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Played by Grey who has 439 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Angier Lyall
RE: High winds and constant snow have taken away any visibility.

Would I be the man in the box...
angier lyall
... or the prestige?

March 19th; Afternoon; High winds, chill, definitive inclement weather (blizzard).

The deed had been done, Angier had kept reminding himself for the past two weeks. He had let his passion and motives run off with him and she had allowed him. It had been his one wish to be hers, and it had been granted. His desires had been fulfilled and the Leader of Willow Ridge was now at the mercy of his anticipation and a few of his lingering worries. As was customary, he had found a suitable place to spend the morning: the circle of willows where he had fought Guiness for a place at Elettra's side. Their whip-like vines were still bare and covered with frost and just when he thought he had a good place to relax and take a nap, he was soon awoken by the sharp chill of yet another winter storm.

His head popped up from beneath a thin blanket of snow and just as quickly as he had underestimated the cool gray morning, he leapt onto his feet and started back towards the pack den. The highways he, Guiness, and the pack used on a near-daily basis made traveling easy, but the biting wind and sudden onslaught of a yet another blizzard slowed him down tenfold. At the back of his mind he thought back to when he last saw the three young Archers. They were all grown up now but just because they were able to fend for themselves did not mean that he was going to leave them out in the wilderness or let them cope on their own.

@Asriel, he thought, was somewhere well within territory borders and he could have also sworn that @Morganna had gone with him. Just for kicks. As for Sköll... Well... There was no telling in what that boy was up to these days. While he could have been worried, he simply kept his nose to the ground, gathering snow on the leathery surface of his nose before he stopped to look around. Judging by the scent trails that were quickly being blown away, the gray-eyed prince could have been anywhere, but he couldn't be sure how long ago it had been since Sköll had come this way. He turned around; the wind whipping his large ears back against his skull and neck and angling them as he looked through the trees.

"Sköll?!" he tried, half a bark fueling the volume of his voice. He moved further along the path until he came to a fork that branched off in three different directions. One continued along the borderlines, the other headed out towards Hush Meadow, and the other... he wasn't quite sure where it went. In attempt to see if he could get an answer from any of the women in the pack, or even Guiness, he tipped his head up and as loudly as he could, he let loose a howl that requested the location of the wolves of Willow Ridge if they happened to be nearby.

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