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On a Mission
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Played by WildOne who has 31 posts.
Inactive III. Yearling
Jaden Reem/Dusk
(Wrote this on my phone, surprised I was able to meet the word min. :) )
Jade smelt the bitter chilly Winter air for what she desired, her moist black nose twitching. Hope filled the determined yearling as she searched the pack lands. The scent of prey had to be somewhere around here. The girl took another few steps closer to the next tree and inhaled from her nostrils. She was willing to go out of the territory if she had to, that is if it meant she would be able to bring food to the mouths of her new family. *I need to meet some of them...* She thought realizing that she only knew her alphas, and just by their names and faces.

*I bet stealing from any neighboring packs is too risky, however...I need to be willing if it comes done to that.* She thought then imagined stealing from starving little pups. This made her wince and gulp quietly, that would be a majorly cruel thing to do. *Yet we have young to feed as well.* Fueled with fresh determination she sped forward.

She felt a bit monsterous after her recent self discussion in her mind.However, she pushed this to the back of her young brain. Soft silver paws swiftly traveled along side the invisible line surrounding her snow covered home. Bright blue eyes scoped the land carefully, taking in all of the noticeable details. *What is that!* She thought excitedly. Jade bounded forward towards the dark shape on the horizon. To her great disappointment she slowed down as it took the forum of a log. Still, she approached it. Quickly she examined it for scents.
Played by Vickie who has 46 posts.
IV. Yearling
Caniri Callahan
Caniri trotted through the area his head high and gaze searching. Phineas hd said to patrol, to bring back food, and to get to know his home, so that's what he was doing. He would patrol the area, making sure that no unwanted strangers made it into the territory. There was very little food and they couldn't afford to lose what little they had. He hoped that he would find something to bring back to the pack. There was a small mouth to feed, not to mention all the larger ones. Caniri studdied the area for sights and smells, committing them to memory.

He stopped, hearing something. He wasn't quite sure what it was. It almost sounded like.... footsteps. Listening, he could tell by the way the steps were softer, instead of punching right through the snow that it must be a wolf. It was that or a big cat. Either way he would have to figure it out. Strangers could not be alowed to steal their caches and they were a danger to the pup. He wouldn't allow either to happen.

Picking up his speed he approached the source of the noise, because of the direction the wind was blowing, he was unable to tell what it was until he was right on top of it. He came over a snow bank and spotted a dark figure moving in the snow. It seemed to be thinking, judging by the way that it was wandering without much purpose. It seem to startle before darting over to a snow covered log. Something about the wolf struck Caniri as familiar.

I wasn't until it looked up from the log and its gaze met his, that he knew why. The jade green eyes were striking and seemed to capture his. They were beautiful. And they brought nothing but confusion and pain. What was she doing here? Now that he was practically standing right on top of her, he caught her scent. Oh no. The scent of Magnolia Glen surrounded her and Caniri could feel his heart in his throat. God sure had a wicked sense of humour. She had left him, only to throw them back together again. His gaze was steady and his face was a mask of indifference. He wasn't about to show the world just how much he was thrown off balence. What the hell are you talking about? Off balence? Its just a girl you talked to, nothing to freak out over. Caniri wasn't sure what to do. Part of him wanted to greet her and celebrate. Another part wanted to turn around and go back to the den, as if this had never happened. And yet another wanted to turn around, leave the territoy and not look back.

Instead, Caniri stood there, watching her. He wondered what she could be thinking. She hadnt wanted him then, so he wondered how she would feel about being in the same pack. He waited. He was waiting for the girls reaction.
Played by WildOne who has 31 posts.
Inactive III. Yearling
Jaden Reem/Dusk
(Hey, I would like something to happen that makes the hunt awkward for them, if you don't mind.)

Just as Jade sighed with failure and looked up, their eyes met. She hadn't found prey, but she found him. Raising herself up to full height, she felt her hackles raise. Her tail lifted to barley show over her lowered head. She snarled threatingly, but trembled nervously. Slowly she stalked forward announcing what she mistaked as right, "Hello, you are trespassing on Magnolia Glen territory Caniri!" She spoke shaky and in a fake angered tone.

As she reached him embarassment flooded through her, he was one of her new pack. She looked down as her features softened greatly. "Um, a, sorry. Ahhh, well this is pretty awkward. How are you? I'm searching for food since that's my job here now." She spoke in a humiliated way.

