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Played by Ghost who has 291 posts.
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Draven Leigh
ooc: @Raela back dated August 13. Although is it backdating if the opening post takes place on the same day it's backdated to...?

A dark shape crouched low in the undergrowth, eyes locked on his chosen quarry as it settled in to rest on the broken remains of a hollowed-out log. His prey's white wings fluttered lazily as it sat soaking in the sunlight; it made them shine so brightly that they almost looked like they were glowing.

Beryl eyes narrowed as Draven carefully slipped closer to the log; soft puppy paws padded quietly along on dead leaves and dry twigs as his black-and-brown belly slithered over the debris. Just a little bit closer... Don't fly away, you dumb bug...

He was right there, right on top of the cabbage fly, and it still didn't seem to notice him yet. If it would just hold still a little bit longer, he might actually be able to catch one of these stupid things for once. Then maybe the rest of them wouldn't keep pestering him so much when he was out trying to explore the territory!

He was probably close enough now. He crouched down, flattening his ears back against his head and trying to make himself as flat against the ground as he could. He'd seen other wolves pounce things. It couldn't be that hard - all he needed to do was jump fast enough to squish the bug before it could get away from him. His legs bunched, his claws dug into the ground - and he jumped!

--And he missed. All four paws came down in the wrong directions, leaving the pup to bellyflop on the log just a few inches shy of his target. alerted by the commotion, the cabbage fly fluttered up and away - just in time for the log under Draven to crack ominously. The dry husk crumbled under him before he could leap away, and Draven bellyflopped again a couple of feet later.

On second thought, hunting dumb cabbage flies was beginning to seem very, very hard. Maybe he would just... sort of lay here for a second. Catch his breath.

Dumb bugs.

[Image: draven-greypixel01.gif]
Played by Jenandra who has 438 posts.
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Raela Lieris Asurn

It was beyond time that she spent some more precious hours with the Crestlings. They were getting so unfathomably big already! She remembered, of course, how quickly the Asurn children had grown, but it never ceased to amaze her; and she hoped it never would. These childrens' very existence was a cause for joy; the way they were allowed to hold on to their innocence under the pack's care. It was more than she ever could have dreamed of when she was small. Puppies always seemed to grow faster when you robbed them of love... 

Thinking of the Asurn pack for too long only brought pain for the many pups she knew were growing up under their control. They would be about the age of Minka's, but many years colder. She couldn't focus on it. There was nothing to be done from so far away. All she could do was protect these children, and make sure they never knew why her memories sometimes made her so sad. As fortune would have it, the leader's youngest was the first trail she picked up on this afternoon. Draven. The little pup had become near reclusive with all his exploring. An idea formed in her head as she moved along. He was getting older; they all were! It was about time they had some lessons before- 

Her sensitive ears picked up the dull thud before she was even on the scene. Worry electrified the agouti woman's muscles, and she broke into a lope. Part of her tried rationalizing the sound; it was probably nothing major, but she would catch up with him just in case. Another thud. She moved faster now. A few more strides and her worried mind begged her to call out to the youth. “Draven?” She barked, her voice louder than usual. She saw the hollow log; the boy's scent having grown even stronger. He was here, somewhere. Sharp golden eyes turned up nothing in the immediate vicinity; the log was the next place to check. Bowing down to look into one end, Raela's eyes easily made out the dark shape of Minka's youngest, well, his rump at least. “Draven,” she began, still curious, “are you alright?” Her sweet, mellifluous voice filled the hollow space, echoing within. 

Image © Chris Smith Photography
Manipulation © Jenandra
            [Image: 1HGS6dy.png]
[Image: AsFM155.png]
Played by Ghost who has 291 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Draven Leigh

Draven's ears perked up at the sound of that first call. That sounded a lot like Raela's voice... Oh no. Oh, no, please, don't let it be Raela... Anybody but the agouti. Anybody. He'd even prefer Gent find him crashed on the ground! ...Although, okay, maybe this was slightly better than Minka or Ari and Kino finding him instead. His siblings would never let him hear the end of it, and if Minka had found him first he might have died of embarrassment.

