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Big Brother — Round Stone Crest 
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Played by Kristen who has 363 posts.
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Alastor Leigh
@Kova for the first Kono thread! :D

Kino was, as usual, slumbering peacefully. He was always tired it seemed, and his legs seemed to hurt a lot. He was a growing boy, after all, so these things would likely happen. Many new faces came to visit him and his siblings, which always left them all excited and on their best behavior(meaning plenty of noisy yips and excited squealing, as well as tumbling over each other) which left them all to crash afterwards quite literally on top of each other. The visits were, of course, a very exciting event for all of them.

His peace was disturbed by a burst of light that managed to make its way through the opening of the den to shine on his face. A disgruntled ‘hurumph’ was given from the young child as his gaze opened with a blink, a yawn that seemed too big for his small body gaping his maw before closing with a squeak. He looked up at the source of the light with a narrowed gaze, opening him maw in a shrill bark as if to threaten the light to keep shining. When it didn’t heed his request, he made his way to his paws and gave his body a shake which send him toppling over onto his side. Rolling back to his paws he made sure not to make the same mistake twice before moving forward. In just a week he’d already made quite a bit of progress with movement, his once swinging, drunken walk having turned into more of a waddle. It was better than it once was, and let him move with more ease.

He squinted as he made his way closer to the strange sight, for all he’d known was the darkness of the den until that point. He paused as it only seemed to grow brighter, his tiny heart racing in his chest as he gave a gulp. What was he heading towards, this bright unknown thing? What did it hold within it? He didn’t know any of it and yet… he was so allured by it. He stood, debating with himself for a moment before suddenly charging forward with a bark of a battle cry. Crashing through the opening of the den he tumbled into the open world head over heels, landing on his belly and lifting his head in a daze. He was the first of his siblings, who were still inside sleeping, to venture into the open world. His blue gaze grew wide as he looked around in awe at his surroundings, his nose twitching wildly at the scents that even his tiny nose could detect. It was all so new, so foreign…and so exciting!

Played by TABs who has 229 posts.
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Kova Lagina
I've waited so long for this kind of thread  <3

Things were settling down again. Though Kova had noted how Gent was slowly yet surely moving up the male ranks. The pack itself wasn't too affected by these movements in its hierarchy. Instead they seemed to strengthen the bonds of the wolves who were finally figuring out how things were running for the pack. As long as his brothers, sister, and mother were all safe Kova did not care what Gent did. In fact, Kova was kind of glad that a higher male figure was keeping the territory in check. He loved Lugh much like an uncle, but the male had lost his back leg. Kova knew that he wouldn't be as strong as the other males if a fight to defend the pack from whatever enemy occurred. Even if Lugh was a great man, Kova understood why Gent was trying to claim that lofty lead position.

In truth Kova didn't understand half of Gent's reasoning for climbing the packs latter. Not knowing about ambition quite yet nor the drive to breed and extend one's own bloodline, Kova could only see the logical reasons for these movements within the hierarchy. 

As long as his family was safe Kova didn't care too much about rankings. Instead he found himself drifting more and more to the den as his younger siblings quickly grew. Much like right now, Kova found his paws leading him to the stoney outcrop to check out the area. He often kept an eye on who came and went. Gent's scent was all over, as well as Minka's, and Kova did not mind this. He also noted Bane, Raela, Astraeus, and Firefly's older scents which worried him only a small amount. Kova was becoming more and more comfortable with the rest of the pack viewing the den and the pups within it. Today however, was different.

Today one of the pups had actually come out of the den. Kova spied the little gray furball waddling to his paws after tripping into the dirt. The youth smiled as warm feelings trickled into his body. Then his tail started beating at the air ever happy to see the little pups. This one who looked so much like himself, if Kova recalled correctly, was named Kino. The first time he had seen and heard the pups name feelings of pain and even anger burned inside of his heart. He had wondered why his mother had to call this little brother a nickname that he had heard others call his father by. However, those feelings did not last for long. The little ghost had quickly grasped his attention, and in only the first couple of meetings had proven to Kova that Kino was not his father reborn. Kino was not a ghost or a wolf trying to gain attention from their shared fathers death.

