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If you will be my Jekyll, I will be your Hyde
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Played by bcmuffin who has 49 posts.
Inactive No Rank


Now her sides have shrunken, small whines leave the mottled girls chest with each stiff step. The girl has seen far better days, and with the Spectral Woods now solidly at her back, she shows no desire to return. Master wasn’t there. Master isn’t here. He left us darling. He was never coming. Not for you... Not for us. Lips pull up over fangs in contempt, brown eyes flashing dangerously for just a moment, teeth flashing to snap around snow in frustration. We won’t go back. No we can’t go back. No.

Her head no longer turns to find the owner of the voice, she knows the sprite will always dance just out of sight. With a heavy sigh feet resume their march, one paw in front of the other. Her head sways as she searches for a tell-tale scent, some sign her companion is wrong. Her dark nose buried under the snow is oblivious to any approaching scents, though ears still swivel atop her head, a small ping of alertness to break through her distraction. Get up. Get down, get out. It was all so frustrating. What on earth was a girl to do with no clear guidance? No master to wield her potential, no pack to call her home?

psycho killer teen dream action film
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
Border patrol. It filled time he supposed. It appeared witht he harsh winter however, fewer wolves travelled to their door. He didn't blame them. It was freezing outside and most of the loners would either have perished or been near death by now. Not that he was any exception. Had he not been accepted into the bosom of the Glen wolves he would have been included in their existence - waiting for death to take him, bury his corpse beneath the snow where he would remain frozen until spring and he could finally rot away. It didn't seem like a fun way to go, so he was pretty glad he had avoided that fiasco - so far at least.

Today like any other, he had little to do but pace. He found that constant moving helped to rebuild lost muscle. His current residence was not as tricky as the mountains to navigate, but ploughing though sometimes shoulder deep snow made up for what lack of height there was. Currently striding, no, loping through a snow drift; he caught a scent. A scent which he had not come across for weeks now. A scent he had hoped he would always be rid of. Hitting him full across the face, he shuddered in response. He knew who was at their door. She had been the alpha's daughter. An ugly thing indeed, covered in scars from the various rituals and punishments her crazed father had imposed. She was part of the pack who had kidnapped he and Valiant and kept him in a hole for months on end, half starved, half beaten to death and marked him daily with new flesh wounds. They called themselves the future; he called them fucking nutjobs.
The female had been a simple thing. Easy to use. To make his great escape he pretended to love her. Whispering promises of a better life if she helped him escape. Eventually she did and he ran without looking back over his shoulder. He abondoned her and felt very little guilt about it. She had been a tool in his plan for survival, nothing more and yet, he could not help but find himself walking in the direction of her scent. She was alone, that much he could tell and whilst her pack smell was there it was faint, almost vanished completely. Had she followed him here? He would have to find out.

He moved quickly and spotted her easily against the white backdrop of their home. In silence he made himself known- holding himself high with a dominant stance he really didn't have as a lowly pack member, but he had to show he was strong now for reasons he did not know. It must have been an ego thing. It normally was with Rhysis. "Samhain." he said boldly. He could have chased her away. He could have tore her to shreds, she was but a whisp of a thing before her life of solitary but he found that perhaps she would be more use to him alive. She was easy to manipulate and seemed keen to do his bidding. It made more sense to keep the girl alive. For now at least. It was time to play along and see just why she was here. "You've found me, at last." he said, stopping a distance away to ensure he could see her entire reaction.
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by bcmuffin who has 49 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Whoops old tag left in my table code sorry guys!

She thought she had caught his scent but surely it was just another trick? Were it able to, her lower lip would be curled down in a pout. She was alone, she was sore and she was oh so hungry - her stomach growling an audible protest to it’s current hollow state.

Samhain. That voice. It was burned into her memories, her eyes squeeze shut, trying to grasp at it - to hold it tight. You’ve found me, at last. But she hadn’t had she? No, here she was alone in some strange forest surrounded by idiots who didn’t know if they wanted her to stand up or lay down - as if her upbringing wasn’t confusing enough... It was a name so very few knew, and not one she had ever uttered herself. After all, it was not her place.


Her name. Somebody knew her name. Look up you fool. Slowly her head turns, brown eyes registering the dark vision as her whole body folds to the floor in response to His presence. Pink tongue snakes out over her frozen snout and an audible whine leaves her chest as she dares to look anywhere but upon his majesty. Master! her heart and body sings as her tail sweeps her paw prints from view at her rear, her belly dragging through the snow as she dares to crawl closer, pausing almost close enough to stretch out her nose to touch his paw - but not daring to lest the apparition evaporates with her touch.

