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Played by Pinn who has 460 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Celandine Argyris
Mist — -11° F/-24° C
Random Event: There is a shooting star tonight.

Laying beneath the stars, she watched her breath steam against the cold. For the hundredth time, Celandine cursed herself for not seeking out a sibling to curl up with. Even her thick Winter coat didn't seem to keep the chill from creeping into her bones, so the shared body heat would have been appreciated. Too proud to admit defeat, she pressed her muzzle into the plush fur of her tail, begging for sleep.

Although it did not come quick, somewhere in between shivers, and thoughts she fell into darkness. A foggy dream began, set in the Glen. Magnolia's were in full bloom, a comforting scent in the air. She could hear a voice, soft yet warm, calling her onward. The tone was so familiar, she could almost place it, and then it was gone. She was running, her tiny paws searching through the emptiness. A flash of white encouraged her. Almost there, a few more steps, and then she was falling.

Crashing back into reality, Celandine tried to compose herself. Nightmares were becoming a regular affair, but still they left her panting, the sound of blood pulsing in her ears. Knowing that sleep would be much more difficult to come by this time, she pulled herself up onto her haunches. Amber eyes turned upward, meeting the sky with all of it's strange twinkling lights. Was her mother looking at them too? Maybe Deacon, wherever his travels had taken him? Sighing, another puff of air fogged her vision for a moment, before fading away.

(This post was last modified: Dec 03, 2014, 06:31 AM by Celandine.)
Have you seen my OOC preferences?
[Image: YCWYGS9.png]
Played by Switch who has 87 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hypatia Argyris
Creamy brown coat bristled around her medium frame. Was it colder here, or was it winter settling upon them? She would likely not know, as she had yet to want to return to the east. It had taken a long time to get here, and though thoughts of a silver boy came to mind, it wasn't enough to sway her. In fact the yearling hadn't even wandered from the Heights. Set on keeping close watch on her siblings, and continuing to memorize the ins and outs of the plateau. Her life was trying to keep the family she had, and see if the new faces were worth her notice or respect.

Careful precision she placed her paws one after the other, making her way to the middle of her father's realm. There was a black sky night only heightened her awareness, her vision. Whatever scents of predators she had found here, the arrival of a wolf pack had warded them off. It was the inhabitants below that made her most uneasy. It was best she didn't know how many packs were here, or the thought of ever leaving the rocky stretches would have been daunting.

Thoughts about settling down for a rest, it was the rapid pours of a breath that caught her attention. Concern crinkling her forehead, she sought out the figure, soon realizing it was her pale sister. What was wrong? The eldest Argyris came closer, but she saw no more tell tale signs of distress. The sister sat beside Celadine, orange eyes upon the sky. That's when she saw it, a single star streaking across the black.
(This post was last modified: Dec 30, 2014, 11:05 PM by Hypatia.)
Played by Pinn who has 460 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Celandine Argyris

Sorry for the slight PP of how @Hypatia spends her time, but you have mentioned that she spends a lot of time with the cubs, so I assumed it was ok? I can change it around if you would like!

Hypatia's signature perfume would have been impossible to miss, though the wind made it difficult to pinpoint much else. Her tawny frame settled in, as a comfortable silence fell over them. Things were always easy with the eldest Argyris sibling, less awkward than they should have been, and so the youth was able to keep her attention on the stars. Catching a peculiar movement in the corner of her eye, she shifted her gaze just in time to watch as a single light plummeted toward the horizon. It's brilliant trail lasted only a moment before fading away entirely. The event was beautiful, and terrifying. If one piece could break off, then couldn't all of them?

"Why do they fall?" She questioned, amber eyes still locked on the spot where the light disappeared. Being quite prideful, Celandine usually hated to admit that she did not understand something, but Hypatia never made her feel stupid. One of many qualities that earned her a special place in the pale girl's heart, though she was not so eager to confess that either. When Borlla disappeared, it seemed the eldest sibling was there, her scent replacing the matriarch's in every corner of the den. She spent so much time of her own time keeping the cubs safe and happy. Doing things that their mother should have done, but happened to be absent for. As the rightful heir to the throne, she should have earned at least mild irritation by default, yet the youngest Argyris found only respect where Hyp was concerned.

Played by Switch who has 87 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hypatia Argyris
<3 you're good, basically what she does.
Sorry i haven't been much of a fast replier.

Fierce, orange eyes were captivated by the marvel, they did not waver from its path. So when it was smothered out she blinked in both sudden bewilderment and surprise. Disappointment in her heart, her silver mask remained an undisturbed picture when Cela's voice brought her back down to earth. Usually Hyp held her tongue, most thoughtful of what to share with her siblings. If she shouldn't ever feed them anything negative. She could not hold back the four words that came. "Maybe, they die too," she airily replied. Carefully she cast her gaze upon her sister, who was catching her in height. Light brows raised attentively, and muzzle nudged heaven ward. "What do you think? Dad once told me of a Sun God, and his sister Goddess of the Moon I wonder if they use the stars."

The yearling did not know any more than Celadine, and was curious what she might think of the falling star. It was then she was reminded she was only a year older, she was only suppose to be a sister. A shame once she decided to be their mother had left, placing that much more upon their father. It was hard not to think of Borlla, Cel had her eyes. That hollow pit in her seemed to wither . She had trusted her mother, remembered her words, promises to do better after Kyros death. What had she done? Left. No longer was Hypatia sad, she was angry. She couldn't understand how it was better for them without her. She was very uncertain of anyone leading beside Phineas.