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Lost in a world so big
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Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive Deceased
@Ashanti but others welcomed!

Circles, circles, and more circles. It was all she had been walking lately. Circles around borders. Maybe even circles around the pack den. Just like some the winter had her on a bit of an edge. Though winter wasn't the only reason why. She had moved into a new place and had yet to make herself known. It made her feel, well, awkward. Gave her the feeling someone might see her as a intruder rather then a member. So it was time she got out to it and made herself know in this new home.

Moving closer to the heart of Secret Woodlands she made a not to try and pick up scents of others. Yet so lost in thought her mind was all over the place. Scents only added to the chaos in her head.

Her silky black figure glided the best it could through this new home. Slowly she was learning to watch out for thorns, but sometimes she would be caught by surprise and be poked. Yet today she seemed rather alert of her surroundings. Making sure not to step on any of the hidden thorns. Very soon she was standing a few feet away from the pack gathering area. It seemed empty at first glance but perhaps someone was hiding where she was not looking. "Hello?" It made her sound lost and confused but in fact she knew exactly where she was. The only thing she was confused about was if someone was here or not.
Played by Namara who has 231 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ashanti "Celestina" Aranna
@Silver; sorry I suck
Ashanti had been wandering around the territory as an unproductive healer all winter. She had been broken... useless and mangled since her conversation with Nina about letting Bane [younger Bane; her son] in by shutting out Miccah {older Bane}. Is the happiness of yourself and your childhood sweetheart worth the happiness of your only son? The words from Nina echoed in her ears as she contemplated it all. Miccah didn't deserve to not be happy; he hadn't even known about Bane and it made her decision even more difficult. The aching in her heart dulled her senses and so she did not notice Silver until she had come into eyesight. Hello? the question had rolled off the mysterious newcomer's lips. Instantly she let her tail rise in dominance.

Since it had happened she had taken no prisoners. She was licensed to kill. A sigh from her as she spoke. "Who are you, I do not believe we have met before." The words were a scowl because she did not take lightly new wolves. Koda had stabbed them in the back. Azariah had stabbed them in the back. She was forced to trust those whom she knew and that was all. These wolves; Nina, Hollow, Bane, Miccah, Danica, and Ashton. The leaders, Nina's pups, her love and her child. These were the safety net wolves that had kept her in Secret Woodlands.

Sometimes she imagined turning away; running away. Somedays she dreamed of leaving Secret Woodlands to get away from the memories.
(This post was last modified: Jan 28, 2014, 04:10 AM by Ashanti.)
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
A lynx has left behind the remains of a deer. +5 Health