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Could be a Lucky Day — Blackberry Fields 
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Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
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Kajika Tallis

Kajika thought that his journey was coming to an end.  He had found a place that he thought he could call home even if he had yet to find a pack.  All of his primal needs were met for the most part anyway.  There was water and some small game for him to hunt, it was a good thing he had been involved in enough hunting parties before he left his pack.  Most of all he felt like he was far enough away from home that no one would come looking for him.

On this particularly cloudy day he came across the scent of blackberries.  It was rather strong which caused him to wonder just how many bushes there were.  There were also the scents of other creatures in the area, some that weren't so and others that were.  The scent of other wolves that had passed through were what had him approaching the area cautiously, ears perked and swiveling around on his head at every sound.  Every movement in his peripheral vision was assessed.

Though he was looking for a pack to join he did not fancy being ambushed or in a fight if he could help it.  Kajika had traveled a few meters into the area when the strong scent of a rabbit was inhaled through his nostrils and then he caught the movement of the creature as it pick a blackberry from one of the bushes.  For a moment he stood stock still observing the rabbit, he could not afford to lose his query. A slight breeze ruffled the fur along his back as he finally took a slow step forward hoping the rabbit would not see him till it was too late for it to react.

(This post was last modified: Apr 20, 2015, 02:54 AM by Kajika.)
[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Poppin' who has 62 posts.
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Astraeus Taranath

Astraeus was patrolling the Downs borders until he heard something peculiar. His auds twisted gently, aiming to pick up some sort of sound. And thats exactly what he did. The rustling and scuffling of dead leaves sent his alert mindset into overdrive. He raised his tail, still a bit paranoid about yesterdays meeting. Aeus wasn't the type to go about snapping and attacking on sight, but because of the urgency around Secret Woodlands recently, he was prepared to take on challenges he wouldn't normally pursue. His eyes locked on a dusted brown man crawling upon the forest floor, watching a rabbit intensely. Astraeus didn't scare away the animal, for he thought it was an act of kindness to let the man quench his hunger. It would possibly serve him well to send the man off with a meal in the way of karma. He sat down, hackles still perked, but yet he said nothing. He observed the man and his technique, the way he moved with such precise motor functions. The swarthy man scanned over his facial expression, it was firm and confident- much like his at that age. The boy whom Aeus had know real relations with, was slowly warming on him. He didn't reek of the Woodland's scent and seemed perfectly normal. He was in no place to be accepting members, but he wondered the Queen and King would accept him- that is if he desired to join.

[Image: GaeusA.png]
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Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

It pleased Kajika that the rabbit had yet to notice him as he moved slowly toward it.  Though he was completely focused on every move his prey made, looking for any sign that it was ready to bolt. Closer and closer he came till he was only a meter or so from the creature and that was when he made his move. He raised his body to its full height ar the same moment he set into a run after the rabbit which finally noticed him and it set off.  The chase was a short one before his jaws clamped around the rabbits neck.

Kajika felt a sense of relief that he would be eating that day. Though he wasn't sure that he wanted to indulge in the creature clamped firmly in his jaws there.  However as he came around one of the bushes on his way out of the area he noticed a dark figure seemingly watching him. For a moment he thought about what he should do before finally dropping the rabbit to the ground and stepping over it so that he could speak with the stranger, "I'm this your territory?" He asked cautiously.

[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Poppin' who has 62 posts.
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Astraeus Taranath

Astraeus watched as the man ran down the rabbit, his jaws clamping shut on its nimble neck. He watched the boy round a bush of brambles before laying eyes on Aeus' whole. He paused, dropping the critter beneath his chest before speaking out. Aeus thought for a moment. Yeah, he did live here, but it wasn't necessarily his land. "I live here, yes." He added, standing and raising to his staggering full height. "I must warn you, the Downs are taking the extra mile to be cautious lately. I wouldn't stray too close." He added with a kind smile. He would never let someone fall under the knife because of lack of information. He hoped his efforts would do him well. "I am Astraeus. It is a pleasure to meet you," He nodded, keeping planted where he stood. Not wanting to stray any closer to the rouge. He thought of calling another member, just to be safe. But yet again, he was sure that his size would serve him.

