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in a land far far away — Fallen Tree Cove 
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Played by Jenandra who has 142 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cernan Vuesain
OOC: For @Namid - Story time!

63° F, 17° C
Moderate Rain
1:38 PM

The rain was ruining any chance he had at fun. It had started early; drizzling down in tiny, lazy droplets all morning before turning into a real, actual rainstorm. He was thankful though, that this wasn't one of the light and sound storms; thunderstorms as he'd been taught to call them. Though, it would have been more interesting to watch the blinding bolts smash to earth amongst the sound of the raging thunder. At least this storm was lighter, so maybe it would be over faster. For now though, he was confined to the den with his mother and siblings. Aleister and Neha were fast asleep as the rain's constant rushing lulled the other kids to dreamland. He was still trying to get used to this new den. There was another wolf or two around, but everyone else was content to rest instead of doing anything.

For once, the chubby boy was restless. His sleeping schedule had never quite meshed with the other two. Some part of him wished they hadn't gotten tired and that they could still be playing something in here. Not roughhousing per-say but, something. He was completely idle, sitting sideways on his haunches and watching the rain fall. There wasn't much else to do right now. Cernan observed the outdoors for a few moments longer; feeling the cool fresh air and wishing for some form of quiet amusement, when a thought occurred. His mom was still kind of awake wasn't she?

The younger prince turned, waddling with some semblance of coordination toward the front of the shelter. He appeared beside her large form, standing indecisively for a moment before raking a disproportionately large paw gently against her side. Neha might have launched herself at the woman in an attempt to rouse her and get some attention; but that was not the way of the tubby pup looking at her now. His little jaws parted to reveal the soft puppy voice hiding within. People were sleeping, after all. "Momma," he started, glancing at her face. "Momma I'm bored." He admitted solemnly, his oversized ears falling down and his rump gliding to the floor softly. She always seemed to know how to make things better. She would know this time too.

(This post was last modified: Aug 28, 2015, 02:46 AM by Cernan.)
[Image: cernan-greypixel01.gif]
[Image: pDty34E.png]
Played by Kristen who has 499 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Namid Vuesain
Namid Veusain

They’d awoken that morning to cool temperatures and the pitter patter of rain outside the communal den. It was honestly rather dreary, and fog had hung like a curtain in the open air. While quite a few of the pack members had gone out in the drizzle to do their duties or just simply go for a soggy jog, as the water didn’t typically bother the lake wolves, there were still a few to be left behind as well as Namid and her children. She had allowed the moot mood in the air to seep into her bones, giving Vespertio a good-bye kiss before he’d left that morning, before settling back down to rest. It had been dubbed a lazy day, one where she’d decided to forgo her duties and spend time with the kids. They’d awoken to do a bit of splashing outside, and a bit of playtime with mom before they’d crashed. The not-so-little bundles were curled up asleep currently, lolling off to dreamland as the mother was happy to lounge near the opening of the den and watch the rain fall. While she’d used to be afraid of storms, once the princes and princess had been born she’d managed to put that behind her to be the strong mother they’d need. Now, they actually managed to sooth her. She laid there humming a tune, recollecting the song her own mother had sung to her as a youth.

Suddenly, a paw prodded at her side. She blinked, turning to look down at her youngest son Cernan. He was still the butterball of the trio, and at that point she wasn’t sure if he would ever slim down. No, it seemed that the boy would have the build of his uncle Ooljee. "Momma, Momma I'm bored." he stated quietly, and she chuckled. Her head bent to nuzzle his cheek, nudging him closer to her for a snuggle. While they were too big now to fit between her paws and her chest as they once had been, she was still able to properly give them cuddles as she well pleased. Especially their big lug, who had seemed to be quite the momma’s boy. She didn’t mind, though, it was nice that at least one of them still replied on her. Both Neha and Aleister had seemed to acquire their own individuality early on and were content to go out on their own to explore wherever. Of course, they were forbidden to go near the lake unsupervised or go too close to the borders but other than that they had free reign as long as they checked in every once and a while.

