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This way and that — Wild Cherry Orchard 
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Played by Hex who has 35 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Luz Nightcrest
Luz had decided that she was going to go see if she could find some deer. The weather was cold and the sky was just barely cloudy letting the sun play peekaboo along the snow. The pale girl held a smile on her face. It was cold sure but there wasn't any wind so she barely felt winter's cold kiss with her fur being as thick as it was. Pausing at a spot near a cherry tree she listened to the sounds around her. Where could she find some deer? She wasn't even sure if there was any in the area but she felt sure that some would be drawn to the orchards in hopes of finding a frozen cherry among the snow.

Breath coming out in misty plumes she moved towards the western part of the orchard. She hadn't explored that area yet so maybe there could be something over there that she could hunt because even if she did find a deer the pale girl knew that she wouldn't be able to bring it down herself unless it was half frozen and already dying. A small sigh escaped her mouth. Why was she even looking for deer when she would need someone with her to bring it down? She should have asked one of her pack mates but she had been so eager to start the search that she hadn't even thought of it.

She shook her head, poor planning would make her a poor hunter. Yet she needed these mistakes in order to grow into a good hunter. Once again Luz paused as she looked down a hill that gently sloped away from her. She knew that she hadn't been here before she would have remembered this seemingly random spot. Taking a step forward she was startled to find her paw going out from under her as it hit a patch of ice. Eyes widening she fell and began to tumble down the hill a ways before she stopped in a tangled mess, snow clinging to her and her legs this way and that.
(This post was last modified: Jan 10, 2015, 04:39 PM by Luz.)
Played by Kydnt who has 55 posts.
Inactive II. Herbalist
Lugh Whelan

Lugh had been keeping himself busy the past few weeks tending to @Cessair. Fortunately all his work over the summer in stockpiling herbs had paid off, he had any plant he needed close at hand. But he still had to make sure his patient was getting enough food and drink, and fresh air on top of that. He was glad for her when she was finally well enough that she didn't need to stay in the infirmary anymore, but was a little sad that he no longer had a captive audience for his excessive ramblings.

Making the most out of his newly found free-time, Lugh ventured south through the territory. He came across the tracks of one of his packmates, not someone he was overly familiar with but was sure he had at least seen about a couple of times. While he didn't try to follow her, he couldn't help but notice he kept crisscrossing her trail as he went. If they seemed to both be going in the same direction anyways, maybe it was the world trying to tell him that he should follow her?

Making up his mind that was what he'd do, he followed after her pawprints in the snow. They lead him first into the orchard, to the crest of a hill, and then suddenly they ended. Lugh glanced around, highly confused at first. Had she sprouted wings and flown off? Where could she have gone? The real answer was not so strange he discovered, as his pale yellow eyes skimmed down the slope of the hill, finding the up churned stripe of snow leading to a white heap at the bottom. The woman's ivory coat nearly blended in with the surroundings, but her black nose and golden eyes betrayed her position.

Lugh couldn't help but laugh, his tail swishing as he started to carefully tread down the hillside towards the wolf at the base of it. "Ya still in once piece?" He asked her with mirth in his voice, stopping near the pale female as he reached the bottom of the hill.

table by Grey / 2014
Played by Hex who has 35 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Luz Nightcrest
Luz was trying to figure out how to untangle her legs from each other when a male voice ,coming from the top of the hill, asked if she was still in one piece. Tipping her head she looked at the smaller earthier male as he descended towards her, far more careful than she had. Smiling she tried to straighten herself to a more upright position. With exaggerated motions she deliberately looking herself over she gave him a mischievous grin. Apparently I still am. I still have my ears, nose, paws and tail. She in turn twitched each mentioned item before thumping her tail against the snow she was sitting on.

Glancing him over she gave him a nod. Looks like you made it down the hill just fine as well and probably in a more careful manner than I did. She said with a grin. She tipped her head even farther as she finally realized that this was one of her pack mates as she tried to figure out if she had seen him before or not. With and internal shrug she decided that she might as well introduce herself. My name is Luz. She wondered if he was a healer because he had an almost plant like smell to him, but she held her tongue she didn't want to ask too many questions at once. A grin was on her face as she watched him with gold eyes completely distracted from the task that she had originally come out here for.
Played by Kydnt who has 55 posts.
Inactive II. Herbalist
Lugh Whelan
@Luz Ooops I totally forgot about this one, sorry!

Lugh returned a beaming grin to the lady's mischievous one. Just as well, the infirmary sure didn't need another patient so soon. He couldn't help but laugh at her observation that he'd been more careful in making it downhill.

"Ah, wouldn't do well for th' pack's only 'ealer to go hurtin' 'imself now, would it? Dunno where Ryka went, but without 'er I'd be shovin' 'erbs down my own gullet if I went an' broke a leg goin' down this 'ere slope." Lugh prattled on in his thick accent. He really wished one of the cubs would take an interest in healing so he could pass on the skill, but so far none of them had approached him. Of course, someone would lend a paw every now and then, but without his friend and co-healer Ryka, there was a lot more the spacey male had to keep an eye on. He narrowed his eyes, black nose twitching absent-mindedly as he mumbled his thoughts aloud "...should probably just drag the cubs in for a lesson, don't think they're gonna take an interest otherwise..."Oh, where was he... "Anyhow! Luz! A pleasure, truly. I'm Lugh Whelan," He said with an excited swish of his dusty brown tail, finally introducing himself. He curiously tilted his head at the creamy coated female, "So what brings ya over to th' orchard? Assumin' ya weren't just tumblin' down hills for fun." For all he knew, maybe she was?

table by Grey / 2014
(This post was last modified: Jan 31, 2015, 02:30 AM by Lugh.)
Played by Hex who has 35 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Luz Nightcrest
@Lugh -it's alright

Her grin grew even more if that was possible at the smaller males laugh. Then as if to answer her unspoken question he confirmed that he was indeed a healer. Her ears twitched at the mention of another wolf. Is Ryka a pack mate? She hadn't heard that name before and she wasn't sure if it was someone within the pack or not. If this Ryka wasn't part of the pack then Luz would have to make sure that she was especially nice to them even though she would have acted that way already. But then they could be a pack mate and the pale girl would have to introduce herself to them if she ever had a chance to. 

It seemed that the two of them were getting lost in their thoughts the brief silence only broken when Lugh started to speak what he was actually thinking. If your going to be dragging the cubs off somewhere for a lesson mind if I come? I am looking to be a hunter but knowing about healing could be helpful. It was true statement and she hoped that he would say yes. Hunting was what she was good at but if she were to ever get hurt then she wouldn't know what to use to help. Plus she wasn't used to the kind of plants in the area other than some of the edible berry plants and fruit trees that seemed to grow in the pack's land and to the south of them as well. 

Her entire demeanor perked up and a surprised Ooh! That's right I was out here looking for deer. came out her mouth. She slanted her eyes at him at the last part of his comment before adding with a grin. Nope the hill tumbling was just an extra bonus on this little excursion of mine. She didn't really realize that he had an accent. After meeting so many wolves who spoke in different ways she just went with it not really caring or noticing it . As long as she could understand what they were saying it was all good. 
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a moose carcass that has been scavenged by coyotes nearby. +15 Health