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I ain't kryptonite — Cold Water Creek 
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Played by Namara who has 402 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karpos Slayer
This natural selection picked me out to be
Karpos Slayer
A dark horse running in a fantasy

Pain. He had been in pain ever since he had been in that fight with Aponi. That stupid fight had left him alone with nothing but a pissed guard to lead him to the River borders. He didn't want to go and join alone. He wanted his sister back. He wanted to call her packmate too and that is why he stood to the borders of the pack she resided in and howled for her. @Adsila I need you. His howl was filled with the emotional pain he had built up since his father had died. Aponi's fight had been the trigger event to morph him into something scary. It was something that he did not what to be. It was a monster inside of him.

In the end everything collides. My childhood spat back out the monster that you see. His childhood had ruined him. It had started with his mother disappearing. Then his father died and things happened. The only true friends and family he had were his sister, whom he loved dearly as he was his sister's protector regardless of where they were, his uncle Lachesis and his auntie Pella. He was determined to reunite his family. He had come to collect Adsila from this pack and lead her to Cut Rock River. He needed them to be together for his family. Adsila was the only missing link. She was across the mountain and was out of the loop. He needed to take Adsila with him and he needed them both to join his aunt and uncles pack.

He needed it to happen.

Played by Melorama who has 97 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Adsila Slayer
Might bring in Ace at the end so he knows she’s leaving, can’t bear to have another 1v1 with myself @Karpos

She had been meandering her way through Magnolia Glen’s territory, waiting for something to happen, but lately nothing had. She’d been stuck doing the same jobs over and over again, never finding a way to break out of the continual cycle. If she didn’t break out of it soon, then in the future she would become a grimalkin, unable to fit in with pack life and be ousted out to live by herself. That wasn’t something she wanted to happen to herself, and so she headed towards to the creek. Hopefully she could find something or something to take her out of her everyday chores and responsibilities.

But what she wasn’t expecting was an emotional, pain-filled howl calling out from her. She knew the voice as if it was her own, and immediately broke into a run as she headed towards him, throwing back her head and howling out the she was coming to him. He had fulfilled his promise to her by coming back and not leaving her alone in the world. Yes, she had @Ace, but it wasn’t the same. He was always looking out for her safety and telling her what to do and what not to do, and she did love him in her own way, but she loved her brother more. She had seen how happy he was in the pack, and knew he would be heartbroken that she was leaving, but he had others to look after him, as for her? She had no one but her brother.

Stopping as quickly as she could as Karp came into view, breathlessly she wrapped her neck around his in a wolf-hug, overjoyed that he was with her. “Karp! You came back…” she whispered, before pulling back and sitting down, looking at him with a happy smile on her face. Everything was alright now, she could relax and just be with her brother, like they had done when they were younger.

324 Words
Played by Namara who has 402 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karpos Slayer
This natural selection picked me out to be
Karpos Slayer
A dark horse running in a fantasy

Pain turned to joy when his sister's shadowy form that rivaled his own appeared off into the distance and came hurdling at him. It should make him happy right? He was happy and when she said her greeting with a joyous voice that he had come back he gave a weak smile. "I promised I would Adsi.... but I fear I've become a monster." He murmured with that saddened look in his eyes that he had held when their father had passed. How was he going to tell her how much he screwed up? How could he ask her to come with him after he told her. Would his sister turn her back on him like so many others had? No, she was his sister and she would never do something like that. Right?

He drew a deep breathe as he started to speak. "Aponi is a demon child and I've been kicked out of Hollowheart Keep." He said with tears in his eyes and he rested his head on his sister's shoulder. He needed her comfort. He needed the Slayer girl to be there for him when others weren't. Yes, he still did blame Aponi Aquila for getting lost. It had all been fine and when she had become lost everything changed. The only reason he figured he was still so caught up on it was the fact that she had broken his heart. Through everything that had happened he still loved her. She might have insulted him in every way shape and form then dug into his family but he couldn't let his heart not ache for the lost of a friend and a crush.

He wondered how Adsila was to respond to the news.

Played by Melorama who has 97 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Adsila Slayer

The Young Slayer was confused when Karp didn’t respond in the same joyous tone as she had, but instead in a soft and troubled tone with sadness in his brown eyes. Shaking her head she gently nuzzled his muzzle with hers, trying to comfort her brother who was clearly lost and didn’t know how to find his way out. She would help him as best as she could, but she knew only he could fully get out of it. Even so, she would be there every single step for him, and would never stop trying as long as they lived. That’s what siblings were for.

A soft purring sound emitted from her chest, like a mother soothing a child. “You are not a monster Karp, and you never will be, I believe in you.” Her voice was soft but also filled with emotion. She would never believe anyone who said her brother was a monster. In her eyes he could never become one, even if he thought he was. He had always been so kind to her, protecting her from danger, and acting as a brother should. She could see no monster rearing its head inside him, nor would she ever. He was all she had, and if he was gone, then so was she.