He pondered if this is what @Minka or @Tokino would have advised. It would be quite the show if one of them popped in. He eased himself into a sitting position again, not seeing any threat to be wary about. "What brings you up here?"] He tilted his head curiously. "Not many wolves take a pit stop here."

(This post was last modified: Apr 20, 2015, 03:47 AM by Astraeus.)
[Image: GaeusA.png]
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Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

After having placed the rabbit safely under him he sized the stranger up as he spoke to him. Kajika was not looking for a fight, mostly because he didn't think that he was in any condition to do so.  It was because of that he kept his movements as unthreatening as possible.  Kajika nodded, "It seems like a nice place to live and thank you for warning." He found it comforting to know that at least one wolf in this territory was kind.  He lowered his haunches into a sit.  It seemed that he might be speaking with the stranger for a moment. His thoughts did travel to the rabbit but only for a moment before he answered the wolf's question.

"The search for something to eat," he stated, "Is this part of the downs?" He questioned wondering if that might be the reason wolves didn't stop there. He was not there for a challenge, "I'm Kajika by the way," he added not seeing a problem with sharing that..

[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by TABs who has 229 posts.
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Kova Lagina
If you guys are spreeing feel free to completely skip Kova. I'll just post between yours whenever I can.

Kova wasn't keeping to the den to rest like he should have been. Instead the boy was traveling around the territory whenever he could. Knowing that the pack would be moving from this place soon made Kova want to strike out onto the paths he had grown up with. He didn't want to leave his home, but unfortunately the rest of his family did. So Kova could only follow along and help out whenever he could.

The gray wolf flitted past the bushes pausing every once in a while to smell at the buds that were beginning to swell on their stems. Soon his fields would erupt into hilly waves of flowers. Then shortly after that the first blackberries of the season would begin to grow. Kova hoped that he could visit this place often even if they did move north. He would love to taste his berries at least once more this coming summer.

While sniffing at one particularly large bush, Kova couldn't help but feel angry about his situation. He didn't have much of a say in what his parents wanted to do with the pack. Trying to shake off this brief flash of anger, Kova turned to the right and began loping forward once more.

He was trying to be a good sport when it came to each stage of the move. Even though Kova completely opposed it. During the first stage he had helped his mother find the territory up north which Minka had decided to claim. Then he traveled back to enjoy as much as he could of the blackberry fields that he had been born in. Soon he was sure that the rest of the pack would head up north to join the others. Even though Kova dreaded this day he tried to keep looking for the silver lining of it all.

There will be more new places to discover! was the comment he continually ran through his head while trying to lighten his own darkening mood.

 Today Kova was loping around trails he had memorized very early on as a child. The trail he was taking right now was one of the first trails he had explored soon after Minka allowed the cubs out of the den on short trips. The silver wolf was wandering along this trail at first, but as he neared the border he began to scent other wolves. Knowing that one of the wolves was a pack mate, Kova had no trouble deciding to head over to investigate. The other wolf scent was distinctly clean of any other family scents, which could only mean that he was a loner. Kova wondered for a moment why lone wolves did have home packs to stay with in the first place before spotting the dark coated pair.

“Hello!” Kova called out a quick greeting to Astraeus before slowing his approach. The gray lad stopped a few feet behind his dark pack mate while looking over the stranger curiously. Why was he here? Kova could only guess that the wolf was attracted to the borders by the smells of his family. It seemed like a lot of wolves who didn't have their own packs liked to sniff around their borders. Or at least that's what Kova thought.

Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a moose carcass that has been scavenged by coyotes nearby. +15 Health