He was just a baby, plain and simple. A child who was a lot like how Kova remembered himself when he was little. A baby who was irresistibly cute that needed food and playmates. This is what Kova concentrated on. Not of the name Kino bore, but on this little personality and its daily needs.

Now whenever Kova looked at Kino he did not feel pain, or think of his father. Now he just thought Why is he crying? What does he need? How can I help? Can I play with him?

Padding closer to Kino, Kova lowered his nose close to the ground to sniff at the child. The little gray fluff was not crying, rather the boy didn't seem to need anything right now. Still, Kova was unsure of whether his mother would be okay with Kino being let outside of the den. For now all he did was greet his tiny brother. “Hello!” Kova lowered his front end down while his tail continued to fan the air.

Played by Kristen who has 363 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alastor Leigh

Kino had managed to stumble his way back to his paws, his small head doing 360’s around in an attempt to take in the world around him. His vision was getting better by the day, the mess of a blob that used to be his siblings(he’d found them to be called), for instance, were now distinguishable to him. His sister’s agouti pelt and his brother’s ebony fur were prominent to him, and he’d taken notice that he was the only light colored one in the bunch. However, this discovery had also led him to his tail which he’d taken to stumbling over himself to get to the curious protruding ligament coming from his body. It was a battle he’d won in the end, grasping it between his teeth only to find that it caused him pain! From then on, he’d learned to never bite the thing.

His attention span was still short, and the world was muffled to him. He’d been able to take notice of the pitch of his mother’s voice, the voice of the big black wolf that came around from time to time, and of the big wolf that looked a lot like him. He didn’t know who they were, exactly, but they did provide him some entertainment from time to time and a warm place to curl up against when his mother wasn’t around so how bad could they truly be? His attention was so wholly consumed that he didn’t notice the male in front of him until he bumped right into his snout, running into it with a startled squeal which sent him falling onto his bottom. Shaking his head he looked up to find it was the silvery male whom had come to watch he and his siblings from time to time. Was this where he came from? Kino knew that the different wolves seemed to have appeared out of thin air, for they didn’t live in the dark place with him. He didn’t really want to share it with them either, for when there was more than just he and his siblings and his mother it tended to get a little cramped.

Regardless, he looked up at the watchman with wide and curious eyes. The silver Lagina’s head tilted sideways, his ear flopping over his head and surprised was then shown as louder sound than the muffled sort he was used to came through. It seemed to come from the protruding part of his companion, and he turned his blue gaze to look at it. Reaching out a small paw, he batted at the man’s maw in wonder. He couldn’t piece together yet that it was a mouth, or that he had one yet either. All he knew that that it made sound and it was interesting.

Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
A young deer has been separated from the rest of its herd. Hunt Opportunity
Played by TABs who has 229 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kova Lagina
No SOW, a little young puppy can't hunt XD

Kova couldn't stop the grin that was forming on his maw. He watched little Kino who's eyes mirrored his own, and saw how the boy waddled up to him without a fear or care in the world. Then the child pawed at his muzzle, to which Kova gently nibbled on the boys paw. Then he let go and wiggled his nose before putting his own, giant in comparison, paw forward to tap Kino's muzzle much like the boy had done to him.

Kova couldn't remember when he was just a wee tiny pup like Kino. There were a few fuzzy memories from way back around then, but none crisp enough for him to recall off the top of his head. The two earliest crisp memories he could think of was when he was just a little five week old puppy. He remembered walking a thorn filled blackberry bush covered path one day with his mother. While they were out he had been scared by an animal that Kova now liked to chase. A ground hog, and it was during that first meeting that their mother had told him what a ground hog was. He also remembered something else kind of scarey that happened during that walk with Minka. She had shown him ripe blackberries which he promptly tried to eat whole without chewing.