Dark ears twitched back at his next words and questions filled her mind. Who was Aponi? Why was he kicked out of Hollowheart Keep? She could see the tears in his eyes and felt his head rest on her shoulder. She felt her heart break at his despondency, and felt the need to comfort him in any way possible. “Karp… whoever this Aponi is, don’t go worrying about her if she is as you say.” Oh how she wished she could tear up whoever that was for making her brother act as such, no one ever hurt him without hurting her. But as for being kicked out of his pack, she had no idea how to make him feel better about that. “Even though I don’t know why they kicked you out, you will always have a place with me. I’ll never let you be by yourself, otherwise how could I consider myself as a sister?”

371 Words
Played by Namara who has 402 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karpos Slayer
This natural selection picked me out to be
Karpos Slayer
A dark horse running in a fantasy

Karpos felt the pain as she tried to comfort him. She had no idea what he had done and she didn't seem to care. She was the first wolf to not behave violently towards what he had said. He scorned Aponi and she didn't hiss. She also didn't feel any need to protect the heiress of the fallen pack. That was what he referred to it, the fallen pack. It hurt too much to think about his banishment. "Adsi... I. I don't know what do do anymore." He said as he started to explain the entire conversation. He quoted himself and Aponi word for word and the pain filled his eyes when he got to the part about his family. He continued to quote word for word what had happened in their argument.

"I made her feel like she could run away. She had been weak, lost, and I put her life at risk. I was being trained to be her keeper and her protector Adsila. How could I be so cruel? Once her father heard about this I was run from the lands and threatened. If I ever return my pelt would be lining their den." He explained in a broken voice. It was a deep regret as he looked at his sister. She was his only friend and part of the only family she had left. She would always take his side but he wanted to know how stupid he was. He wanted her to yell at him but he knew that she wouldn't. "Adsi. I'm going to Cut Rock River... please, please come with me. I can't stand our family being torn three ways. Please." He begged his sister, his eyes soft as he made his point clear. He needed it. With his family all around him he might be able to pull off a successful recovery.

Played by Melorama who has 97 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Adsila Slayer

It hurt inside to see her brother so broken, unable to right himself in the world and face the harshness of life with ease. She had been the same until they had found each other, but now he needed her help, and she would give it to him. They needed one another more than anyone else, and she couldn’t bear to be away from him any longer than absolutely needed. She had already been apart from him for half of their childhood, they didn’t need to be separated anymore. “Do what you think is right, and I will follow with no hesitation.” If she didn’t believe he was doing the right thing, then could she truly call herself his sister? No, siblings had to trust each other, even when times were hard, otherwise it would be just like being alone and lost again. She didn’t want to feel that anymore, and so whatever he wanted to do, she would do it with him.

As he explained what he had done, Adsila pulled back from his embrace to stare at him in the eyes, her gaze fierce. She didn’t want him to feel remorse for what he had done, seeing as she was a demon in his eyes. It wasn’t his fault for what had happened, and he should discard the feelings of sadness and misery. “You listen to me Karpos, and you listen good,” she said sternly, almost growling out the words. “I don’t want you to mope about how you treated her, after how much you had tried to protect her, be a friend to her, maybe even more. She pushed you away, so it is her fault, not yours!” Her voice had risen until she was almost yelling, but not in anger, no, protectiveness. She would tear that wolf, Aponi, apart for doing this to her brother.

After a few moments she heard Karp beg her to join him in going to Cut Rock River, supposedly another pack. Looking at him, she nodded once, a sad smile on her face. “Of course I’ll join you, there is nothing here holding me back, except for Ace. But he’ll understand, I’m sure of it.” She would go with her brother to anyplace, as long as they were together. Throwing back her head, the Young Slayer howled out for Ace to join them. She would tell him she was leaving, as she didn’t want him to think she had disappeared like last time and go searching for her again. She couldn’t do that to him again, not now when he was happy in Magnolia Glen.

434 Words
Played by Namara who has 402 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karpos Slayer
Karpos loves Adsi so much <3
This natural selection picked me out to be
Karpos Slayer
A dark horse running in a fantasy

It was the yelling not in anger that surprised him the most. All his life he had associated anger with yelling but his sister was being protective of him. She was telling him to get over it because he needed to. He'd never seen his sister like this but he knew she wouldn't be a pup forever. He also wouldn't be a pup forever and she was right. He just couldn't let himself forget her. Aponi had made a hell of an impact on his life and he had spent half a childhood sleeping right next to her in the pack den like he once had with Adsi. She had been his first love, probably his only love as he was starting to distrust his heart. She said she would call for Ace because she was going with him.

That meant Ace wouldn't be coming.

Karpos had never been very close with Ace, in fact they had barely talked. It had been Ace's mate Silver that he had been close to. Silver and Lachesis and Capella being the main benefactors in his life after his father died and his sister had run away. He nuzzled his sister. "What would I do without you?" He thanked her, his voice already sounding less mopey and more hopeful. He'd have them all together again, his dream family. All that was missing was a mate, and that would be missing for quite a while. He drew a soft breathe as he backed up slightly. Adsila had turned into a fine young woman and Karpos felt like he had failed to protect her too.

