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Little Miss Birthday Girl — Whisper Caverns 
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Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
(This is Danica's over due birthday thread, back dated to May fourth.)

The now yearling had kept to herself most of her time here in Whisper Caverns, except for the occasional time spent with @Titan . She had managed to keep a very low profile while still contributing to the pack. She spent her early mornings, when it was still dark out, marking the boarders. She wasn't sure what else she was good for. Danica felt robbed of not just a beloved brother, but also knowledge she could of learned with him.

Today she was grieving again. Her mind was glued to Tacoma, no matter how hard she attempted to think of better things. Why did his memory have to haunt her today? Why was it tormenting her so? "Oh Tacoma, who would you be today if the world had been more kind to you, dear brother?" She asked quietly. Her muzzle was lifted to the sky as she gazed at the clouds. In this moment she recalled whatever she could of him. From leaving the den for the first time all the way to when he passed on. She couldn't recall much...his memory so irritably faint. Still some of it was indelible.

The girl allowed a small sigh to slip through her lips. *I bet I would of been proud of you, you could of been handsome and strong. There for us when we needed you most. I wish you were here. Ashton needs you. Last time I saw him he was so different. I need you too, ya know.* As her mind traveled over to her still living brother she wondered of his condition. She felt she knew so very little of him anymore, and hated it. Why wouldn't he spend time with her after they lost their brother? Taking in a deep breath and releasing it she calmed herself. He was still there when she needed him, for he had protected Dani from a linx. *I must be grateful for that.* She told herself firmly.

Rising to her paws she padded farther from her small cozy once upon a time fox den. Her gait was slow and easy going. *Maybe today I can see if @Ash has time to chill.* She knew so little of him and he was her Uncle. Maybe she'd benefit emotionally from it. However, the girl didn't change her path to fallow his scent. If they were to meet up it would either be by chance or him searching for her.
(This post was last modified: May 28, 2014, 10:28 PM by Danica.)
Played by TABs who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Titan Thorben
-thinks about making Dani a birthday table so I can read where she speaks more clearly-.-

Titan was observing a few plant clumps along the edges of his mothers territory. Ever since Kassander had taught Titan about other herbs that could help wolves Titan had been observant about what plants he passed by within their territory. Right now he was looking at some of the long grasses within whisper caverns territory that held ergot on their seed tips. Snuffling around at the plants brought up the memory of his lesson and a name to the boys lips.

This is.. ergot.. it's good for.....uhhhhmmm.... He racked his brain for the answer that Titan knew was there. Despite also thinking wandering thoughts about taking the plant and bringing it to the den.

It helps with.. headaches, and helps to stop bleeding I think... He nodded slowly to himself while admiring the fungus growing on the grass. He had passed two other clumps within the meadow and realized that it grew plentiful in his meadow home.

Not noticing anyone nearby nor smelling Danica's scent on the breeze, Titan gripped the plant by the stalks and tried to gnaw the grasses apart. However it was hard to do and it took the shadowy prince several minutes before he had collected all the stalks as his paws. Then the dark wolf bent his head down and opened his mouth wide to grip the large pile of grasses. With the large pile in his mouth Titan turned around to take the stuff back to the den where Kassander might make use of it. Unknowingly Titan headed straight for Danica with his load of herbs stuffed inside his mouth. "Speech here."

Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok

The Hervok alpha was still trying to get use to the new subordinates, and he was trying his best not to become too moody. Now that Athena was back, Ash was highly cautious, and did not want anything to happen to her, or her child. The only problem he saw, was that the boy, Dziban was here. Now, Ash was quite happy that Athena had found someone to treat her right, but even he still harbored feelings for her, hell, he had loved her at one time, and still held her in fairly high regards. He did not wish to make her unhappy, and he knew that it that meant letting her have her happy life with her mate, then he would allow that. He would not, however, allow Princess Aurora to fall away from under his eyes. Already he had encountered much bad luck when it had come to children, especially ones that he had ended up adopting. Ash fully hung onto the hope that the same thing would not happen to Athena's new child.

He had not really been paying much attention to where he had been going, and found himself coming upon Titan and Danica's scent trail. Titan's seemed to be mixed with herbs, which concerned the lead slightly. The yearling shouldn't have been going with herbs, and for all Ash knew, Titan did not know much about herbs. Immediately, the man pushed forward quickly, eager on finding the children to make sure that they were alright. He was relieved to see that Titan was just carrying herbs, perhaps for Kassander, and was just heading in Danica's general direction. With power, Ash strode forward, his mossy green eyes pinned on the young ones, before he finally spoke, "What are the two of you up to?"

STOCK: WolfC-Stock @ DA - LucieG-Stock @ DA & Dawnthieves.de
Table by PuppyThief
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a moose carcass that has been scavenged by coyotes nearby. +15 Health
Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
(Lol, that would be awesome! Till I end up getting a table though, I'll try coloring quotes n' thoughts.)

