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erase — Arbol Rosado 
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Played by Steph who has 279 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Kite Tainn
Kite wondered if any herds could be found in this particular area. Arbol Rosado was just outside the Thicket and at the edge of the Fields; Kite wondered if she placed her body in one area... Now I'm in two places at once, she convinced herself. Kite thought that was pretty much the coolest thing ever, until she recalled what she was supposed to be doing here. Still, Kite was amazed by this particular tree. She had seen shades of green before, and even naked trees. Autumn she had always missed; the plains were massive and the forest too far away to ever be near when the colors changed. But this particular shade... on a tree... It was lovely.

And unique. Kite circled the tree, her eyes going up and down it. What kind of tree was this? Kite felt quite uneducated; she knew of herbs, but not simple trees? Well, just this tree. But it was still frustrating. The yearling decided to not let this bother her. She would ask Mirren if he knew when she returned from her scouting expedition. Thus far, Kite had not been able to scout out packs since the role was not official and therefore not truly legitimate. If Nina sent her on official business, or Miccah, it would be different; but she was just training for now. She had found one herd thus far, but wondered if there was another closer to home, one that the Woodlands themselves could hunt. It would be nice to have a herd that another pack did not prey on. If she could help it, she'd prefer to keep the Woodlands resources their own. Kite knew that this was an unreasonable expectation... but a girl could dream. Life in the plains had been different; there were no other packs around them, and the ones that did attempt to take root were quickly chased off by her family. Prey was bountiful.
Played by Rachel who has 119 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nios Tainn

Nios, as stubborn as he was, swept along the outskirts of the pack lands, knowing Mirren would catch his scent and either be eased by his presence, or seek him out for confrontation. He remained a lone wolf for now -- his refusal to join the ranks of Secret Woodlands were partly brought on from his absolute butthurt notion that Mirren had simply joined a pack without discussing it with him prior -- but also because Nina was there.. and in turn, he could not swear such loyalty to her without becoming overly attached. Copper Rock Creek needed to thrive, and to do so, he needed to remain distant to the means of having this dream become a reality once more.

Despite his intentions on keeping a closer eye on his brother, the ebony male maintained a respectful distance from the pack borders. The last thing he desired was to have an angry pack on his heels -- especially one as large as the pack his previous caretaker lead. So the day found him rounding the lush terrain of the cherry orchard, stopping every so often to nudge at the plants and decipher who had visited here prior to him.

As his investigations continued, the wind gave the tell tale signal that another was here -- even more importantly, a creature of the Woodlands. Nios hesitated for a moment, debating on slipping away and elsewhere, to conceal himself among the fragrant smells of the blossoms.. but something else encouraged him further. The very strong scent of his brother as well.

As he came to the tree, his eyes fell upon the slender she-wolf, circling the tree and looking at it quizzically. Much like his father, the swarthy wolf held little regard for the beauty of the lands -- he was far more interested as t why this stranger did not just hold Mirren's scent as a pack mate would.. but was absolutely drenched in it. Indicating his presence with a gentle bark, the male stopped, leaving a distance between the two, his own muzzle dipping slightly to show her he came on neutral terms.

'cause its home, but it's gone

Played by Steph who has 279 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Kite Tainn
Her concentration was broken when, in her peripherals, she noted the presence of another. The scent Mirren wore was indelible, but in the moment she did not note any similarities between Nios and the scent of her mate. The wind was not in her favor regardless, and so Kite looked at him, her eyes sharp and her ears leaning ever so slightly in his direction to indicate that she was listening as opposed to aggressive. But when his posture demonstrated to her he was no threat, and he whuffed gently, most of her worry dissipated. The thing about wolves were that their intentions were written very clearly upon their body. Perhaps she was naive, but Kite had never been deceived before by another thus far in her life. The newest Tainn—by mateship—thus put some trust in the other.

Kite's own posture changed as he expressed his neutrality. She seemed receptive and welcome to him, her tail swaying loosely at her hocks. Kite did not know if he wished to join her, but she offered it then. Hey, she greets, Looking for company, or passing through? Kite never had any desire to impose, and now was no different. The yearling was eager to meet another, and she had no idea in the slightest it was Mirren's brother. Even with Vaeta she had not known until it was blatantly exposed; but, she was no mind-reader, and so she remained oblivious to the fact that before her very eyes was a sibling to the Tainn who she now and forever would walk beside.

He was strong looking, to be sure, and perhaps she would have noticed that he was handsome to boot had she not been so very keen on her mate. His coat was as dark as her younger brothers, and she welcomed that familiarity she had only found in one another, Anouke; but he had not been warm, and so Kite did not piece that together as she did now.
Played by Rachel who has 119 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nios Tainn

His eyes swept over her – the easiness of her stance, and the delicate way with which she held herself. There was no distrust in her eyes and Nios could not decide if that meant she was simple in her naivety, or if he was simply a wolf who did not elicit fear of any form. Musing quietly, the swarthy male decided it was likely the latter, and as she returned a greeting, he loped forward a few paces so as to close the distance between them.