Namid feigned a gasp, “Bored you say? Well, that just will not do now will it?” she said with a smile. She tried to think on things that would sate this boredom he felt, and was drawing a blank until she remembered the humming she was doing earlier. “How about I tell you a story?” she offered, her tail beginning a soft wag.

And if that mockingbird dont sing... 
[Image: 32zm32p.png]
[Image: 2qxvuio.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
Shallow water has trapped several fish in a small pond. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Jenandra who has 142 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cernan Vuesain

When she turned to him her humming came to an abrupt stop. Fortunately she was indeed awake, and even in a good mood! A soft chortle left her smiling face while her son watched on to see what her real response would be. He accepted the affection by nuzzling himself into her face and neck as she craned around to reach him. Already this was better than he felt before. Obediently the child sank to his stomach; now tightly pressed to her side as she gasped in jest. A broad smile and a giggle of his own parted the boy's jaws as he stared up at her, and his thin tail flopped around behind them. She was still soft and warm, like always. Now the cool air could come in all it wanted; he had a Momma blanket! Well, at least on that one side. His tail's pace increased as she finished speaking.

I knew it! I knew she'd fix it! He thought, still watching his dam expectantly. His wagging settled though as she turned away; clearly trying to decide just how to remedy her precious child's stagnation. Then, she suggested story-time. Cernan stared at her blankly for a second before the recognition hit, and his tail resumed its dance. Stories sounded okay, he supposed. Momma told good stories, and he was always happy to listen to her humming voice – it was extra cool when he could hear it in her chest and outside. “Okay,” he responded with a grin. A quiet moment passed before he thought to ask, “What about?” Would it be a hunting story? One about Dad? A funny story? He hoped it wasn't a sad story, but Mom never seemed to have many of those, so he wasn't worried. The boy snuggled closer and drew his paws close together in front of him as he stared at her. He even straightened his laying posture a little. Long, fuzzy puppy ears cupped toward her in anticipation. Whatever she had to tell him it was better than this boring old rain.

[Image: cernan-greypixel01.gif]
[Image: pDty34E.png]
Played by Kristen who has 499 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Namid Vuesain
Namid Veusain

Her youngest happily obliged in her affection, nuzzling up against her face and neck. Her tongue swept across his crown in a kiss as he snuggled himself against her. The children, though just over 3 months of age, were already massive in comparison to how they had begun. They would only grow even more, and soon cuddles like these would be impossible. She knew to cherish them while she could, which is why she smiled broadly at her son’s laugh, a warmth only a mother could feel welling up in her chest. It was their laughs and their little faces that made her strive to better the world they lived in, to be the best mother to them that she could possibly be. She wanted them to have fond memories of her, to remember their family in a way that only made them closer. So far she felt she was doing a good job of that.

At the mention of a story, Cernan seemed mildly confused but then it seemed to click for him. His expression brightened, and she chuckled. “What about?” he asked, and she paused to think. What story, of all the ones she’d stored well within her mind, would she choose to pull out and blow the dust from. Her multi-colored gaze trailed up to the sky as she hummed in thought, sight trailing before glancing at the sun. Of course! “How about a story about the moon and the sun? It was a favorite that your grandpa told me when I was your age,” she said, turning her attention back to the boy to see if he would agree.

And if that mockingbird dont sing... 
[Image: 32zm32p.png]
[Image: 2qxvuio.png]
Played by Jenandra who has 142 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cernan Vuesain

He studied her face diligently as again the queen turned away to think. Another moment passed and he heard her start humming again. Being rather patient already for a pup his size, Cernan lowered his muzzle to sit neatly between his forepaws. His muddy, transitional eyes wandered away, finding some temporary entertainment in watching the rain some more. It was dripping quite a lot from the den's entrance, and he was only glad that the cool liquid didn't try to invade their new home. He wondered what his Dad was up to right about now. Was he hunting? Patrolling? (Which in his mind was a fancy way of saying 'taking a walk like a grown-up.') He could have asked but Mom was already busy finding a story for him.