Draven groaned and wriggled back onto his paws, shaking himself out again before shimmying around to look behind him... which was in front of him now. Whatever. The important thing was that, yep, there was Raela peering in at him from that end of the log. Couldn't she have been anywhere else at all when he'd fallen in here? Now he was going to have to explain how he got down in here...

“I'm fine,” he mumbled as he made his way back out of the log. He really was okay, too, just a little banged up from the landing... or both of the landings. “But I missed the bug I was after.” And that was really, really annoying to have to admit out loud, but he hadn't really had enough time to come up with anything better. Besides, he couldn't fib to Raela - she'd see through it in a heartbeat, and besides, she was only worried about him. He was still really embarrassed about it.

“What are you doing out here, Raela?” he asked, mostly to cover up his own shame. But, really, why was Raela out here, right where he had goofed up so terribly? Any other time, he'd be more than happy to spend time with her, but not now, not after he'd gone and made himself look dumb!

[Image: draven-greypixel01.gif]
Played by Jenandra who has 438 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Raela Lieris Asurn

Just as her slender muzzle poked into the log, the child's form shifted. He spun to face her much faster than she was expecting, and Raela recoiled slightly. His answer was less than convincing as the dark youth shuffled awkwardly toward her. Raela backed away from the dead tree fast enough to give the boy some space, some concern still evident on her features. She stared down at the lad, examining his body for any harm; orange ears at attention. Draven's second utterance helped erase any remaining worry, though. A soft smile brightened her face. So that's what was going on. He was already trying out his hunting skills; well, at least he was trying more seriously than he had as a pup. 

His voice was so low and irritated sounding; and she knew immediately that what seemed a silly reason to be upset to her was a very legitimate reason to a small boy. In the silence that followed the Crest woman's smile faded to reflect this real disappointment. His question hurriedly filled the air a moment later. It struck her as peculiar to ask, and a bemused smirk pulled at her lips as she regarded the child. Unable to hold back the amusement in her tone, the tawny woman offered a curt response. “I came out here to see you. The older wolf reclined slowly to her haunches as she spoke, expecting some slight change in the tot's attitude at the idea that she had come to visit him especially. 

“I thought you might like to practice hunting, but it seems you beat me to it.” Raela's mirthful grin never let up as her eyes glowed down at the precious child. Aware that Draven might take the harmless jeering as something meaner, she shifted her tone. “Would you like to go after something a little bigger than bugs?” She questioned, eyes brightening with anticipation. At three months old, she could offer the Lagina child much more than a measly insect to train on; and she doubted the pup would be anything but excited at the proposal. She could almost sense the prince's impending burble

Image © Chris Smith Photography
Manipulation © Jenandra
(This post was last modified: Aug 14, 2015, 08:34 AM by Raela.)
            [Image: 1HGS6dy.png]
[Image: AsFM155.png]
Played by Ghost who has 291 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Draven Leigh

She came out here specifically to see Draven? Aw, no - now he felt really dumb! He'd just goofed up while she was coming to spend time with him! The Lagina pup felt his dark fur fur prickle with humiliation as he scowled and scuffed at a leaf with one forepaw. Of all the rotten luck--

Did she just offer to help him practice hunting?

Draven's head snapped up, all irritation and embarrassment gone as he listened intently to Raela. Bigger than bugs? Did she mean lizards? Mice? Birds? Maybe a deer? Maybe a whole herd of deer? The young prince's tail began to wiggle excitedly, and eventually it started wagging so hard that the wiggling went clear up to his shoulders; his front paws danced back and forth along the ground in front of him as the excitement doubled and tripled and tripled and doubled some more.

“Bigger than those stupid bugs?” He gave an excited little hop and a happy yip. “D'you mean it, Raela? Can we go now? Please? Please?

Not that there was any thought in his mind that she would say no. Why would she ever mention it at all if she didn't plan on actually taking him along to do it? And Raela was a good hunter, too, so she could teach him to be one just like Gent or Minka! Just think of the wonderful fun things he could tell Ari and Kino all about when he got home later! Maybe he could even bring something home to show them!

