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holding onto nothing — The Wildwood 
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Played by Switch who has 389 posts.
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Renier Lyall
Hold onto faith as I dig another grave

The rogue forced himself far from the scent of cedars. Their perfume didn't quite hold the same meaning any more. The forest reminded him too much of what wasn't, and of the new family that would soon start its beginning in his parent's old realm. It was wrong, and yet was it? Cut Rock River wasn't Grizzly Hollow, and he had nothing against Kisla and Maksim. Right? They had claimed farther away. They had given him a home in the unfortunate winter.

A low grunt, an irritated flick of his silver tail he eased down to a walk, golden eyes roving over the unfamiliar woods. He had not wandered these parts, and the change of trees appealed to him. Memories couldn't be found here. A weak grin brushed his muzzle, but he wasn't really amused. Ren was merely happy to have escaped the chorus of the river, not certain why its voice was sending him to the edge. He hadn't minded it these last few months on his daily walks looking for food. He had an assurance Taima was okay, and he was proving his worth. These wolves did not have to like him because he was not their son.

What was the relentlessness that stirred in his gut? The feeling he was on a search, but for what? Maybe, it was time to talk to someone. Taima, he could not bare to share such things with her. Uncle Angier came to mind, not for the first time. What was he doing? How was he? Would he understand, and could he give some wisdom? Renier could not think of anyone else at hand he could talk to. There still no sign of Ryvet nor Calla. Jayse and Borden were much too far. For now the idea of visiting the Ridge was placed in the back of his mind as he ambled along an old path of the Wildwood.

[Image: ps_sig_by_becuffin-dc2lwrc.png]
Played by becuffin who has 879 posts.
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Morganna Archer-Lyall

She didn’t have a word to describe the itch in her paws, another with more experience would probably call it restlessness. For weeks the air had laid heavy about the Willows, first with sorrow for the loss of so many, especially Skana - and then with strange scents that permeated the air. Everyone had been on edge. So snippy and tense. She had decided to lay low.

Her mother had been spending most of her time with Angier, her brothers making themselves scarce no doubt up to some mischief or other, and for once she was grateful to be left alone. She was no longer content to remain within the well marked borders of the Willows, now the snow was melting, the birds had returned and everywhere life was springing up around them again. It was time to explore.

So northward she had travelled, past the place where she had encountered the dark stranger and further again. Everything looked so different without the blanket of snow concealing so much. It had felt as though the winter would last forever and she had almost forgotten what green looked like. Unlike the swaying canopies of the willows, here the trees grew up and up. She was so engrossed trying to spot the sky through the canopy that she did not see the russet male before her until her chest collided with his rump and a small ‘oof’ left her chest. Embarrassment sent her reeling backwards her ears pinning to her skull as wide peach hued eyes landed on the strange wolf before her. Her mouth hung partially open, for once she was lost for words.

The only noise she could hear was her heart hammering in her ears, and while she wanted to turn and run her paws were stuck to the ground. “I-uhh-I-uhh...S-sorry?” She didn’t even sound certain about that.

[Image: hashtags-skollmorganna02.png][Image: hashtags-morgannarenier.png]
Played by Switch who has 389 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Renier Lyall
Hold onto faith as I dig another grave

As if he might find something here his golden eyes held the various imperfections marking the bark of the trees with interest. The Wildwood was rather appealing, he thought. He wondered why this part of the woods was uninhabited by wolves. He had not seen another living thing, but he could smell their old trails. What had his mother said? There had been some sort of fire that had occurred not long before she had come? Ren tried to pull it from his memories. His cream paws continued along, not missing a step. The tale eluded him, and he became irritated he couldn't remember. It didn't stop him from trying.

Suddenly, something solid bumped into his back end, and he was jarred from his thoughts. Instinctively his hackles rose, and dark lips lifted to show his teeth. Hurriedly, he faced what he had believed was an unknown threat. Before him was a young lady with interesting colored eyes, and he wasn't sure who was more surprised her or him by the random encounter. Briefly, neither seemed sure what to do. Once his eyes fell upon her dark ash coat, taking in what had happened, a scowl set across his brow, and he sealed his jaws. Sure, now she was moving away from him, realizing her mistake. What the hell kind of apology was that? Didn't she know to look where she was going?

"Right," he mumbled, trying to hold back the tumble of insults he was ready to unleash. In a strong attempt to remain silent, a huff puffed from his lips, and flicking his tawny tail he turned around. He didn't want to get mixed up with any more girls.