Finally she answered, bringing his fuzzy little head right back up to attention. He watched her face, enraptured as she mentioned a tale of the lights that lit both the night and the day. That sure sounded cool! Cernan lifted his own eyes to find the sun; partially hidden by the dreary rain clouds. Learning something about the very light that had enveloped his world since the day his eyes had opened was something indeed, if he even had the ability to remember much from that long ago. He turned back to her, having located the shining orb in the sky. His mind hitched on another of her words, 'grandpa.' What was that? He had one? And Momma was his age once? Juvenile curiosity won out. As much as he wanted to hear the story, he needed to know.

“What's a grandpa?” he asked, eyes shining with fixation.

[Image: cernan-greypixel01.gif]
[Image: pDty34E.png]
Played by Kristen who has 499 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Namid Vuesain
Namid Veusain

Looking around her it certainly was perfect weather for a story. The mood wasn't quite murky, for the storm wasn't severe but the warmth of the rain mixed with the fog it created made for an almost alluring mood. She could remember days like these that she learned the very stories that she loved to tell, curled up against the side of her father beneath the roof of one of the humans' strange caves. It was perhaps a day like this indeed that Caelyn had told her the story of the two pups called Moon and Sun that loved to play their game of chase across the sky. She had sworn to herself that, if and when she had children, she would pass down those stories. If she ever kept one Cherokee tradition, it would be the one of passing stories down orally. It was so much fun to weave them through words, creating situation and feelings with the simple tone of ones voice. She hoped that at least one of her brood would take affection to them as well.


Auds swiveled down to look at her son, who was looking up at her with intrigued but confused eyes. "What's a grandpa?" he asked, and her own mismatched gaze widened with shock. Had she truly never mentioned his own blood to him? What a great tragedy she had created! For a boy to not even know his own lineage was quite a shame. "A grandpa, dear child, is the father of one's parent. So, your grandpa is my father. His name is Caelyn. You also have a grandma, who is my mother, whose name is Lona, and two uncles, whom are my brothers, named Veho and Ooljee." she said with a gentle smile, the memory of their faces bringing a feeling of melancholy to her breast. Ah, how she missed them. They were never perfect, but to her they had still once been her world.

And if that mockingbird dont sing... 
(This post was last modified: Sep 11, 2015, 02:47 AM by Namid.)
[Image: 32zm32p.png]
[Image: 2qxvuio.png]
Played by Jenandra who has 142 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cernan Vuesain

He was rewarded with the brightening of her gaze. As if the question had illuminated some great threat, the Cove matriarch sprung right into her explanation. Cernan kept his pools locked on to her as she spoke of parents. Her parents. It was a lot of information to volley at him, but the prince found himself picking through it at a slow and steady pace. It was so strange to think that the woman who'd been essentially eternal; present for all that he could remember, was once a child too. How could that be? He was the child and she was the grown up, and that's how it always had been. Then, he was informed that there were not only grandpas but grandmas. Well, that made sense he supposed. The names were stored away in his brain as best they could be, and some of them had a tinge of familiarity attached; as if his mother had mentioned them in passing before. She probably had. The one moment that made the boy straighten with enthusiasm though was her mention of brothers. Two? he wondered; his neck now vertical with interest.

Two brothers? Where are they? Can I meet 'em?” So many questions arose as to these mystery wolves and their personalities. Were they like mom?  Did they like to play? Were they strong like Dad? He was excited just at the idea. His little tail gave a few wags, but settled in due time. As soon as she was done speaking he'd be ready to finally hear that story she'd spoken of. The Vuesain prince tucked his paws back together; lowering his posture from its overly-excited state in preparation for the wondrous tale he hoped Momma would weave. In the mean time his thoughts ran away with what the strangers could look like; whether or not they were mean or nice to his dear Momma; what games they might have played when they were little, the list was endless. He'd have to ask her soon.