After standing there for awhile she lifted her head some to glance at him for a short moment, "Life sure is odd. Shoving us apart because I simply thought I needed to focus on getting a pack. Then bringing us together in the same one." Her paws shifted guilty underneath her. She forced her tail to wag in stiff short motions.

"I-I um, would like to hang out some time." She whispered looking down shyly, "With you," she added quickly. "Right now though I need to find something to bring back home. I'd like to earn a right to stay here for a long long time to come." With this she side stepped around him and walked forward. Soon enough though she looked back for a short moment. *I wonder if he will offer to assist me?"
(This post was last modified: Feb 15, 2014, 03:39 PM by Jaden.)
Played by Vickie who has 46 posts.
IV. Yearling
Caniri Callahan
Caniri watched as the shock registered on her face. Well, she hadn't been expecting him, that was for sure. She even snarled at him. If he still hadn't been so angry he might have laughed. Instead, he didn't move, but his eyes followed her as she stalked toward him. She seemed to be trying very hard to feign anger. He kept his head high and looked down into her jade green eyes. If he wasn't careful, he'd find himself drowning in their depths again. "Yes...I know this." His tone was cool as he spoke to her, unwilling to show any of his emotion. He had learned the hard way when it came to this female.

It didn't take her long to realize that he was, in fact, a part of the same pack as her. She quickly dropped her gaze and apologized. Caniri felt the urge to protect her, but there was nothing to protect her from. His heart clenched as he realized that he was the reason that she was being so submissive. How was he? He was forcing himself to hold in his pain and frustration. He was hurting and talking to her wasn't helping matters. His heart called out for her but his brain refused to trust her. "Just wonderful, Jaden." A calm and easy slime spread across his face. Let her think that he had gotten over her. She didn't need to know otherwise.

He would have let the matter go entirely if she hadn't spoken again. Life shoved them apart? His smooth facade cracked, his cold eyes heated and his lip pulled up. "Life shoved us apart? No. YOU chose to leave. That was your choice. You can't place that on anything but yourself. As for ending up here, if I had known...." He trailed off. He wouldn't have come here. He wouldn't have forced himself through this.

She didn't stop there. She wanted to hang out with him? He couldn't help but let out a cynical bark of laughter. She couldn't seem to make up her mind. First she wants him, then leaves him, then wants him again? His heart begged him to go to her, tell her that he wanted to stay with her, but his brain kept the rest of him in check. He was going to fall for this again. Not until she decided what she wanted. "It might be best if I kept my distance. I wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable or force you away again." He couldn't keep the hurt sarcasm from his voice. Sighing, he turned his head away, to scan the forest. "But Ill accompany you this time. Its not safe to be out alone." He had resigned himself to the task. No matter how much she hurt him, he wasn't going to let her be hurt.
Played by WildOne who has 31 posts.
Inactive III. Yearling
Jaden Reem/Dusk
(Ehhhh, crappy post. My apologies.)

*Ouch*, Jade thought noting how it seemed he was pinpointing his 'just fine, Jaden' at her in a negative way. "Good to hear that your doing so well," She replied in a strained voice and swallowed hard. "Sorry, dry throat," She clearly lied by the way her lip twitched and her voice got slightly pitchy. She turned around fully to finish their conversation, even though irritation lit itself within her.

Her ears slid pack into a pinned position, "I ran afraid, but in the end you left." She whispered interrupting him while backing up uncomfortable. Her heart pounded loudly as hurt showed in her eyes, "If you had known, what? Huh? Wouldn't of came here. How poetic of you," She sneered back at him through clenched teeth. Her paws continued to step back, picking up the pace.

He laughed at her. LAUGHED AT HER. she frowned and pulled her tail underneath her belly. *Cruel laughter, sarcastic, rude, and harsh. Not the Caniri I met.* She thought shifting nervously.

"What?" She asked breaking through her other emotions in a cold tone. "You will come with me after that? NO. I'm a big girl and I quite frankly don't need you to act like my body guard." She paused for a moment unable to get her words out as she just growled, "I'm not a pup. I'd love to have you come with me, but your attitude isn't welcomed." With this she turned around quick as a dime. She trembled with anger, *Who does he think I am? A mere child? Errrh!*

Sure storming off wasn't very mature, but she couldn't care."I got a job to do," She called out to him after a moment of silent walking, "Does a young one have that? Do I look that incapable in your eyes?" She whipped back around to face him. The distance between them wasn't much but it existed. "Needing you and wanting you are huge differences. Quite frankly I can survive on my own, UNLIKE a child." *Why are you doing this, he doesn't care. He doesn't want you; I mean look at him. Handsome, strong, independent, and confident. Why, your opposites. Not to mention a wolf like him is too good for you.* The little voice chimed in from the back of her head.

