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Played by Shade who has 5 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Semira Soul
OOC: @Hollow

It was certainly an interesting day for the chocolate fae. She had actually met a male earlier that day who didn’t instantly irritate her. For once, she could honestly say she didn’t dislike a male, though, she still didn’t trust him completely. That was a whole other matter though. Semira found it hard to trust anyone really, just more so for males. This male, Miccah, was a decent enough wolf. The black fur covering his form reminded her of her brother, seeing as his pelt was black as night as well. The only difference between them were the eyes. Her brother had bright orange eyes while Miccah had stunning dark blue orbs. Seeing this resemblance made her feel a little more comfortable around the male.

Having talked to the dark wolf, Semira learned a little bit about the area and the pack that he belonged to. Their borders were close to where she currently was and was apparently called Secret Woodlands. A fitting name seeing as they resided within such a dense forest. After their little talk, the chocolate fae thought for a short while, debating on what her decision would be. Finally, she decided it would be in her best interest to join Secret Woodlands. After all, with food so scarce at the moment she would need a pack in order to bring down or even find any prey.

Semira finally came across a scent marker, a clear sign that the pack territory was near. Not wanting to trespass and anger the members, she kept her distance from the border as she lifted her muzzle, letting out a howl. It was a call, asking the Alpha to come meet with her. It wasn’t demanding in any way, just a simple request. The leader of the pack could take all the time they wanted, she wasn’t in any sort of rush.
(This post was last modified: Feb 19, 2014, 10:50 PM by Semira.)
Played by Ghoff who has 312 posts.
No Rank
Hollow Nite
Another howl from his border. Another loner requesting an entry no doubt. Hollow moved in silence through his home to the place where he had heard the sound, the midnight pelted male began to wonder about this one. A she wolf by the tone, would she be another betrayal for the woodlands? A strong and reliable asset? A friend to the pack maybe, or would she be a lover to one of the other members? All of these thoughts and questions filled his head as he made his path to the border, all these questions and so many more. The dark male always wondered about the prospects for his pack. whether or not they would become family was foremost at his mind. For at heart. Hollow Nite, remained a protector.

As he approached he was satisfied to see the she wolf a respectful distance from his borders. He stalked proudly to it's edge, tail and head held high. Hollow radiated power and strength, even in this cold winter he felt warm in his confidence on his own territory. When he spoke however you would have thought him simply, meeting a stranger without being the leader to a pack. The woodlands leader kept his voice level and calm, and his face stoic, a mask. "Hello stranger." Before he could speak again, Hollow heard a soft rustle and felt a presence near him, accompanied by a scent he knew well. "Hello to you as well @Miccah." Hollow said, keeping his eyes on the she wolf before him. "Now, what brings you to my home?"

(This post was last modified: Feb 19, 2014, 11:57 PM by Hollow.)
Played by Shade who has 5 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Semira Soul
The dense forest seemed like a good place for a pack. It was secluded yet it still seemed like the type of place prey would seek shelter from any open fields where they would be more vulnerable. Unfortunately, prey was still scarce no matter where you went. It had been days since Semira had any sort of meal, her thin body hinting at that fact. Her fur was still thick though, making her appear to not be as thin as she truly was.

Her mind raced, wondering who this leader was and what they would be like. She wasn’t even sure if it would be a male or female who would meet her. Sure enough, it was the scent of a male that reached her, his scent coming before his form was visible. Surprisingly enough, it was another black pelted male with blue eyes. Though, one of his eyes seemed to have a green tint to it as well, not entirely blue like Miccah’s. His body practically screamed power, making it clear to the chocolate fae that he was the Alpha. Before he even had the chance to speak, Semira lowered herself down, offering him the submission any Alpha deserved. Her ears were flattened against her head and tail tucked between her legs, head held low so her eyes would not meet his.

Semira looked up briefly as he spoke, spotting Miccah there as well. She let the dark Alpha speak before giving him her reason for calling him, still keeping low and holding the submissive pose. My name is Semira Soul and I am here to ask you to allow me to join your pack. Even if she didn’t like or trust males all that much, she would still be respectful when in the presence of an Alpha. It was his choice to accept her or not after all. Her future depended upon his decision.
Played by Ghoff who has 312 posts.
No Rank
Hollow Nite
not my best work XD

The she wolf submitted almost instantly and Hollow's eyes widened in surprise at the speed with which she fell and requested entrance to the pack. She gave her name and Hollow lowered his head and tail both a fraction before opening his muzzle, "Hello Semira Soul, you don't have to stay down there." He spoke softly, in almost a fatherly tone to the she wolf for he did not typically require full submission. He would not change it now. "I am Hollow Nite, leader of Secret Woodlands alongside Nina Hervok." He let his words settle into her ears, while he began to inspect her from his position, she looked sturdy enough. Probably closer to a guardian's build than a huntress. But as usual Hollow would let her chose her own path.

"What skills do you posses that may prove useful to our pack?." He fired his first question at her before making declarations based on the loyalty of his members and how one who would abandon them would not be welcomed back. In the dark leaders mind there was a difference between leaving and abandonment, if they knew where someone left too it would not be bad. But to vanish in the night, Hollow would be sure not to welcome you back. He let the silence stretch out between them as he simply waited for her answer before he would make his final decision on whether or not the she wolf would be allowed into Secret Woodlands.

