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could be something right past the turnpike gates — Red Fern Forest 
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Played by Namara who has 18 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valeria Octavia Lycus Slayer

Recovering from her rambles to Iopah, the esteemed leader of Broken Timber Pines, Valeria found herself out in a beautiful forest of light autumn hues. It was so strange to see such colors out in late spring and early summer but she did not question it: fall was her favorite season. The ivory Slayer child would rush through the forest at her highest speeds while letting the wing whip through her fur, sending it in all sorts of directions which would make a need for grooming later. It was that moment when she realized she loved the freedom that she felt as her eyes softened and she let out a loose and playful howl to the sky. It would not go far as it was not a howl such as a summons – it was a quiet one inviting all the wolves in the area to enjoy her company as she hopefully enjoyed theirs.

Val’s mind was also in a twist as she thought about everything that happened that would lead her here. She had been given a good life at home… it just wasn’t her life. She needed feelings like these and with her over-domineering parents; she just couldn’t get that back at home. She had no regrets about when she left home though part of her feared her parents would send one of her siblings to find her and bring her back to Terras Fortem. She was content with where she was, so she naturally would not want to return to the world of rules, diplomacy, and blackmail.

As she pondered upon these revelations, her speed slowed and her mind started to zone out. Her senses remained alert as she checked her surroundings to keep her from tripping over roots or running into trees. She would continue this path until she slowed down to a decent paced trot.  She would start to hum before settling into a nice rhythm and then would start singing a song her mom had always sung to her in her low alto voice. “Sing it out! Girl, you've got to be what tomorrow needs. For every time that they want to count you out, use your voice every single time you open up your mouth.” Her words reminded her of why she was there. She was there to live the life she wanted, instead of the ones that her parents wanted for her.

(This post was last modified: Jun 08, 2015, 12:02 AM by Valeria.)
[Image: Q1P3UVK.png]
Played by Becca who has 65 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Bérengère Dunn

He couldn't understand it. Why had that woman, @Phyrrus, been running through his head so much? Even in spots of where he would usually think of Darrah the older woman occupied his mind. Ever sense their night shared by the creek he had put distance between them. The last thing Bear wanted was to make an awkward situation out of his feelings. If he could just spend less time with her she maybe then wouldn't be in his head so much..

At first the sound of a playful howl caught the dark man's ears. Who had that been? He had made sure no one followed him out here. The town was still young, like Darrah's, but more feminine. Chasing after the sound he heard words this time. Not flowing as it talking to someone but much more singy-song like. Confused he listened to the girl sing. Her words made him think of rebellion but he was unsure. Pulling himself out from his mental shell he barked out. ”What is that song about?” Bear crawled out from the foliage of the red ferns showing himself in full. His size wasn't as tall as the other woman but he did have more muscle mass than the other woman it looked like. At least he knew he could hold himself.

”It sounded almost as if it was about rebellion, maybe even independence?” He had never been a wolf to associate with either of those traits. Bear was content with being in the law and being "another brick in the wall". Not to mention he wasn't even close to a independent wolf. He craved the strength of others to fuel his own strength. Sometimes it made him wonder how others could be such a way; independent and practically made for the lone wolf life.

Esveeka-Stock & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief

So What Do I Do When Every Day
Still Seems To Start And End With You

Played by Namara who has 18 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valeria Octavia Lycus Slayer

While she had put out the call for others to come find her and socialize, she had not expected anyone to answer, and that was alright. So when a voice interrupted her song, she turned and saw before her a man who was asking her what her song was about. He thought it was rebellion but she thought otherwise. “It’s about freedom and standing up for yourself. My mum taught it to me when I was younger.” She would explain her words as she gave him a soft smile, her emerald eyes hiding nothing because there was nothing to hide. She tended to be quite an expressive person. “I’m Valeria. Valeria Lycus.” Her words were soft from her maw as she placed her ivory bum on the ground.

She invited him to do the same, waving her tail from side to side in a soft swaying motion as she wondered just who this man was and what, more importantly, he was to her. Perhaps he would be a friend or an acquaintance? He was strange, in her mind. His pelt contrasted hers though they appeared to be the same size. His eyes were a stinging amber color while hers were a dull emerald. They appeared to be as opposite as could be, but it was her mother who had told her that opposites attract. “What are you doing in this wonderful place? I was scouting.” She was quite proud of that fact and she wasn’t afraid to show it as her smile grew and her chest puff out ever so slightly with a certain amount of pride.

She thought back to her brother Nahilus, the guard and his lord heir, and remembered that he had once told her to keep off of the scouting because she was better suited for hunting, just like Salva was for healing and Absyrtus was for scouting. She often scoffed at his remarks because a wolf could be who they wanted to be and that was just what she was doing. She freed herself from the shadow of her siblings, giving her the right to honestly sing the song her mother had taught her. Idle chitchat was her forte.

[Image: Q1P3UVK.png]
Played by Becca who has 65 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Bérengère Dunn
As she explained it Bear’s eyes lit up a bit. He was being shown another side of life. A side where wolves actually did things for themselves. While the dark Dunn was all for some moments of selfishness he truly did things for others or for everyone as a team. ”I see, maybe you could teach me the song sometime.” He smiled softly at her pale face. It sounded like something his prince Darrah would like. Maybe if he, Bear, learned it he could pass it on to Darrah.

”Pleasure to meet you Valeria.” Pausing a curt nod was given from his dark crown. ”I am Bear, a member of a pack not to far from here located in Spectral Woods. A place not as stunning as these woods.” Chuckling lighting Bear’s rum fell the the ground. A gruff sound given from his mouth. While the travel wasn’t long his paws were still sore from previous travels. In fact the Dunn was a bit unsure as to why he was even out here.

Ironic it was that she asked him what he was doing when he didn’t even have a clue. ”I honestly don’t know. I’m prone to wanderlust and honestly I should probably head home before I get too far, disappearing again.” It was true. Why he was telling the pale Lycus woman all of this was completely unknown to him. In fact...everything was becoming unknown nowadays to the dark Dunn.

So What Do I Do When Every Day
Still Seems To Start And End With You