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Dancing in the dark in the pale moonlight
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Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski
@Athena . Post prompt - Feel it in your Bones, 2014
The winter drifted past slowly – each day was met with a rumble of hunger and a pain in her heart at the fear of what was occurring in Oak Tree Bend across the mountain. She was able to distract herself with mundane tasks such as patrolling the borders, though with the quiet that had now settled across the forest the River pack dwelled, Kisla found this a harder task than usual.

Day time had drifted past her, and while the scent of her pack mates lingered throughout the cedar trees, her eyes had found none. She prowled through the woods with a comfortable ease, surprised at how quickly she had familiarized herself with the territory and how swiftly it had become home. Her leg still ached – especially through the larger snow drifts that exerted more energy to pull herself from, while enveloping the appendage in the cold snow, but she grit her teeth and continued. Had Cut Rock River had a healer that she knew of, she likely would have sought them out at this point.

The moon played a subtle glow across the pack lands. It was rare for such a clear sky these days, and the she-wolf, unable to settle, instead prowled, seeking companionship of some kind. Her first notion had been to seek out Maksim – entice him for a walk, and the trill that coursed down her spine at the possibility was only put to rest when she refused to bother him further. His concern for her was no more than that of a pack mate, of that she was sure, and come spring when her time would be up within his vicinity, she would need to turn away. There was no point in stirring more pain for herself, especially with the prospect of breeding season. She did not know who his mate was, but she knew she did not want to witness it.

And so she halted her pace then – the moon casting light upon her pale tawny coat, almost portraying her as a silver lady. Tilting her muzzle up, she issued a barking howl, enticing someone to come out and play. Kisla Tainn was desperate for a distraction.
(This post was last modified: Feb 10, 2014, 07:58 PM by Kisla.)

sparking up my heart

Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon

Her wandering mind kept her way from sleep, so her paws took her way from the abandoned badger hole that she called home. The full moon cast playful shadows across the cedar trees of the River wolves territory which mimicked her mood. Her hunger was satisfied which made her winter blues disappear for the night. As her slender form snaked it's way between the cedars, her eyes were bright with the high of the moon's light.

Not sure what got into her, she kept moving. Occasionally, she'd sprint into a run then summersault into the snow. It was like she was in her yearling years instead of being an adult of four years almost five now. Laughing softly to herself, she shook herself off before deciding to turn back towards her den. A playful howl from Kisla stopped her in her tracks. She wasn't far and it seemed like she was in a similar mood. Perhaps it was the moon playing with them tonight.

Without missing a beat, Athena was off towards her packmate. Entering the clearing, the Moon woman approached the a Tainn with a light gait before stopping abruptly. A wide grin formed across her ebony lips before she bowed in play. Waving her tail mischievously high in the air, Athena barked playfully for Kisla to make a move.

|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski
The last face she had expected to see was Athena, and yet the ivory dove came to her, seeking her out as her call resounded across the darkened skies. Yet she emerged before her – a ghostly figure as the moon danced upon her fur, and for a single moment, Kisla was jealous of the beautiful she-wolf before her. She held a mystery about her – such had been apparent on the day the tawny lady had greeted her upon the borders, and with her flawless pelt and slender figure, she was certainly something to behold.

So much so, that despite her longing for her family at the Bend, the golden female could not help but feel a stab of jealousy at the thought that Maksim could choose her as a mate this year. That was not to say the Tainn lady knew of his availability, yet as the regal of the pack, and the amount of females that swelled in his numbers.. it was certainly a possibility.

But there was no room for jealousy this night, and as her fire-eyed companion bowed playfully to the earth, a bark escaping her, a gruff bark escaped Kisla’s own jowls, and swatting her paw to the ground in one smooth invitation of play, the creamy female darted away, leading the game of chase beneath the shadowed forest. Her paws thrummed against the ground as she moved – her movements lithe like a jungle cat, and while the hunger pained her and her figure thinned, muscles could still be seen encased by her long pelt.

Winter had not defeated her yet, and she would prove on this night just how alive she was.

sparking up my heart