"Adsi. Do I feel too much?" He asked her a question. It had been something Aponi said and about the only thing that had gotten to him. It had really dug under his pelt and made him question himself. Was he over emotional [of course you are Karpy, you're like a mini-Nams.]

Played by Melorama who has 205 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ace Caravello

Padding slowly along the twisting, clear-watered creek, the Silver Male let out a deep breath and rolled his shoulders. He had been tense and stressed out all during winter, and now that spring was upon them, and pups were soon to arrive, he took it to himself to go for calm walks and work out all the kinks in his body to loosen himself out. He needed a break from the stress build-up, and the only way he knew how to relax was to go for a stroll and not work himself up.

Pausing by the waters’ edge, Ace dipped his muzzle into the clear liquid and drank deeply, feeling it soothe the dryness of his tongue, mouth and throat. When he was finished, he lifted his muzzle up and shook his head to dry the wet fur around his mouth. Running his salmon pick tongue over his black nose, he backed away from the creek and continued on his way, not going anywhere in particular, just enjoying the cool breeze and light sun on his back.

The darkly furred she-wolf was constantly on his mind since their encounter, battling to take over his thoughts of his first love. But he could not, would not go through with it until he knew that she didn’t love him anymore, otherwise he would have to forget Neoma. But his thoughts were interrupted when a howl from Adsila reached his ears, calling for him. Changing his course, the Silver Male padded at a quicker pace, soon coming upon her and another he didn’t think he would ever see again.

Looking at Karpos, after months of not seeing him, he saw how he had grown into a fine young man. His creamy ears twitched as the Slayer Boy asked her if he felt too much, and he took his time in coming up to the both of them. Looking down at Adsila, he smiled gently, before glancing at Karpos. “It has been a long time, Karpos,” he rumbled softly. “To what do I owe your presence to?” He was genuinely curious about why he was here now, after all that time, but didn’t ask as he waited for one of the siblings to speak.

371 Words

When I listen to my heart,
Ace Caravello
It whispers your name...
Played by Melorama who has 97 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Adsila Slayer

Smiling gently as her brother thanked her, nuzzling her, his voice sounding more like usual. She hadn’t really thought her words would have helped him so much, but she was glad it had. That meant he could still be fixed, and she would try and try until he was free of anything holding him down. That was her promise to him, and she would keep to it, just like he had to her. “You would be lost without my guidance,” she said with a smile, attempting to make him laugh. It had been so long since she had heard it, and just his voice wasn’t enough for her. She wanted them to return to their relationship they had when they were younger, where they weren’t afraid of anything that could happen to them. Those were the good days.

The Young Slayer frowned, her brows furrowing, when Karp asked her if he felt too much. No wolf could feel too much, it was impossible, he was just very connected to others through emotions, but that wasn’t a bad thing, at least in her eyes. Shaking her dark head, silvery green eyes not leaving his, she gently smiled. “Oh Karp, you could never feel too much. It’s other wolves who don’t understand you, they don’t feel much, if at all.” She couldn’t live in a world where her brother wasn’t exactly as he was, it was just impossible to imagine.

Breath catching in her throat as Ace suddenly appeared next to her and Karp, looking at both of them before speaking. Tail thumping on the ground, happy to see him, she stood up and nuzzled his neck with her muzzle. She would miss him dearly, but she would miss her brother even more, to the point that it would hurt, they were meant to be together, in the same pack, not far apart. Looking at Karpos, she kept silent, allowing him to explain his appearance.

323 Words
Played by Namara who has 402 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karpos Slayer
This natural selection picked me out to be
Karpos Slayer
A dark horse running in a fantasy

Karpos laughed when she spoke, one of the laughs he had used when he didn't have a care. The kind of laugh he had before his father died. It was starting to return to him. He was delighted when his uncle Ace arrived at the borders with a smile. "It's really good to see you again Uncle Ace!" He had missed his uncle despite not being very close to him. When his uncle asked why he has been called Karpos gave Adsila a nervous look. "I've come to take Adsila. We're going to Cut Rock River." He said in the best way he could think to do. "I need her there, I need to have her and Lachesis and Capella all under the same pack and I promised I would protect her. I can't do what I promised from across a mountain." He murmured as he nuzzled his uncles neck in greeting.

He loved Adsi and his uncle Ace.

The chocolate brown prince, as he refused to give up his title, left no room for argument in his voice. The boy had to be his sister's protector and prove that he hadn't failed his father. His soft eyes were begging that there would be no argument as he couldn't handle more fighting. He'd already found with four wolves and he was sure that five of them were pissed from it. Funny how they were all Keep wolves too. He took a deep breathe as he stood next to his sister. They would be fine and he was thankful that his uncle had cared for Aponi even after the pack had fallen apart before their eyes.