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Teeth — Fireweed Rise 
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Played by Grey who has 448 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sköll Archer
so please, I know you baby, I know you baby

Just like that, a covenant had been initiated, and, much to Sköll's surprise, she touched him. His jaw quivered and he had to clench it to keep it still, near-grinding his molars together. For a count of three whole seconds, he let her linger there at his chest before shakily backing away. Chills ran across the backs of his elbows and along the middle of his back; he had never liked it when Piety touched him (though, he did like to lavish affection on her). When Hecate had drawn closer, the instinct to move away might have flared, but he had to remind himself that he was going to do and be much better than he was with his previous relationship.

Those tall pointy ears, which had drawn back against his skull at her touch, stood up again. He had to take a deep breath through his nose; it released from him through his parted lips. "No teeth," he mandated, his voice a little softer than it had been before. "'Bites' will be assumed by a touch of a nose. In any instance one of us is on the ground, the one who asserts dominance over them first will gain a point..." Where the prince was going with this, he wasn't sure and the prospects that would be borne from this opportunity made excitement slowly start to hum in his torso. Maybe the concept of a "score" would help build the trust between them further. In all truth, he hadn't anticipated a "partnership" with her, per se, but he wondered what else might spring from it. Maybe she would be the reason the hole in his heart, where Piety had once been, would close up for good.

"In any case the scuffle gets too intense - too much to handle - we will have a safeword. That'll be: Truce. Yell that out and the other will have to cease all attack or action immediately." His tail finally took up an anxious wag. "The intent of all this is to practice for real situations, the purpose is to neutralize the threat, not annihilate it."

Done with setting all his lines, his hard limits, he lowered his head with the slight tucking in of his chin. His ears came back again and his tail rose as he backed up by one step to brace himself. "Show me what you got," Sköll encouraged her then with a small nod of his head. "The first move is yours. Let's see just how good how your footing is..."

i'm a dreamer, i'm a man
i'm doing whatever i can to make the bad things go away
Played by Poppin' who has 176 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hecate Liar
Used a bit of PP, I hope this is alright; just tell me and I can make changes accordingly :)
hecate liar
[Image: chanel-scream-queens.gif]
i'm in love with a wicked man

Heart beat after heart beat, in was increasing furiously. She could feel the pulse quickening rapidly, his warmth pulling away awkwardly. She understood how difficult it must be embracing someone after having lost someone dear; offering a warm smile in place of an expected scowl. But the lack of heat was frustrating, it was like he had take something away from her and she wanted it back. He laid down the rules and regulations, no teeth, nudges were bites and they now had a safeword. She raised her brow playfully, scuffling her front paws a bit in excitement. She was ready, her legs were hot and ready to spring. The internal engine in her chest roared, his words activating the fight in her genes.

She had the dance floor, it was her move to make. She lifted herself, eyeing him dangerously. Hecate needed to distract him someway, her head swinging to each side with a crack, slowly, diligently. Her feet moved lightly and quickly, circling him with perfect slack. Her muzzle tucked in obediently pushing a flirty wink in his face. He seemed to have himself covered and she wasn't sure if her desirable bait was tugging at him. She had to get her hands dirty, tightening the circle and focusing on his hocks. There seemed to be a moment when he took a side step that he would vulnerable. She waited for the right moment, pushing off lightening fast with her back legs; her head and shoulders ready to push in hard and tumble him from underneath.
the armed queen
Played by Grey who has 448 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sköll Archer
I extend the offer on my part, also - if there's anything that might need to be changed or I accidentally assumed something, call me out on it~ I definitely saw how you'd wanted Skoll to move and that was pretty awesome. c:

so please, I know you baby, I know you baby

The excitement was easy to pick up on from where she stood, it's tantalizing effect had even radiated from her and into the air. It seeped into his bones, even if he was more determined to see for himself if Hecate would be a decent partner. A Death Dealer perhaps, like him... He met her wild glare with one of his own and curled his lip upward to taunt her with a show of his teeth before sheathing his weapons again.

Wary eyes took in each and every move, watching her tilt her head one way and then the other to loosen her neck. It was alluring, really, but he wouldn't delve into the idea of being attracted to her just yet. He focused on her face, keeping direct contact as any challenging opponent might to do to their target. Then, as quick as she was, she stepped to the side and circled around him. He just barely turned around himself, his whole body trailing the path of her flank and tail. To regain his balance, he had taken a step to the side, stabilizing himself but leaving himself vulnerable in the fact that he had just turned about and would have needed a higher stamina and speed if he wanted to stop her from targeting his side.

Before his hind leg could even plant itself in the ground, she was off. If he had blinked, he would have missed her move, only feeling her beneath him and the sensation of being forced off to the side. She was a white blur before him, though, and what she had successfully done was barrel into the space beneath his chest and torso. Her head and shoulders made contact with his ribs and just as one forepaw was lifted of hopes of not getting "bitten," he became unsteady and was easily shuffled away on three hurried legs from where he originally stood.

