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A New Land — Cedarwood Forest 
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Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark

While he did not like that she had wandered so close to pack borders there was nothing he could do now. The damage had been done, and from the tone in her voice as she explained herself, Nineteen knew that she was being sincere. However, by her answers, the temporary leader wasn’t sure if the russet-coloured female was interested in joining Cut Rock. If she was interested, and possessed skills that could be useful to the River wolves, she was more than welcome to join the pack. But he wasn’t so sure that she was.

After a brief pause the loner offered her services to the pack. His pale gaze had shifted to Naia as Mali spoke, his brows narrowed slightly as if to ask for her opinion on the matter. Of course the pack could use another addition to their ranks, but would Mali prove to be useful to the River wolves? Or would she end up like many former members and disappear? As much as he wanted to prove himself to Maksim, he also did not want to accept members into the pack for them to only end up leaving.

Returning his attention back to the loner, he offered her a lop-sided grin as an initial response to her statement. “What are your plans for the winter? He asked abruptly, his pear-coloured eyes narrowed as he studied her lean physique. Loners did not do winter well – surely she was looking for somewhere to stay for the winter. “Do you have any skills that could be an asset to Cut Rock River?”

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Frankie who has 6 posts.
Mali's ears twitched and she contemplated her options. She really didn't have much of a plan for the winter, if she was being perfectly honest. She was surprised she'd survived this far as it was. She had tried not to think too far into the future in the hopes that a plan might formulate on its own. All she'd assumed was that she'd most likely be foraging and trying to find a stray rabbit or squirrel to keep her alive until the spring. It really wasn't a very welcoming or attractive choice. However, the more she was getting to know these wolves, the more she longed for a pack. She hadn't realized just how much she'd missed being part of a group, but now it was becoming painfully obvious.

"I didn't really have much of a plan." She admitted. "I figured I'd try to go south and try to find warmer weather where there'd be more to eat." She shook her head, "But truthfully, I'm tired of travelling. I'd like to find a place to settle, preferably with a pack." she explained. She paused for a moment and considered his other question. How could she be an asset? Well, she was still physically strong, and once she was a part of a pack, she was extremely loyal. "Skills?" She asked, "Yes. I'd say so." She said with a nod. "I'm physically strong, and I'm a pretty good hunter." She explained. "I have a strong sense of loyalty, and I'm fairly resourceful as well." She wasn't sure if she'd be accepted by this pack, but she knew that if she was, she'd try her very hardest to prove herself and find her place in the group. She'd come to the conclusion that being a lone wolf wasn't very fun at all. In fact, it was proving to be the most difficult thing she'd ever done.
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a moose carcass that has been scavenged by coyotes nearby. +15 Health
Played by Alace who has 323 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Naia Aegina


Nineteen was giving her a pointed look, clearly searching for some sign of what she thought of this newcomer. It was exactly what Naia herself would do if she were in his place. Assessing a loner was an intimidating task, but so was vouching for one. Naia just wasn’t sure. She knew she wasn’t the best judge of character; she had met many wolves at this border, chatted with them, and then howled for an alpha, thinking they would be a perfect addition to the pack… And then two weeks later that wolf was gone, on the road again with a belly filled from the River’s caches. Naia had fallen for this scam over and over; it seemed she was not getting any better at reading strangers. Perhaps Bastet could take over this part of the job, and Naia could focus just on inter-pack relations.

I certainly hope so, Naia thought as the girl answered, catching Nineteen’s eye with an odd half-smile. It was almost comical for this young one to boast of loyalty to the two of them; Naia and Nineteen, whose loyalty had been tested and proven over and over in Cut Rock River and before that, Pitch Pine Trail. Both wolves would gladly give their lives for any of the Baranskis, young or old. Could this girl say the same? She who had admitted to leaving her birthpack simply “to see more of the world”? Had she watched her beloved leader die before her eyes despite her frantic efforts to save him, and Nineteen had before leaving Pitch Pine Trail? Had she known the despair of her pack slowly collapsing around her, as Naia had while she remained loyal to the Trail until the very end? Had she ever been asked to step up to lead the pack, only to step back down again once her leader healed sufficiently? Had she endured the heartache of being in love only to choose pack loyalty over acting on her urges? Naia did not know anything about this girl but she knew this; her loyalty was untested.

However, she was strong, that much was visibly evident. To make it this far all by herself in winter she had to be a resourceful girl and a decent hunter too, as she claimed. Naia would take a chance on this one. She nodded subtly at Nineteen to give the girl her seal of approval. Of course, Naia was known to give anyone a chance—she was big on chances. Lachesis would have to take her opinion with a grain of salt, but that was the trouble with being the leader. The decision ultimately fell on him. If Mali got itchy paws and wandered away in a few weeks, no one would know of Naia’s little nod of approval for the girl—but they would remember Lachesis's decision to accept her into the ranks.

Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
We can wrap this up with your posts?! :) Sorry for the delay @Mali @Naia <3

He was wary of allowing Mali to join the pack. So many loners had come and gone that it was proving difficult to trust which wolves intended to follow through with their plans to flourish within the pack. Even the ones that had sworn their loyalty to the pack had disappeared without a word. A frown creased his maw as he listened patiently to Mali, his pear-coloured gaze fixated on her as she spoke. Once she finished, his attention flickered briefly over to Naia as she gave her silent approval of the russet-coloured female. It was apparent, even without words being exchanged between them, that the scout was also concerned about the disappearance of their packmates. However, if Naia approved of Mali than so did XIX – he knew that their green-eyed leader and his mate trusted the opinion of their second, and so did he.

“You will have to prove yourself, but you are welcome to be a part of Cut Rock River,” he announced finally after a brief lapse of silence, his gaze falling back to Mali as his previous frown turned into a soft smile. “However, if you abandon the pack, you will not be welcome back. We have had too many leave our ranks unexpectedly, and do not have a place for those who are not loyal.” The warning was brief but stood strong. Cut Rock needed loyalty – there was no room for wolves who were not serious about committing themselves to the pack.

“How would you like to see your new home?” He added as he stepped back as an invitation into the territory -- now she could venture further into the forest and visit the pack’s den site.

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you