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all of the lights land on you — Larkcall Lowlands 
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Played by Grey who has 322 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Fenru Donata
Fenru is arriving somewhere along the northeast corner of the map. Could very well be headed towards Turtleback Lake while skirting the edges of Kingsfall.

August 31st; Afternoon; Cloudy, patchy rain nearby; 60 ° F, 16 ° C.

This part of Relic Lore was definitely familiar now. With the grasses damp underfoot from the summer rains, it reminded Fenru Donata that this was the home he had missed. There was a wilderness here that existed in the sky, on the winds, through the trees, within the meadows, and in the depths of all the waterways he had yet to kiss to quench his thirst. It wasn't completely safe; and, it was this sense of adventure that welcomed the flame-eyed man back into its depths.

His large paws steadily paced through the lowlands, his head and tail held level with his spine as he went. He couldn't be quite sure if this was the exact spot where he and Arlette had finally departed from, but he was almost certain that if he continued walking he would find out soon enough just where he was. Especially if he stumbled into someone for even the briefest conversation. The thought sent a smile to his ivory muzzle. It had been quite a while since he had enjoyed the company of others - those who had never seen his face or knew his story - that were not his own immediate family.

His eyes lifted upward to regard the rolling gray clouds. Rain was a good thing, he decided. They had had quite a bit of it in the north, but just by judging how the ground felt beneath him, he could ascertain that the Lore could appreciate the oncoming storm. After sometime when he began walking at a slower pace, he started to inwardly brace himself, wondering if - at long last - the guilt he had been running away from for the past year and a half would come to catch up with him again.

Played by Ace who has 125 posts.
Inactive No Rank
For more than a year, Capable traveled further and further south, spurred on by a sense of wonder and a desire to get as far away from her birth pack as possible.  At first, it was hurt, that her father had never come for her – she was his first daughter, after all, and had proven valuable enough as a caretaker (no matter her lack of interest in the task).  After the wounds began to heal, soreness gave way to anger, and eventually that raging inferno smoldered out to glowing embers, leaving the woman with only the desire to prove them all wrong.  She would be able to do whatever she set her mind to – be that become a renowned hunter, a skilled medic, or even a pack alpha one day – and she would not be suffocated by the expectations assigned to her at birth when her sex became evident.

Head low and tail out flat, the female streamed along at a steady pace, picking over stumps and around rocks as she jogged across the lowlands.  There was no destination in mind, nor was there a true goal, outside of the will to learn whatever she could.  Her desire to join another pack was minimal, unwilling to be pressed into servitude once more (and ignorant of the fact that not every pack operated like the wolves of Moose’s Tooth) and too proud to ask for help.

Perhaps this was how she’d found herself so skinny, her brilliant red coat dull and matte in the sun, and her stomach growling as she hurried along.  Hunger did strange things to a mind, and upon spotting a lone male on the horizon, she veered her path to approach the lone male.  Two strangers, wandering – coincidence, or fate?  Capable offered a short bark and a wag of her tail.  “Hello!” she called, once within a few wolves’ lengths of the man.  “Don’t suppose you know where a girl might be able to get a drink around here?  Been traveling a while, you see.”
(This post was last modified: Sep 03, 2015, 03:00 PM by Isuni.)
Played by Grey who has 322 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Fenru Donata

If Fenru had not been so keen on trying to scent another pack on the subtle breeze, he would have seen her. The rain saturating the grounds of Relic Lore with a bouquet of new scents had his olfactory senses straining for a lead of where to go from here. His ears came up with something like hope, thinking that he would find something related to what he was really looking for just beyond the trees. He heard her before he could even sense she was there.


The burly man awkwardly lumbered about to turn around to face her. She could have easily crept up on him if she had wanted to. "Don’t suppose you know where a girl might be able to get a drink around here?  Been traveling a while, you see." His right ear swiveled to one side. She was no one he knew - from his life within Atonement Arbor or from his past life within Relic Lore. It almost disappointed him.

"Er, hi, em..." Okay, so that was an awkward start. He supposed that's what he got for being alone for so many weeks. His social skills, which had only picked up when he had met Arlette, had already begun to suffer without her constant companionship. "Not... really... Sorry." He made a face that conveyed his sympathy - or, rather, empathy. His eyes came up again to set his gaze on the darkening skies, hoping for the rain to come further south. When his head leveled and he looked her over - she didn't seem threatening or the type for making or causing trouble - and returned her greeting in kind with a wave of his full tail. "Maybe-- Maybe we could look together? I've been traveling for a while myself."

Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Ace who has 125 posts.
Inactive No Rank
To her great delight, the other loner lifted his head and returned her greeting. While it was a bit shy, it was friendly, and that was far more than the woman could have hoped for. Large as she was (and truly, Isuni might be classified as an actual direwolf based on size alone), she’d grown accustomed to wary encounters and the ever-looming potential of violence. Her burnished copper flag waved in a wide arch over her coal-dusted back in a peace offering as she took a few tentative steps forward, head bobbing in agreement. “Oh, it’s alright! I only thought I’d ask – save my tired paws from wandering,” she hummed softly, sienna eyes twinkling.

The vagrant might have left it there, shifting her weight backwards to continue her journey and burden this stranger no further when he made a tentative proposal. Turning her eyes back on the man, she offered a small smile and another small wag of her tail, taking a few more steps towards the large wolf. “Yes! Yes, please, I would like that very much. It’s been some time since I’ve traveled in company,” Capable admitted with a sheepish chuckle, well aware most of that was her own doing. It had been nearly five seasons since she’d been chased from Moose’s Tooth, and while she relished the freedom that came with being a lone wolf, it was very quiet most days. She never cared for silence.

Tipping her head, she finally came up alongside the male, ears swiveling in a constant motion. “My name is Capable,” she introduced herself, no longer faltering with her self-assigned name. “I haven’t been this far south for a while – perhaps if we keep trekking, we’ll find somewhere to drink?” she suggested, lifting her nose to the wind. “Maybe looking for larger plants…”