His scent is intoxicating, and her eyes drift closed as a heavy sigh leaves her chest. Even if this is just a dream, she is home.

psycho killer teen dream action film
(This post was last modified: Dec 11, 2013, 12:02 PM by Samhain.)
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
For a long moment, she did not move. At first he thought perhaps she was frozen in place, already dead with her paws stuck to the ice, but her chest rose and fell in quick breaths and the hot air from her lungs left a mist in the cold air. In a flash she was on her belly, crawling like a snake towards him. He held himself steady, refusing to flinch at the memories her very presence held and reminded himself that she was more useful alive then dead. She had already proven just how easy she was to manipulate and with Valiant gone he had no one left in his world under his every command. He paused a moment to think of his fluffy friend. Perhaps the only wolf in the world he would ever tie that word to, but like everything else in his life, he too was gone now; he needed replacing. Whilst the scrap of a girl before him was not strong, hell he wasn't even sure if she was all there in the head, she was loyal; as proven as she cowered at his paws, afraid to meet his gaze or even touch his body. It gave his ego a much needed boost as he fell into character.

"I waited for you. You never came." he whispered, lowering his head to hover around her ear as his words fell warm like honey into her lobes. He didn't expect her to reply. In the months he had spent in her pack he had heard only a few words mumbled from her lips. He wasn't even sure if she knew how to speak, but that just made his life easier.
He gently allowed his nose to touch the very tip of her ear. It was the technique he had used to escape. Seduction. Making her feel special. Wanted. It was ironic that they had a very similar upbringing. Both children who wanted nothing more than to please their parents but found they were never more then a dissapointment and suffered dearly for it. At least his father had beaten sense, authority and strength into him, rather then her father who just seemed to beat her for no reason. Perhaps deep down, he had a soft spot for the girl which is why he hadn't killed her when he had the chance back then or even now. With Rhysis, you could never tell and half the time, neither could he. His head was a mass of pent up emotion, a terrible, confusing upbringing and an ego so large it couldn't contain itself.
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by bcmuffin who has 49 posts.
Inactive No Rank

OOC Note

Like it or not, he was her savior. A singular ray of hope in amongst all the darkness that had clouded her existence. She had always known that he was different and the words he whispered - those she could grasp, had always touched something deep inside - ignited hope for a better tomorrow.

Because someone found her useful.

She had waited by the Lake for days, maybe weeks... She hadn’t dared to call unless her pack were searching for her - for them... but then why would they have cared? A small scrap that didn’t seem to understand, who never learned to speak... A low groan was her only response, a deep sigh. Of course it was her fault she whined. She never meant to fail him.

Her head tilts to the side to expose her throat in apology, welcoming and waiting for the crushing force of jaws wrapped in her pelt in rebuke. She deserved it after all - he had told her to come to him but she hadn’t been able to find him - until he came to her in a dream and then she had set out. But what a foolish child she was to go chasing after dreams. Her father had always been right, she was useless. As plain as she was he had kept her ‘pretty’. Her scars were nothing compared to those her brothers had been forced to endure.

Her ears were still intact, ears he bent down to touch, causing her whole body to shudder in response. She had finally found Master again, and she wouldn’t have to worry anymore. He would make it all okay for her. He would show her the way.

psycho killer teen dream action film
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
It was a strange thought to think that Rhysis, whilst he might have used the princess before him, had actually done her a favour and may even have saved her life. The pack which had taken him he knew little of, other then they were crazed. He wasn't sure what they sought when they had taken he and Valiant. At first he believed they might have just been too close to the territory, but then why keep them alive or not run them off? As a prisoner they asked him questions daily, which made very little sense because not many of them could actually speak. Random words, strung together to make faulty sentences. He got bitten, scratched or had fur removed when he looked at them blankly and in the end he even just started making things up just to try and answer whatever they were babbling about; it hadn't helped. It had been no way to live as a pack member. Though he saw not much outside of his hole, he saw the pack leader beat his children in the same way his father would. The only difference was that his father ensured he knew what he had done wrong. Whether it was something as silly as blinking too many times, at least he had known why he had been beaten. From what he had seen, the wreck at his feet barely spoke, kept her eyes low and did as she was told and still got beaten. At the time he didn't feel pity- just rage that he had been caught, anger at what they were doing to him and betrayal that no one came to save him. Looking down at her now, he might almost feel sorry for her; if he would allow himself to feel anything anymore. Unfortunatly for her, he didn't.

"I suppose we need to get you fed. I live close by now." he said, taking steps backwards towards the Glen he currently resided within. He would take her home with him, he decided. An ugly scrap, probably better off dead but she could prove useful when it came to having someone loyal and able to follow orders around. Let's face it, Valiant wasn't exactly much for eye candy but he did as he was told and he needed replacing. "You can come and live with me there." he ordered.

It would not be as simple as just taking her home however. He was going to need to convince Phineas that she was useful and worth saving and looking at the state of her, it wasn't going to be easy. He'd have to come up with another cock and bull story to keep her close by. "I am not the leader of this pack, but I will help you impress him. However, we might have to tell a few white lies..." he said with a quirked brow as he looked at her. Not trying to make eye contact, that often seemed pointless with her as she preferred to look at the floor all day long, but it seemed strange not to look in her direction whilst addressing her. "You can do that for me, can't you Lovely?" he asked her, but he already knew the answer.
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by bcmuffin who has 49 posts.
Inactive No Rank

OOC Note

As he steps back she rolls towards him, her stomach pressing against the cold snow, paws spreading for better purchase as her spindly legs push up. Food. that magical word already has her salivating as she walks with shoulders hunched and rear tucked. For a moment her feet pick up as the words caress her ears Live with me... She bounds forward quickly landing a singular kiss of gratitude on his chin, fully expecting a swing of his head and the clicking of teeth to pass by her ear before she drops back, not allowing her head any further forward than his shoulder. As they move her body straightens out and her tail relaxes, held casually low but no longer tucked in fear. He was the only one she would grovel before, unless he told her otherwise. She would need to show just how useful she could be.

