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lost, not yet found — Nightingale Palisade 
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Played by Vami who has 46 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Vaeta Tainn
Since we were paired together I figured I would finally get something up for them. @Rory <3

It was unlike any part of the land she had ever seen before since her return back to Relic Lore after being away for so long since her childhood. The woman might have expected this to be any other, well known and well traveled, part of the southern landscape, granted she had been born in the northern parts and had lived in the northern parts with the Woodland wolves up until a few months prior. Vaeta Tainn had been newly dedicated to the idea of living with her brother, Nios, seeing as her other brother and his mate had up and left her behind previously, a notion which still stung her. She had not, however, been lucky enough to find Nios within the dark system of Whisper Caverns and as the winter's chill took hold and a great blizzard approached, making Vaeta loose track of not only her brother, but her very home.

Now, after having some small amount of shelter in a fallen log, she rousing from it and into the open world without an ounce of knowledge of just where she is. She was not north of the Hush Meadows, where she had traveled from the Woodlands. She was not east ether, or at least she did not think she was... After all, she had traveled to the edges of the Pass once before to scent her father before returning home. The storm had certainly turned her about, but did she somehow manage to scale the mountains to the other side in her struggle to return home? It did make the most sense to her and so she went with it, mindlessly wondering about the ravine, hoping to find something or someone - anyone.
(This post was last modified: Jan 13, 2015, 07:07 AM by Vaeta.)
Played by Hero who has 217 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Aurora Thanne
Thanks @vaeta, I seriously meant to!
She had no idea where she was. A blizzard had blinded her vision and left her nose useless as she wandered in hopes of losing the storm behind the safety of her home but she was wrong, dead wrong, and the land that laid before her was confusing to say the least. There was no Ash, no Narime, no Nios, and even worse, there was no sign of much life beyond the occasional cry of passing birds and the soft sound of falling snow; the Thanne child felt alone. She had grown weak beneath the weak sun of winter and it showed beneath her pelt as her ribcage protruded beneath her pelt and the chill of winter made her pelt clump together in unfortunate places, but she could not stop moving, not now, not when she had no shelter to keep her from freezing to death.

Her travels lead her further into the unknown and still her nose did not work, instead she searched for the stench of prey on the wind but found nothing of interest, it wasn't as if she could hunt if she wanted being only 8 months and never had a lesson to take down prey before. She was vulnerable and the only thing that kept her moving was her determination to make it back home and to Ash, her father. Sighing heavy, her pale gaze found the distance figure of a wolf against the snow and she paused in her stride to watch the slender wolf carefully, noting the confusion on her face and look of distraught that seemed to cover her pale features. Perhaps this lady was lost, just like her. She approached Vaeta with caution, knowing that this wolf could harm her in fright but she took this chance in case this wolf could also help her, and when she was close enough to she spoke, her voice small in her throat. "I'm lost." she admitted before settling to her haunches with a soft whine. Her paws were sore from frost and a chill had suddenly overcome her, she wanted to go home, she needed to go back home!
(This post was last modified: Jan 26, 2015, 01:38 AM by Rory.)
Graphics by Arya and Becuffin!

Played by Vami who has 46 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Vaeta Tainn
It was a beautiful day despite the circumstances. The air was chilly but the sun was high and though it was partly cloudy and the trees offered shelter, if you stepped out from the forestry along the ravine you could feel the warmth of the sun's rays upon your pelt. She shook away the chill in her bones, eager to continue forth on her journey back home which she figured might be a long one until she could figure out exactly which direction she needed to be going. In time in what seemed like forever, beyond the gentle snow fall which had stirred up, she could see a child - pale coloration, delicate and meek. Vaeta shook off the snow collected at her speckles black and white back side and made her slow approach to the youth as she also came into her direction. A few deep scents and a vague familiarity of her features made her nearly certain she was a child of the very pack which she had more recently been a part of - Whisper Caverns. Though she knew nothing of the girl, nor her name, but still could call her an ally granted her origin. "Me too." She admits sadly, following the girl's movements by sitting down as well, dark arced eyes of honey hue looking down to the teen with a slight frown. "But at least we found each other." She fights a slight smile, lifting her head high to breath deeply in attempt to once more find her bearings, or perhaps scent out anyone else who might have sprung up in the area. "You get lost in the storm too?"
Played by Hero who has 217 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Aurora Thanne
Her heart leaped in her chest the moment she saw Vaeta, her golden coat was like a sliver of hope and she approached her easily, watching as the woman mimicked her moves. The sensation of snow at her feet sent another chill up her spine but she was content that she had finally found someone, but not just any someone, it looked as if she had found someone else from the Caverns and her tail swayed behind her happily. It was fate that had allowed both women to find each other, and even more luck that they happened to be from the same pack.