She growled a little, "Why do you even care if I get hurt or whatever? I'm just a waste of your time, boy." She spit out boy nastily and held her ground. She wasn't mad anymore, but tried to appear it. Instead this backfired as she looked frightened, disgusted, and hurt. She wasn't disgusted with him of course, but herself. She inhaled and exhaled deeply.
(This post was last modified: Feb 18, 2014, 09:22 PM by Jaden.)
Played by Vickie who has 46 posts.
IV. Yearling
Caniri Callahan
Caniri stood over her, watching her reaction as she spoke. It wasn't exactly what he was expecting. It almost seemed as if his words were physically striking her. Her voice was rough and she seemed to be fighting to get the words out. Jaden almost seemed in pain as she spoke to him, though he couldn't figure out why his words would affect her so much. She was also obviously lying as she turned completely towards him. What she said next angered him. "I only left because you wanted me to! Lit'le miss 'I'm roaming and you have your own intentions.' YOU didn't want ME around." He could tell just by the look in her eyes that his words had hurt her. It's not like I'm not hurting too. For every step that she took away from him, he matched it with one in her direction. "No. I probably wouldn't have come had I known you would be here. I prefer to avoid pain, not dive right into it. Like I could stand seeing you everyday, knowing that you wished me elsewhere? I'm not an idiot."

In reaction to his laugh, she seemed to curl in slightly, tucking her tail, almost as if she were afraid of him. Was she afraid of him? He furrowed his brow. She had to know that he wouldn't hurt her right? No matter how angry he got? Then she denied his offer to join her, which didn't come as much of a surprise. She didn't want him. That was the point of this stupid conversation. Treat her like a child? He wasn't trying to treat her like a child! She just didn't seem to understand. "Damn it woman. I'm not treating you like a child. I'm treating you like a lady and someone worth taking care of!" He was fuming and all censoring of his speech went right out the window. He didn't care if she was a lady anymore. She didn't want to be treated like one it seemed.. "I should have known better. You wouldn't know love if it came right up and bit you in the ass!"

He clenched his teeth as she started to storm away, before quickly turning to face him. Again with the child thing. Walking right up to her, with only a couple of inches of space, he looks down into her face. "I never said you were in capable. I actually think you are very capable. Even if you happen to be very dense sometimes." She had to be dense if she didn't see what was standing right in front of her. He could see a flash of what she used to be like, a surfacing of her old insecurities. Not again. Why couldn't she see? She had to see it. She was just ignoring it. Then she began to rant. This time about him not caring for her safety. "Ugh! You stupid girl! Would you stop already! I care alright. I just can't stand the thought of you being hurt. And I AM NOT a boy." He had not been mistaken for a boy in a long time and he knew she was only saying it to spite him.

Once she had finished, she seemed to have run out of steam. She seemed distraught, drained, and...frightened. Caniri's anger melted. Stepping forward carefully, he said, "I'm sorry Jaden. Please forgive me. I wont hurt you, I promise. Please...just don't look at me like that. Anything but that. I'll leave, okay? Just...don't..I wont hurt you darling.'"
(This post was last modified: Feb 21, 2014, 06:37 AM by Caniri.)
Played by WildOne who has 31 posts.
Inactive III. Yearling
Jaden Reem/Dusk
Jade growled a little, " It's not that I didn't want you around, I just didn't want to keep you from what you needed to do or whatever." Her whisper rose to a normal voice, but angered. The fact that he kept up with her backwards walking caused her body to tense. She took faster and longer steps away from him now. She looked away when he admitted to not wanting to come here if he had known. She stopped moving and stood there, turning her head away. When he told her why she looked back in frustration, "I said earlier that I didn't WANT you to LEAVE, I just thought it was for the best! Listen to me!"

