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The Silence is Deafening
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Played by Vickie who has 58 posts.
VIII. Lowest
Lalani Callahan
Lalani's steps were heavy as she walked slowly through the woods. Though the forest was a lot like the one she was used too, she hadn't gotten anywhere near used to the idea of calling it home. It sure as hell didn't feel like one yet. She felt useless. Being on the bottom meant that she didn't have any specific jobs other than keeping an eye out for possible prey or threats. So far, Maksim hadn't given her any direct orders and she was going to try hard not to get in any trouble and stay under the radar. She had wanted to stay close to Anna but realized that she needed to give her friend some space to grow. Unlike herself, Anna had desperately wanted to have this pack as her home and Lani wasn't about to tarnish her reputation any more by hanging around her more than was necessary. Although she hadn't been here long, she found herself extremely lonely and was wandering the forest to keep her distance from her irritable alpha.

She followed the smell of the crisp frozen creek. She had always loved the water. It had an interesting appeal that drew her like a moth to a flame. Water could be calm, smooth and unchanging but in the next second it could wipe out life in a single flood. It gave every living thing its life force. She admired it, though that didn't really make much sense. As she neared the creek, the forests pulled back away from the water, creating a small bank and allowed for some sunlight to shine through. That was one of the upsides to this pack. They lived in a very beautiful place. She envied them for having discovered this place and wished she could have found it sooner. She couldn't resist a small smile that quirked her lips. She revelled in the beauty that surrounded her. It helped lift her spirits some, though she couldn't quite shed her dark cloud.

As she scanned her new sanctuary, she noticed several large boulders that were strewn haphazardly, almost as if mother nature had tossed them there and forgot to form them into anything particular. That was also when she noticed the male. He was sprawled across the top of one of the largest rocks. His eyes were closed and he seemed peaceful as he soaked up what heat the winter sun offered. Lani knew that it couldn't have been much, but she was glad that she wasn't the only one that wasn't doing anything. She was disappointed to find out that this spot had already been staked out. She was not eagar to stay and chat. No doubt, the news of her disrespect had spread. Everyone would know that she was the lowest of the low. Another whipping toy. The male was large and black, his fur almost the same shade of inky color as hers. While he didn't seem particularly hostile, she didn't want to push his buttons. She let out a sad sigh, before lifting her paw to leave.
(This post was last modified: Jan 09, 2014, 08:19 PM by Lalani.)
Played by Render who has 96 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Hati “Taras” Roukan
Well, here you go! Hope you don't mind reading paragraph after paragraph of nonsense, lol. You can skip the italicized parts if you want to.

In the back of a stone den a black pup quivered as he dreamed.

Death. Death to you, and all your kin. I will follow you! No escape! You can never escape.The shadows poured out of the walls, giant red eyes glaring at his prone form, maniacal laughter floating about and drifting away. They moved to touch the pup's body, anticipation and hate and hunger their bodily figures, and as their darkness met with his they grew larger and stronger. The melded together into one creature, eyes peering from all over at the young, sleeping wolf, danger dripping from its expressions. It slid through the den, ignoring the pup's siblings and parents, its eyes only for the dark one. It reached forward to swallow him up, blood dripping from its long white teeth."No!" The pup jerked from his sleep and wildly searched for the monster that he knew was watching him. Whimpers shook his small body, tears welled in his eyes as fear rendered him immobile. "M-mom, it's in here...MOM help it's coming after me!" The black pup shrieked and scrambled towards his tawny mother, searching for comfort at her belly. Her damp nose bumped against his flank and her tongue began to run along his fur, wordlessly bringing safety as he drank her milk. Slowly his eyes began to droop once more and his head sank to the floor of the den, and he slept without interruption.

"MOM run!" Sharp hooves pounded the dirt in the shallow gorge where the pack had been hunting, the dozens of deer not caring where their fear brought them; all they wanted was to escape from the dark pelted wolf who had snapped at their heels. Many wolves fled from the stampede in terror, leaving behind those who were crushed beneath the flood of beasts. Ethel, their tawny leader who carried pups in her belly, couldn't run. She heard the voice of her son calling out to her, but the thorny branches would not let her go. Hooves thudded against her body as deer rushed by. Death whispered soothingly, life hissed angrily. Just as she gave up her struggle against the barren, hateful branches a body was flung across her, shielding her own from the relentless blows. Hati coughed the dust that had risen during the stampede he had caused, protecting his mother from the frantic beasts and letting their feet stamp against his flanks rather than hers. He opened one eye, peeking to see if it was nearly over, and in slow motion a deadly hoof slammed against his face. Pain shot through his body as he flipped across the dirt. He tried to rise, but was again flung to the ground as another hoof stamped into his throat. Blood poured from the wound and from his mouth, and Hati tried to call for help he knew wouldn't come, but only a gurgling cough came out. Blackness came, and he took it gratefully.

