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Tiptoe — Spectral Woods 
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Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon

His steps were not brisk as he entered familiar land, in fact they seemed to slow the deeper into the woods he made it. Of course he should have realized this before he crossed the mountain, that Triell might not take kindly to a longer absence, even if he was just as much a scout. But his adventurousness had gotten away with him, now he would have to own up to it; This is why I prefer to be my own boss! The black wolf shook his head, that wasn't fair though, he respected Triell, the young man was a noble wolf and a good leader; So hopefully he won't take this too seriously...

Working his way through the Spectral Woods, Drestig Avalon tried to gather his thoughts to form a proper report, stringing together what information he had gathered on his trip. Most of it had been uneventful though, but he had come across a few herds within their hunting grounds; and a few wolves. But mostly he had just been trekking, alone, stretching his legs after a long winter of keeping within Oak Tree Bend borders.

He did long to cross back into his home though, walk the familiar paths and see the faces of his new kin; Zera and Darrah... A bright smile graced the black man's muzzle, the puppies, they were growing so fast, how much bigger might they have gotten while he had been gone? The thought made his gait quicken, even with his worry for his leader's wrath, he could not wait to see the little ones again. He was close now too, it wouldn't be long before he crossed the border; Home!

Word Count: 279

My mind is my own ”I'll say whatever I want to!”
Chari-ot @DA & Dawnthieves.de

Played by Namara who has 15 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Arcania Soli
I've been rooting for Voldemort, Vader, and The Joker

Swiggity Swag, Arcania has a stag. She had been tracking the scent of a herd for a few hours only to turn up cold and it was severely confusing to her. She sighed as she was forced to give up the endeavor as she determined that it had been the forest playing tricks on her again. Why just a few days before she could have sworn she saw a ghost but instead it had been the fog and some branches messing with her mind. She had to admit it was slightly infuriating to know that she had lost the scent when she had been asked to keep a lookout for something for the pack to hunt. The small irritation shown through her eyes and her gait as she stomped around a bit through the forest.

She tried to find another scent of more prey that she could call a hunt for but she turned up empty... except for that of another wolf of the Bend which happened to be nearby. Nayeli had encouraged her to go out and try to find more packmates to connect with and so that is what she would do. She would creep through the trees with her eyes narrowed before seeing the jet black pelt move through the trees. She gulped nervously before walking out. "Oi! 'Ello there." She would say with a soft smile as she introduced herself. "I'm Arcania." The introduction was short and simple to match her rather casual personality. She would give him a curious glance as she hoped she was not making a bad impression.

Without them there is no story
The villains are the heroes


Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon

The black man was just turning in to one of the familiar trails along the border when he noticed someone watching him, the wind carrying away, her scent only reaching him right before the bronze form appeared between the trees. Slightly startled, Drestig stopped in his tracks, looking at her with wide eyes, mouth slightly open as she called to him, swiftly offering a short introduction along with a light smile. He looked back in puzzled silence for a moment, letting his fiery gaze run along her sturdy frame, brows lifting slightly at the long, shaggy fur. She was a chunk taller than him, though with fewer muscles it seemed - but her actual size was hard to tell under all the hair - and young, not much passed her first year he would guess, and her eyes were pale, like the overcast sky; he met them evenly after finishing his examination, the hint of a wry smile starting to curl on his muzzle.

Breathing in her scent once more, the dark lad tried to figure out whether it was one he had smelled before. It clearly bore the markings of The Bend, Nayeli's approval clearly stamped over the natural odor of the fae. A new addition... Had he glimpsed her around before he left? He wasn't sure, Oak Tree Bend had attracted quite a few new wolves over the summer. Finally he opened his maw, releasing a breathy laugh before answering the young fae; "Well hello there. I'm Drestig Avalon," He waved an ear at her, now fully regaining his composure after the small surprise, a full, crooked grin lighting up his swarthy face; "I would welcome you to The Bend, but that doesn't really seem appropriate with me being the one arriving." Offering a small bow of his head, the older man refused to release her gaze, but he waved his tail lightly and rolled his shoulders back, presenting himself without ceremonial rank displays, preferring to stay relaxed; No need for all that formality.

Word Count: 336

My mind is my own ”I'll say whatever I want to!”
Chari-ot @DA & Dawnthieves.de