That day he learned that he could be hurt by food, that he could choke on something, and that you needed to chew everything that was not liquid. Maybe the reason he could remember that early childhood memory was because it had been so scarey compared to the others.

The other early memory he could recall was when he and Noble were on a walk with their father Tokino. It had been one of the first walks they went on where they were allowed to go far away from the den. The only really clear thing he could remember form that walk was that his father and sister were there, and that they had seen a burrowing owl. Though the owl he could only remember being as speckled brown and small, around Kino's size, with a big round head, giant round eyes, and long sturdy legs.

Thinking of Tokino and Noble made Kova a little sick feeling, but it also made him think of the stories his father often told them. “Want to hear a story?” though Kova was pretty sure that the child probably wouldn't understand much of it. Maybe a word or two at most.

Played by Kristen who has 363 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alastor Leigh

The silver boy batted at the elder like-pelted boy’s muzzle, trying to get it to make more sound. He tried to emit sounds of his own, letting little ‘hnnn’s escape his jaws as if he were trying to say hello himself but couldn’t quite form his tongue around the syllables. He didn’t even understand that it was a word yet, but simply understood tones. He’d heard his mother use the same tone toward this very boy, as well as the other beings that joined in their little home from time to time. He understood it as a good thing, just like he’d learned that short and harsh sounds were bad things. The elder boy opened his noise making thing and he found that it was able to close around his little paw. And it tickled! The child laughed, pulling back his paw and batting at him again with the other. It missed as the eldest Lagina lifted his head and the youngster let out a whine, which was abruptly cut short as he was booped on the nose by a giant paw that was bigger than his head! He quickly back peddled, blinking rapidly up at the blurry form then down at his giant paws in wonder. Why had he done that?

Bright blue eyes went back up to stare at the boy with a cocked head, floppy ears following suit to drape over his head once more. He offered a swift bark and was rewarded with more sound from his companion, a grin coming to his maw. He offered another yip, hoping to get him to make more back. This was fun! He was just like the big wolves!

Played by TABs who has 229 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kova Lagina
Kova tipped his head to one side curiously as he looked down at Kino. The boy was also trying to make noises with his muzzle, and was to some extent succeeding. Kova chuckled before planting himself down and getting comfortable. He wasn't even sure if Kino would understand the story he was about to tell. So Kova decided to tell a much shorter and kid friendly version of it. The very story his father had told him, about the first of their family who achieved greatness just before the earth took him. Though Kova would have to get creative to keep little Kino listening most likely. He didn't mind being creative, that was what Kova did best.

  “There once was a wolf, the very first of our family, who became strong and loved by everyone. He was just like you; smart and kind to his family and friends. Kova touched Kino's nose softly whn referring to the young silver lad. Then he continued telling the story. He had a beautiful wife and beautiful children. Their pack was large and strong, and nobody could defeat him in battle!” Kova was aware of how wrong he was telling the story, but he had to make it sound exciting for the little guy. He figured that when Kino got older and could understand his words more then he would be able to retell the whole story.  

  “Then one day a great big white monster came and attacked the pack! It growled and snarled at the wolves before tearing out the trees and rocks around them. Then the monstrous beast ate them all up!” Kova was making big wide gestures with his tail and nose while trying to tell the story. An onlooker might get quite the laugh looking at him right now.

  “The beast then stopped to sleep, and only then could the hero get out digging his way through its belly. He's really hurt bad, but continues digging through the beasts body to find his family and friends. ” Kova sits still now trying to looks sad for our great Lagina hero.

  “He gets his family to safety, but falls asleep and dies from his hurt body. Then his soul goes up to the stars and becomes one of them. He joins the gods in the sky and watches over us, his family, forever after. ” The gray wolf looks up at the sky while giving the last bit of his story to Kino. Then he glances back downwards to see what the child was doing. Kova figured that he would either be watching or trying to play with him somehow.

