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Breathing — Red Fern Forest 
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Played by Namara who has 33 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Halgen Dominique
Everything that drowns me makes me feel alive
Hal was new to the Lore and he knew he was at a disadvantage because of it. Things were simple in the winter; pack, food, survival. With this new terrain thrown at him he was surely likely to die unless he found a pack soon. Hal's tawny fur did not hide this trouble. It was ragged and he was growing to be scrawny at best. His pale amber eyes showed his hunger to the rest of the world and the pain that ensued was no better than the looking of being weak. Stay strong man, you gotta make it through this. Make it through it for your family now past. Make it through so Eywa doesn't need to bless you by letting you enter her kingdom. Off in the distance was a dark mountain; this mountain was surely packed with snow. It was the worst winter he had ever seen and things did not look good for loners like him. He didn't want to go to the mountains; crossing them would be dangerous and he was terrified of heights.

He ventured the other way, away from the site of the snow covered peaks of the dangerous and eerie mountains. After all he was terrified of them for a reason no one, not even himself, knew about. Halgen just wanted to find a warm place to rest. The tawny man reluctantly pushed further and he searched for a cave or perhaps a gap under a tree that he could sleep in for night was fast approaching. He was weary of his surroundings. He was easily manipulated for he could not tell truth from live even when it showed itself to him. This made his cautious of all wolves he did not know at first. This was the way he was. Halgen wanted nothing more to find a loyal pack that he knew about; a pack he could please and he could trust. However, there was an issue, he was fast to give out trust and slow to take it away. He was manipulated easily.

The forest he stood in would have been alive and red had it not been for the fact that it was the dead of winter. The easily trusting man managed to find a small cave to huddle in. His eyes were full of weariness as he settled down. He stayed there to get out of the wind and it was effective. He watched the mouth of the cave for a sign of life. The man hoped that he would not have to suffer through his loner days alone. The man he had first met named Deneb seemed like a nice man. Hopefully there were others as well that could be like that in his company. "Please don't let me be alone." His baritone voice let out in a whisper as he looked up at the small cave ceiling. He briefly wondered what kind of history the cave had. Long increments of time ago was there life? Was there a pack here long ago or some time before he was here? Were pups born and raised here? It killed him that he might never know.
(This post was last modified: Jan 14, 2014, 03:20 AM by Halgen.)
[Image: 2mcceah.jpg]
Played by Melorama who has 97 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adsila Slayer
Got some past threads so imma just be very vague....@Halgen
And b/c you're special you get the weird wotd :D

I don't judge people; it blurs out the center
Adsila Slayer
of my attention, my focus, myself

The forest that the Young Slayer traversed in was once most likely covered in red leaves and ferns, covering the ground like a thick, brightly coloured blanket and blocking out the sky above from the leafy branches. But now it was depressingly sad, everything was dead and white; the only movement was the wind stirring up the cold, pale snow and shaking the bare branches. It did not help that night was swiftly arriving, which cast dark shadows everywhere, making it seem like things were there when there was really nothing at all. It only made her mood worse.

Adsila felt like a worn down hurdy-gurdy, her crank continually being turned against her will, even though all she wanted to do was be still and quiet, and stay in the shadows, hiding from everything that could cause her harm. She had had enough of having her heart broken into pieces, torn in strips, battered and bruised. Her only wish was to have it all stop and go away, and have her family back, before everything turn into chaos. Back when the world made sense.

Letting out a shaky sigh, she turned her lithe, dark body in a one-hundred and eighty degree turn, and began heading back to where she came from. She had been given until sundown to wander around to her hearts content, and knew that if she returned after the sun was no longer in the sky, there would be trouble. Big trouble, the kind where one was sent to their room and was unable to leave for a whole week. The last time she had only gotten away with a warning, barely. She didn't want what came next.

Her paws sunk into the thick, freezing snow, and soon they became numb as she padded onwards. Estimating that she had about an hour left, the Young Slayer paused and looked around, spotting a small cave that was slightly hidden in all the snow. Shivering, she made her way over to it, hoping to warm up a bit before continuing on. It would be better to have a break and warm up than travel while freezing cold and die from exposure. Breath puffing in white clouds, Adsila stuck her head in the cave when she heard a voice and froze. It came from within the cave.

"Please don't let me be alone."

Brain immediately screaming out DANGER! DANGER! Adsila let out a squeal, shouting out "Don't hurt me!" and backed up so quickly she tripped on her hind paws and fell over on her back with a loud "Oomph!" Her breath rushed out of her lungs and she flailed her paws around, struggling to breathe and regain her footing. The Young Slayer hoped that the wolf would not hurt her; she didn't want to die so young. She didn't want to die, period.

