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I've already made up my mind — Black Thorn Downs 
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Played by Hero who has 36 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
RE: The moon has turned a blood red and the forest is covered in a dense fog. Have the ghosts of Relic Lore decided to return?
@Noble, @Firefly
He could not sleep. He hadn't slept in a few days but his energy was at its peak and he moved with a swiftness he had not felt in some time. He felt free, as though a weight was lifted off his shoulder and he was feeling much better, the confidence he'd built was growing each day but he could not forget about Sagacity, she had been his number one girl and now she disappeared. He felt lonely, depressed even, but he was not foolish enough to remain in this state, what good would it do if Saga found him like this, worthless and mopey, he needed to be strong. He owed this much to her, and he would give it to her.

Silence engulfed him as he walked, his chocolate coat blended in the darkness as he stalked his home, roaming toward the border in hopes of seeing the woman of the Valley, and though her name had temporarily slipped him he remembered her vividly. She had intrigued him, and had become apart of his memories, what she knew about the Hollow he held onto and hoped that eventually the news would give him some sliver of home.

Pausing to take in the scenery he glanced to the sky, a looming red moon guided him while looming thick fog clouded his vision but he did not complain. He welcomed the seasonal change of fall, it reminded him of the moment he had stepped foot on the soil nearly a year ago, and the day he was able to reconnect with Saga. Lifting his head he did what any sensible wolf would do that partook in the beauty of the moon and howled, loud and long, for his number one girl to return, whether another would come to him was a different story. He would welcome the company of any one at this moment, his mind needed the break...
(This post was last modified: Oct 22, 2014, 04:08 PM by Couth.)
Played by Missy who has 124 posts.
Inactive VIII. Lowest
Firefly of Whitecoats
Quote: OOC: I didn't know if I should assume they know each other or not. They haven't met but he is her mentor and she has been in BTD for over a month technically so I feel like she would have seen him around. I hope its okay, I just played it off like she knew who he was but had not spent much time with him because he has been so sad and Fly wouldn't bother someone who looks upset because she doesn't like being around sad wolves because they make her uncomfortable. lol. But now she has decided it is time to learn more about her mentor;). haha. @Couth

Firefly stirred in her sleep, rolling from side to side, unable to get comfortable. She had not gone out exploring today like she did most days. She hated to admit it, but she had been spending so much time exploring the woods that she needed a day to rest. Unfortunately, not having expended her energy by loping through the woods left Fly restless through the night. Giving up on the idea of sleep, the yearling got to her paws and stretched, opening her jaws wide to let out a yawn. Then, knowing what her body wanted, she slipped through the thorny patches of blackberries, not losing any fur this time; she had become an expert of weaving through the patches by now. Aimlessly, Firefly let her legs carry her wherever they might; she didn't care where she went because she just needed to move.

However, when Fly picked up the scent of a pack mate she followed it, glad to have something to do on this sleepless night. Then, she heard a long, sad howl sound throughout the still night air. She quickened her pace, bounding across the blackberry fields, all the way to the border where she saw the small figure of a dark brown wolf. Couth? Fly wondered. Minka had pointed him out as her mentor before, but Fly had not bothered him yet because he always seemed so down and depressed. Well, now he was howling at the odd red moon in the middle of the night. Fly had respected his privacy at first, but with him out here loudly vocalizing his problems, Fly decided that there was nothing wrong with her approaching him now. Confident and determined, she announced her presence: "Well, that sounded depressing. What are you doing out here, howling at such an odd moon?" Firefly wondered if he even knew her name. Well, he would be the end of tonight, she decided. She would spend the rest of the night getting to know this curious mentor of hers, and he would definitely get to know her.
Played by Emma who has 116 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Noble Lagina
@Firefly @Couth, sorry for the hold-up, guys
hopefully i get my internet back on tuesday

The main den was cramped, stuffed with too many growing limbs. Outside it might have been dangerous and exciting, but inside was the exact opposite. A grey hind leg pushed roughly into her side and she grumbled in irritation. Her sibling continued to stir in his sleep and the black pup edged closer to the entrance to gaze out. She was horribly restless. There had been no adventures to burn off her young energy. Even though her brother had done nothing to rub it in, Noble was wildly jealous to hear of Kova participating in the hunt with the moose. While Kova slept tiredly, Noble stayed up to plan her accomplishments. An eager whine made her turn. Kova's feet were pin wheeling as he slept, chasing something in his dream. It was too much; even now her brother was having an adventure without her. She huffed and left her sleeping family.

Her feet were still large and she clumped noisily through the canes, reacting with a defiant growl to every thorn. It was just cold enough to send a slight shiver through her, but that only meant this was dangerous and therefore appealing. There had to be something redeeming for her to do tonight.

A howl slipped through the night and that was all she needed to change her direction. The voice was upset, so something must be wrong. With a young naiveté she trotted forward, sure that whatever was wrong could be easily corrected. The idea of heartbreak was too mature for her. She was too young to know about that kind of love. Right now she loved food and pestering her brother, how could there be another sort of love? They were at the borders and she approached them with a flush of excitement, hoping this adventure would take her over the borders. She looked them both over, a heavy ear tipping down. "What happened?"

[Image: ROWtwloha2015-btd.png]