As another whine left her lips she caught the words of her company and sighed slow, her breath heavy in her chest as she searched the woman slowly, noting the honey color of her eyes and the way the wind brushed her coat ever so softly; she was beautiful, a sight for any sore eyes. "There was a big storm..." she trailed off, her voice small in her throat. There was no doubt that a fierce snow had gotten her lost from her family and she only hoped that it wouldn't return to get her any more lost, she needed to return to her father and she was certain that lady Narime was beginning to worry over her as well, "do you know where we are? Maybe we could howl to see if anyone can hear us?" she was a horrid howler but would do what she had to in order to return home, she needed her family.
Graphics by Arya and Becuffin!

Played by Vami who has 46 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Vaeta Tainn
She listens to the girl with golden laced ears perked high upon her head, almond shaped eyes trained on her petite, creme form with a muzzle dusted in coal. She had been lost in the same storm, of course and had lost her way in the same manner and it was only by luck and luck itself that they happened upon the same path, unknowingly north and into this ravine. After having searched and scented for a time, Vaeta had been unable to determine exactly which way was home and so Rory's suggestion was met with a smile by the Tainn girl. "Thats a great idea!" She peeps with happiness, hoping back up on her feet once more to the idea of it. Tilting up her golden muzzle towards her sky and shaping white-rimmed lips into an 'o', she howls out one smooth, high sound which seemingly matched with the happy, bell-like sound of her voice. After a long breath of a howl, she stops, ears and head remaining high as she waits in silence for a reply. Shifting her features to Rory once more, she introduces.. "I'm Vaeta, by the way." She speaks with a near whisper, hoping that someone might reply. Perhaps whoever they found might know the area more then they did and could point the pair in the right direction. If not, then it was more traveling for them, but at least they would have one another on their venture.
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There are several fresh rabbit tracks in the mud. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Hero who has 217 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Aurora Thanne
She couldn't imagine the amount of worry her father must be feeling over her loss, especially since she had disappeared not too long ago after searching high and low for Athena only to return empty handed--this was completely different in that she had no idea where she was. She could not remember this land, it seemed foreign against her tender paws and the scent was void of any packs, there was no doubt in the young Thanne's mind that she was miles away from home. At least she had Vaeta, the woman seemed friendly enough to allow her to tag along and Aurora was grateful for her acceptance, there was no telling how long it would take for her to find her way home and she couldn't imagine having to travel this strange land alone. When the golden woman lifted her head to howl the young Thanne stood watching a moment or so before she lifted her own head to mimic the action, although what came from her mouth was anything but the sound of a howl. Her vocal chords were far too immature to master the art of howling, but that didn't stop her from trying. "It hurts..." she admitted, lowering her head as she swallowed saliva to relieve her throat of the sting. It would do her no good to attempt it once more, especially since Vaeta's call had received no response. "maybe we're too far away....I'm scared..." she voiced again, her head lowered to the ground, shoulders slumping in defeat. She didn't know what to do next, " Rory Thanne" she spoke next, wondering if the woman would know where her last name had come from. Not many had known her father, though her mother was quite the popular lady. "Do you know my dad, his name is Ash Hervok" she added proudly, a smile along her thin lips. There was no doubt in her tiny head that the woman didn't know her father, he was the leader of Whisper Caverns after all, and was the strongest and most brave wolf she knew. Everyone knew Ash.
Graphics by Arya and Becuffin!

Played by Vami who has 46 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Vaeta Tainn
Vaeta Tainn had never truly felt what it was like to be lost. To be afraid, confused, and in a place where she knew nothing and no one. She was only left to imagining what the young girl before her must have felt, as she struggled with tiny lungs and undeveloped vocals to howl with her, let alone speak with her. "It's alright, little one." She speaks, the smile never leaving her features. Although Vaeta had done much traveling in her life, it had been mostly at the side of her family. Vaeta had ventured as a child and upon reaching a well age, went to venture on her own and that is where she settled at the sea-side for the winter before deciding to come back here in search for her family once more. Throughout all Vaeta's travels, none of them were unwanted, for the woman loved to travel. Even now, though it had not been her intention to leave Whisper Caverns when being lost in the snow storm, the Tainn girl sought it out as more of an exciting adventure more then anything else - much unlike this girl in front of her seemed to feel about the situation.

"Yes, of course. He accepted me." Her tail waves then, matching the youth with the Leader of her pack. She had not known Ash had any children, didn't even know that Ash and Narime were not mates so could only assume that the little girl belonged to the both of them, perhaps the only surviving child in winter's litter. Vague on the happenings of the pack she had only just recently joined in order to be with her brother, Vaeta did not go far on the subject. She shifts, sniffing the air once more and though she did not catch any wolves, she did catch rabbit. Moving along down closer to the river bed (and hoping Rory would join her) she notices the newly tracks of the hare in the mud. "Come along Rory, you hungry?" Knowing now they would be on their own for a bit (and Rory needing protection, even more so as her Leader's daughter) she supposed hunting was definitely of import.