No. Please. Don't do this. Hati stood surrounded, facing his mother as she stared through him, having just stated his exile. Fear and pain shook his body as he pleaded with her silently; since the stampede yesterday his voice had not returned, and nor had his left eye. Life as a loner would only end in death, she had to know this and understand she couldn't simply toss him out. But Ethel turned away with a blank face and her pack followed, leaving Hati to stand alone. Homeless, friendless, destined to die as a mere yearling. A single tear slid down his face before he also turned his back, disowning his family who had already done the same, and trotted away to meet fate.

Hati jerked from his sleep, the pain and regret of his dreams not bothering to go away. He yawned and stretched on the snowy rock he rested upon, looking over his surroundings. The sun was no longer bright but hidden by clouds, and a chill had entered the river wolf's blood. Hunger, as always, gnawed at his stomach.

Suddenly he stopped all movement, his golden eye fixed on a dark form that moved slowly over the snow. It was a wolf, a female, and she seemed hesitant to be here. A frown curved Hati's lips and he carefully sniffed the breeze, finding her scent to be mixed with his leader's as well as other wolves he knew as friends and family. The black male jumped from the boulder he had slept upon and trotted to meet his new pack-mate, for it would be rude not to. His steps through the powdery snow were uncannily quiet so he snorted airily to announce his presence behind the strange female, his eye still carrying the emotion of his memories.

(This post was last modified: Jan 15, 2014, 06:03 PM by Hati.)
Played by Vickie who has 58 posts.
VIII. Lowest
Lalani Callahan
Lalani watched as the black male lay across the stone. This was such a peacful place she could understand why he had chosen to take his nap here. Lani was reluctant to leave but didn't want to disturb his sleep. She knew that wolves could get very angry when disturbed. Her experience with Aideen had proved that. This wolf was also a part of the pack, and therefore, above her on the foodchain. She heard some scratching and her gaze zeroed in on his limbs. They twitched slightly, as if her were fighting, or running from something. It was strange. The day was one of the few peacefull ones that had come this winter, and this spot was a sanctuary. And yet, this wolf must be having a nightmare. The tension in his muscles and the pain that had appeared on his face made it hard to be anything else. Lani felt the strange urge to do something. She wanted to help, to comfort somehow. She cringed and then scowled. Her softer side was trying to push its way through but she shoved it back. No one had been there to comfort her when she woke up thrashing and howling into the night. She had managed all right, she told herself. She fought back the small voice that told her that it had been torture to endure.

Turning on her heel, she decided it was time for her to leave. Before she did something to wake him. Then she would have a lot more problems than nightmares. She did not desire the feeling of yet another set of teeth on her throat. She had only just turned and stepped to go, when she thought she heard a step. It was quickly accompanied by a snort. Whirling around, her gaze locked with his. *He only has one eye!* Surprisingly, instead of seeing it as a weakness, she realized it just meant he was stronger. *How has he lived this long with only the one?* The look in his eyes threatened to choke her. It spoke of many things seen and felt. It spoke of pain and sorrow. *His dream must be a memory.* She realized. Lani's gaze met his for a few beats too long, before she turned hers to her feet. She hated this having to submit to everyone. She couldn't even look someone in the eye without fearing that she would get a thrashing. No doubt he knows about me by now. Lani waited for the male to speak, unsure of how he was going to react. Someone who had been through that kind of pain must have some resentment against the world. She sure ass hell did. *Please don't let him take it out on me.*
(This post was last modified: Jan 10, 2014, 11:46 PM by Lalani.)
Played by Render who has 96 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Hati “Taras” Roukan

Hati took on a proud stance as the black female whipped around to face him. He read her expression carefully as surprise lit up her features, likely because of his own face which was slowly becoming more and more stable now that his dreams had been left behind. The stranger held his gaze for several seconds as if studying it, which the stoic river wolf found rather amusing. But once she had thoroughly looked him over her body seemed to slump into submission, fear, regret.

A frown that Hati knew the girl could not see curved his lips at her new actions. For the most part it was pure vulnerability, but he could feel bitterness as well. Had they met before, making her do these strange things? The black male racked his memory for a while as he watched her but found no recognition, not even a slight possibility. The scent she carried did not bring anything to mind whatsoever.

Finally, doubting that the dark female would be comfortable under his gaze for so long, Hati bounded through the snow the last few yards and rubbed against her, letting their scents mingle. They were both wolves of Cut Rock River, and now it could not be mistaken that they shared a home. He pulled away from her smaller frame and gave her a toothy smile, hoping that would be enough to make the girl lighten up. It's not like he was hungry enough to eat one of his own kind, after all. His grin widened at the thought before he bounded away, inviting his pack-mate to join him with a sweep of his tail.

