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don't shoot the messenger — Blackberry Fields 
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Played by Arya who has 30 posts.
Tobius Alexander
All welcome!! He's calling for pack members however! @Tokino @Minka

tobius alexander

As he crept along the the blackberry bushes, his mind wandered to the white cloaked woman that was currently prisoner within his father's grasp. He had tried to get her out, but he had failed her. He had failed himself. This woman was an innocent and didn't know what was in store for her if she stayed within his father's lands, but there was no way to get her out without others. His father had a force that was just as afraid to work under him as they are to become disloyal to him, so they stay, thinking that is the best thing for them. However, Tobius escaped. He had to leave. Needed to leave, but part of him knew that he would come back for the mysterious woman that was still in his father's clutches. She had passed on a message to him to find this @Ash Hervok and her daughter @Rory . She had told him that they lived the caverns of the south meadows, but he was unfamiliar with this place. He didn't know where the meadows were or where these caverns were hidden, but he knew he had to try or Athena would parish without any help.

The scents in the air suggested there was a pack nearby, perhaps someone would know of this "Ash". Positioning himself far enough away from the borders, he released a deep howl for the leaders of this land. The leaders would most likely know the most, however, he didn't know what to expect from these foreign lands. As he waited patiently, he glanced back at his injured hind paw. His father had taken a good chunk of his foot when he escaped. The wound was already starting to heal and didn't hurt as much as it had before when he walked. Now he could run and walk without much difficulty, but the lingering pain was still there.

the messenger
Played by TABs who has 229 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kova Lagina
Feel free to skip him once Minka comes to talk :)

Kova Lagina
memoria et lux

Kova was venturing around the territory as per usual soaking in the knowledge of paths not traveled. He had all but scoured the territory by himself once Minka and Tokino had allowed them to leave the den and look around on their own. Just as long as they stayed within the borders. He knew that well by now and also knew that the borders weren't always very smelly. Sometimes he would have to look for landmarks or stoop his head low to catch a whiff of the marker.

Today however the borders were strong and bold. Unbeknownst to him, the pack had stepped up border patrols because of Secret woodland wolf scent appearing more often close to the borders.

Kova sat quietly observing a large moth which had caught his attention. It was mostly brown in base color, but had black rimmed wings with a dark brown body. What was the strangest part about the moth was that painted on its thorax near the head were what looked like bones. A skull of some kind stared back at the boy as he leaned forward to look over the strange moth. He had never seen one like this before, although Kova could recall seeing many different kinds of moths with all kinds of colors. This one was definitely his favorite now.

It was while the boy was staring back at the skull moth that the howl for the leaders of the pack made the child jerk in response. His blue eyes twitched to the left where the achingly close howl had come from. Kova stood stock still unsure of what to do. He was inside the border. So he shouldn't get into trouble. Or at least that was how the Lagina child thought.

Creeping forward to see who was calling for his parents, Kova hid under the thick blackberry bushes. He crawled until the scent of the border stopped him then looked around for the stranger. The silver child wasn't sure if the wolf calling for Minka and Tokino was a part of his pack or not. However as he caught the fresh scent of the male coming from a breeze to his right Kova froze.

He does not have mom or dad's smell on him. He's an enemy and not pack. Mom won't like seeing me near him. Kova thought quietly not wanting to get into trouble again. He turned away from the border and moved silently further into Black Thorn Downs territory looking for his mother who should be coming to the strangers call. Once she came then maybe he could stick around and listen in on their conversation.

Played by Arya who has 30 posts.
Tobius Alexander
tobius alexander

Silence rolled through the trees as his deep rumble faded into the sky. Dark ears perked forward to catch any response, but none followed. Settling down into his haunches, Tobius stayed alert in case this pack was the aggressive sort. He was still waiting patiently when he swore he heard something in the bushes. Stepping forward to stand on all fours, he was about to take one step forward when he saw it. A small flash of white through the dark bush. Whatever it was that was behind the bush was small and instantly he thought it may be a pup. With that thought, he knew he should back off, but he was desperate. Athena is suffering under the hand of his father.