(This post was last modified: Sep 03, 2015, 08:24 AM by Cernan.)
[Image: cernan-greypixel01.gif]
[Image: pDty34E.png]
Played by Kristen who has 499 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Namid Vuesain

Namid Veusain

She could almost see the gears in Cernan’s head turning, processing what she’d told him. She could only imagine what it had to be like for him, to find out so much information in one period. Namid almost regretted throwing out all at once, but she had faith in her child. He had her genetics in him, and if that meant anything it was that he would soak up the information like a sponge. To discover that your world was bigger than what you’d previously thought was certainly something that took a bit of getting used to, that she’d found out when she’d been forced off the reservation. Regretfully there wasn’t much she could do about telling him more about her side of the family, she’d never known about her own grandparents or any aunts or uncles but perhaps he could gain insight into Vespertio’s past. She was certain he’d have something to offer the boy, for lineage was a very important subject.

Suddenly, she could see a question in the boys shining gaze which was slowly but surely turning from its puppy blue to what looked to be a yellow or gold. She hoped that her son would inherit her husband’s brilliant golden gaze, the ones that swept her off her feet and knocked her breath from her lungs with a look. They would certainly be a family heirloom, as it would seem that Aleister was gaining her heterochromia and Neha’s own eyes were darkening to a brown. She took pride in how handsome and beautiful the trio were becoming, true princes and princess to be named to Fallen Tree Cove. “Two brothers? Where are they? Can I meet 'em?” he exclaimed, and the mother chuckled. Her son was normally meek around others, but with her presence he was nearly as inquisitive as his spitfire sister. With the duo together, they always kept her mind churning and her on her toes. “Yes, two! I hope that you can meet them one day, but they are…” she paused, trying to decide how she may phrase what she was about to say. ”On an adventure. When they get back I am sure they would love to tell you all about it!” she said. It wasn’t a complete lie. Veho, whom she’d only recently learned was alive, was currently residing in Grizzly Hollow though he’d promised to visit when he could. What of her parents or Ooljee she nor her sibling had any clue of, but she could only hope that they were together. Especially her parents.

Mismatched gaze caught the sight of her youngest setting down, preparing for the story she’d promised to tell though there were still questions brewing in his eyes. She knew that if he didn’t get them all out, he wouldn’t end up paying all of his attention to what she had to say. “How about you ask me some more questions, because you know I love to answer them, then I will tell you the story? How does that sound?” she said, leaning to plant another kiss on his sweet sandy brow.

And if that mockingbird dont sing... 
[Image: 32zm32p.png]
[Image: 2qxvuio.png]
Played by Jenandra who has 142 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cernan Vuesain
OOC: Mama Namid is so sweet! <3

There was some disappointment to be had in the fact that these fabled brothers weren't around. Still, his eyes remained bright at the idea of learning their tales of adventure! He had to make conscious effort to stifle himself so his Mother could finally get to her story, but something was different in her eyes. Her words weren't quite the story he'd been promised either, but they were sweet and accommodating all the same. Cernan smiled and wagged his little bristled tail a few times more until she finished; at which point they came pouring out of him. “What do they look like? Didja play with your brothers and your parents? What games did ya play? Where did you live? Were they nice to you?” His head had slowly been tipping over to the side more and more as the hushed words came barreling forth. Now it was practically horizontal with curiosity.

There were so many possibilities. Did any of them look like him? Or like his siblings? Did they kick pine cones and play-fight and chase mice? Or goof around in the water? He did some thinking on the siblings only to realize that his Momma's two brothers put her in the same position as Neha. Why, the families were just the same! Was that always how it worked? The prince hadn't had any contact with other kids so, that was a good an explanation as any. He'd have to remember to ask Papa about his brother and sister too.

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