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No More — Black Thorn Downs 
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Played by Mily who has 369 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inali Wayha
@Minka Using this to later ask permission to go to SE as well :)


She felt awful, keeping things from her best friemd and alpha. Inali knew the pack rules and as second of the pack, it was especially important for her to keep by them. Her confrontations with Yuka had been few and far between, but still she kept the interactions with the young man to herself. She didn't want to cause more trouble with Whisper Caverns, for as much as they were enemies, Inali was a wolf of peace. Still, the woman knew she had to come clean. She stood in front of the pack den, lifting her head to call for her leader. Hopefully, Inali wasn't taking Minka away from something important. Waiting for her tawny colored friend, the woman began to pace. It was something she did when her nerves were just too fried, and it helped calm her down some. She was worried of how Minka would react. Not only had she kept that secret, but also her relationship with Naia. She was now making no effort to hide it, so she knew some pack members had already noticed, but it had been awhile since she had had the chance to meet up with her alpha and just chat.

Holding Minka's trust was the most important thing to Inali. She didn't want to jepordize their close relationship as friends nor their working relationship. She could only hope that her friend took the news in stride and they could move on from this. This would happen no more, for she couldn't stand keeping things from the woman she considered blood and respected so highly.

(This post was last modified: Dec 18, 2014, 09:27 PM by Inali.)
[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]

Played by Ghost who has 389 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Minka Lagina
Note: This is before the pups go missing
Also I'm so sorry this took so long!

Winter had hit the pack full force, it already seemed as if fall was far in the past and spring seemed so far in the future. It happened to Minka every winter, the first snowfall made her speculate in the beauty of nature and the awe on children's faces when they saw their first snow. Then weeks bleed on, day after day, snowfall after snowfall and quickly the novelty wears off and the Lagina woman longs for summer months again. Winter was easily her least favourite season and sometimes she wondered about looking for a place farther south where she had heard there was no snow. Still, she would day dream about the warmer weather and adventures far away but she knew her life was here, and she was happy where she was, even if that meant dealing with the harshness of winter.

Truly she knew she had nothing to complain about, their numbers were strong as they entered the winter and it seemed that it wouldn't be as deadly as the last. It was Black Thorn Downs' first winter as a pack and they were pulling through with relative ease, at least for now. When Inali's call echoed across their territory Minka had been in the middle of teaching her cubs a necessary survival skill; creating a den in the snow. After the last winter with so many disappearances the mother had been paranoid and had been doing her best to fill her children's head with knowledge of what to do if they got lost. So today she had taken @Kova and @Noble into the surrounding fields and taught them how to create dens out of ice and snow. She had shown them how to dig with the ice instead of try to fight against it and to make sure they always had an air hole so they wouldn't accidently suffocate.

Looking up from her place within the drifts the tawny ears cocked towards the sound and her head tilted slightly to the right. Ushering the pups back within the territory the best she could it took much longer than she would have wanted to answer her friends call. Still chuckling at the thought of Kova and Noble racing to see who could finish their den first she finally entered the clearing where their den was located. As soon as Minka's golden eyes fell on her friend's form the laughter died in her throat, Inali never paced unless something was wrong. Stopping in her tracks she did her best to hold her voice steady, "Inali?" The very thought of what could have gone wrong could nearly stop the alpha's heart, had something happened to one of her subordinates?