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We didn't start the fire — The Wildwood 
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Played by Namara who has 402 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karpos Slayer
we must accept finite disappointment,
karpos slayer
but never lose infinite hope...

The boy had been watching intently from the forest below the prey that moved through the area. He liked to find himself in the Wildwood just to think and clear his head which he had been doing a lot. He would go and spend a day or two out in the Wildwood scouting as he explored more pack roles then just being a guardian. He knew in his heart what he wanted to do but it wouldn't hurt to have more skills under his belt should the time come when a pack stops looking for guardians and starts looking for hunters or scouts or healers. He probably would not seek out to learn how to heal but he would consider it for a while, playing with the idea.

He closed his right eye to test the vision in his left and while it wasn't gone or even bad, it was still worse then from before the fight. It bothered him that he had let his aunt get to his face. How could he have been so stupid? He could still feel the mental sting despite the physical pain being gone. The scar was all he had left to remember the fight by. It had been a fight of pride more then anything, a stupid fight, and he had paid for it dearly. His jet black fur would weave through the trees as he explored the forest. There were many prey scents but he did not pursue a single one. He was there to clear his head, not to hunt.

Played by Becca who has 12 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Auva Caravello
Auva had no idea where she had wandered to. It was much farther than she intended. In fact she had traveled for sometime that she had gone over the mountains into these woodlands. These woods and trees seemed much better than that hollow place by the falls. At least for the moment they did.

Her trip had been silent this far except for the occasional birds or other prey lurking around her traveling path. So the last thing the ivory Caravello expected was to run into someone. Not even thinking about sniffing for the scent of someone she walked on and on. It wasn't until she caught the sight of a shadowy that her ivory white form stopped dead in her tracks. It was too late to try and hide, besides, her large form and pale coat was already a give away to where she was. But in hopes that it would work she slowly sunk her form down to the ground hoping that maybe she had just enough time to slink away.

Moving as silent as she could her paw caught on a spare twig and it snapped under her weight pressure. Turning her head to look back to the shadowy figure she rose to her full weight again. She had no choice but to say something now and not seem suspicious. Taking a deep breath in she held herself a bit low and respectful of the other. "Hello, I'm sorry for interrupting you. Is this your lands?" Auva hadn't smelt any scents but who knew what could happen in these lands, especially since she was brand new.
Played by Namara who has 402 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karpos Slayer
we must accept finite disappointment,
karpos slayer
but never lose infinite hope...


A twig broke behind him and he turned with his fur on edge. He relaxed a bit to see an ivory femme standing before him. She spoke and apologized before asking if she was trespassing and he shook his head. "There are not my lands... yet." He offered with a small smile being tossed her way. Both of his eyes were opened to their normal amount rather than having one shut as he had before. "I'm Karpos Slayer." He introduced with a dip of his head in greeting. She seemed familiar though he knew he had never seen her before. Maybe it was just that she reminded him of Ana, though with a different eye color and her fur was not as white as his adoptive mother's had been.

Had been.

The words had stung at his heart but he stayed calm and he smiled at little bit. He waited for a name from her and he sat back on his haunches. He payed attention to her while he thought about different things. The location truly was beautiful, though not quite as well as the falls his father had founded quite some time ago. He thought about scaling the butte to take another look off the top as he had not been up there since his fight but he decided against it. There was another wolf around and he preferred to go up there alone or with a good friend. He awaited her words with an eagerness as he was excited to learn who she was.

Played by Becca who has 12 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Auva Caravello
Auva relaxed a bit when the male said these weren't his lands, or at least they weren't yet. She was assuming the younger boy had his future set on making a pack and claiming these lands. Then he went on to introduce himself as Karpos Slayer. She wasn't too interested on finding out how that last name came to be. Especially with that mark over his eye.

"Nice to meet you Karpos Slayer. I'm Auva Caravello." She nodded her head respectful to the dark male. Smiling wide to expose her ivory teeth in a friendly way she looked over the male. Not as big as her but he was a decent and well build. "If I may ask, Karpos, what brings you out here? Hunting, herbs, company?" She wasn't one to usually push but he seemed friendly enough, at least for the moment he seemed friendly. Moving herself just a tad bit closer she found a place to sit and lean against one of the many large trees surrounding the two wolves.

The large Caravello found it kind of interesting how they seemed opposites. His fur dark and her's light. He seemed to hold an air of confidence and she, well not so much. Auva couldn't help but chuckle lightly at these thoughts. He might think of her as crazy for randomly chuckling but she couldn't hold it in. Besides, she had her moments of random thoughts just like anyone might have. Or at least she was guessing anyone had their random thoughts. But perhaps she was the only one.
Played by Namara who has 402 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karpos Slayer
we must accept finite disappointment,
karpos slayer
but never lose infinite hope...

"Nice to meet you Karpos Slayer. I'm Auva Caravello."

No, he'd never heard of her but he had heard of that particular last name. It was a name that he knew all to well. It was the same last name as his Uncle Ace and he immediately relaxed a bit more. She asked what brought him out around the Wildwood and he looked up at the butte. "I'm just scouting out my future home is all." He would state simply as he stood and started to head towards the butte. "Follow me!" He called out as he started to race towards the slope that would eventually lead to the top of the butte. He hoped the girl would follow the boy who suddenly acted so carefree.

