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Doomed if I do, Doomed if I Don't — Oak Tree Bend 
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Played by Alisha who has 65 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Oliver Carmond
@Jessie Do you mind if we backdate this to Dec 13- before his thread with Darrah?
Early morning, medium snowfall on the ground.

Staggered, weary steps took him to the boundaries of Oak Tree Bend- a place he wanted to call home. It was so close- yet so far....even now, Oliver could still hear Galley whispering dark things in the back of his mind. It had lessened, partly due to Roma's influence- and partly due to the warped light-headedness that came with blood loss. The wound that the small man had inflicted upon himself was still fresh, and needed attending to. The only problem was.....all his medicines were in pack territory.....and Drestig's presence there was bound to make his mentor flare up once again.

So the raven haired wolf stood- trembling- at the edge of the territory, wondering if it was worth the risk to step inside. Yes, he had told Triell that he had wanted to stay for a long time- and he had meant it- but what would it cost in order to stay true to his past words? Would the Bend leader even want him anymore, if he knew what had happened?

A subfuscous atmosphere about him, Galley spoke with shakey words- It doesn't matter if you're dead. Which you will be, with all that blood being wasted on snow...

Oliver wasn't so sure if he'd rather die, or keep up with trying to avoid Drestig at every turn in an attempt to keep true to his word. Both didn't seem like very good options, one being on this side of the boundary, and the other behind it. Of course, the lightheaded feeling didn't help in such an important decision either. So Oliver just stood there, bleeding and dazed, unsure of what to do.

My tangled mind You're still with me

Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn

She was quite use to having to deal with psychotic break downs. Her lover had been a mad man when they had first met, having two separate personalities, both of which set her senses on fire. Ever since she had returned, she did her best to avoid Hotei, knowing that her presence would most likely set him off more than anything. She definitely did not want to deal with his crazy, at least, not since she had just returned. Despite him being her future competition for her role, Jessie had found that she enjoyed @Drestig's company. He was the silent, boring type. Something that Jessie was use to, he almost reminded her of Ice in his way. The thought of her old companion pulled strings in Jessie's chest. Her snowy guardian had been someone she had been infinitely close to and his loss still weighed heavily on her heart. With him and Fenru gone, along with Ice, Jessie had felt her world slip from her. Following those tragedies, her late Mistress had also died last winter, claiming her within its cold heart. Now all she had left was Triell, along with Hotei when he was in the correct mood.

With this in mind, when she returned, the Tainn made it her goal to meet her new pack mates, knowing that somehow she was going to need to trust them. Despite all of her instincts protesting against what she needed to do, Jessie tried her best to remain strong and pushed on, determined to find out about the pack...and who she know had to call leader, something she wasn't sure she could do, since she had no clue who the bitch was. However, it would seem another pack mate was much in need of assistance. As she passed through the lands, the highly skilled Scout's nose twitched in disturbance, her nose wrinkling in disdain. There was obviously blood somewhere. So with a heavy side, the woman set into a quick run towards where the scent was coming from, allowing the wind to direct her path. When she came upon the scene she came to an abrupt halt, her emerald eyes taking in the scene in front of her. Memories of Rissa's bloodied body flashed through her eyes and the pepper and salt colored woman had to blink back the memories so she could get a good look at her pack mate. She knew next to nothing about herbs so she knew she couldn't help him and to her extensive knowledge, there was none of a pack healer. "Sir, you need help. Please come, do you know if there is a healer anywhere nearby?" She approached the male cautiously, making her ranking clear so that he would be eased by her formality. Hopefully, he could be helped. The Bend pack didn't need any more casualties that it had already faced.

Played by Alisha who has 65 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Oliver Carmond

It took a bit of time to recognize that someone had actually spoken to him. Once he did, a delayed reaction lead him to jump in startled surprise, before realizing that the woman before him was probably a pack mate. With a wobbly smile, Oliver tried to right his shaky legs and address her properly. "Um, yes actually, it so happens that I'm it. Not perhaps formally miss, but I intend to gain the role from Triell. My medicine den isn't.....isn't too far away from here." Oliver decided to cross over the line and make his way towards her intent on introducing himself.

"My name is Oliver, and I do believe I have never seen you before. Did you just join?" His speech was a bit slurred as he wobbled over. Drestig or no Drestig, he needed the herbs in his den. His vision was getting worse, with trees melding into grass, and his new packmate splitting in two. Blinking, he raised a paw a waved at her. "What's your name? And...erm...would you mind telling me if you are on the left, or on the right?" Stepping even further, the small man nearly tripped over a small rock, catching himself in time. If he was going to make it back, he might need help.

"Could you help me get to my den? I can't....can't seem to see straight...and I'm...I'm looking to avoid someone. He's just come back and ...and we don't quite get along." The pain in his head had long transversed into the sort of dull pain that one simply couldn't ignore, and it worked to make his functions inert. Really, all he wanted to do was lay down, against better judgment.

My tangled mind You're still with me

Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn

The Scout generally avoided members of the pack at any cost, even if she was close to him. Had the man in front of her not appeared to be injured, Jessie would have been on her way. But her sense of loyalty and duty remain intact and so she remained, her emerald eyes fixated on the bizarre man. She wasn't sure how to go about this situation as she listened to his words, a soft snort of amusement leaving her when she heard of his plans to become a healer. Good luck with that. She continued to listen as his words slightly slurred, being able to tell that he was disoriented helped her determine that she shouldn't take anything he said into consideration. When he seemed to slightly stumble, she was quick to be by his side, her small gray form supporting him the best that she could. It was easy for her to trace his scent back to the herbal den, just because it was masked in heavy herbal remedies. On their slow trek back, Jessie decided to answer his questions.

"No," she responded sharply, "I've been with Triell for many years now back when we lived in Swift River. I just returned from a mission." She was brief in her distraction as they continued on, her emerald eyes searching the area for any other pack mates that could assist. Surely, she wouldn't be able to carry his weight all the way back to the den. Her body was made for stealth and speed, not strength. None the less, she never complained, her ears flicking towards him when he spoke. Trying to avoid someone who just returned.... Drestig? Feeling slightly protective of her student and curious to see if she was right, she innocently inquired, "Who is it you are trying to avoid? Should I be concerned?" She waited for an answer as they finally neared the medicine den, her eyes roaming over the few herbs that they had during the winter months. Quietly, she waited for him on instructions on how she could help, healing was never her forte.

[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]