473 Words

Played by Namara who has 33 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Halgen Dominique
@Adsila; Love you so much! Vagueness is fine with me :D His question was meant to prompt talk of PPT
Everything that drowns me makes me feel alive
Hal watched as nothing came and nothing came. After he had spoke however he discovered that there was another wolf around him. She squealed out 'DANGER DANGER' and that set him on edge. What was this danger she spoke of? He caught the faintest glimpse of her from the darkness. She was merely a pup and she begged him not to hurt her. He couldn't help but give a chuckle as he responded to the frightened girl. "Ya got nothing to worry about Miss, I don't have a dangerous bone in my body. I won't hurt 'ya." He told her in a calm and soothing tone. He wanted her to feel comfortable; she was way too young to not have a pack and she definitely didn't smell like she had one.

"Miss, why are you out here alone? Surely you got a pack that'll be missing you? Winter is no place for a young princess to be alone." He whispered. Of course when he spoke he meant her birth pack since he had never heard of a lone wolf born pup. The general curiosity that Hal held was just his nature. He was like some big soft teddy bear that couldn't hurt a fly. However, whenever he got wound up like a HURDY-GURDY, it was when he was curious about something or someone. This was definitely one of those cases. "You are welcome to stay here as long as you'd like." He told her finally with a smile.

The tawny man rested comfortably as he could in the cave now as he had been there long enough. While he was sitting there asking the girl somewhat personal questions his own mind was wondering about his family and what had become of them after death. Had they all made it to Ewya? Perhaps some of them had made it out alive; he would never know

Oh well, he would have to suck it up and concentrate on the girl who was sharing his company the icy and cold day. Fear was for the winter. He couldn't help but be scared of all that might end up happening to him. After this, he would go and find a pack for the winter if not forever. No matter what it took.
(This post was last modified: Jan 14, 2014, 03:21 AM by Halgen.)
[Image: 2mcceah.jpg]
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.

Look Out!

Water is beginning to freeze and some fish are trapped. Hunt Opportunity

Played by Melorama who has 97 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adsila Slayer
Adsi won't notice them fishes b/c she's all like "WHO ARE YOU?" XD
EDIT: @Halgen

I don't judge people; it blurs out the center
Adsila Slayer
of my attention, my focus, myself

As the Young Slayer leaped to her feet, fur bristling yet body lowering, she heard a chuckle emanating from within the cave, and practically lay on the ground, tucking her chin and tail so the wolf would hopefully leave her alone. But when the voice rang out again, calm and soothing, Adsila slowly lifted her face to stare at the wolf - whom was obviously male. Sporting a full tawny coat, there was a pair of pale ambers eyes set into a kind face, and should she stand up to her full height, he would be slight larger, but much heavier.

Her mouth was clamped shut, and her body bordering on lying on the ground and standing up straight, she didn't know how to act around the male. Was he from a pack? No, there was no scent on him but his own. That also meant he wouldn't care what happened to her. Gulping softly, she kept her eyes level with his lower chest as he spoke. But when he said she could stay with him if she wanted to, Adsila slowly stood up, and raised her eyes to meet his.

A thoughtful look crossed her face as she took in his words, and almost hesitantly, she spoke in a soft voice, slightly rough from not talking very much. "I have no pack." Sadness was easily heard in her voice, and she had to blink quickly to stop the tears that threaten to flood from her eyes and slide down her face. She WOULD NOT cry in front of a stranger, especially since she didn't know his name, and he didn't know hers.

Staring at the tawny male, the Young Slayer bit her trembling lip, not hard enough to break the skin and allow blood to flow freely, but just enough to remind herself she knew nothing about the male before her, except for the fact that he had no pack. He could be very dangerous for all she knew, but hopefully if he did try to attack her, she could run away fast enough to escape him without coming to harm. Breathing in softly, she let her eyes latch onto his, her gaze hardening ever so slightly. "Who are you?"

371 Words

(This post was last modified: Jan 13, 2014, 04:53 AM by Adsila.)

Played by Namara who has 33 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Halgen Dominique
LOL, @Adsila; He gets creepier
Everything that drowns me makes me feel alive
Hal was confused when the little girl said she didn't have a pack. Was she just wandering about the lands unprotected? Hal was a stranger to this pup and yet she had not yet run away. If she were a loner pup that you would have thought that she would. "I'm Halgen Dominique; you can call me whatever you want though. Most call me Hal." He told the girl with a small smile stretched across his muzzle. A calm and caring glint in his eyes. "Stay here, I'll be right back." He whispered as he caught a faint scent of fish. He left the protection of the cave and he went into the bitter winds of the winter outside. Sure enough upon his arrival the water froze and a few fishies were trapped between the water underneath and the ice.