"Hello?" His low voice abruptly broke the silence of the trees. "Is anyone there?" He asked, knowing that someone had to be, but he wasn't about to trespass to find out for sure. He let the silence fill the air once again as he waited for a response or anything from the one behind the borders. If it was pup, part of him hoped that someone wouldn't be far behind him, but then again he knew that the pack would instantly be on edge with a pup so close. Tobius meant no harm, he just wanted to ask some questions.

"I just want to ask some questions about the land," he added, hopefully this would deter any adult member nearby from being aggressive towards him. He wasn't here to join or create any nonsense. He was on a mission. A mission that could potentially save a life from the paws of his father.

the messenger
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a deer that was killed by a lynx nearby. +10 Health
Played by Alisha who has 66 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Laurel Boughinn
OoC: hopping in for some excitement!

Today was the day she was leaving the Blackberry Fields for the second time- she needed to head back towards the falls. It was almost as if it was pulling at her, like it was the only place she could rest her paws without fear of tripping into another wolf she didn't know. However, Laurel did make the decision to swing close to the easily scented pack borders- she wanted one more chance to run into Atlas. The dark female wasn't going to actually call for him- she felt that it would be awkward. Let chance and fate run their courses, and if they didn't meet again, then it was no big deal. Her den wasn't too far away for a try in the next month or so.

Her paws stopped, however, at a howl that called for leaders- undoubtedly leaders of the pack whose borders she was loosely skirting. Logically, if something eventful were to happen, a lone wolf's best position was to be away from it. But Laurel's curiosity was too strong at the moment- she had seen requests before, but never from the outside of a pack. Now could be her chance.

Still somewhat flabbergasted at her fluctuating bravado, Laurel crouched low and moved quietly. With sharp eyes, she saw that a large black wolf had used the summoning howl. She also saw- with empathy- that two of his hind toes were missing. What did he go through? she wondered. Laurel was about to settle in behind the bush she found when the other wolf spoke- "Hello? Is anyone there?" Caught! She considered scooting her butt out of there when his next words made her pause. So he too was looking for information. Perhaps she could tag along and see what the leaders divulged?

Taking a risk, Laurel let her head pop out of her hiding place- "I'm here." she piped. "I'm by no means a leader, but I'm here!" Raising out of the bush and shaking herself, she made no hostile gesture- "I hope you don't mind."
(This post was last modified: Sep 03, 2014, 03:29 AM by Laurel.)
Played by Arya who has 30 posts.
Tobius Alexander
tobius alexander

Before he could stop himself, he approached the bush that was before in to see if anyone was still behind it. With no response to any of his words, perhaps he just saw a glimpse of a fleeing rabbit. But, he slowly approached the bush, his muscles tense for anything. His black nose was nearly touching the green foliage when all of a sudden, something popped out of the bush unexpectedly. Back pedaling away from the other expecting some teeth or claws following, however, that was not what happened next. Instead, a cheery voice invaded his ears and he was finally able to focus on what exactly came out of the bush. A growl rumbled in his chest with the sudden broken silence. Her steel gray eyes were the first thing that stuck out to him as he assessed this stranger. She was tall with a mixed of black and gray. She had a prettiness and charm to her, but Tobius was currently trying to gain back his bearings.

Clearing his throat, he deemed that she wasn't a threat at the moment with her unusual cheerfulness, that still put him on edge. "Uhhh.. Alright.." He answered, his voice smooth and low, a stark contrast to hers. Really? That's all you have to say? Glancing away quickly, he gathered himself up and turned back to the she-wolf. "Would you be able to help me? With directions, I suppose." He asked, his dark blue eyes scanning hers. She had obviously heard him, so perhaps she knew the Lore. He sure hoped she did, because he couldn't waste anymore time. Athena was in trouble and needed his help.

