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futile is this fever — Wildflower Glade 
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Played by Kydnt who has 158 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Evening, Clear, Fullmoon; Vague date after Camio's return?

Nova had spent the few days of Camio's absence wallowing in her own pity. At the time, she had no greater wish and there was nothing that she wouldn't give just for his return. So when she smelled his heady scent freshly gracing the land of the thicket, she was surprised by her own reaction. She had thought she would be overjoyed when he'd come back, as he promised... Instead, the bundle of nerves and tension that had taken up residence in her gut only intensified. She wanted to give him as much distance as he needed and wait for him to come to her, as the whole cause of this mess had been her selfish desire to hold on tight. She'd assumed he would come around eventually, holding onto a hope that he was just taking his time to gather his thoughts.

Days had passed, and she could only wonder why Camio hadn't sought her out yet. She almost felt like he was actively avoiding her. She was running out of excuses for him and why he was taking so long, and was starting to wonder if maybe it was all over. That she was unforgivable, and he had had enough of her. That she was not even worth the time to tell. If that was the case and they were through, what more harm could she do by trying to get closure?

She mulled over her decision all day, finally making up her mind as the sun set. She could wait no longer. Her heavy, weary stride brought her to a quiet corner of the thicket. The little glade was a place she had come to enjoy during her time in the Woodlands pack, as the branches of the dense forest opened up to allow a clear view of the sky. The moon's full shining face lingered up above the tree tops, and Nova quietly admired it, almost trying to absorb some of its ephemeral power. The cold light of the moon lit the snowy ground with an eerie beauty, which was partly but not the sole reason she had chosen this place. Furthermore, it was isolated. She didn't want any witnesses to something that was just between the two of them. Who knew how this would go.

Nova stepped to the center of the clearing, settling her haunches down into the snow. Wide dark muzzle tipped back, Nova released a long mournful note calling for her mate. Letting her song drift off, she tilted her ears foward and kept her eyes alert. As much as she dreaded what he might say, and even more dreaded that he might not make an appearance at all, a part of her was excited just to set her eyes on him again.

Played by Becca who has 106 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Camio Zamora
He would've returned no later than 12/9/14 <3 @Nova

If he had it his way, none of this would have happened. He still would be fine and be sleeping with Nova every night. Instead he found himself sleeping in the tightest parts of the thickets where only the cold would embrace him with its bony hollow form. It wasn't as inviting as Nova's form but in all honesty the Zamora was staying away from her for her own safety. He didn't want to go off at her again. He had been a bomb simply waiting to blow, and she had been the poor gal who set off the bomb.

As if the devil was knocking at his door her (Nova's) voice came calling out for him. Clear and loud. He couldn't, wouldn't, ignore her anymore. The male couldn't do it. This act was getting ridiculous. So off he went. Winding through the chilly evening, his only light to lead him to his waiting lover was the yellow tinted full moon.

Silent as the shadows in the dark he prowled up from behind her. Stopping a wolf's length away from her beautiful moonlit form. "You are just as beautiful as the day I laid my eyes on you. What's your secret, hmm? How do you do it my darling?" His words soft and quite just for her own ears. His paws forced him to go forward. To touch her, make sure she wasn't just a dream, to make sure that she was here and that she did want him.

When close enough to touch her he pressed his nose into the back of her head tracing it to lightly sit behind her ear. "I really shouldn't have kept you waiting. I'm sorry." His last two words dripping off his tongue like water off of a leaf. He was tied between taking control of this situation himself or letting her do what she wanted to him. Whether that be embracing him, talking to him, or evening attacking him. Camio know understood that he would do anything for her. Anything to just taste her love just one last time.


table by Grey / 2014
and all the love lost was the love that i kept
in coffins and boxes, a museum of the dead
Played by Kydnt who has 158 posts.
Inactive Deceased

Nova waited for him, as patient as the stars slowly inching their way across the sky. She didn't want to get her hopes up, but could feel something so certain that Camio would find her. Her claws worked into the snow, trying to burn some of the nervous tension that threatened to overwhelm her. She was worried what he might say, how he would react to her now, but also felt an undercurrent of excitement to just be in his presence again. If nothing else, that was all she needed.

Deep in thought as she watched the milky way, she hadn't noticed the quiet approach of someone at her back. Her spine straightened rigidly and a gasp escaped her lips as she heard a deep voice purring behind her. Immediately she recognized it was him. Electricity trickled up her limbs, but she was frozen in shock at first. His apology, so earnest, finally broke her free. Wasting no time she rose, curling about to face her love.