[Image: draven-greypixel01.gif]
Played by Jenandra who has 438 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Raela Lieris Asurn

His face seemed only to wrinkle further with unhappiness at her first attempt. Fortunately it was mere seconds before the agouti woman hit the nail right on the head. His fuzzy head rose as if yanked up by her own paw. The sentence had barely left her mouth when she saw the excitement brewing. His green eyes betrayed it first; gleaming with emotion while his feet seemed unable to contain themselves. Finally, the tail joined in, bringing the whole pup into jubilant motion. She was already laughing by the time the dark child's toes had left the ground in a series of happy bounds. She couldn't even begin to hold back the brilliant smile that stretched across her masked face. Yep. That did the trick. 

Taken with the boy's contagious zeal, she regarded him with mock indecision. “Mmmmm...” she hummed, tipping her head. In a flash the woman's sunshine eyes widened; front feet crashing to the earth in an abrupt play bow. “Yes! Let's go!” She barked hurriedly before bouncing to her own feet and loping into the woods. With all the energy she saw practically pouring from his being, she figured the child could use a little run. Another set of chuckles slipped her open mouth as they darted between the trees. It was moments like these with the wind whipping through her pelt and laughter in her lungs that made the trials of the past year worth it. This place was a little slice of heaven sometimes. 

After a few elated seconds she slowed, allowing her well-trained ears to locate the first target. She'd have to show the boy how to actually accomplish things first. The anxious scurrying of a rodent on the forest floor brought her to an abrupt halt while her ears targeted its direction. She froze there for a tense second before veering off to the right. Another few paces passed and she slowed again, this time scanning the area with bright eyes. The movement slipped by her at first, but after a second or two the small brown body came into focus. Quickly she lowered herself toward the boy, wondering briefly if he'd seen it yet. 

“Stay here and watch; I'll show you how to do it first.” She motioned toward the prey with a wink before flattening her posture into a stalking pose. The plump little mouse remained mostly oblivious as she slunk closer; noticing the larger creature a moment too late. By now she was a master of the small targets; having been on her own for so many months. Had the critter known he was in her domain, he might have chosen to move. Raela and her prey burst into action simultaneously with a fluttering of dead leaves and pine needles. Her paws descended on the mouse in just a couple strides; pinning it to the earth until it could be scooped into her jaws. It was all over in a couple heartbeats. The successful hunter tossed her head, positioning the animal's neck atop a row sharp teeth. With a swift crunch she mercifully ended its panic, and its life. 

Already her eyes were searching for the youth, wondering if he had been able to see well. She waited for the boy to approach, and deposited the limp creature at her feet. A salmon-pink tongue slid over her muzzle, wiping away any tiny droplets of blood that might have accumulated there. At first she decided to simply wait for the prince's reaction. He would definitely have something to say; or perhaps a string of questions to answer. 

Image © Chris Smith Photography
Manipulation © Jenandra
            [Image: 1HGS6dy.png]
[Image: AsFM155.png]
Played by Ghost who has 291 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Draven Leigh

Words were very much an alien concept by now for Draven. He was too excited to waste time with them, so instead he yipped and burbled and danced about until Raela charge off into the trees, then barrelled after her with a laugh of his own. Oh, this was good - the running, the fun stuff he was about to do that he was sure Ari and Kino can't have gotten to yet... He bounced just as much as he ran, at least until Raela slowed to a stop right in front of him.

He obeyed Raela's hushed words without argument; he knew enough to stay low and quiet, at least, even if he didn't see what Raela was after. She must see it, though, because there she went creeping towards... whatever it was.

She darted forward so suddenly that it startled Draven, and in a whirl of action that he couldn't really follow and that ended with a sharp crunch, it was over. Draven flinched, crouching towards the ground for a moment as Raela looked his way; then, eyes wide and tail sticking straight out behind him, he crept forward and sniffed at the limp mouse at Raela's feet. It was broken, and there was a little blood, but not lots - not like he imagined there probably was with big kills. He nudged it with his nose; it was still really warm. That was weird.

“How come it isn't cold yet?” he asked. And then, because curiosity was quickly overtaking whatever the quiet feeling was that he had felt first: “How did you know there was a mouse? How did you sneak up on it? Why did you toss it up in the air like that? Can we eat the mouse?” With each question he looked from the mouse to Raela and right back again, until  he started to feel a little bit dizzy and plopped down before he could fall over.