Her age was close to he and his brother – despite the gold of her pelt, he quickly swept aside the potential of her being Nina’s daughter, for she would have had to have been born when his parents had been in the valley. “Both,” he rumbled in turn, halting a respectful distance still from the she-wolf as his bright golden eyes trailed to the woods behind her. “My brother lives here – I wanted him to know I haven’t left him behind,” he finally offered, deciding the transparent route was best. After all, it wouldn’t do Mirren any good for him to piss off his pack if his scent was around constantly. If anything, it might have been a wiser choice to also meet with Nina and allow her to know of his presence.. though he did not want the potential of an invitation to stay within her lands. She had been left behind once.. with Nios’ desire to see Copper Rock Creek revived, he could not join her once more only to abandon her.

'cause its home, but it's gone

Played by Steph who has 279 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Kite Tainn
When the other drew closer, Kite kept close watch. But he stopped a good distance away, so that she felt comfortable. Strangers were, well, strange; but very few had ever been truly cruel and surprised her. When a wolf did not want company, they chased her off of went their own way. This one seemed alright with her presence, and when he spoke Kite was glad to see that he was willing to linger in it. Kite sniffs, nostrils flaring to drink in his scent. There is something undeniably familiar about his musk. And it was easy enough, despite his bulk, to guess his approximate age...

If you'd like, I could leave them a message? I live here, too, after all. Her voice is warm, though Kite wonders if the dark stranger before her would prefer it be he who alerts his brother of his presence. That she could understand... Kite supposed she would rather that if it were her. Still, her invitation politely stood, and then she introduces herself. I'm Kite, by the way. The agouti woman smiles. The yearling was a kind one, one who always was quick to extend an open heart to another being regardless of who they were (thus far in life). Kite had not been wronged or wounded before by another, though her mother did always warn her to be guarded. Still, experience taught her better than words did. While Kite believed the woman, the words did not ring in her head always. Such as now, for instance.
(This post was last modified: Jul 20, 2014, 08:15 PM by Kite.)
Played by Rachel who has 119 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nios Tainn

She offered to deliver him a message – the invitation was a tempting one, though he took a few moments to determine what it was he wanted to say. Mirren and he were on thin ice – his disappearing act had distressed his brother more than he had imagined, given Mirren’s blatant lack of respect toward him and determining where they should stay together rather than the tawny male simply finding a home without telling him. There was still a bitterness there, and if the swarthy male was truthful.. he only refused to attempt entry to Secret Woodlands as a pack member if only because he had never been included in the initial decision.

“Nios,” he returned in kind, dipping his muzzle down in gratitude to her offer, though his tail gave a flick of consideration. “My brother, Mirren – can you tell him to seek me out when he’s ready to talk and has a moment? I’ll be around. I’m not leaving.” It was a personal matter, and that was likely the extent of what he would give the she-wolf who made the kind offer.

He made no move to close the distance between them, though his bright eyes would trail to the woods that encompassed his brother’s soul for now. Come time to break away, if they continued with their original plan.. would he leave Nina behind? The she-wolf had been a friend and guardian to them when they were younger, though it would seem his tawny sibling held her closer to his heart than Nios did.

His heart belonged to Copper Rock Creek, and with or without Mirren he would see it revived.

'cause its home, but it's gone

Played by Steph who has 279 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Kite Tainn
The name caused her ears to perk forward at attention. Nios. That name... it was incredibly familiar. And in an instant, it clicked. Her tail waved and her smile grew all the more broad, not at all aware that the news she was to share might cause all the more tension between he and his brother. I have heard of you, Kite starts, her tail waving. Your brother has told me of you and your sister, who is here as well. She pauses, waits a beat, and then decides, I'll tell him, of course, she nods to him, and then, because she was quite eloquent, Your brother, he's my mate, actually.

Kite wondered how the brother would handle it. Kite had only ever heard good things about the family, but she hardly knew Nios. Then again, she had hardly known Vaeta... but still, Kite knew well enough that getting into things couldn't all be wonderful though that was her aspiration. She thought it would be rude of her to not tell him now and thus make things awkward in the future when Mirren broke the news. The two of them as a front might wonder why she didn't inform him... and then she wondered if it were even her place to tell him. I think he'll want to tell you that, when he sees you, she starts, But I thought it'd be... strange, if I didn't tell you now. Like I was hiding something. She laughs, but prepares, mentally, for what might come.
Played by Rachel who has 119 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nios Tainn

Her smile stretched even further across her features, not that Nios had thought it possible. Blinking his golden eyes, his jaws opened to question her bubbly nature, finding it rather endearing, but quickly snapped shut when she delivered him some very interesting news.

Mirren had taken a mate.

A silence stretched between them for a moment as the swarthy male maintained a stoical mask upon his features. He had never considered his brother one to fall so easily, and yet here she was.. only a season after he had last seen the tawny male. He did not doubt his brother’s mind upon the matter – she was beautiful, friendly.. and likely what an alpha male would look for in a mate. It would be no surprise to either brother should the future bring them to blows over who would rule over Copper Rock Creek, and yet, as Mirren was one step ahead of him with another to lead beside him, Nios found himself almost pleased with the news. This very she-wolf could be the mother to his future nephews and nieces.

The Tainn family legacy would thrive on.. Ruiko and Aeylen’s legacy.

Her laughter was what pulled him from his thoughts, and Nios finally dipped his muzzle slightly. “My congratulations to you,” he decided then, his words carefully selected, as if he would scare her away should he say something wrong. “This is news I was not expecting. What else has my brother been up to?” Clearly, Nios had missed quite a bit in his brief absence from Relic Lore.

'cause its home, but it's gone