As the creamy silver wolf caught a whiff of her friend she grinned. He smelt odd though, carrying the scents of plants on his dark pelt. Emerald green eyes found themselves glancing back at him. "Hey, wassup with that?" She asked pointing her nose to the Ergot. Her voice had been it's normal calm and quite tone, but with a hint of curiosity. Not a minute after she spoke Ash's own voice entered her velvet ears. She hadn't even got the chance to get a better look...internally she groaned, displeased.

"Nothing much, just walking." Danica spoke a tad bit shyly to the intimidating male. She looked towards Titan...wondering what he'd say. His reply would hopefully kill two birds with one stone. Aka, Ash's and her own question.

As Danica stood there, her moist black nose began to twitch. She recalled all the prey she had seen, eaten, and heard about. It took her a little while longer then it should have, but she identified it as moose. "Mmm, how fortunate, I've seemed to have walked my way into our next meal." She mumbled to them while turning herself around. She started after it calling out "Beat you there, Titan!" With that said, she increased her speed. She hoped the two of them would fallow her.

It was funny how one's worries could simply slip away momentarily. Dani raced through the scenery without a care in the world. Leaves and stems reached out to touch her fur as she pushed by. Eventually she sprung into the air and jumped over a log. *Not much farther!* She told herself; testing her limits in both agility and speed. The yearling glanced back to stick out her tongue at the Thorben boy.

Played by TABs who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Titan Thorben
Titan grinned as Danica asked about the ergot. He ached at the chance to teach her something she didn't know. It made him feel good to be looked at with admiration of any kind. Though when Titan went to drop his herbs in order to answer the inquisitive she wolf a deep voice he didn't like hearing boomed questioningly around him. Dropping the last of the herbs and pawing them into a pile Titan heard Danica's reply to Ash then glanced forwards to give his own.

"I was collecting ergot, the fungus on these grasses, to increase Kassander's store of herbs back in the cave." He reported to the burly male then grinned and glanced to Danica. "Coincidentally, I almost ran into her with my stash on the way back from the outer parts of our territory." He spoke sure of himself since Titan's had done no wrong. He hoped Ash would respect his dealing with medicinal plants and not call him some flower loving pansy. "I'm learning about the useful herbs and stuff from Kassander while I teach him English." Titan quickly added the last comment then wondered what @Ash would do or say. It was then that a tantalizing smell brought in by the wind caught Danica's attention first. Titan couldn't smell too much past the medicinal plant perfume all over his muzzle. She alerted him to the free meal then dashed off to beat him to it.

Titan's stomach growled at the mention of food. He took a few paw steps forward to follow Dani but stopped as he realized he still had to carry back the herbs. Quickly he gathered up as much of the ergot as he could in his jaws before taking off after Danica. Unfortunately individual pieces of grass flew out of his bundle as the male raced away after Danica's disappearing tail. Blankly Titan wondered if Ash was following to make sure they didn't get into trouble or if the man had lost interest and continued on his duties.

(This post was last modified: Jul 02, 2014, 06:07 PM by Titan.)
Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok

He watched in amusement as the children easily wandered away from their duties. The alpha did not question them though, because they were lucky...unlike him. At the age that he was able to take of himself, he was sent away from the Hervok pack, one that he had once been brought up to rule by his father. But instead, Ash was sent away and into a world of murder and false beliefs. The large man still could not forgive his father for his harsh actions against Nina, and had furthermore, decided to stay within the confines of Relic Lore, where he was not known for killing. He was much more tamed now that his sister had helped him, along with Treena, and he found himself enjoying the children's games.

When Titan began to speak, the brutal male looked at his charge, his mossy green eyes pinned on him as he spoke of what he wished to become. It was surprising to hear that the young man was pursuing healing when his brother was pursuing a much more violent field. Nodding his head accepting the boy's choice, Ash spoke calmly, "That is good...everyone should know the basics...and healing is an extremely important field. My sister, Nina, is an extremely skilled healer in Secret Woodlands, if you ever find the urge, feel free to go there with Mister Xanilov. I'm sure he would appreciate the lesson that I promised him." He spoke softly, his eyes then snapping to Danica as he small form rushed off.

The older man found himself trailing behind the two yearlings, deciding it would be best to keep an eye on his two charges. He did, however, slip into the shadows in the process, disappearing from the scene but still being there, his dark form blending in easily to the shadows of his land. He knew that sooner or later he too would have to go visit with his beloved sister. It had been two long since their last visit and Ash knew that if he didn't go there, word would somehow get to her that he was nearby and then he would be reprimanded for not telling her of his location sooner. With this in mind, he silently stalked the two children, his presence like a ghost.

STOCK: WolfC-Stock @ DA - LucieG-Stock @ DA & Dawnthieves.de
Table by PuppyThief