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but i'm drawn to wilder nights at home — Hearthwood River 
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Played by Namara who has 402 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karpos Slayer
i can show you how many moves to check mate

The young man felt a sense of security, now confident that he could hold his own to keep his rank. He was content with where he was at in the hierarchy, not daring to challenge his uncle Lachesis. He also held no desire to try and take Maksim’s kingdom away from him, therefore he would not challenge up. Instead, he would keep his leader or uncle from having to endure rank challenges by holding his own as a wall or barrier. It was this that led Karpos to travel towards the scent of Maksim. He wanted to talk to the man about an official pack role, and that was as a Guardian of Hearthwood River. He was aware that another Slayer now resided in the ranks and felt this was another reason to take the roll.

The Slayer’s had a long history of guardianship, ended so far with his father in Willow Ridge before the fallout that led to him and his sister’s birth. “Maksim? Can we speak?” The boy would tuck his tail appropriately as he looked within the pack den for the leader, not knowing where he might be. If there was one thing that the man knew, it was that permission was key for everything. He wanted Maksim’s opinion as to whether or not he was even ready to go for a roll. It had been over a year since he had joined up with the Baranski man and his mate, Kisla. Karpos had been there guarding the borders as they raised their children, and he didn’t think he was leaving anytime soon.

Played by Mimi who has 313 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Maksim Baranski

Bleary eyed from his stolen nap, Maksim lifted his head at the sound of a growing boy's -- no, a man's -- voice. It was familiar, yet so very ... different to the chord it struck in his head. The River lord furrowed his brow. Aleksei? No. That was wrong. Orren? Again, he snorted internally at his own stupidity. His sons did not sound like that; they did not yet sound so mature. Blinking the sleep from his eyes, the Baranski hoisted himself up to his feet. Stars above, he hadn't realised how age was creeping up on him! Perhaps he should not have risen from his resting spot so fast.

Shaking the grogginess from his gaze, or at least attempting to, Maksim sought out the source of that voice who requested a conversation. Deep chocolate fur, almost black in silhouette, with eyes like tree bark. A name popped into the leader's head: Karpos. Yes, that was right. The boy before him was Karpos Slayer. "Of course," he responded, unintentionally grizzly in tone. He cleared his throat with a shake of his head -- just one more try to knock his senses around -- before repeating himself in a more respectable manner. "Of course."

Steadily trudging forward, dragging himself from the den in order to stretch in the fresh, crisp air, the father of five offered a smile to the swarthy lad. Karpos was a good kid, a loyal and respectable sort. The wolves who had raised him had certainly done a fine job of it. "What is it you wish to discuss with me?" Best not to beat around the bush.

we are shining in the rising sun, as we are floating in the blue
Played by Namara who has 402 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karpos Slayer
i can show you how many moves to check mate

It would have appeared to Karpos that he had woken the king from what appeared to be a map. He would give a small apologetic glance as the man answered in a grizzly tone. Oh no. He could already see the scold coming up, but instead, the king just cleared his throat and spoke it again in a much calmer manner. The boy would hold a small breath, remembering the nerves he used to get when he talked to Mapplethorpe. The man would ask him what he wanted to talk about and the boy would begin his overly complicated explanation for a simple question. His eyes would remain stoical as his tail lowered respectfully for the man he served and called king. Maksim was perhaps one of the few role models in his life next to his uncle and his adoptive mother.

“Kjors challenged me for my rank recently, making me realize I need to step up and take on a more active role within the pack. I’d like to request permission to seek out the role of Guardian for Hearthwood River, if you’d be alright with that.” He asked, slightly nervous as to what he would say. Karpos had not been lazy, because he had always done his job, but he felt like a title would push him further. Last time he had a full talk with Maksim, he had been angry and had been holding it in. Maksim saw him at his worst and helped him through it, now Karpos was ready for the king to see him at his best. To tell him the truth, he wasn’t entirely sure he could pull it off, but if he could, he’d never let his pack down.

Played by Mimi who has 313 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Maksim Baranski

He pursed his lips at Karpos' words; someone had challenged him for his place in the pack. Someone new, a particular Kjors. For a moment, the king closed his eyes. Why would someone so new to the pack, so new to its hierarchy, attempt to challenge? Did he perhaps hope to overthrow the river lord himself? The agouti mackenzie snorted internally -- foolish thinking, really. Two wolves, capable ones, at that, stood between the "newcomer" and the founding father. He had already been knocked down at the first hurdle!