She recoiled at the cuss word in plain disgust, but continued to listen. "A lady doesn't... Doesn't." She simply gave up and nipped at the air around his muzzle in frustration. He began talking to her again, baffling her. "Love?" She asked in complete confusion, "L, o, v, e, love?" Then she shook her head at him, " We only met once before, that is not love. If anything it's a crush." She spoke stunned, "I still don't understand how you could have one on me, though."

She found him in her face suddenly and naturally took a step back. Then she felt comforted by his words, *So then, he must believe in me? * She stepped forward and replied, "Oh, I a, I a, I misunderstood." She didn't smile, but she didn't do anything negative either. When the tension returned she stopped listening after stupid girl. The rest of his words went in one ear and out the other. Finally realizing that he had stepped closer she looked up, accidentally bumping into his muzzle. "Huh? Sorry, I stopped listening after you....called me stupid." She wasn't sarcastic or mean about. She just sounded monotone. Her face was blank as she watched him for a reaction. Slowly she lowered her hind end to the ground.

(I can change the muzzle thing if you want.)
Played by Vickie who has 46 posts.
IV. Yearling
Caniri Callahan
Caniri's anger roiled beneath the surface. The fact that she was saying she had pushed him away was because she didn't want to interfere with his plans, well, it was ridiculous. "That's the problem! I am listening to you! maybe I shouldn't have and there wouldn't have been a need for this conversation! It's my right to choose what I want to do or not. I should be allowed to make it, and not be misled, because you were afraid of distractin' me." He continued to take steps toward her as she moved away. She seemed to flinch when he swore at her, almost as if it were physical blow. Well, that wasn't his fault. She was the one that didn't like to be treated like a lady. When she tried to speak, she was so frustrated that she ended up nipping at him instead.

Her next words almost seemed to taunt him. The way she said it, she made seem like it was impossible for him to feel the way he did. "Who are you to tell me how I feel, huh? You have no clue. It's whatever I feel it is. You can't change it either way. Just because you don't understand it doesn't mean that it ain't there." She seemed to calm slightly as he told her that she was capable. "Yes. You misunderstood a lot."

Then suddenly she was tense. It seemed as if the light had gone right out of he eyes. It wasn't like she was upset, Caniri would have preferred that. No, this was worse. She was flat, and seemed like she had no feeling. His heart jumped into his throat. What did you DO? He wasn't sure what he had done or how he was going to fix it, all he knew was that he needed to. When she gave him his reason, her voice was completely devoid of emotion. Because he had called he stupid. You idiot! Of course she would latch on to that. He should have known better. Even if that wasn't how he had meant it, all she heard was the insult.

Stepping closer, the anger drained from his body. Taking a chance, he nestled her head under his chin and tucked himself around her, holding he close. He didn't care if she tried to push him away. All he wanted to do was fix this. "You silly, silly girl. All I meant was that you're not listenin' ta me. I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. Please...forgive me. I was stupid and shouldn't have said that. Jaden...I didn't mean to hurt you darlin.'"
(This post was last modified: Feb 23, 2014, 08:12 PM by Caniri.)
Played by WildOne who has 31 posts.
Inactive III. Yearling
Jaden Reem/Dusk
(Dang, dramatic Jaden.)

Frustration filled her as she justcouldn't find her words, "Well...well...well...well, so what! Just shoosh it and stop yelling at me!" Her teeth bared as she growled loudly, "Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!" She spat at his face as he spoke about feelings. "I don't believe in love starting so quickly, and I have the right to express that you....you..you man who acts like a boy!" She shouted bristling. *That was a dumb choice of words.* Still she looked at him sternly like a wife to a husband. The way he spoke of her misunderstanding only rattled her cage, but she physically bit her lip and held her viscous words in.

Minutes seemed to fly by as she watched him, and the way he acted towards her now. Guilt. Yes, he seemed guilty. *Stupid. He's right you know, you are stupid. And so much worse; ugly, different...* The list went on in her mind. She thought it over as if mentally chewing on every little bit of information. She barley noticed as he surrounded her. She gave him a warning growl but he went on to speak in a comforting tone. She decided to ignore how good she felt next to him like this and only raised her growl to block his words.

*Your mad at him Jaden, get him off of you.* Instinctively she used her paws to push at whatever she could. She wiggled her body, "Get away from me! I'm not happy with you!" She shouted before doing something she'd regret. Her teeth flashed as her jaws opened and she aimed to bite his shoulder harshly.
(This post was last modified: Mar 04, 2014, 10:40 AM by Jaden.)