The guilt ate at him as he thought about their attempted escape. The fact that he had to leave her behind to face his father's wrath, killed him inside. He knew what his father was capable of and part of him had a feeling she knew too, but she still forced him to keep going. She had told him that neither of them would make it if he didn't leave. Was this not the first time this has happened to her? Did she already know his father? Questions raced his thoughts at his every waking moment. Was she still alive? Would he find this 'Ash' or is this guy not even here? He was sick to his stomach at the thought of him failing the white woman.

the messenger
Played by Alisha who has 66 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Laurel Boughinn
As the male turned back to face her, Laurel made an observation that might be useful in days ahead- her cheerfulness put others off balance. She couldn't help it at times- it was force of habit when she found someone in a stressed mood. However, she did tone it down, in case cheerful peppiness wasn't this wolf's hunk of meat.

It would be prudent to introduce herself before the leaders showed up- she didn't want to go into an awkward explanation and wonky introductions between more than three wolves. Because then, the awkwardness would affect her own poise and most likely make her seem like a fool- plus it was just plain polite to introduce herself anyway. "I might be able to, in some degree. It depends on who or what you're looking for- and I think the wolves you called might be better suited to do the job. I'm simply a lone wolf who likes to ask questions."

She cocked her head at him. "My name is Laurel-" Laurel briefly wondered is her last name would mean anything to him- "Laurel Boughinn. What's yours?" If she could get him to talk, perhaps she might find another friend. Or friendly acquaintance. Or not so friendly... Laurel tried to think of a word for a person who you knew, but didn't really want to. They escaped her, so she settled on neighbor- temporary neighbor; while it would take a few days to get out of the region, it was really up to the wolf in question if they wanted to stay or not.
Played by Ghost who has 389 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Minka Lagina
ooc. Let me know if you want the pp of Kova following Minka changed Tabs!

As per orders the border patrols had been doubled, which meant the female alpha made about four rounds a day, varying from morning to early evening. The Woodland wolves had grown bold and were often seen or smelt in the fields that edged onto their territory. While they were technically not their enemies, they were not welcome, certainly not that close. With the pups in mind the extra patrols were more of just a warning, not just to other pack wolves but to wanderers who might get the wrong idea if the borders weren't well scented. So it was that Minka was on the opposite edge of the territory when the call rang out, her body weight pressing her claws into the bark of a tree. Slightly frustrated that her border patrol was being cut short she scraped the loose bark away with a sigh.

Quickly the tawny woman pulled away from her original route, trotting briskly through the wooded territory until she came nearer the opposite border. Slowing she raised her own muzzle to the sky, taking note of the scents before she even saw the scene, clearly two loners. Ready to move forward the wind changed slightly and with it was the clear scent of her son, though she could tell thankfully from its direction that he was within the territory. Cocking her head slightly she considered before turning away from the borders, making her way towards where her senses told her Kova would be. It took just a few minutes before the golden eyes fell on the platinum coat of her boy and for a second she just stood absorbing his sight. He had grown so much, and already had made her so proud. Clearing her throat she took a step forward, "Thank you Kova for staying within the borders, even after I know you must have heard that call. Would you like to come with me? This is work though, so if you come you must promise me you will behave." The golden eyes had become serious as well as her tone, this was the first time she was inviting either of her pups on a meeting with her, and depending on the outcome Kova may be able to make it a regular thing.

Nodding her head once the female turned away, waiting for her son to catch up to her before moving back to the borders. Easily the fae loped up the hill until she crested what marked the edge of her territory. For now she was silent, waiting to be seen by the pair of loners, ready to listen for any clues they might give as to why they were there.

Played by TABs who has 229 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kova Lagina
Okay I think this is all good now. :D

Kova Lagina
memoria et lux

Kova had roamed within the border scenting around for his mother. He was rather surprised that the Downs lead wasn't immediately arriving there. The worried mother had, in his past experiences, always arrived quite soon after he had ventured close to the border or perhaps over it. Or one of his sitters had arrived to collect him. But mom and dad were called. She should be coming soon. He mused before turning back around to go and stalk the wolf. Maybe he was nice, and maybe not. Kova only knew that he had to hug the border so as not to break the rule.