He let out a sigh unintentionally, shot Karpos' a look. The escaping whoosh of air had not been intended for him. Really, why had Maksim been so quick to distrust this elusive male? Of course, there was no questioning it. He feared for his daughter's safety. She was an independent girl now, but she was still so naive to the world. He simply wanted her safe ... secure. Out of harm's way. He would have to speak with @Naia -- her eyes missed nought, and surely she would know what to make of the situation.

Shrugging away his sour thoughts, Maksim seated himself as he lifted his chin with a quiet "hm". Pros and cons ... Karpos was young, barely of age to consider himself an adult. But, he was hard working. Loyal. Determined. "Very well, Karpos," the king began, "I see no reason to deny you a chance to prove yourself. Do your best to show me what you can do, and we shall see about granting you your title." He smiled, verdant gaze focused on the chocolate lad. A joyous occasion, indeed! A young knight, proving himself for duty!

And yet the king's face darkened and he lowered his voice a fraction. "Whilst you patrol the borders, see if you find any traces of my son ... Aleksei ..." His first-born had been missing for a while now. It was very much unlike him. "I am ... worried, to say the least. A yearling he may be, but an adult he is far from."

(This post was last modified: Jul 04, 2015, 07:58 PM by Maksim.)

we are shining in the rising sun, as we are floating in the blue
Played by Namara who has 402 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karpos Slayer
i can show you how many moves to check mate

Karpos could not help but notice the reaction that the River King had to the news that Kjors had challenged him. He almost appeared troubled and the boy wondered what it was that the king was worried about – Karpos had fended off the man and would continue to do so until Kjors gave up, he left, or Karpos claimed his own throne elsewhere. Still, the boy felt anxiety rising in his chest as he wondered how the regal man would take his request. He looked up to Maksim, so his approval and blessing was seen as very important to the boy. Finally, the king would speak and grant him the right to at least try for the role. Do or do not, there is no try.

"Thank you, sir!" The boy would let a grateful tone into his voice.

The king’s face darkened and Karpos listened carefully as he was given a simple task. Watch out for Aleksei, who had not been scented to be about for quite some time. This worried the young man, but he did not have time. Karpos understood about how young Aleksei was, and what it was like to be worried. His sister had disappeared from the pack too, and he had been keeping a nose out for her scent ever since. The boy gave his king a curious look before daring to ask a question. “Sir, is that the only thing on your mind?” The boy would be curious. Maksim had helped him out of a dark spot when the boy’s anger had taken ahold of him back when he first joined the River. It was because of that, Karpos would always offer to listen to Maksim if he should ever need to talk about something.

Played by Mimi who has 313 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Maksim Baranski

"Sir, is that the only thing on your mind?"

Maksim pursed his lips, focused his verdant gaze on Karpos thoughtfully. He crinkled his muzzle as he considered the main cause of his strife. "No," he responded slowly, "it is not."

His voice already lowered, the king stepped closer to the young knight. "What I tell you is information offered in trust of your character -- you're a good lad, Karpos, and I believe you will not use my feelings against me." Sucking in a sharp breath, the wrinkled bridge of his muzzle smoothing out, the River king gave his full answer. "You speak of Kjors. What you have told me solidifies my opinion of him: I do not trust the fellow. But he has Kisla's intrigue and my daughter's companionship, and I cannot banish him through suspicion alone." That would be abuse of his power within the pack. He was the leader, yes, but Maksim was a fair one and a just one. There was a reason for everything, and he would not let emotions get the better of him. But he was known to have a temper, and given a reason to flare up ... he would seize it.