“Lies?” she asks quietly, her voice pretty in comparison to the plainness of her pelt, her average height and her dull brown eyes. The look of pained concentration was enough to show this use of words was not something she was comfortable with and she was expecting backlash at any moment. From a young age she had been taught to not be heard or she would face her fathers wrath. Very quickly she learned it was even better to not be seen. He could not beat what he could not catch - but the stranger had prodded her curiosity into overdrive. She had to be near, had to see and had to hear, and this had put her well and truly in the direct firing line.

The tip of her tail begins to twitch when he calls her lovely. Of course she would do anything for him and her chin brushes the snow as she lowers her head in assent, her ears pinning back as the small yip of agreement leaves her lips, before quickly lifting back to a regular height, the way she has seen normal wolves walk. Clearly it wouldn’t do to allow a casual observer to see her worshipping Master in the open, something in his stance told her that this should be their secret.

She will have to try very hard to come across as normal.

psycho killer teen dream action film
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
Her kiss of gratitude was acknowledge with ignorance rather than the slap she might have been expecting. Rhysis had grown very much in his skin when it came to tolerating another's touch. Though he wasn't sure he'd ever appreciate an others touch, it was an acceptable part of life and no longer made him shudder outwardly. He'd changed so much since he first came to these lands. He'd had a mate, more children then he could remember, two packs he had founded from nothing and made it on a variety of hit lists which might even have made his old man proud. A far cry from the spoilt, angry teen he had been when he first got here, that was for sure.

Her question caused him to glance her way. He responded with a nod before he looked back to the path they walked along. "I'm afraid so. It is just a little one though. I had to tell them that a group of rouges attacked me, rather then tell the truth about what your pack did to me." he said, speaking simply to ensure she would understand. "They wouldn't let us live here otherwise." he added with a glance over his shoulder to ensure she was listening and keeping up. The snow drifts in this area grew thicker from time to time and could be tricky to navigate. Though it would be amusing to see her vanish beneath the snow, he didn't think she'd have the energy to dig herself out.

"Now listen carefully, Lovely. I am going to tell the pack that we are friends from another pack. I know that we are so much more then just friends, but if the leader feels threatened by us as a pair he may not let you live with me and we wouldn't want that now, would we?" he asked in a patronising manner. Of course, he was not in love with her or had any sort of feeling towards her other than using he. The thought was disgusting to him and he would most likely never be in love again. After all the heart ache it had brought him so far, it wasn't an experience he wanted again. He now understood why Valient took pleasure in a female's company and then left them high and dry. It was a much more appealing life style without any of the pain being in love brought you.

He glanced back to her again and considered her appearance for a moment. Her scars were not as fresh as his had been when he had first arrived. They were deep, not able to pass for a one off scrap like his had been. With any luck they would not be questioned, but he would have to come up with an excuse for them all the same. "If they ask why you look like... you do. We will tell them you had a bad childhood but my old pack saved you. That is all you can remember. Do you think you can remember all of this?"

It seemed silly to have to spin such a tail, but he had to remain hidden with the Glen wolves. He had too many wolves after his head. Sagacity had warned him of the Pass wolves feelings towards him. The River wolves shared a similar feeling and he was not aware they had moved far closer to him then he might have liked. He also wasn't aware that Athena and her band of merry idiots were also no more, but he hoped the extra precautions he was putting in place would help keep him hidden. His appearance was hard to change, but the scars might be enough to need a second glance to identify him right away. The name change was silly but necessary, as was a convincing back story.
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.

Look Out!

There is a moose carcass that has been scavenged by a bear nearby. +10 Health

Played by bcmuffin who has 49 posts.
Inactive No Rank

I swear SoW is a Rhysis fangirl...

Friends. To be truthful, a few short months ago her heart would have rejoiced at the thought. A friend! All of her own?! But he was right, she was so much more, and at the same time less. She held no romantic notions towards this man, despite how it may seem. She worshipped him, yes - because He was the hand and she was the sword - A tool, as she had always been told she would be, when the time came. In her sorry state she knew she didn’t look like much but that was what made her dangerous - she could hide in plain sight.

She chuffed her agreement, hoping it would be enough for now. She was not comfortable with words and would let him handle most of the talking wherever she could. While he had been speaking, she had been keeping a lookout, and when the furry bulge came into sight she whined her discovery, her body leaning towards the carcass while her paws remained firmly planted at his side. The scent of bear had long been frozen away, so it was not fear or caution that held her back, but a clear sign of obedience to the man beside her. If he chose to go towards the carcass she would hold back until he had eaten his fill - more than aware of her station, and the dangers of approaching a kill before it was her turn - she even had scars to prove it was a lesson hard learned.

psycho killer teen dream action film