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I submit no excuse. If this is what I have to do..
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Played by Maeby who has 110 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Maeve Destine Caravello
Sorry we didn't discuss this more before I posted Dx. Reply at your own pace, I just needed a post before activity check x^x
@Aponi @Kyna

Though it went unspoken, Maeve knew there was some sort of law forbidding her from ever officially meeting Kyna. Countless attempts had been soiled by none other than her own parents, and it was truly frustrating. She couldn't comprehend what the big deal was! They were around the same age, didn't that mean they were destined to befriend one another? Nevertheless, today would be the day. Her parents would no longer hinder her, the only thing left to do was talk down her nerves.

Maeve wasn't one to disobey her parents, but this was important! The plan was to use time to her advantage, she'd impatiently wait in the den for the first signs of sunlight and sneak out whilst everyone else remained in a still slumber. Nobody would be up to question her actions, so it was almost absolute that things would work out perfectly! Oh how excited the tyke was, maybe if the adults could just see how well the two would get along they'd understand and grow to accept it! After all, how could they not? Excited beyond belief, the girl watched the sun creep up and quietly made her way out. "Sowwy mumma.. Sowwy but I make fwend tuhday."

She'd been planning this for weeks, thus making the small hike toward the other den a piece of cake. Tip-toeing her way into the dimly lit structure, Maeve squinted around for her target. "K... Kuynuh?" how exhilarating! She was so filled with glee it was astonishing the little fluff-ball didn't burst! "Kuy..nuh. Kuynuh wanna play wid me?" romping up to the small princesses snoozing family, she did not hesitate to make her presence known.  

I am not alone,

Maeve Destine-Caravello

Searching for the starlight in the darkest skies.

(This post was last modified: Jun 14, 2015, 02:42 AM by Maeve.)
[Image: 9lnGsxY.png]
[Image: RNGTjgp.gif]
Played by Ace who has 377 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kyna Argyris Archer

Kyna had grown into quite the night owl. Quietly she slipped from the den each night when she sensed that Aponi was fast asleep, to go and explore the endless shadow that the moon quilted over the world. Strangely, she was excited about the shapes the moon chose, sometimes growing wide as white pupils (her favorite) and shrinking down to slender crescents. She could spend hours listening to the voices of moths and crickets, and on nights like these, stay out until the sun ceased them to silence. Somehow the sky burned bright orange, casting deep purple shadows, and the sun stood slowly, growing more yellow and alert. Those were some of the most exciting times. Kyna longed for her mother to watch them with her, but she was always too tired to wake for that.

On this particular morning, the young Aquila-Argyris perched herself on a flatter rock on the other side of the den, where the sun could rise to meet her over the mountainside. The wind was blowing just gently over the Plateau, cooling down the summer morning, ruffling her darkened fur. She was growing into a lovely young lady, tall for her age and mature. Her milky eyes gleamed bright as ever out over the horizon. She wished they'd stay icy blue and beautiful like her mothers, but a part of her was curious about her father's orange ones, and how they blazed like waning fire.

Just as the sun was rising, Kyna thought she heard her name blow in the wind behind her. She'd recognize her mother's voice, even her father's though she'd never really been around him. She pinned back her large ears and looked over her shoulder. This time she heard the voice wide open.

Kuynuh wanna play wid me?

"Who der," she hollered, climbing up the rock that marked the den entrance. She peered her head over the shallow ledge to see an unfamiliar tuft of tawny fur looking down the throat of her den. "Oh. Was your name? How you know mine?" Kyna didn't know there were other puppies around to play with. She did know that if that pup made any more racket, she'd wake Aponi up in an instant. "I wanna play, but we hafta be quiet 'cause momma sleepin'."

