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Played by Namara who has 114 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Aesire Destine-Caravello

Aesire was taking it to herself to be sociable with all of the wolves in the pack with an extra emphasis on the pups. She had never really conversed with Celandine, Takis, or Evy but she had heard their names and she had seen some of them at the sparring tournament. She felt the need to introduce herself though she knew that she should have done it quite a long time ago. She had felt like she shouldn't talk to the pups when she had first joined because she was new and no wolf knew her and no doubt the King would be protective over his children however, at this point, meeting them and talking to them as a must. She was leading alongside their father for the time being and so she figured knowing them might help her settle into the position until a worthy wolf was to take her place.

She did not call for them but instead she scouted around for herbs while secretly searching for one or more of the children to talk to. She had taken a point to not seeing or talking to Ace or Heigen that day so she could talk to more packmates she might not know yet. There were so many of them within the pack. The earthy tone woman poked around the main den while searching for an herb by the name of ergot which happened to grow in the area. The woman liked to be prepared for all cases. Her emerald eyes were focused and when she found the plants, she picked them and buried them at the base of a tree just off of the main den. She then searched around the main den to see if she could find a wolf to converse with. The wolves in particular she was interested in: Celandine, Takis, or Evy.

[Image: MruC0QZ.png]
Played by Pinn who has 460 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Celandine Argyris
I.. don't know whats.. going on with her?

Celandine could smell her, the woman's perfume lacing the air like poison. Unconcerned with the woman's opinion on her, she took no care in hiding her utter dislike. Pale white features scrunched up, and the youth halted where she stood. The wind carried another wave of Aesire's scent, allowing the princess to pinpoint her location. Continuing in her current direction would take her right into a dangerous proximity. Far too close to the tawny wolf, which might lead to a conversation. One Cella was not interested in having. Especially if this fae planned on treating her like a child, or anything less than what she believed her status would demand.

Nothing more than an obstacle in her course, Celandine assured herself. Although she knew the easiest course would be to go around, giving Silent Moon Plateau's newest ineligible alpha a wide berth. However, that would mean a victory for the tawny woman, regardless of whether she knew it or not. From here on out, the youngest Argyris was positive that this would be a game. For some reason Aesire thought herself fit to lead, when their future was right there. Her position was almost taken as a slight upon the girl who wanted nothing less than to be a queen.

Starting again, she chose not to avert her course. If this was a game, then Celandine would be the victor, and no one would stand in her way. Not Aesire, not her sister. This was her world, and some day they would all have to live in it.

Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a rabbit's nest nearby. +1 Health
Played by Namara who has 114 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Aesire Destine-Caravello

Aesire had been raised differently than most wolves in the pack as her customs and general rules had been quite different in Heartbreaker Col than they would have been most everywhere else. When she saw the princess she bowed her head in greeting and respect as words rumbled out of her mouth. "Good morning Celandine." The words kept at an appropriate level as she spotted the princess cloaked in a white cape and crown who was obviously not very thrilled to see the leader. Had the tension spread all the way down t the pups? Aesire was no fool and she knew she was not particularly well liked but she would try her best to change that anyway. With a deep breathe she prepared to speak again.

It was quite clear that Aesire had been raised differently by the fact that she was going to respect and show such respect to the royal pups as she had been shown herself. A princess by birth, Aesire had been raised a princess with love and adoration for all of her once future subjects. Aesire knew that one day these pups were going to come for the throne and at that time, she would probably hand it over willingly. They were Argyis wolves and direct descendants of Phineas himself. They had a natural right to the throne which she did not quite hold. She hoped that this princess would just hear her out in that regard and perhaps she could get the hatred to simmer down a bit with the words she was going to say. "I hope you have been faring well although that is not quite what brings me here. I have an important matter to discuss with you."

[Image: MruC0QZ.png]
Played by Pinn who has 460 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Celandine Argyris

Ignoring the woman's courtesies altogether, Celandine meant to storm past. An eye-roll, a twitch of the tail, and she could put Aesire behind her. It would have been disrespectful, but the youth felt no obligation toward entertaining the tawny fae. Fake pleasantries weren't her style, unless of course she had something to gain. There was no point in it anyway. Aes would be gone soon. Just like the others. Whether it be the rank, or the spare time that set idle paws to drifting, at one point or another they all left. If her mother dearest could not even hold down the role of a queen, then this girl wouldn't be able to either. The pale girl knew she wasn't being fair, but it was easier that way. The truth hurt, plain and simple. Taking a realistic approach to life, rather than an idealistic one had already saved her from so much disappointment. It was the perfect coping method of course. One that she had used, and it seemed she now abused.

Unfortunately, Aesire was able to pique her interest long enough to make the young Argyris hesitate, ruining her over dramatic plans. "I have an important matter to discuss with you." Celandine failed to see what the new queen could gain from her. Yet, she was intrigued. Giving a slight nod, she motioned for the woman to speak, hoping that it would be quick. Although, she had no prior engagements to attend, she still felt as though this alpha was wasting her time. Not to mention the fact that storming off now would just look childish.

(This post was last modified: Dec 15, 2014, 02:25 AM by Celandine.)
Played by Namara who has 114 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Aesire Destine-Caravello
@Celandine - Sorry this is short and choppy and stuff. Basing the info in her post off of the customs of her birth pack.

It probably would have been better if Aesire had let Phineas handle these matters with his own children but she had been too curious to pass up the opportunity to the young pups that were still growing – no doubt Phineas had the opportunity to talk to Hypatia about it already. Princess Celandine, I wanted to talk about your training, particularly in the arts of fighting and leadership. How much experience have you had?” The conversation that Aesire had planned for the princess and herself involved a two way conversation, not just Aesire talking to the young wolf. Aesire held no illusions about the young wolves that held the last name Argyris. She assumed them, as royalty, to be seeking leadership as she had when she had become of age back in Heartbreaker Col. She had gone through over a year of vigorous training in order to even consider herself capable of leading though now that she thought back to it, she did not use most of it.