It was strange acting this way; most of his life had been spent fighting with others for food and dominance and now he found himself caring little about asserting himself. As a yearling playing with such a wimp as this he would have found below him, but now he simply wanted to make her feel at home.

(This post was last modified: Jan 15, 2014, 06:04 PM by Hati.)
Played by Vickie who has 58 posts.
VIII. Lowest
Lalani Callahan
It felt like an eternity as Lani waited. The male didn't move. He didn't speak. The suspense was killing her. Just do it already! She could feel fangs peirce the tender flesh of her throat and claws scrape at her pelt. Her brain fought desperately to push away the phantom that continued to torture her. She had left so she wouldn't have to put up with this kind of thing anymore, but it was always with her. Her awareness slowly came to the surface of the murky world that it tended to get trapped in. Her brain took a few seconds to register the sound of the crunching snow beneath the males weight, and by then it was too late to do anything. Her jaw clenched, ready for the blow. She was shocked when, instead of teeth, she could feel the the weight of him running along her side. It was as if her entire body short circuited. She was frozen. She didn't touch people often, and when she did it was usually because she was in a fight of some sort.
Lalani had absolutely no clue what to do.

Taking a startled breath, his scent danced through her senses. He had a deep musky scent. It wasn't overly strong but enticing. He smelled good. It was only a few moments, and then he was gone. Bounding into the snow with a grin on his face. What had just happened? The gesture was....friendly. Lani could hardly process the info her body was sending. She gave a synical smirk. *I guess he didn't get the memo.* The male sent her a smile and continued bounding in the snow. Lani was confused. Why was he being so....nice? She laid her ears back in confusion. It looked as if he wanted to play. She planted her legs, trying not to wamble. Lani hadn't had a normal childhood. She had no idea how to play. Of course she had played with Caniri but it wasn't anything like this. She studdied his movements but was unsure of how to respond. Since he was the only one being nice to her at the moment,, she didn't want to insult him, but had no clue what to do. No doubt her confusion and worry danced across her features. She wanted to, she really did, but she was ignorant in the acts of play.
(This post was last modified: Jan 11, 2014, 12:38 AM by Lalani.)
Played by Render who has 96 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Hati “Taras” Roukan

She didn't move. She seemed to struggle to keep upright though as she watched him dance through the snow. Hati stopped and eyed her inquisitively, one ear flicking strangely. His head turned to the side as if waiting for a response that didn't come. A pout settled in the black male's eye; did she not want to play? He could understand that in someone, but the cluelessness of her expression made him think otherwise. Did she not know how to? His thoughts drifted towards Silver, remembering their first meeting. She had not understood the concept either, though she had made an attempt. This quiet girl just stood in surprise.

Um...okay then.

Hati frowned and slowly retraced his steps back to where she stood. Oh, voice, I need you now. The dreams he had had just moments ago resurfaced in his heart and expression, remembering the day he had lost just that. But it only passed through his eye for a moment before vanishing again. He did not want the quivering girl to think that his sorrow was caused by her. She seemed unable to stand up for herself in the least and would likely succumb to such foolish ideas.

So then, were they just supposed to part here? Hati didn't like just disappearing on these terms. And without the ability to pursue answers to satisfy his curiosity, all he could do was hope that she would offer them up. So he hunkered down in a comfortable sitting position about three yards away, guessing that the distance would be enough to put her at ease. Then he looked at her, his face portraying peace. If she didn't understand that he wasn't out to get her now, then this was all hopeless, and he wouldn't hesitate to drop the whole thing and meander away, unable to voice his thoughts. Such was Hati's fate.

(This post was last modified: Jan 15, 2014, 06:04 PM by Hati.)
Played by Vickie who has 58 posts.
VIII. Lowest
Lalani Callahan
When the male realized that she wasn't moving, he stopped and watched her. He had to be wondering why she hadn't tried to play with him. She mentally groaned. *I'm sorry.* He seemed to be considering her as he slowly walked back towards her. His features flickered but then changed back to their previous state. Lani wasn't sure whether that look was because her or not but pushed the thought away. The most she could have caused was disappointment. What she saw looked like sadness. Lani made a conscious decision and stifled the quivering in her legs. It had only been her confusion and uncertainty that caused them to do so, and she refused to let her ignorance control her. She was not one to give in to things even with the odds stacked against her.