“Teach me how to hunt, too,” he said, his tail wagging again behind him. “You made it look so easy!”

[Image: draven-greypixel01.gif]
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a moose carcass that has been scavenged by coyotes nearby. +15 Health
Played by Jenandra who has 438 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Raela Lieris Asurn

Of all the reactions she was expecting, this one was likely the most positive. Instead of crying or running off to try it himself, the boy toddled right up to her, investigated the catch, and levied far too many questions to answer at one time. She'd opened her mouth to answer the first, when the next came rolling out like a landslide. Raela had to laugh again as he went on and on. She wished some adults were this keen on learning. His rapid head movement ceased as the prince reclined; ending the volley of wonder with more enthusiasm. She waited a half second, smiling warmly down at her student before attempting to answer. 

“I will, I will.” She grinned, her voice light. “Let me see if I remember all those questions,” she said absently, glancing off into the distance with a smirk plastered on her face. The first she recalled easily, having almost responded before. “It takes a while for it too loose its heat.” The woman's dandelion eyes found the dead mouse again as she spoke. “I found him by listening.” Her head turned upward from its lowered position, to look more squarely into his face. She flicked an ear for effect. “And then I looked for him. It's a lot easier to hear the small creatures than it is to try and see them from a distance. Mice like this,” she indicated downward again, “Can also smell you coming if you're not careful. You have to move so the wind doesn't blow toward them.” Raising her head back to it's usual place, she recalled even more useful information. “But that means you can find them by scent too. It's best to use all those senses to track prey.” She shot the boy another smile, watching to make sure he was getting it all. 

“Sneaking up on it's just a matter of moving slowly, and stopping when it looks at you. Watch where you put your feet, cuz sticks and leaves are noisy.” The rest of his questions came slower to her memory, and she had to really think for a moment. “Oh, I tossed it because I wanted to get its neck between my teeth.” It was a serious topic they were venturing into now, and her tone came down to reflect it. “If you bite down hard there,” a single creamy paw extended out to mark the spot on the rodent's body, “you'll snap their neck and kill them quickly. I'm sure you know biting hurts by now, so that's the best way to make sure we don't hurt the mouse too much.” She paused a moment to let the information sink in. It was likely an alien concept to the child. “We just kill mice for food, not because we want to hurt them.” A soft smile graced her lips as she watched his face. “So yes, you can eat him,” she chuckled. A quick final thought begged to be said. “Also, the faster you kill it the less chance it has of escaping.”

Image © Chris Smith Photography
Manipulation © Jenandra
            [Image: 1HGS6dy.png]
[Image: AsFM155.png]
Played by Ghost who has 291 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Draven Leigh

Draven tilted his head, listening eagerly as Raela answered each and every one of his questions and then some. He couldn't sit still at all - his little tail kept wagging hard behind him, making the whole rest of him wiggle around, too - but he somehow stayed quiet until Raela was done. He didn't really want to pipe up and interrupt her, because if he did she might forget what she was saying and then end up never answering the rest of his questions!

It was easier to stay shut up when she started talking about how she actually killed the mouse, because that wasn't as cool or as much fun to hear about as the other stuff about smelling and hearing. He started feeling that quiet feeling again as he watched her point out the mouse's neck. Biting did hurt. Sometimes it hurt a lot. He wondered if it had hurt the mouse at all before it died. Probably it did.

“Was the mouse scared?” He tilted his head the other way and looked up at Raela. “You said it could run away if you don't kill it fast, right? Because it's scared, right?” He knew about being scared, too. Sometimes if he heard a loud noise, or when he found something new that he didn't understand, it made him feel scared because he didn't know what to do about it. Had the mouse felt that way, too?

But it was also pretty dead now, and he didn't want it to be dead after being scared and just lay there. And Draven was pretty hungry, so he laid down next it and started crunching on the mouse while he waited for Raela to answer these new questions. And maybe when she had and he was done eating, he could try it out for himself. That made him cheer up to think about - he'd be just as cool as Raela, and maybe when he caught something he could bring it back to show Minka!

[Image: draven-greypixel01.gif]