him, though did not quiver, did not think to run. He would run no longer, he promised himself, at least not out of fear and loathing.

He kept his stance solid, obviously lower then Hollow and his tail fallen, yet not tucked. Orange burning attention would flutter to meet Hollow's stony gaze before turning away quickly as the man began to speak. His mouth parts, as though to speak, to reply to his mother's 'worry'. Yet where was she now? How come he never heard her calls? How comes she never came looking for him? It was always Hollow, or Nina, never Ashanti and the thought made the child's gut twist at home much he wanted his mother's love and still yet kept away from her as though lack of seeing him would ease her pain. Where was Nina? He wanted Nina! She never betrayed him, she never lied to him, kept secrets from him. Slowly, a whimper past his lips, though it had little to due with the way Hollow was trying to assess himself now.

"Yes." The boy answers quick, accepting of the lip if only due to the fact that he did not flinch away. It still hurt him that Hollow had lied to him, though his aging was beginning to allow him to know that the man had only done it in an attempt to protect Bane's feelings. Taking a few steps into their home, Bane's eyes met Iopah as she addressed him. They both spoke of winter and although Bane had noticed the change in weather and scenery, did not understand what was so dire, not until he was able to face it himself. They were worried, this was obvious and since he cared for them, as pack members, he would do his best not to worry them further. The mention of going on a pack hunt had his tail waving. Though he had practiced as his mother's will, he had not been a part of a pack hunt as of yet. The wave of his tail was his silent reply to this, his eyes equally turning to meet Hollow for acceptance. So far, his yearning to run and to know the world had Hollow thinking well for him as a Scout, though his energy proved a worthy Hunter and his unwillingness to back down and flee a Guardian in the making. The world was open to Bane, if only he could see the opportunities for himself.
BANE Aranna
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.

Look Out!

There are several fresh rabbit tracks in the snow. Hunt Opportunity

Played by Ghoff who has 312 posts.
No Rank
Hollow Nite
Hollow watched as Bane settled, he was proud of the pup for being so accepting of the scolding. After all Hollow half expected him to run away again. But he didn't and while it was still not good for him to do what he had done Hollow was struck with an idea accompanied with a scent. "As a matter of fact I smell rabbit." Hollow grinned as he spotted several tracks in the snow leading past where they were all standing. A large paw reached out to nudge Bane playfully, "How about you pay me back for making me worry? You can stretch your legs too!" Hollow's voice was light and his lips pulled back in a kind of half playful grin. It almost seemed like he was just a guardian before he remembered Iopah's injury.

Before they got moving again he inspected it quickly, it would need treatment, not heavy treatment and Hollow figured she could still make one hunt for some rabbits. "If you're feeling up to it Iopah you can come with us, but if you want to go to Nina I understand." Hollow turned to creep away towards the tracks, motioning to the other two sets of tracks, just enough for the three of them, Hollow smiled with the thought. This meal would be much needed by the pack. In the back of his mind he hoped they both tagged along for a little food in their bellies, especially Bane, it was high time Hollow worked to build trust with the boy, and be sure that he was at least guided in the right direction, if he so chose to be guided at all.

Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
I hope you guys don't mind me intruding!

For the past several days Nina had been wondering aimlessly around her kingdom, heartache gripping at her heart. Koda had been the first to leave them and Tacoma had soon followed in his place. Part of her still gripped tightly onto the hope that her love would return soon, but the logical part of her mind told her that she would have to move on for the time being and just live. It was why when a familiar, broken voice called through her lands that she turned, her eyebrows creased. Someone had come back to Secret Woodlands and as much as she knew it was her duty to go and find who was calling for her specifically, the selfish part of her wanted to go rest in the dens while Hollow attended to their shared duties. Duties that she had been neglecting ever since Tacoma’s death. It was highly unlike her to avoid such things, but she knew that it had needed to be done, at least for a few days, now she was just taking it too far.

Letting a sigh slip past her lips, Nina started toward where her former second had called from, taking her time before arriving at the scene. She hadn’t expected to take as long as she was but when she did arrive it was immediately after Hollow had mentioned her name. Lifting her head from its lower position, she strode into the area, her single eye taking in the area around her. Iopah had been welcomed back into their ranks and with good reason, there was a long gash along one of her front legs, something Nina was going to have to patch up. Bane also stood there and Nina greeted him happily with a wave of her tail. She stepped towards the small pup and gave him a small lick behind his ear in an affectionate, motherly gesture before turning her golden brown head towards her subordinate, "I would patch that up but I don’t know where Ashanti has been storing herbs recently, I would go see her for that, but be careful." Her words were only another reminder of her pack healer who had been once again missing in action.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.