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They say I'm a True Believer
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Played by Namara who has 77 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aeolus Argyris
Aeolus started along the borders for yet another border patrol with the intention of finding himself to be useful. Astra did not trust him near the pups because of Pitch Pine Trail disbanding after the pups disappeared on his watch. These were understood fears and Aeolus was determined to prove himself. He had noticed that Lachesis was finally home and that Anastasia had disappeared. He had been on Anastasia's shit list and Aeo couldn't help but think the pups were involved in her disappearence. Aeo had tried to assure the fae that they were safe. Ace's and Adsi's scents were mixed, meaning they were together. Aeo saw sure that Karpos did find a safe new home. Well, it use to be safe. The pup was on the mountains where there was extreme snow and probably no food.

Aeo couldn't help but feel the guilt for not trying harder to get the pup to go to Cut Rock River. He had been so determined to be a member of the mountain pack. He seemed smitten and it seems the prince has fallen in love. I call it puppy love. He told himself, after all he had made it five years without falling for a fae. The welkin above him was partly cloudy. The borders were being marked well by him; though he had an issue focusing since it was three in the morning. He needed rest but every time he tried to sleep, the nightmares woke him up. He just wanted to escape it all.

[Image: 35zz.png]
Played by Mimi who has 313 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Maksim Baranski
sorry if it's too much to ask, but could we possibly bump this thread back to the 7th? for timeline purposes--don't want it getting all fuzzy considering the border scuffle that'll be occurring. <3

It seemed that @Astra had been doing her part as lead female. Two scents criss-crossed Maksim's territory, ones he did not recognise. Not yet, at least. With his head lowered from its often regal position, the River leader investigated the smell of a wolf who had recently marked the border—no doubt they would aim for the role of guardian, then—and gathered what information he could. Male. At least five years of age. Healthy. Stressed? With a quick shake of his agouti pelt, the Baranski lifted his crown before he set off in a quick lope after the stranger who Astra had given the honour of allowing them to be called a Cut Rock River member. He did not judge the butterscotch lady's judgement, it was more a case of wanting to know exactly who was in his home at all times.

It wouldn't take long before Maksim could spy the unknown subordinate, an eerie glow cast over him as the snow all around bounced back the light from the moon. Giving a sharp bark, the dominant wolf made his presence to the seemingly troubled man known. Vibrant eyes gave the wolf a quick look-over. Dark tawny fur clung to the stranger's large frame, though he was smaller than Maksim. After few steps forward, his tail held high so that this fellow knew exactly who he was (in case his scent on everyone wasn't enough), the River leader let an amused tone slip into his words. “So you're the mysterious male who's been living here with Astra's graces?”

(This post was last modified: Jan 24, 2014, 02:57 AM by Maksim.)

we are shining in the rising sun, as we are floating in the blue
Played by Namara who has 77 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aeolus Argyris
The voice set Aeolus on edge and he turned with a snarl and a hiss... Shit, shit, shit shit! He thought as he saw the alpha male of the pack. He immediately dropped and let his tail go sticking to his stomach a bow to the man. "I'm so sorry my lord. I've just been a bit edgy lately. I hadn't noticed it was you. I'm so sorry." He was haste to give a reply to the man, an apology. The words the man had said were strong at that. "Yes my lord, I'm Aeolus Argyris." He told the man with a soft and comfortable tone. He didn't look up in the direction of the man at all. "The winter weather sets me on edge. I've never seen a winter this bad." He told the man as his final words.

Aeo was in some deep shit and he hoped the man would understand his edginess. The man had seen five winters, no... this was his sixth and this was far worse than anything else. He had traveled a long way and was lucky to have a pack for the winter. He couldn't afford to screw anything up. He tried taking a deep breathe, his eyes filled with pain. The stress of the man grew even worse. Aeo, you need to calm down. Remaining calm is the best thing you can do. This man was an enigma. Aeo had been around a month and he hadn't bumped into the male before. "You must be very busy my lord; I've been here a month and this is the first time our paths have crossed." He said with a slight interest in the topic. He hoped it would hide his mistake.

[Image: 35zz.png]
Played by Mimi who has 313 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Maksim Baranski

The River leader's tail flew upright as the male snarled as he span to face him, Maksim offering a raised lip in response to the growl. It seemed the brown coated male realised his mistake and who exactly stood before him as he quickly curled his tail between his legs, bowing his head to the dominant male figure. He apologised profusely, even going as far as calling the agouti wolf a lord. Well, he wasn't about to complain about that. Aeolus Argyris was the fellow's name and the Baranski nodded slowly. Seemed that the brown coated wolf wasn't enjoying this winter either. “Maksim Baranski,” he responded, “and you are right to be on edge—this winter won't be easy. That much is obvious.” Aeolus certainly looked stressed, just as the Baranski had identified earlier, and his little show of edginess had probably taken some toll on him. Best to easy his tensions. “At ease, Aeolus,” the leader mused, watching the male carefully, “you've no need to look like I'm about to rip your head off.”

Oh, yes, Maksim had been busy. Constantly checking for food, patrolling in case of predator and keeping an eye out for any foolhardy scavenger that thought it could snap something from right under the agouti beast's nose. Not to mention, he'd been dealing with a lot of loners looking for a home. “Yes, quite busy. There has been a lot to watch out for recently. Loners, caches running low, nosy creatures … there seems to be no end of troubles.” The Baranski allowed his gaze to drift from Aeolus and between the towering trees of the Cedarwood forest. “Famine is a dangerous and difficult thing, though we cannot let it break us.” The agouti leader's words were spoken in an almost matter-of-fact tone, like it was no big deal. They would survive—all of them. Maksim looked back to the brown coated male, silently flicking his tail as if to say wouldn't you agree.

we are shining in the rising sun, as we are floating in the blue
Played by Namara who has 77 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aeolus Argyris
Relief flooded through Aeo as the leader announced he was not mad and that Aeo had been right to be on edge. Of course he had been, a damned famine was going through. Still, the fact that he had been so blatantly distracted to turn aggressively to his leader made him feel vulnerable and weak. What if next time there was no recognition that the man before him was his leader? He gave a nod as Maksim told him not to look like the leader was about to rip his head off and so he calmed down. A small smile on his face when he realized how silly it had been to think that in the first place. It was just he had never met Maksim and he didn't know what kind of leader he was.

He nodded once again as Maksim talked about the famine and how it could not break them. "I couldn't agree more. I've seen packs crack apart in the need for food. It's what happened to my former pack. Pitch Pine Trail." He explained simply as he remembered every wolf took off due to the lack of food. Sad thoughts rushing his mind as he remembered it all. He couldn't let it happen here either. Anastasia had already disappeared even though he had no idea why. But more scents joined into the pack as the months went on. the fact that they had enough members to survive was comforting. He waited for his leader to speak once more.