"What do you know of this self-sung dragon, Karpos? Do you trust him?" And then, with a furrowed brow, the king opened his heart for the young knight to see. A softer gaze was trained on the chocolate youngster, a momentary crack in that steely, stoic appearance that Maksim held so close to him. "Can I trust him?"

we are shining in the rising sun, as we are floating in the blue
Played by Namara who has 402 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karpos Slayer
The person that you’d take a bullet for is behind the trigger

There was a slow response, and it seemed like before Maksim even said it, Karpos had an inkling as to which answer it would be. Being alpha meant he had a lot on his plate, but it was normal and he knew Maksim could hold it together. However, the fact that he was preoccupied and distracted meant it was more than the usual. The king complimented him and told him he trusted Karpos’ character, making a small swell of pride present though he pushed away any physical forms of pride and kept it as a pat on the back in the back of his head for later. “I’d never, sir, I respect you too much.” He said with a lace of confusion in his tone as he listened to the king’s concerns. Karpos found himself agreeing with him.

He did not trust Kjors at all. Maksim made a point to mention that there was nothing he could do about the nagging suspicion before he needed to be a good king, something Karpos found himself respecting more than the trust the king had placed in him. He was asked a question and Karpos’ gaze lightened slightly.“If I am to be honest? I don’t trust him at all. He underestimates wolves and their capabilities. He proved that with his challenge. He tried to take my rank from me while he was injured. I can’t speak about whether or not you can trust him, but why is he trying to climb the ranks when no one here except your daughter or the queen knows anything about him? Why hasn’t he established himself more?” Karpos would voice his concerns, thoughts he had been mulling over since the challenge as he debated it with himself.

“I was planning to ask my uncle about it, in fact, seeing if he knew anything more about him; I just haven’t found him yet to actively ask.” Karpos confessed the mini-investigation he was going to do on the dragon that seemed to take the princess’ company.

Played by Mimi who has 313 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Maksim Baranski

It was all the gryphon needed to hear. The heat in his chest sweltered, a rage bubbling beneath the surface. Karpos did not trust him either, and that was enough. Taking a deep breath, Maksim tried to quell the anger, to douse the flames. "It would seem the dragon believes himself above wolves." There was a sarcastic edge to the lord's voice, one that was obvious against his usually cool words. "How wrong he is," he muttered beneath his breath, muzzle wrinkling in disdain at the mere thought of the one-eyed Timber.

"If you would seek out Lachesis, then I would also seek out Naia. She would know much and more about the man, I believe. Her eyes and ears miss nothing, and her words always ring true." Slowly standing, the king took in the Hearthwood's aspiring guardian's trust. "But start with Lachesis. If Karina is spending as much time with the man as I fear, then he will have noticed her absence more than any. Once you gather his opinion, and Naia's too, seek me out. I will try to find Kjors myself once I have taken the time to assess the situation."

Closing his peridot eyes for a moment, as if gathering his composure, Maksim huffed a rough sigh. "That a man like that could slip within my ranks ... I can only wonder if, perhaps, I am faltering as the lord of this land." Perhaps, age was catching up with him. Perish the thought! Shaking his head, the River leader returned his focus to Karpos with a slight, wolfish smile. "But I suppose it is of little help that I would doubt myself." That wouldn't assist in dealing with this predicament at all.

we are shining in the rising sun, as we are floating in the blue
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a moose carcass that has been scavenged by coyotes nearby. +15 Health
Played by Namara who has 402 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karpos Slayer
@Maksim - End it with your next post?
The person that you’d take a bullet for is behind the trigger

The boy was calm, collected as he carefully listened to details his leader presented him with, missions of sorts that made him feel like he was actively making a difference within the place he had called home for over a year now. He gave his instructions and there was no doubt about them – he was to talk to both his Uncle Lachesis about his opinions of the man, and his Aunt Naia who would know about him as a scout. The man would nod, giving an assuring smile. “I’ll talk to them and report back to you.” He confirmed that he had heard the man and understood what he was supposed to do. He was fairly certain his aunt was out on some kind of scouting mission job but he could talk to her when she returned.

Lachesis, now he was sure to be around the pack borders somewhere so he could go speak to him right after their meeting concluded. It felt like it was coming to a draw. The leader would make a comment which caused the man to frown, shaking his head. “Nonsense, sir! I just think that perhaps the dragon was capable of putting up a good front when he joined, silver-tongued and all. Sometimes things can slip through even the most impenetrable defenses.” He was quick to defend his leader, who later coincided that it was little help to doubt himself, for which Karpos responded with a nod. “I’ll go find my uncle now and report back to you after I have a chance to talk to my aunt. I think she’s off-territory right now though.” He would say before dipping head and turn to do his job. He felt like James Bond.