He seemed resolved now. Lani could tell that he was at a loss too, though she couldn't tell what it might be. *Why doesn't he say something? He hasn't explained himself. He hasn't even asked my name.* The thought bounced around her head, slowly growing but seemed shrouded. Then it finally dawned her. Was it possible that he couldn't? She cocked her head at him curiously, all uncertainties gone. If he couldn't speak, then all he had at his disposal was body language. Here he was trying to make friends and she had just snubbed him. Regret washed through her. If she wasn't able to communicate with him, then he was bound to leave. She could see it in his features now. Lani scambled to think of something. *How the hell do you play dammit?!* She remembered running across a coyote family when she was traveling. Before she had frightened them away, she had see one of the pups dancing around with its ass in the air. The other had responded in kind, before they bounded off and wrestled. Taking a chance and fortified with her determination, she lowered herself into a play bow. He was sitting a few yards in front of her now. She looked up at him from her rediculous position but wagged he tail slightly. She was willing to make a fool of herself, just as long as he stayed. She wondered what she must look like to him. A strange female he didn't know, who had already told him no, was now awkwardly waving her tush to the sky. The thought brought a smile to her face. Oh boy, was she in over her head.
(This post was last modified: Jan 11, 2014, 02:09 AM by Lalani.)
Played by Render who has 96 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Hati “Taras” Roukan

At first she just stared back at him, confusion and worry plain as day on her expression. Though her body had stopped shaking and she didn't appear as fearful of what might happen, she still looked clueless. Hati had no idea what to think of this girl who didn't speak nor play, but he hid the annoyance that had dimmed his spirits and waited for her to make a move. Was she unable to speak? The thought almost made the male river wolf giddy, but he immediately put the feelings away. He wouldn't wish his problems on anybody, least of all this pretty girl who didn't look able to hold her own in any imperfect situation.

Eventually the other wolf seemed to come to a realization, though of what Hati did not know. He kept still, not wanting to scare her off before he could learn anything about her. Curiosity about her ability to simply talk was dominating his thoughts. Finally she moved, leaning down onto her elbows in a hesitant play bow. It brought the grin back to Hati's face and his own tail began to wag, his pleasure with Lalani's actions obvious. For a moment he was the one not entirely sure how to respond, not wanting to make their meeting even more awkward than it already was, but after a few seconds he mimicked her posture. A split second later he zipped away, inviting her to chase him. If she didn't...well, he wouldn't bother coming back if she wished to be alone.

(This post was last modified: Jan 15, 2014, 06:04 PM by Hati.)
Played by Vickie who has 58 posts.
VIII. Lowest
Lalani Callahan
Lalani waited awkwardly for him to do something. Was she doing it wrong? Ugh. It would be just her luck if she had only made a further fool of herself. *I can't believe I'm doing this.* The look he was giving her was curious, as if he was unsure of what her next move would be. He also seemed to be thinking something over, though she wasn't completely sure what. Whatever it was it caused a bit of hope to flash through his eye before it was gone again.

As soon as he realized what she was doing, the male responded. He seemed joyfull and Lani couldn't help but feel a swell of pride. She had done it! She had actually managed to do something right this time. His grin came back giving Lani flashes of his white teeth here and there. His tail began to wag ecstatically. He was glad she wanted to play, that much was obvious. He hesitated a moment before dropping into a play bow of his own. Then he dashed away.

Lani hesitated. Was she really going to do this? Is was like walking into the fog, she had no idea whether she would run or fall. She had no idea what she was doing.......but when did that ever stop her? She let out a playful growl and dashed after him. Her black paws flew over the powdery surface of their sanctuary. Lani felt as if she were in a whole different world. Just her and the one she was chasing. There was no way this place, with the smiles and the fun could pissibly be connected to the one she had come from, could it? Her paws made soft crunching noises as they flew, sending chunks of white up behind her. Though Lani could run fairly well, this male was fast. There would be no catching him enless he wanted to be caught.

Lani was excited. She couldn't tell if the emotions came from the chase or if it came from the thought. *Did he want to be caught?* It made Lani giddy, which was a strange feeling for her. Here she was, having the most fun in probably her entire life, with a wolf she had just met. Whom she didn't even know the name of and probably never would. *But you know what? I don't care.* She found that she didn't mind his muteness, or his eye. He had cared enough to make her feel welcome, to greet her and play with her. It might not have been much to someone else, but it meant everything to Lani. She found herself wanting to get to know him more. Even if it could only be the way he acted or how he treated others.

Lani grinned as she ran after him. If she caught him, shed tell him her name, and then shed see what happened. She realized that while he hadn't spoken, neither had she. *He must think I'm a dunce.* But she hoped not. *Boy is this guy fast!* She couldn't help but want to make a mot about him always running from her but she decided against it. She'd see what he did, and if he decided he didn't want to be caught, then she'd let her feet take her elsewhere.
(This post was last modified: Jan 12, 2014, 03:17 AM by Lalani.)
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.

Look Out!

There are several fresh rabbit tracks in the snow. Hunt Opportunity