Played by Maeby who has 110 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Maeve Destine Caravello

It shouldn't of been a surprise to the pup that Kyna hadn't the slightest idea who she was. Maeve had only even ever seen the honey-coated lass from a far distance, and had only ever learned her name though brief interactions with her parents. This just proved that interfering with their first encounter went both ways, but why? "Muh name's Maeve! I seened yuh before but mumma not wan' me to play wiff you." She frowned at the thought. So far things were going great, what were they so worried about?

Kyna's response couldn't of made her happier. From this day forth they'd make a remarkable pair! Nobody would dare tear them apart, there'd be no reason to! "Oh! Ohkeey! Shh!" She motioned toward the entrance of the den, knowing they'd be able to be a touch louder if not inside. "We can play ouside! Yer mumma won' hear us!" grinning, the girl perkily hopped her way outdoors. She had so many questions for her new acquaintance! What was her favorite color? What were her parents like? Maeve wanted to learn anything possible about the girl, and as fast as she could!

Bustling with energy, the tiny Caravello swiftly pranced around her friend. "Is you the only puppy here? I gots a brother!" She was certain Kyna was the only pup in their den, though it wouldn't be the most shocking thing in the world to hear of another. "Why dus my mumma say I cant play wid' you?"

I am not alone,

Maeve Destine-Caravello

Searching for the starlight in the darkest skies.

(This post was last modified: Jun 16, 2015, 02:15 AM by Maeve.)
[Image: 9lnGsxY.png]
[Image: RNGTjgp.gif]
Played by Ace who has 377 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kyna Argyris Archer

Even though Kyna was only a few weeks old, her life was desolate. The only one around was her mother - she could have believed they were the only two in the Plateau besides her scarce father, who stole peeks into the den from time to time. This newcomer wore the rocky timber scent that her own family wore, but musky twinges of different wolves were laced within the intriguing scent. Kyna didn't understand this. Why did Maeve smell like the rest of them? And why hadn't she ever heard of her?

But quickly, her new friend added yet another clue. The honey colored pup drew her head up, tilting her ears back in total confusion when Maeve said that her mother didn't want her to know about Kyna and her family. "Why," was all that could blurt from her lips. Preposterous as it was, she rolled her small puppy blue eyes out to the unexplored world, wondering how her mother would react if she somehow woke up to find her missing. But that thought soon left Kyna as Maeve beamed with excitement and she returned the gesture, wagging her tail, raising ears, ready to pounce. The silver pup proceeded to prance around the Aquila-Argyris, bustling with questions. It was truly great to find a friend besides the creepy moon.

Kyna wondered why Maeve came alone, how she could slip away from the possessive grasp of her own mother so easily. Perhaps her mother was clueless, or maybe that silver pup was pretty sleuth-y. Kyna couldn't imagine going too far without notifying Aponi, she imagined her icy eyes narrowed frantically, worried sick about her daughter out in the evil world. But Maeve was certainly a good companion, and would make perfect meet to the buddy-system. Plus, she had a brother.

"Yah, I don't got a brother," she said sadly, wishing she knew what it was like to have a sibling around to play with. "I gots nobody but momma. 'Cept for dadda but I only seen 'em two times." The thought of her dad was startling. She hadn't given it much thought, but he was truly never around. Momma had to do all the work, and that was not fair for the momma to have to do everything while the dad did nothing. She scrunched up her nose, wishing she could find him out here to ask him why he never came around to see her.

But Maeve brought back a more important subject: why were they both not allowed to meet each other? Maeve was a nice pup, no diseases that Kyna could see. She just slumped down and thought real hard about the whole thing. And finally shrugged but tried to at least offer something. "Maybe yer momma don't know if we be gud fwends? Or maybe she think I'm too orange and yer too gray? But that's stupid."

