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Semi-Nocturnal — Secret Woodlands 
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Played by Mily who has 268 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Miccah Athesila
@Pacem Slight pp guys, so tell me if you want anything changed :)

The man had been busy as of late, as always. When he was not at the borders, he was either hunting to fill up the caches with what he could or bringing food to @Nina and the pups. Secretly of course. He would lay the food right at the entrance of the den and then take his leave. When he was doing neither of those activities, he traversed through the shadows, keeping an eye on all of his pack mates, watching their activities at the current time. The black alpha rarely took a break from his constant movement, but as of now, the male had felt weary so he had decided to call it an early night. Well, early for him. He usually didn't enter the communal den until he made sure that all of his pack mates were accounted for and then stayed out later than that. Most days, he didn't enter the den and go to sleep until about midnight. Even now, as the sun was no longer in his sight, the man could not fall asleep. His brain just kept on churning with what he had to accomplish and what he had to do the next day. It just wouldn't shut off. Huffing lightly in annoyance, the large male silently lifted his bulk and headed out of the den, careful to not disturb his sleeping pack mates.

A few feet away from the communal den, he laid down in a sphinx-like position. Maybe he had felt too cramped. Closing his eyes, Miccah tried to go to sleep once again. But after minutes of no progress, he irritably stood up once again. Maybe he just needed to go for a walk. He knew his sleeping schedule was wonked, but he hadn't realized it was this wonked. As he was about to take a step toward Secret Woodlands borders, he heard a twig snap nearby. Immediately the man lifted himself to his full height, his black banner shifting high in the soft breeze. His dark blue gaze was attentive as he tried to figure out who was nearby.
(This post was last modified: May 28, 2014, 12:19 AM by Miccah.)
Played by Adopt who has 40 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Pacem Hervok
Pacem is being sassy today :P

Oh yes, he was being so sneaky! It wasn't gonna get caught by his mama this time and he wouldn't have to go to bed yet! He took his eyes off of his path occasionally in order to find where his paws were but the boy go slightly distracted when... Snap. Okay, maybe he wasn't as undisclosed as he thought. The very many he was following, one almost visible black blob that reminded him of his own pelt color, had been alerted by his presence and was searching for him. It was time to face the wolf face to face although Pacem had to admit he was a bit frightened by the idea. He didn't know who the wolf was or what he was doing semi-close to his home (by that meaning Nina's birthing den).

He pushed his way out until he was sitting on his paws, his denim blue eyes focusing on the somewhat clear blob. His vision improved everyday but it was far from that of an adult wolf. "Who arhe youh?" He voiced, careful to articulate his words as the young and rambunctious wolf wanted answers from a very wolf, who those Pacem didn't know it, who led beside his mother. He would have a determined look upon his face as he gave what he thought to be a cold stare at the man. It was clear the pup was out for a bit of an adventure but as well as what he thought was guardian work. He wasn't too far from the den, though it was just out of site for him, farther than he had ever dared go before. With a loud exhale through his nose he waited for his answer. The prince hated to be kept waiting.

(This post was last modified: May 28, 2014, 12:55 AM by Pacem.)
Played by Mily who has 268 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Miccah Athesila


The 'enemy' that he had been expecting wasn't even an enemy at all. More accurately, it was one of Nina's puffballs that came into his view. Immediately his posture relaxed and his tail lowered significantly. His eyes grew soft as he stared at the boy, for he had always held a soft spot for children. It wouldn't change just because he was in not-so-good terms with the mother. An amused smirk threatened to cross his features as he watched the boy try to seem tough, trying to send a cold glare his way. A small chuckle rumbled through him as he gazed down at the dark-pelted young prince. As Miccah opened his maw to answer, the alpha wondered briefly if the boy he was looking at was Pacem, Silentium or Unitas. "A Gaurdian," he responded in his strong baritone. It wasn't far from the truth. That was what he had been aiming for, before the whole Hollow fiasco happened. Its not like he could tell the boy he led beside his mother, and their relationship was strained...at best of times. No, that would never fly.

He stared into the child's blue eyes, slowly lowering himself to his haunches. After all, he didn't want to scare off the lad. "I'm Miccah," he continued. "And you are?", he finished in a questioning tone. Maybe his life wasn't shit after all. With the way things were going lately - Nina, Ashanti, the pack - he had begun to lament the cards that the Fates had thrown at him. But as he stared at the boy, he realized he just had to deal with it. Life was shit, sprinkled with a few moments of bliss. But for now, he would enjoy the company of the little furball. He could use a few laughs.

Burtn @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
(This post was last modified: Jun 09, 2014, 09:01 PM by Miccah.)
Played by Adopt who has 40 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Pacem Hervok

The dark blob that found him introduced himself as a guardian named Miccah and the little boy giggled at it. Why was he laughing? He had no idea but he found it funny. “Micheach gwaurdiwan?” He asked in his distorted voice with a curious tone to it. He was up on his paws with an eager stance, his tail wagging from side to side as he went forth to find the truth from the man. Did this guardian protect him and Nina and Silentium and Unitas? The overly curious pup was filled with questions as the moon shone down on him. His tail would continue to wag vigorously in a playful way as he batted at the man with his paws in a playful manner.

The guardian then asked the puppy his name and the boy responded in a distorted voice. “Ih’me Pachkem.” It frustrated him that himself saying his name sounded nothing like Bane’s way of saying it or his mother’s way of saying it. He also wondered if this man ever visited, even when Pacem himself was asleep. “Ahrae youh meh mum’s fwriend?” He asked the man with a curious and cautious tone. He didn’t necessarily care if the man knew his mother but he also didn’t know the danger that stranger wolves could pose to his family and the pack. He didn’t really know much but he was barely three weeks old and so that was to be expected. He was just so eager to explore and meet new wolves!

This Miccah guy seemed to be alright in his book.