Played by Kristen who has 363 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alastor Leigh

The larger silver boy laid down, and Kino cocked his head at this in slightly confusion. Why was he laying down, they were going to sleep! He bounded over to him, rising onto his hind legs and swatting at the boy’s face in an attempt to get him to get up again and play with him. He wasn’t sure of the game that they had just been playing, but it had been fun. Much more fun than the sometimes hurtful game that he and the other beings around his size would do together. When it seemed that he wouldn’t be able to achieve his goal he plopped his little butt down with a frown. He stared at the boy in quite obvious irritation, which then turned to wonder as a lot of sound began to flow from the opening. He sat there transfixed, his little tail beginning to wag behind his frame. He was able to pick up on certain tones that he had heard before and he assumed they were good things, and by the way that they sounded they definitely had to be. The elder boy made big, funny movements and this caused the child to laugh, a grin spreading across his small muzzle as his tail moved even faster. He would have to make this one his playmate more often, he sure was more interesting than the others! Suddenly, the big movements stopped and the elder boy dipped his head, his expression turning to one that he remembered his mother sometimes making. His grin dropped to a frown and he padded forward to paw at the boy’s muzzle, a little whine escaping his lips. Why was he making that face when they’d been having so much fun? His expression did lighten a bit, as did Kino’s at this, and he sat right in front of the larger silver boy’s face trying to put on his biggest smile to cheer him up. He had no clue what the story meant, but he had enjoyed it!

Played by TABs who has 229 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kova Lagina
One more good post from you with @Kino and then I can post an exit/fade so we can archive :D

Kova laughed at the face Kino was making. Now he was one hundred percent sure that the young child had no idea what he was talking about, but it was amusing to watch him listen in anyway. Kova would make sure to tell the story again when Kino was a bit older and could understand the themes in it. Of course he wouldn't make the story short and happy like he had done this time, but instead would tell the full story. However he had quite a while to wait before Kino was ready for it.

 Every time Kova's voice had changed to accommodate the seriousness or scariness of the story Kino's face and actions also changed. At the end Kova couldn't help but let his tail wag happily as a bright smile forced its way across his face. In a quick movement Kova reached forward to lick Kino's head before dropping down into a play bow. With his rump hanging in the air and a goofy look on his face Kova slapped at the ground wanting to actually play now. He wasn't too worried about being rough and tumble with Kino, but Kova made sure to be gentle enough because he was just so much bigger than the little puffy gray pup.   “Speech”

Played by Kristen who has 363 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alastor Leigh

His big smile had done the trick, and a like-wise look moved onto the face of the larger silver boy. A wag began on his tail, and Kino’s face grew shocked at the motion. He turned to look at what it was, head tilting at the foreign object that moved behind him. Having no clue that it was attached to him, he followed the only instinct he could think of. Get it! Lunging forward he opened his jaws to bite it, only to have his jaws snap at empty air. He blinked in the confusion, looking around for it again. It caught his sight and he moved to snap at it again, once again landing on empty air. A crackly, high-pitched growl filled his chest and he rapidly chased after it. He moved in fast circles, turning and turning until eventually he moved to an unsteady stop. Kino blinked and wobbled for a moment before falling backwards onto his butt, swaying dizzily. He gave his head a hard shake, causing him to fall over. He laid there, and after a moment a large yawn gaped his maw. He looked up at the boy sleepily, exhausted by the recent events. The middle litter-child was still a young boy and was easily tired out by play, and this was no exception. Slowly his eyes grew heavy and he allowed his head to lay on the ground, his breathing slowing down as he fell asleep.

Exit Kino with the assumption that Kova will carry him back to the birthing den

(This post was last modified: Oct 26, 2015, 12:47 AM by Kino.)