“I know you don’t know me and I’m just some stranger to you but I’d like to help you prepare. I went through extensive training to become alpha of my birth pack before unfortunate circumstances brought that dream to an end. I can teach you if you’ll let me.” She could only hope that the young princess would not turn down the offer presented to her. Aesire was very serious in the matter and she did not hide that fact as she kept her face tense and secure in her serious mood. Her emerald eyes had/b> a steely but friendly gaze. “After all, one day, when you come of age, you will be leading.” She left out the thought that Takis or Evy could be leading but she would probably bring that up if Celandine questioned her about it. She stood there as she awaited the princess’ response in hopes it was not a bitter ‘I don’t need your help’ type of response. She was just offering to help.

(This post was last modified: Dec 15, 2014, 04:29 PM by Aesire.)
Played by Pinn who has 460 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Celandine Argyris

She had to admit, the use of her title was a nice touch. It kept Celandine interested long enough to hear Aesire out, which was a feat in itself, considering the intense dislike she felt for their new queen. As the conversation steered toward her training, she found herself at a loss for words. There was nothing too formal to note. Most of it being various little things she had just been able to pick up on. Phineas had been busy, through no fault of his own. A single parent of four, who also had to rule his kingdom. A fact that the youngest Argyris was quick to remember. So when it came down to it, she found that the princess duties came naturally, but fighting? Weren't there guardians for that? Letting the tawny woman in on her lackluster training would have been unspeakable, she went with a one worded response. "Enough." The lie fell easily from her lips.

A woman of noble birth it seemed, but she could have been lying. Celandine was quick to see the worst in people, whether real or imagined. Aesire was only trying to help, and a part of her knew that. Unfortunately, there was another piece. One quick to anger, and take even the smallest gestures of kindness as a slight. The queen she wanted to be, and the girl she was were always clashing. A constant battle in her head, giving way to unpredictable mood swings.

"when you come of age, you will be leading." And so, the future queen in her was sated. Long enough, at least, for her to respond with some form of politeness. "I appreciate your concern, but there is something I need to know." Their relationship, or lack thereof, hung in the balance. "If you wanted to be their queen," For, she was not her own. "Then why didn't you take it?"

Played by Namara who has 114 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Aesire Destine-Caravello

The princess seemed very keen and Aesire had not thought about the information that she had just provided the young girl with. When the girl asked the question, Aesire knew she had made a mistake. The queen could also lie like Celandine had but she held a bit of truth to her words but kept it vague. "I had a falling out with my parents over something I refused to do and so they decided to give the right to rule to my brother D'Nai. That was when I came here though at the time I had no intention of holding a prestigious position - took up the opportunity solely because it was presented." She hoped she had provided an adequate answer though she left out the fact that she had killed her fiancee and had been exiled. The pup did not need to know these facts.

It seemed like there was a certain tension in the air between the two of them. The princess had made it quite clear when she had arrived that she was going to show the queen no respect and that she did not like her. That was fine, most of the femmes in the pack seemed to have that reaction towards her, but she would offer her help anyway. If Celandine chose not to take it than Aesire would be on her way. If she did decide she could use some practice with Aesire then the woman would be eager to help especially since Phineas was very busy. Aesire was busy but she also did not have four kids to care for... yet.

Played by Pinn who has 460 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Celandine Argyris

Less than satisfied with the given answer, Celandine felt the woman was want for ambition. However, if she wasn't lying, than she had been groomed for the position. Aesire had the same training that the youth so desperately needed, but could she set aside her pride long enough to accept? What would her siblings say when they found out? The princess of Silent Moon Plateau, seeking help from their newest queen? Even the thought was enough to make her shudder. Stuck between a rock, and a hard place, Cella began weighing her options. Each left her unhappy in some way or another. Even accepting the help while keeping it a secret was beyond comprehension. Knowing that the silence was growing with each second, and that Aes wouldn't sit around forever, she did something that was likely a shock to both parties.

"Ok." She let the words settle between them, collecting herself. Defeated, and broken beyond repair, the cub felt her shoulder sag. It was very unusual to her demeanor, but she hadn't the strength to pull them back up. How could she accept help from someone she had only just met? What if the girl was lying? A million thoughts passed through her mind before she lifted her voice again. "But.. I don't want anyone else to know. It has to be a secret." It was her only condition, and one she just couldn't budge on. Everything would have to be taught in secret, away from prying eyes.

Played by Namara who has 114 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Aesire Destine-Caravello

Slowly but surely the princess would agree to take the help that Aesire was offering to give. She smiled and gave a small nod. The young girl would quickly add that she wanted to keep this entire thing secret and she didn't want another wolf to know. Aesire was starting to understand that Celandine had a certain pride and training with the new queen was not something that she wanted to let out. "Of course, Princess Celandine, it'll be our little secret." She promised these words which sealed the deal between them. With a deep breathe, she fell into concentration and then realized she would need to know about the training the princess has had before she could even begin to look at this and make a proper display.

"Before we start, we should head out to a more secluded place since you want to keep it a secret. Also, I do need to know what you know so far so I'm not boring you with things you already know." Her words were listed off in a focus like what a teacher had where they would list off the assignments before class was to begin. She started off, hoping the princess would follow her to find a spot less populated then the pack den which most wolves visited regularly during the day. There was a smile on her face as she considered what it was she should do first. She expected Celandine to follow her and talk about what she already knew as they walked on.