Played by Ghost who has 517 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aponi Donata

Aponi had awoken at the sound of Kyna's sharp cry towards the other pup, though it took her a minute to become oriented. The sound of two muted voices filtered into the den and instinctively the silver ears perked forward as the icy blue eyes blinked away  sleep. Furrowing her brow for a moment the mother looked beside her and was shocked to find her daughter gone so early in the morning. Instantly panic filled her entire being, though part of her acknowledged that it was Kyna's voice outside the den the only thing she knew was that she couldn't see her. Aponi's feelings towards her daughter teetered on the line of being unhealthy; it wasn't a normal overprotective first mother but an almost separation anxiety.  The pup was truly the only person to have ever needed her and stayed around and when she was gone the Aquila panicked.

Not stopping for a moment to stretch the silver fae bolted out of the den, eyes searching frantically for the honey form that was her daughter. It took only a moment before they settled upon the pair of pups, their sight causing her emotions to clash. It was relief first that her daughter was safe and hadn't wandered too far, seconded by joy at seeing her daughter laugh and finally followed by jealousy that it wasn't her that was making her do it. Phineas had never been a problem that way, Kyna had always seemed uneasy around him so Aponi felt no need to fret he would steal her away, but Aesire could. The female alpha had a true mate and other cubs, Kyna could be seduced by their little family when her own was so very broken.

It simply wouldn't do, but forcing the children to separate obviously wasn't the answer. The answer was to find a way to get this other child to be enticed by them, she would find a way to subtly steal Aesire's daughter before she could steal Kyna. Moving forward with the casual grace of a wolf who had grown up on a similar mountain she smiled at the pair, "Kyna whose your friend? Would you two like to go explore the territory with me?" If Aesire wanted her daughter to stay away Aponi would make sure that she didn't want to, the alpha would become the neurotic over protective mom while she became the wanted one. She would be wanted.

[Image: AplcUOC.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,816 posts.
There is a moose carcass that has been scavenged by coyotes nearby. +15 Health
Played by Maeby who has 110 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Maeve Destine Caravello

Suddenly realization hit the pup, Kyna was right! "Da' mus be it!!" How has she not come to the conclusion herself? "Is cuz' yer orange!" How sad that her own mother would keep the two separated because of a silly color issue. Maeve would certainly have words for her when she arrived home again. The tiny pup had become so exasperated with the thought of her mothers ridiculousness that she'd almost completely disregarded Kyna's talk of her family. "No brother? I gots a dadda but he never round..." The thought seemed sad, but in all honesty it didn't bother the monochrome offspring! You can't miss what you've never really experienced after all!

Maeve's eyes gleamed with excitement as an older, presumably female, wolf approached the two rather new pups. "Is da' yer mumma!? She pwetty!" She would of otherwise been nervous, and perhaps a bit afraid, but this wolf genuinely seemed happy. Could it be that not everyone was keeping the two apart? "M' names Maeve! I lives close by, yer not gunna tell mumma I came here, are yew?" making a rather pleading expression, the pup hoped that maybe they could all just have fun together; in secret. Or perhaps Kyna's mom would see how swimmingly the two got along, and even try to persuade Aesire to let her out more!  "Esplore?! Are we really loud to? Come on Kuyneahh!!!" She yipped, once more hopping around the honey hued female. 'Her mumma so nice! Why my mumma not see?'

I am not alone,

Maeve Destine-Caravello

Searching for the starlight in the darkest skies.

(This post was last modified: Jun 28, 2015, 04:01 AM by Maeve.)
[Image: 9lnGsxY.png]
[Image: RNGTjgp.gif]
Played by Ace who has 377 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kyna Argyris Archer

Kyna immediately heard her mother stir after their excited voices clanked across the landscape. "Uh oh," she blurted, hoping that Aponi wouldn't make Maeve get in trouble since her own mother didn't know she was around. Maybe Maeve would know to keep that part secret. The honey child slightly frowned as the silver woman she was proud to call her mother slipped from the den; they were so close to adventure! But somehow Kyna knew it was odd that her mother seemed suddenly enthralled that her most prized possession sneaked  out from the den to explore without permission. The young Aquila-Argyris had already been shaking in her paws about the possibility of getting in trouble.