"Camio," She whispered, her voice barely a breath on the wind as she closed the little distance between them, her paws moving without thought. Her yellow eyes found his, dark but sparkling in the moonlight, before her dark face brushed past his own mask of mottled rust and grey. She pressed her neck into his and settled her chin upon his shoulders, simply breathing in his intoxicating scent.

But something wasn't still right. Camio wasn't the one who should be apologizing. "No, No... It's my fault. I'm so sorry... I pushed for too much from you, and I shouldn't have." She murmured into the thick mane over his neck. Her embrace slipped as she pulled back, her spine lowered ending in the curl of her tucked tail. Her wide ears pinned back and she averted her eyes from him though she was loathe to ever look away for long.

"Forgive me." She squeaked softly.

Played by Becca who has 106 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Camio Zamora

Her voice drove him crazy. It was a firm reminder of how much he loved her and how protective he was over her. A low deep growl came out from his chest as if to support this. Feeling her push against him he smiled softly. Carefully and preciously he licked her crown as if comforting a child. "Oh my love, I will always forgive you. But I must admit something.." His last sentence but just a whisper into her dark lined ear. "You are the only one I will ever truly love and forgive to the fullest." This was (maybe?) new information that he was willing to share. The Zamora found himself more protective and possessive of his lover than ever before.

"Have you missed me? Was it lonely sleeping alone?" The dark masked male wanted to know what she had felt when he was gone. Did she feel as shattered and hollowed out as he had been? Or did she move on with life and accepted the fact that her lover may or may not have had mental issues? Whatever she felt, Camio was glad to be home and give her a feeling of love and acceptance. He never ever wanted to hurt he. Just the thought of hurting his fragile little darling was enough to make him cringe. Shrugging these thoughts off he proceeded to nose around the base of her ear. Lightly the Zamora blew air out from his nose as if to tickle her ear. A small childish smile etched onto his face.


table by Grey / 2014
(This post was last modified: Jan 13, 2015, 06:01 AM by Camio.)
and all the love lost was the love that i kept
in coffins and boxes, a museum of the dead
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a rabbit's nest nearby. +1 Health
Played by Kydnt who has 158 posts.
Inactive Deceased

With Camio's touch everything felt right again. Nova made a long, pleading whine as her low-draped tail flicked side to side, brushing powdery snow up at her ankles as it picked up speed. The memory of the painfully lonely days she'd spent without him were nearly dissolved by the sounds of his soft voice. Even more than that, she cherished his words. He had forgiven her. What more could she ask for? If it was in her power, she would wish he would never leave her side again, at least not for long. But she was mindful that her grasp had already been so tight she had nearly crushed him. That could never happen again, and so she kept these selfish desires to herself. She had to be content with what she had, and in that moment she was sure there was nothing in the world that could have made her happier.

Nova wriggled in place as Camio tickled her ear, taking her own chance to lay a volley licks across his tufted face. She pulled her head back back, looking into his eyes only as long as she could resist nuzzling her face back into his neck and shoulders. "I don't think I could have stood another night without you. You're everything to me. I just don't know what to do with myself, without you." Nova told him, voice muffled by her incessant nuzzling.

"Where did you go? I-I mean, only if you want to tell me..." Nova asked, still keeping her head low and not sure where Camio would be drawing the line. He seemed to have one, but she wasn't sure where it was or when she had crossed it last time.

Played by Becca who has 106 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Camio Zamora

Nova had a way with herself that made Camio simply drool over her. She spoke of him being her everything and he couldn't help but gleam. The moonlight showing it off in his copper toned eyes. "I feel exactly the same way my Nova dearest, exactly the same way." His tone was deep and silky just for her ears. Although if anyone was lurking they were more then welcome to listen in. It wasn't like he was hiding his affection, at least not anymore.

The two lovers spent what felt like a lifetime, although Camio could never get tired of Nova's loving touch, before his dearest spoke out again. "I just went to old Hollowheart Keep lands..." His words drifted off on a rather deep running note of sadness. He missed his days in those Ghastly Woodlands and the wolves in it. While they were short lived days they were certainly well spent days.

"Spoke to ole' Maplethorpe in a way, slept in the old den, brushed the trees." His shoulders did a quick brief shrug before setting down again. Allowing his nose to trace Nova's forehead and base of her ear he growled softly. "Nothing exciting really. Just trying to rekindle old flames."