As he followed his own scent trail back to the markers Kova looked over the bushes that made up his home. The berries weren't plentiful anymore. Birds, wolves, deer, and a variety of other creatures had depleted the fruits all over the territory. Plus with the coming fall, the plants berries had begun to shrivel. Only within the densest bushes were there berries to be found. So when Kova walked past a good looking stem with four still ripe berries on it, he couldn't help himself.

Pausing to snag the berries off the branch and munch on them, Kova's ears heard the sound of voices very close by. He was near the border where the stranger was at but not quite at it. However the sound of a higher lilting voice made Kova pause in his chewing. There are two of them now? He wondered if the she wolf was one of his pack that he didn't know yet who had answered the call for Minka.

Time to go sniff around again. He trotted slowly forward towards the border where the two wolves were near. Then the pup slipped under the thickest of bushes to hide himself like he had done before. Smelling a marker strongly the child stopped unwilling to push himself over the invisible boundary. He sniffed the air and found two wolf scents, but nothing of the pack smell that he had hoped to find.

Listening quietly he heard the womans name being given. Kova lay low hoping the pair didn't see him. Then feeling nervous of the pair of wolves he once more backed away under the brush and turned to rush back into the territory. It wasn't like him to get scared, and when one loner was around Kova wasn't phased. However two of them had him on edge. He knew in his gut that two adults could hurt him if they turned out to be mean.

So instinctively he searched out for anyone from his pack. The pup wanted someone beside him, to help protect him and back him up if trouble rose. Though Kova didn't understand those nervous feelings yet or what they meant. Right now he looked for anyone he knew from the pack, whether it be his mother or some other adult.

Then the smell hit him. Momma he called softly as her body erupted through the undergrowth. He watched her happily as she padded up to him then gave her two greeting licks to her chest. He'd been worried that she wouldn't come.

Listening to her voice and beaming at the attention she gave him for being good, Kova nodded enthusiastically after she invited him to go with her. I won't get in your way I promise. He yipped lightly while his tail began beating at the air excitedly.

He followed quickly after his mothers paw steps back the way he'd originally come. They got closer and closer to the border, and the strangers, until finally the Black Thorn Downs wolves were there. Quietly Kova looked at the adults with bright curious blue eyes.

(This post was last modified: Sep 07, 2014, 03:07 AM by Kova.)
Played by Arya who has 30 posts.
Tobius Alexander
tobius alexander

As his blue eyes observed the dark woman before him, he noticed that her left ear was torn at the tip. Part of him wondered what had happened to her, but he knew it was none of his business. He hoped that another, especially not a male, had done this to a lady like her. He always wondered what possessed a man to harm a woman. Tobius couldn't bear re guilt of harming a woman. It just wasn't morally right for him.

Her voice interrupted his thoughts as she answered his question. His hopes of her helping him slowly faded as she told him she was simply a lone wolf like him. However, she did suggest that she could help him at least a little, depending on who or where he was questioning about. She introduced herself as Laurel, Laurel Boughinn. A lovely name he has never heard before. He was about to introduce himself as well, but the scent of others interrupted him.

His dark blue eyes rose to the hill in front of them to se the proud form of what only could be the alpha female of the lands. His gaze quickly everted to settle on the lady's shoulder and his body lowered towards the ground. With his tail tucked against his thigh and his ears slick back against his crown, he was in submission to the regal woman before him. If he wanted answers, he needed to earn her respect or else he will leave empty handed. His smooth, deep voice broke the silence. "I am T-...Jamie Fraser and I have come to seek your intelligence on the lands of the Lore." He had almost forgotten that he has a new alias to go by, so he wouldn't be found by any of his father's scouts. However, he covered up his mistake up well and awaited for the response of the leader before him.

the messenger