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Played by Shade who has 5 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Semira Soul
OOC: @Miccah

This land was new to Semira. Having entered the area earilier that day, the chocolate fae had continued to wander with no clear destination in mind. She was hoping to join a pack, have a family again, but seeing as she knew very little about the area, she wasn’t sure where any packs were. Making her way through the dense forest, a scent filled her nose. The scent of wolves, plenty of them. That meant there was a pack nearby. Where exactly, Semira wasn’t entirely sure. The forest was so thick and the scent of wolves passing through every which way made it a little difficult to pinpoint a direction. She continued on still, the scent of wolves getting stronger the farther forward she moved. It seemed she was getting at least somewhat close.

Dark brown ears swiveled, searching for any sound or any hint of others nearby. It would be best for her to find a pack, seeing as she hadn't seen any prey for days now. It would be easier to find and bring down prey with a pack than it would be on her own. Hopefully she could find something to eat or a pack she could join. Her body was thin, showing signs of the hunger she felt. Her once muscular form was breaking down, making her appear weak. Even with how she felt though, she would still fight with everything she had if threatened. Semira never was the type to back down.
(This post was last modified: Feb 19, 2014, 10:49 PM by Semira.)
Played by Mily who has 268 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Miccah Athesila

It was happening slowly, but it was happening. Miccah was slowly learning to let go of the hurt and anger that had begun to steadily consume him. It would soon be almost a month since Ashanti had left the Woodlands. He was beginning to let her go. He still loved her and he didn't think the strong emotion would dimisnish anytime soon, but he was learning to let her go. The broken Ashanti that he had seen that fateful day was not the Ashanti he fell for as a child nor the woman he had reunited himself with. No matter how much he had pleaded to the Fates that it was all just a terrible dream, 'his' Ashanti was gone.

The pain that had so tightly gripped his heart was lessening each day. The small pang that he felt now compared nothing with the vice like grip the pain held before. He truly didn't know what to make of himself in those early days of Ashanti'a dissapearance. Miccah had thrown himself into his work. Not only constantly being on the borders, but scouting out places to see if he could find any substance to bring back to the pack. The searches were always useless. There was nothing in the Lore anymore.

The young man still had much to learn about life, but for now he was no longer hurting. He could only thank the Fates for his clear head, one that he hadn't felt he had in a long while.

Deciding to take a small break from the borders, he left his pack lands and let his paws lead him wherever. They lead him out his territory, but not too far, for he was still in the Thickets that he had begun to know so well. Using the dense thickets to his advantage, he slipped in and out of the foliage, making sure his paws stepped on nothing that would give him away to any threat lurking. That's how he laid eyes on the woman. She was a stranger and from the scent in the soft wind, she was of no pack. Making his presence known, he walked out of the thickets that had hidden him before. His eyes quickly swept through her form. She was a large woman, built well, but not larger than him. Nodding his head, he opened his maw. "Ma'am," he greeted politely with a kind smile.

(This post was last modified: Feb 22, 2014, 11:23 PM by Miccah.)
Played by Shade who has 5 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Semira Soul
Hunger caused the chocolate woman’s belly to ache. It had been quite a while since she had last eaten. She had been hoping to either find a pack or any source of food, keeping her nose keen for any scent. Winter had been harsh this year, prey becoming scarce. It was hard on everyone, especially a loner like her. It was difficult enough to bring down prey on ones own, but to do it with prey being so scarce and hard to find was nearly impossible.

A dark brown ear swiveled as movement was heard, bringing her attention to a male approaching. Golden orbs took in his large form. Most would consider him handsome with his pitch black coat and stunning blue eyes, but Semira’s distrust of males kept this thought from her mind, at least for now. He carried the scent of many wolves on his coat, indicating he was a member of a pack, probably whichever one it was that was nearby. He greeted her rather formally, calling her “Ma’am” with a smile on his face. There is no need to call me Ma’am, you can’t be much younger than myself. It wasn’t often she was called something like that. By pups, sure, but never from another who was close to her own age.

Bowing her head in greeting to the male, a slight smile crossed her lips. She wasn’t too comfortable around males, but she wasn’t about to let that show in her features. If this male was indeed a member of a pack, she may need to get on his good side if she were ever to be accepted. You can call me Semira, but, what may I call you?
Played by Mily who has 268 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Miccah Athesila
Wow, this post sucks ass. Sorry about that. I have no muse for Miccah whatsoever :/
I just didn't want to keep you waiting for any longer :)

His eyes never moved from her face, but they didn't need to for he had already assessed her. When he had left the foliage that protected him from a wolf's view, he had quickly scanned her with his eyes. It all took about five seconds. She was large, no doubt about that. She apparently knew how to fight based on the nicks and scars his blue orbs seem to zone into. Now that she was talking, his ears pricked so he didn't miss a word. She told him there was no need to address her as "Ma'am" since he couldn't be much younger than her, which was true, she seemed about the same age as he. And she also told him her name was Semira, then continuing to ask about his. His smile briefly left his face as he opened his maw to speak. "Miccah Athesila is the name, Ma'a - err, Semira. I apologize. I was raised to when I first meet a stranger, especially a female, address them with respect." Curiosity stroke him then. Why was she here? The most logical choice, being that she was a loner, she was probably searching for a pack to join. Opening his maw, a question spew forth. "May I ask what you are doing here? By any chance, are you searching for a pack? Miccah sat on his rump, deciding that if they would chat he might as well be comfortable. He didn't have to scan her figure again to know that she was thin. All of them were, but pack wolves probably held the better deal. They didn't have much, but they were better off than loners.