Played by Mily who has 268 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Miccah Athesila
I'm assuming the posting order is Semira, Hollow and then Miccah?
Just tell me if you have a problem with that :)

Miccah had just recently come back from his ventures outside pack territory where he had meant a woman of the name Semira. He had left her to make her decision, for he had done what he could. He had told her about Secret Woodlands and left it at that.

As he got into a rythm of traipsing through the thicket, marking the borders with his scent, his ears pricked as a howl pierced the air. Another loner - whoopdedo. Sighing softly, he made his way towards the call readt to do his duty whether he liked it or not. It's not like he hated loners or anything, it's just that they simply had no room to feed another mouth without risking the health of the pups. The scarcity they found in food went mostly to the growing children anyway. Miccah could care less of skipping a few meals, as long as the pups were in good health.

Midway to reaching the place where he percieved the loner to be, he stopped in his tracks, for he had finally recognized the howl. To say he was surprised was an understatement of sorts. It wasn't too long ago that he had left Semira's company, and she was already at Woodlands borders. A slight smile flittered across hus muzzle before it dissapeared. Lumbering through the thickets, he reached Semira seconds after Hollow did. Hollow greeted Semira and then made his own to Miccah. He bowed his head in submission to his alpha as he always did, and then turned to Semira. Nodding warmly at the woman, he waited for the usual questions to be asked.

It didn't take long for Semira to show submission, something Miccah respected. Hollow asked what Semira could contribute to the pack, and Miccah looked on in silence. She had the build for a guardian, but he was interested on where her true interests lay.

(This post was last modified: Feb 23, 2014, 09:42 PM by Miccah.)
Played by Shade who has 5 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Semira Soul
The chocolate fae rose to her full height as the dark Alpha allowed her to stand, though she kept her head and tail much lower then the two males before her. Being in the presence of two males made her feel slightly uneasy, though she wouldn’t let it show in her features. Miccah at least seemed decent enough, but she didn’t know much about this Hollow. She didn’t have to fully trust him though to become a member in his pack. Perhaps eventually she could fully trust him.

Upon being asked her skills, Semira thought for just a moment, knowing her words would likely determine what her path would be if she were to be accepted. Well, I’m a decent enough hunter, though I am a better fighter. I never give in if I need to protect another. The chocolate fae paused for just a moment, deciding it would be best to show her honesty. To her, honest was one of the most important things, and if her being honest would cause her to be turned away, then so be it. In all honesty Hollow, due to my past, I tend to not trust males too easily. However, it would not cause me to be a burden for the pack. I would still remain loyal and protect my Alpha and his members with my life. Having said all she needed to say, Semira left the decision to Hollow, waiting for a response from him. Her gaze shifted between Miccah and Hollow before focusing on the blue and green eyed male, waiting patiently for an answer.
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
Water is beginning to freeze and some fish are trapped. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Ghoff who has 312 posts.
No Rank
Hollow Nite
Hollow was silent for long moments as he contemplated her words, They needed new mouths to feed now with Ashanti's disappearance. But at the same time, the dark male was not sure how he felt about her declaration of mistrust towards males. Mostly because he was a male and it seemed that she was truthful and honest almost to a fault. But Hollow liked that, he wanted flawless honesty even if it mean and admission of mistrust. So Hollow had a thought, he knew how he could make this into a better situation for the she wolf, and so with a sly wink to Miccah he once again spoke up. Ready now to tell her of her requirements and his home.

"We are a family here, Semira. If I accept you though I think for both our benefits you should think of myself as one unit. Neither a male nor female for that is how our entire pack works. We are a family, a single piece in the puzzle of life. So if I say yes. Just thing of me as the one of the two biggest peices to our family... instead of a male you will mistrust. Hollow wondered at her reaction, he did not truly wish to deny her, but if he couldn't get some amount of trust from her he couldn't give her the same. It was a catch twenty two and no matter what they were a trust and loyalty based family. "Our biggest requirement here is loyalty, we are loyal to the pack, not just Nina and I. We help the smallest pup to the frail elder, as if they were all flesh and blood, do you understand?"
Played by Mily who has 268 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Miccah Athesila
Sorry for the horrible post. I have no muse for this guy whatsoever at the moment :/

Hollow had given Semira permission to stand, and he couldn't help but mentally marvel at her size. The only woman he had seen that was as largely built as him was Ashanti, and now there was another lady that seemed to be very capable of herself. Well, acknowledging her words and scars, she seemed like a woman that he didn't want to tumble with. Semira spoke of not being very trusting of males, and he rose a brow at the new information. He hadn't known that. But of course their chat wasn't exactly a heart-to-heart either.

Miccah glanced to see what would be Hollow's reaction and was given a sly wink in return. He was confused at what his alpha was doing, but he didn't take long in finding the answer. His alpha spoke and Miccah barely managed to keep his emotion-free face...well, emotion-free. A light twinkle in his eyes was the only thing that betrayed his amusement at the situation, and he looked at Semira to see how she would react. One unit, huh? They were, in a way, one unit. But not in the way Hollow had put it.

His gaze moved from Semira to the terrain all around them, silently making sure that they weren't in danger. He had a job to do after all. And his duty to protect the pack at all times wouldn't stop because a female loner was at Secret Woodlands borders. In fact, she just added into the mix. His duty was to protect, and right now Semira was on his pack lands, so his duty was to protect her as well. Finally sure that his perimeter had not left anything unchecked, his gaze and attention once again moved back to the proceedings in front of him."speech"