He killed the fishes and broke the ice. He grabbed the fishes and walked back towards the cave. He had three fishes and he pushed two to the girl. "Here, enjoy some food." He told her kindly as he started to eat the fish he had caught for himself. "Aren't you travelling with someone? Where are they? If not you can travel with me if you want." He offered as a purely kind gesture. He wasn't trying to be creepy, he was trying to help the girl out. Part of him wondered if what he had just said had come across as creepy. He sure hoped not.

He thought back to his sisters who always triumphed over him in everything. It was part of why he left; this however was not the only reason. He knew very well his sisters would never lead or challenge for leadership in Sinister Falls. The rules were that only men could challenge to be leader. He wasn't cut out to lead and no woman had really been interested in what he wanted; not even his mother had taken a care that he didn't want to lead. He was too nice to lead Sinister Falls.
(This post was last modified: Jan 14, 2014, 03:36 AM by Halgen.)
Played by Melorama who has 97 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adsila Slayer
So sorry @Halgen for the wait!

I don't judge people; it blurs out the center
Adsila Slayer
of my attention, my focus, myself

Adsila nodded to show that she had heard the tawny male – Halgen Dominique, or Hal as he seemed to want to go by – speak, staring at him with slightly widened eyes; still unsure to whether he was not going to hurt her. Until he could prove to her that he was friendly and trustworthy, she would be on her toes, watching for any signs of danger. But Hal seemed to radiate an aura of…calm, almost. Frowning, her brows furrowing slightly, she dared to glance briefly behind her, shivering as a cold gust of wind blew snow in her - their - direction. It was too cold to be out in the open. As she swung her dark head back around to face the tawny male, her frowned smoothed out to a neutral expression, one that was used very often. “Adsila Slayer.”

Stepping back as Hal whispered for her to stay by the cave, she watched his medium-sized form disappear into the snow-covered trees, before gladly walking into the mouth and curling up into a ball next to the back wall and slightly to the side to minimize the feel of the wind blowing into her. The Young Slayer wasn’t sure how long the tawny male was gone, as her body was exhausted from the travelling, cold, and lack of food, but eventually he came back, though a little later than she expected, and with a surprise.

Uncurling her body and moving into a sitting position, she watched as Hal pushed two fish towards her – they were of medium size – and she hesitantly looked up at him, a small smile on her face, showing gratitude for him bringing her something to eat out of his own goodwill. That definitely put him on her good list; she could trust him now, but not enough to let him know everything, he was still a stranger to her, albeit a kind one.

Lowering her head, Adsila began to eat the two fish he had caught for her, while listening to his words. When she finished, a slight frown crossed her face – which seemed to be her usual expression lately – and stared at Hal for a few moments, her silvery green eyes searching his for anything that could explain his friendliness. Was it because she was a pup? Or she reminded him of someone? Maybe he had been the same at her age? She didn’t know.

“Two wolves, they are waiting for me.” Her voice was soft, and she stared down at her paws. It would be the third time she hadn’t returned back to Ace, and she knew that there would be a punishment. But she couldn’t help it, exploring made it easier to forget everything, and she met new wolves too. New friends to hang with, even if it was just for a day, but not wolves to share her problems with. They didn’t need to be bothered with them, the problems were hers, and she would keep it that way.

498 Words

Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a rabbit's nest nearby. +1 Health
Played by Namara who has 33 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Halgen Dominique
[[Sorry this crummy post took so long @Adsila <3]]
Everything that drowns me makes me feel alive
Halgen offered a soft and kind smile to Adsila when she offered her name. Beautiful and unique. When she told him that she was traveling with two others he was led to assume that they were her parents. He gave a nod as she ate the food hungrily. It was quite obvious that she was a lone wolf; she had told him as much and it made him sad. Surely with only two other wolves in the harshest winter he had known, the pup would be in rough shape. Any food he could give her would just help to ensure she would make it through the winter. Another scent caught his nose and an idea sparked inside him. He left once more with the promise that he would soon return and he hunted the rabbit scent.

The white arctic hare was browsing around just outside the cave they were resting in for a time. He crouched down and was light on his haunches as he stalked it. A small grin on his muzzle as he leapt at the rabbit which was taken by surprise. He had been downwind and so he caught it with little resistance. He killed it and brought it back for the little girl whom he was starting to like {as a friend of course}. "For you, Adsila." He told her with a smile as he offered up the prey. He settled back down and the light tawny man became curious once more about why she was not with her guardians.

"So these wolves you are traveling with, perhaps they could join us or something? They must be worried." He said almost to himself. He gazed at her as he waited for the answer from the pup.