Flicking his tail behind him and causing a bit of stirring with the snow beneath him he cooed softly in her ear. Offering a playful nip on her ear, Camio raised himself to move before ushering her to follow him. Slowly strolling he waited for his lover before speaking another word. "I want to run off Nova. Just me and you. Two lovers against the world, we can do it. I'll promise you everything your beating heart desires if you run with me." He stole a breathtaking glance at her before stopping in his tracks. Letting his eyes dance upwards he stared at the moon and stars. "I'd even get the stars and the moon for you if you asked me to."


table by Grey / 2014
and all the love lost was the love that i kept
in coffins and boxes, a museum of the dead
Played by Kydnt who has 158 posts.
Inactive Deceased

"I feel exactly the same way my Nova dearest, exactly the same way." Nova felt a shiver run down from the top of her crown to the tip of her tail as Camio's honeyed words trickled into her ear. He had such a way with words, and if he kept talking like that, Nova was sure she'd... Well, she actually wasn't sure what she'd do. With him, everything she felt was both so comfortable and so new. Just being with him, nearly close enough to hear the strong thrum of his heart, was enough to nearly forget she was still waiting to hear if he would answer as to where he'd been.

She stilled as his answer finally came, holding nervous tension at hearing the name of her old pack, and her old 'Pa. It wasn't something she liked to think about, and nonetheless visions of the grisly scene still haunted her in her dreams. Camio's gentle touch across her brow was a welcomed comfort. While Camio had answered for where he had gone, Nova still wondered at the why, but she was willing to be content with only as much as he was willing to offer her.

Like a shadow, Nova needed little urging to trail after Camio. His energy was contagious and she couldn't help the quick sway of her tail behind her. At first she thought he simply wanted to play a game, and wasn't sure what to make of his words. She tilted her head, her dandelion yellow eyes peering at him curiously.

It only took a few seconds longer for Nova to trot up to his side, her shoulder brushing along his flank as she walked to stand even with him. She looked at him out the corner of her eye, a smile somehow managing to be both mischievous and innocent curling the corner of her lips. "Camio, you're all I want. Anywhere you go, I want to be there at your side." She turned her head to look at him more fully, seeking into his rich brown eyes to see what thoughts dwelled in those mahogany depths. "But, where will we go?"

Played by Becca who has 106 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Camio Zamora

The male Zamora was please when his other half followed quickly like his own personal shadow. His ivory teeth glinted in the moonlight as she spoke. He loved every last drop of her words and how she spoke of him so highly and loving. This was what he needed in his life. Someone who would love him no matter how bad he got, and it seemed that @Nova was just the lady for the position.

"Well, we could always head back east. Maybe a bit more north or south so we don't run into the bitch again," And by "the bitch" he clearly and well meant Nova's sister, who was the opposite of Nova. "Or we could go check out the mountains. I think I recall you saying you would like to go to the mountains again? Perhaps we could sit on the Northern part of the mountain." He was rattling his brains for anywhere they could go. Of course anywhere with her would be good enough for Camio.

Returning Nova's look Camio's deep brown eyes found her dandelion eyes. "We'll make the world ours, my love. Forget our past lives and move on to something fresh. Together, forver?" His last word question in a way as he cocked his head to the side a bit. Hopefully Nova would be around for a rather long time, Camio was taking a strong liking to her that wouldn't fade soon. Of course if things worked out in the two lovebirds' favor then Camio was having a rather bold thought of perhaps showing her how he truly felt this spring..


table by Grey / 2014
and all the love lost was the love that i kept
in coffins and boxes, a museum of the dead
Played by Kydnt who has 158 posts.
Inactive Deceased

Nova couldn't help but laugh as Camio bluntly referred to her sister. Nova had spent enough time trying to mend the relationship between them, and it turned out to be wholly unsalvageable. "Bitch" was just about right. For all Nova cared, Aponi could go fall off a cliff. If she never saw her again, it would be too soon. She listened to his ideas, slightly bobbing her head along as she considered.

With his eyes on her, his head quirked at a tantalizing angle, Nova felt her heart beat faster. It was hard not to get distracted by the warmth of his flank, or the rich scent of his fur. Camio had promised her the moon and more, and Nova had no doubts that he could and would provide it. Releasing a small whine, Nova couldn't help but nudge her head against his neck, teeth raking through his fur as she nipped at the base of his skull. "That shouldn't even be a question," she murmured, "Forever doesn't even seem long enough."

As Nova pulled away she hummed as she thought of where they could break out into the world. Where they could not only survive, but thrive. The sense of adventure was tantalizing, and while familiar was also comfortable, Nova found herself wanting more than that. "I want to see something new..." She said. "Maybe... Maybe we can go South? I've never been that way before." She had no idea what lay in that direction.