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Ghost of the Night — Fireweed Rise 
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Played by Mily who has 369 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inali Wayha
Backdated to the 8th <3


After her conversation with @Minka and recieving permission to head to the Southern part of the Lore where they once had called home, Inali had been set to immediately leave. Doing one quick last border patrol, the petite scout set out on her journey. The quicker she left, the quicker she could return to her family. She had given the reason of her journey to stop by Cut Rock River and see how their allies were fairing with the Cavern wolves. If it had escalated since the last time they had recieved news, which Inali mainly got from her rendevouz with Naia. She had passed through Cut Rock territory quickly, making the decision to meet with them on the way back. She needed to meet with two men, both enemies of her pack. But she had made a promise to herself. No more would she keep secrets from Minka. If she did encounter Yuka or Ash, she would tell Minka what their encounters had been about. Meeting with Yuka was mostly because she wanted to see how he was fairing. Though they now both held different lives, he was one part of her past that she couldn't bear to break ties with. Her meeting with Ash was because she felt like they could've been friends if she had stayed in the pack. She thought he was a good man, though sometimes with an awful temper.

Inali had been with Yuka since he was born, maybe thats why she kept coming back. It was hard to let go. She needed to know if he was okay, if he still thought of himself with such loathing. Of course, first she had to convince him she wasn't actually dead. Or would she? She didnt want to torment the poor boy, but this could work in her favor. If this was the only way he would speak to her, then, so be it. She bypassed Hush Meadow all together, heading straight for the dark plain of fireweed rise. It was bare now, snow covering the ground. She stayed in the shadows that the night provided, watching and waiting. Inali was hoping that this would be the haunt he would choose for the night, for she didnt know how long it would be until she saw him again.

[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]

Played by Lightning who has 216 posts.
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Yuka Thorben

The boy had been particularly absent from the pack gatherings lately. He preferred to stay away from the others, knowing that it would only go to shit if he was there. His face was a disgrace and he knew well that he would never be looked at with any kind of love ever again. He had made a mistake in doing what he had thought to be right and had been punished for it, in more ways than one. His angel and mother had left him for Minka, a woman who had never truly gained Yuka's respect and in the end, had only broken his trust. And in the end, he had truly become a monster in killing the only woman who had only and probably would only have loved him. And now she was back, returning to haunt him. And in truth, it gave him some closure, having her torment him...reminding him of the monster that he had become. And since it had become quite obvious to him that Inali would not come haunt him in his own home, he knew he would eventually have to leave to go to another place. Just so he could see her ghostly form and torture his soul...if he even had one.

And so decided he didn't want to be in the marsh at such a late hour, Yuka had decided to make his way towards Fireweed Rise, somewhere he found somewhat peaceful the few times he had snuck out of the territory when he was a pup. Due to his once gentlemanly attributes that had never been a daily thing, knowing it was his duty to learn so that he could provide for the pack when he got older. He had found it through Ash and now he was sure he was soon to be crowned the title of Guardian. He just hoped his mother agreed. It took him some time to find the form of his creamy beauty, even if she was in such a ghostly form. His amber teal-flecked eyes watched her movement carefully, his movements silent and strange, waiting for her to either turn around or be shocked that he was there.

AustriaAngloAlliance @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Mily who has 369 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inali Wayha

 She didn't hear him come, but she knew he was there as soon as he had arrived. Her spine tingled at his stare, and she waited to see if he would approach her first. She didn't quite have the courage to face him yet. Not because Inali had to brace herself to see his face, for she had already come to accept his disfiguring scars. They were a part of him now, and the only thing she could do was accept it and love them as she had loved him before. It broke her heart, this distance she had created from her departure. She could only wonder if they would ever reconcile one day. Not ever would they have the same relationship as before for she had tainted it with her lies. She ached for that easiness they once shared in their comings and goings. Weeks could pass when they wouldn't talk, and yet as soon as they met up again it was like there had never been a distance in the first place. The petite woman knew these thoughts would just end up making her feel worse, so she took a mental breath and turned around.

Her eyes widened slightly in surprise. He had gotten bigger. Stronger. And with a brief flicker of sadness, she noticed colder and darker as well. She moved towards him, her steps graceful in the dark. It seemed she still remembered these lands like she had never left. A bittersweet smile crept upon her lips. She didn't speak, and yet she didn't move closer as she stopped a couple feet away from his form. She stared at the beautiful, torn yearling in front of her and her smile seemed to soften as did her blue orbs.

I told you I would come back," she greeted finally.

[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]

Played by Lightning who has 216 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Yuka Thorben

His heated gaze watched her movements carefully, and it wasn't long before she turned on him, a knowing smile lighting up on her features. As it approached him, he was quick to back away from it, not wanting the illusion of his former angel to plague him any longer. When sickening words escaped her lips, his own curled upwards, distorting his face even further. He didn't want her here, he just wanted the figure to simply disappear, never to return to his tortured mind. Yes, he had murdered and he knew that it would follow him until he took his dying breath. As he starred now, it only confirmed his earlier thoughts, his only sanctuary was within pack borders. Perhaps this fact should have been some revelation to him, but he knew that she had died beneath his paws, there had been no denying it at the time, but now in the sunlight, out in the open...she even almost appeared real.

None of these thoughts stopped his cruel words from escaping his lips, "I killed you for a reason. I quite wish that I would never have to see your traitorous face ever again." If anyone else saw him, they would probably think he had lost his mind. He was sure that it would look like he was talking to himself and then what would the pack think? His chance of ever becoming a Guardian would vanish. Ash had once told him that a Guardian would have to maintain mental stability, and while Yuka had never seen Ash lose his cool when he was around, it was obvious the man had some anger management issues. The Thorben never mentioned this though and remained silent during his lessons, allowing Ash to teach him what he must know. He was much bulkier now and bigger than Ash, though perhaps not as muscular quite yet. That would surely take time, and Yuka didn't know how much time was left unless his mental stability improved. That meant getting rid of whatever this was.

AustriaAngloAlliance @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Thank you TABs