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Boredom hurt the pup
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Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Danica laid at the mouth of her den feeling in need of amusement, she desperately wanted to do something. Small ribs rose slowly then fell as she watched snow flakes fall from the blue mass above her. Clouds filled the sky. She hated how they blocked out any hint of sunlight, *I miss when it was warm.* She thought sighing. The memories strolled through her head, sadly reminding her of her lost. *At least he is in peace now.* The bitter sweetness of her logic lead to another thought, *I miss him dearly.* Huffing now for another reason she moved to a sitting position.

SOMETHING, ANYTHING, had to happen today...other then grieving. This cold season called "Winter" as Mother had informed her, was terrible. Sitting still for only another minute or so she got up and cautiously walked from the den. Her silver-ish paws took her farther and farther from her comfort zone. She failed to notice as she passed over the pack borders, surprisingly.

Only after a boredom relieving walk did her hackles bristle with fear. Nervousness consumed her while she glanced around timidly. *Where am I? Why didn't I watch where I went?* Turning to fallow her tracks she found them lightly covered. They were still fresh enough that she could fallow the new ones but as she headed back, the less vivid they became. She noted that the wind had messed with her scent tail.

Soon she stopped, absolutely lost. *Do I howl? No, that'll be embarrassing!* Sitting down she looked around herself warily. She was tense with spooked looking emerald eyes widening.*I wish Mom (@Nina), @Hollow, or some one I knew was here.* She was stock still; almost as if frozen.
(This post was last modified: Dec 21, 2013, 06:58 AM by Danica.)
Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier
Iopah took in the sight of the meadow one last time before turning for home. It was still and serene, stretched out under the weak evening sun.

And barren. Aside from her own tracks there is nothing to indicate that it is capable of holding life. The whole day has been discouraging. After several hours scouring the thickets she turned to the meadow. But what was plentiful during the warmer months was now a veritable wasteland. Granted Iopah had not been hoping for much, the tender skin over her recent would could not take heavy abuse, but a sighting, tracks, even a scent on the breeze would have been welcome. Nothing.

Iopah trudged home, ignoring the light snow that frosted her back and face. It is the scent that Iopah picked up on first. Even though she had not put a name to it, Iopah recognized it as a pup. Curiosity caused her pace to quicken. It is not that they are forbidden to cross the borders, but there is no good reason for one to cross it alone. Finally, another form separated from the landscape. Danica. Iopah huffed loudly, hoping to catch the youngsters attention.

Every time Iopah Iopah comes across one of the pups she is unprepared for how much they have grown. Danica stood nearly as tall, only Iopah's heavier frame gave her away. She was still young enough to get turned around and loose her bearings. Iopah said nothing of Danica's alarmed expression, simply plunked herself down next to the young girl.

"So", She began, turning her bright gold gaze onto Danica, "Doing some exploring?".
Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
(Glad you joined, I was just looking at her topics and noted she didn't have many with Iopah. :) )

A huff to signal presence, a noise indicating a possible threat, and something she didn't know the face of yet. Slowly but surely her hackles rose in fear, yet her head swiveled to meet her light tan and grey elder. Though relieved she had no time to show this for a question was asked. Quickly her glance met her own paws in humiliation. "Um, no. I wasn't exploring." She admitted uneasy in a quite shy voice. A small spray of dust flew up, causing Dani to look up towards her. However she wasn't there. Knowingly the girl moved her face down to briefly meet Iopah's stunning gold eyes.

Shyly she glanced away but their image burned in her head. Finding her voice she tried to say the truth, "I ummma, I am, um." *Why is this so extremely hard to tell?* She thought irritated with herself. Next she blurted out her short suppose to be sentence in a rush, "I'mkindalost." Her words smeared together as if one. If she could of blush, her cheeks would of been a fiery bright red.

What would her mother and Hollow think of her being out here? Would she get a severe punishment, or maybe just a warning? Either way she wouldn't relish the moment she found out. Pulling herself back into the world around her she waited in a fiddlesticks manner. She was finding her patience level was much shorter then she had originally thought.
Played by Ghoff who has 312 posts.
No Rank
Hollow Nite
Hollow had been following Danica's scent trail as she wandered from home, he was of course unaware that she had lost it herself for her nose had not had nearly as much practice as his but now it was high time he acted as though these children truly mattered to him. They did of course, but there had been so much happening recently he never seemed to have any time. So today he followed Danica out and soon noticed the scent of Iopah trailing along as well. It was no hardship to the male, fir even through the dull ache he felt in his heart with Azariah's desertion, he knew that he still needed the pack to know he was there. Some she wolf wasn't going to get him down, it was impossible, Hollow Nite did not mourn himself for very long, he bore his pain silently and did his duty!

Eventually the leader came upon both of the wolves, and giving a look to Iopah, he strode up behind Danica and placed a large black paw on either side of her and snorted down at the top of her head. "Now how in the word did you get lost?." He close one eye and tilted his head sideways as if inspecting her closely, like he was expecting her to say something ridiculous. All the while he had a happy look on his face. Maybe I should spend more time with these young ones, it seems like they have a way of cheering me up without even knowing. He looked up for a moment and nodded at Iopah before stepping over the small she wolf and standing at Iopah's side, "Well?"

Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier
Iopah feigned indifference, waiting for the youngster to pluck up enough courage to answer. She busied herself with grooming the still short fur over her front leg. It itched. The combination of short, prickly-like hairs and rapidly growing skin was impossible to ignore without the distraction of the day's activities.

And, anyways, Iopah was pretty sure of the answer before she had even posed the question. The words came out all at once.

"Ah..." Iopah said, nodding as if was all unexpected. She glanced over at the girl, saw her expectation, and smirked. Maybe her mother would be displeased, but Iopah herself had done far worse at that age. Danica would not hear anything over it from Iopah. She shrugged, elaborating on her lackluster response. "It happens to everyone."

She pushed herself to a sitting position, ignoring her leg. It was unrealistic to expect Danica to know the land beyond their borders before even having set foot beyond them. Perhaps she should have taken someone with her, but she had done well to stop once she realized her predicament. This was a learning experience, and Danica looked guilty enough without Iopah needing to add to it.

A soft brushing sound, set off against the muffling snow fall. Iopah looked up to see Hollow's approach, caught his gaze, and looked back to Danica. "Hey, would you like to learn your way around?" Iopah remembered how she had learned such things and didn't wish it on Danica. But they did not know each other well, and Iopah was unsure how her offer would be regarded. Would see maybe prefer someone she know better? Iopah was unsure, curious. She hoped the girl would be able to recognize the unasked question as well.

A loud snort startled her. Unexpected, despite the fact that Iopah had known Hollow was there. Her head tilted, mirroring Hollow's own gesture as she watched him. Her surprise lasted for a moment before a wicked smile revealed all of her teeth at his antics. She winked conspiratorially at Danica.

"Are you trying to tell us the great and powerful Hollow never got lost?" Her tone was serious and she didn't falter as she asked. But she couldn't help but smile teasingly at him.
(This post was last modified: Jan 30, 2014, 06:24 PM by Iopah.)
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There are several fresh rabbit tracks in the snow. Hunt Opportunity