He would reach the top of the butte before speaking. He didn't even look to see if she was there, he just trusted his gut that she was. "I have an uncle who isn't my real uncle. His name is Ace Caravello and he practically raised me after my father died. Are you two related?" He would ask as he remembered Silver's closeness to Ace. They were mates he was pretty sure. He would keep his eyes closed as a wind swept through his fur. It felt good and it felt right. It might just be the higher than normal land he liked. He loved the Nomad's Pass territory and perhaps the butte just reminded him of it. He didn't care because it wasn't something for him to care about. All he knew was this was gonna be his home someday.

Played by Becca who has 12 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Auva Caravello
As the boy cried out a "Follow me!" Auva was quick to follow him. Making sure to avoid any low branches, fallen trees, and anything else that may mess up the pale woman from following the dark male. So far so good as her large form weaved around.

Soon they came to a stopping point where the white Caravello would stop to listen to his words. "I have an uncle who isn't my real uncle. His name is Ace Caravello and he practically raised me after my father died. Are you two related?" Wagging her tail she was joyed to hear there was more Caravellos and especially in these lands with her. "I'm not too sure Karpos, but since we both carry the last name I'm sure that means we are!" Her shyness slowly started to simmer away since the boy was being so friendly to her. Perhaps this could be the start of a great friendship.

"So earlier you talked about scouting out your future home, right? If I may ask I'd like to know more about this future home you plan on making." Her tailed moved a few times back and forth making a wagging motion as a smile sought a way to her face. She liked this male so far. Taking a seat she let her ears stand tall and alert on her head ready to catch any word from him. Depending on what the boy had to say Auva might possibly want in on helping out with this future pack the Slayer spoke of.
Played by Namara who has 402 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karpos Slayer
we must accept finite disappointment,
karpos slayer
but never lose infinite hope...

Karpos grinned as she stated she must be related to him if they shared the same unique last name. He felt comfortable around her, she didn't judge him for the things he had done because she didn't know what they were. He would prefer to keep it that way. She asked about his future hope and the plans he had for it and he smiled. Was she interested in it? "I'm going to start a pack when I'm older. I'm still trying to decide on a name but it is going to be here, in this forest and atop this butte." He started to explain to her with excitement evident in his voice. He always loved talking about his plans for the future. He loved it all.

His tail wagged from side to side in excitement as he continued to talk about it. "I was thinking it could be Burnt Sycamore Butte or maybe Scarred Sycamore Butte because of that burnt sycamore tree over by the path up to the tip top where we are now but I'm not entirely sure." He started off again ina a tangent once more. "I'm hoping that maybe my sister will join me here but she might want to stay in Cut Rock River too so apart from that I need to find wolves who would be willing to aid me in my endeavor. Then I need to find someone to lead beside me too. That might be a bit important." He said really fast as he looked at her. "It is still very much a work in progress but I've got almost an entire year to think about it and plan things out. A lot can happen in a year too."

Played by Becca who has 12 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Auva Caravello
"I like Burnt Sycamore Butte. It has a ring to it." Her tail swayed behind her as the wide smile sat on her face. Listening along carefully she took in everything. "Cut Rock River? Is that the pack you are in now Karpos?" She picked certain times to speak so she wouldn't sound rude. It was merely that curiosity of being in a new place getting to her. So for the time being she let him finish everything up what he was saying.

When he was finally done she nodded softly to him. "I like the sound of your goals Karpos." Her voice was soft and caring to him. "I'd be willing to help you now. I have skills in healing but I could also teach others." She figured that those were the best two things she could do for someone in a pack. "I'll be heading over the mountains but I would love to meet with you again. Preferably before the winter comes around. Later summer or fall perhaps?" She wasn't keen on letting Karpos get this plan set out and done without her help in it. Auva knew that a chance like this is what she was looking for. It would help her with social skills and just being a better wolf in general. That was what she needed.

Taking in a deep breath she went to go speak again. "I like you Karpos. You aren't that bad." Putting her nose to his shoulder she nudged him lightly adding a soft chuckle to the end of it.
Played by Namara who has 402 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karpos Slayer
One more post from each of us and we can wrap it up?

we must accept finite disappointment,
karpos slayer
but never lose infinite hope...

She gave some real good input about the name, pointing out that Burnt Sycamore has a nice ring to it and he spoke up rather shyly. "I know it does but Scarred Sycamore has more of a past to it than Burnt Sycamore does." He voice was rather quiet as he gazed over the edge of the butte, watching and waiting. He had no idea what his life would be like in the future but he just hoped it was a good one. He hoped he achieved all he sought to be. Part of him wondered if he could actually pull it off, if he could hold his dreams up long enough until he was old enough to make them a reality. Could he build his own legacy?

He was concerned with his plans more more than one reason. He had the looming threat of Elettra with her bunch of wolves in Willow Ridge while he seemed to put a second enemy on his back... Hollowheart Keep. He listened though, because Auva said she liked his goals and provided herself with some excellent traits. He smiled as he looked at her. She suggested that they should meet up again before winter found its way around the area and he nodded. "I'd like that! My uncle I was telling you about, the one you must be related too, he's on the other side of the mountains too in a pack called Magnolia Glen. Perhaps you should seek him out." He suggested as she said he wasn't all that bad. "You aren't either." He admitted with a goofish grin.

Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a family of deer nearby. Hunt Opportunity