"Mornin' Mamma! Dis my new best frwend!" She smiled hugely at Maeve when Aponi suggested they go together to explore! She wondered at why her momma didn't even complain about how the two really shouldn't be seeing each other. But maybe she'd just come to the realization that it was stupid to keep orange and silver apart. After all, Aponi was silver too. Kyna shot her blue gaze at Maeve's, wishing she'd just leave out the few details about her parents' foreboding message. "No worrie, I'm not sayin nuthin. Wait- are yew mamma? We just esplore for a lil bit so her mamma not mad?"

With that, her paws dug at the earth to chase the head start her friend claimed while she was too busy talking out the details. "No Maeve, wait fer me!!"

Played by Ghost who has 517 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aponi Donata
Sorry this took forever guys! Feel free to pp Aponi just following behind them and then fade out and archive <3

Maeve seemed thorough enthralled by the idea that Kyna's mother liked seeing them together and would offer to take them around the territory with her.  Smiling genuinely towards the girl she couldn't help but laugh at the compliment, "Well thank you Maeve, you're very pretty yourself. My name is Aponi and no we can keep this our little secret. You can come back whenever you want, but it might make your mom mad so maybe it could just be the three of us, that way you two can be friends and your parents won't be upset." It was the perfect trap, not only was the Aquila offering her exactly what she wanted but also letting her into a special group that held a secret between them. It would be tempting to any child, but especially to one as obviously bold and confident as Aesire's daughter seemed to be.

The pups sudden brightened and almost disbelieving expression cemented her plan into action, already in one interaction she was being formed into the more attractive parent. She might not have a mate or other children but she was allowing them the freedom to be friends and explore, something that Aesire seemed to restrict. Bending in close as if she was about to share a secret before they bounded off Aponi whispered, "We can go anywhere you want, we can always explore together just as long as it's the three of us. It can be like a secret adventurers club, would you like that?" The blue eyes sparkled as she spoke and soon both the children had taken off at a sprint to go and see the sights the mountain had to offer. Following closely enough to keep them in sights and step in if they needed it the mother hung back slightly, once more giving them to illusion of freedom. Oh Aesire, she had no idea that bright and early this morning her daughter was being accosted, she would have a new mother soon.

[Image: AplcUOC.png]
Played by Maeby who has 110 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Maeve Destine Caravello
Okay! We could probably actually wrap this up pretty soon then, if you'd like.. :)

Maeve couldn't help but squeal a bit as the older woman returned her compliment. 'I'm pwetty too!' she thought, blissfully basking in the wonderful event. "A-aponi.." she repeated with a smile, growing ever more happier with the promise of her mother remaining in the dark about her current situation. Obviously Aesire would be upset if her daughter's new friendship ever became public, but the pup hadn't known the true extent of her possible wrath until Aponi had reassured it.  "Secwet... yea..." scrunching her face in dismay, the girl glanced toward Kyna for a bit of additional comfort.

What next excited the small  Destine-Caravello was word of a 'secret adventurers club'. The next step up from friendship would just /have to be a club! How cool was that? "Oh m' gosh!" she grinned, tail wagging at an alarming pace. "Can we?! Kyna can we?!" once more bouncing about, Maeve eagerly pushed the honeyed pup toward a positive answer.

Wasting little to no time sprinting off to explore new and unseen sights, Maeve put a lot of effort in soaking in every last drop of their escapade. As of today, life was great. As long as she could keep up the secret without any problems, she was sure she'd grow into the happiest wolf possible. "Hey.." she paused, making direct eye contact with Kyna. "I dun wan' muh brother to be in da club. He'd tell on me." exclaiming with bold detail, the grey-scaled child vaguely imagined the look that'd be placed upon Wren's face had he found out about her mischievous past time activities. "Den we cant be fwiends..."

I am not alone,

Maeve Destine-Caravello

Searching for the starlight in the darkest skies.

[Image: 9lnGsxY.png]
[Image: RNGTjgp.gif]