His tail lashed out at the air behind him and thought he saw an opportunity, he attempted to press his muzzle downward into her shoulder, wondering if she might recognize what he might have done. This endeavor cost him his steadiness though and, though he tried to maintain his posture with all is might, he found his rump on the ground with his side set on the ground and his tail wriggling in protest. With narrowed eyes he tried to touch his nose wherever it might along her chest - anything to make her back off of him - if he didn't put up a fight, she might as well just try to force him all the way down into the grass...

i'm a dreamer, i'm a man
i'm doing whatever i can to make the bad things go away
Played by Poppin' who has 176 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hecate Liar
You did it perfectly! She's feeling quite confident, might even scare @Skoll xD

hecate liar
[Image: chanel-scream-queens.gif]
i'm in love with a wicked man

A burn of strengthening pride overwhelmed her has he tried avoiding her blow, head and shoulders pushing into him forcefully. She had him! He hobbled away hoping she wouldn't follow but she was buddied up right close to him. She followed him artfully, almost like a dance; stepping at the right times to make sure he wasn't getting away. She was so focused on moving correctly, she almost didn't see his muzzle lashing out for her shoulders. She tried moving a bit backwards in her already ascending stroll sideways, his nose brushing her shoulders. This move in his own attack caused a misbalance in his retreat, ending up propped on his fronts. Her green eyes narrowed dangerously, he was open for the taking.

He gave several jabs towards her chest, trying to get her to back off. She bared her teeth in difficulty, rearing her front legs off the ground and then coming down hard with impeccable speed. Her right paw attempting to find a steady ground on the side of his shoulder plate whilst the other shifted sideways to try and get grip on his chest. She was sure this was to work, she was too fast and too strong- but there was always room for mistakes, and he was much stronger. He could wrestle her off and end up having her stomach up and neck open. She gave a fierce growl, eyes glinting with determination that she was going to come out of this on top- no matter how pretty he was.
(This post was last modified: Oct 26, 2015, 03:27 AM by Hecate.)
the armed queen
Played by Grey who has 448 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sköll Archer
the secrets that I hide, control us & it's just not fair

A growl emitted from her and he answered her in kind, even as she pinned him to the ground. He liked to think, in this moment, that he had made this first round easy on her, that he was using this exercise to not only pit himself against an opponent that wasn't Angier and utilizing it as a way to stroke her own ego. She towered above his large, flattened frame; he might as well be her shadow in the impending moonlight. His ears drew back and an ugly sneer marred his scarred snout.

There was no need to praise her just yet, but while he laid in the grass, he was quick to relish in how naturally she placed her paws on either side of him. He had been here before, framed between his step-father's tawny paws and subject to those gnashing teeth. "That all you got?" he taunted as his own snarl died out, wanting to hear Hecate growl even more and intimidate him further. "I'm not scared enough. You want me to stay down? Show me that you have me. C'mon!" His silver eyes darted from her limbs and her chest and up to her face. Yes, he could probably just shove her off of him, but that was not what he wanted to do. He wanted her to seize him in this first round of the game they were going to start playing. It was his way of telling her indirectly that he wanted to be involved with her, learn more about her...

"Angier gets scarier than this..." he continued to goad, encouraging her further as his tail pretending to mimic an apologetic wag against the earth. "Don't let me get up and just brush you off... Subdue me!"

i'm a dreamer, i'm a man
i'm doing whatever i can to make the bad things go away
Played by Poppin' who has 176 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hecate Liar
hecate liar
[Image: chanel-scream-queens.gif]
i'm in love with a wicked man

She offered a menacing smile, listening to his protesting snarl; coming down heavy with both of their weight. Her paws had fallen exactly where she aimed and he was down on the ground. She considered this asserting dominance, this was a point- right? She took pride in her victory even though he visibly didn't return it- her tail flashing elegantly above her back. 'That all you got?' He prodded, a sly smile sneaking it's way into his smug little face. Hecate started with a smooth purr rumbling in her chest and some deeply furrowed brows. Bewilderment enveloped her like flames, the heat licking at her chest and tongue. Not scared enough? Like diamonds, her eyes cut holes in his flesh; her purr escalating into a rough and raspy snarl. Just her sounds were enough to turn someone away, not to mention her eyes.

He said no teeth! She shouted silently, giving it just enough time to push another thought forward. She did something like her initial move, rearing up and coming down. But, this time she wasn't landing on the ground; she aimed to land on him. She wasn't exceedingly heavy, but it might be enough to knock the wind out of him- if her aim was true. It didn't occur to her that she might hurt him; it was all in good sport and she would submit to any pain he might return her. Hecate reached the peak in her lift, starting to come down from the height- right... there!
the armed queen
Played by Grey who has 448 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sköll Archer
the secrets that I hide, control us & it's just not fair

Skoll Archer never backed down for or to anyone; he hoped one day she might realize that... that this training session was borne out of courtesy and the sort of respect he only extended to the likes of his mother and his (full-blooded) sister. He had stopped prodding her with his nose by now and he merely stared up at her with a still wrinkled muzzle, his lips just barely covering the tips of his teeth.

The look he caught in her eyes, he discovered, could easily strike fear into her opponent's core. It was not fear that he took up, however, and it was in mere awe that he saw her embody what he saw as a possibly, perfect partner. The only other woman he had ever seen do something like this - radiate power, dominance, and control - was Elettra. His ears remained pinned back, but while he had braced himself to feel more touches of her nose to the more vulnerable places he had left unguarded along his side, he soon realized that he was subject to the mercy of her whole being. To say that Hecate was more bite than bark was definitely an understatement now...

She came crashing down upon him; and, indeed, the air was knocked from his lungs. He sprawled out on the ground now, secretly relishing the feeling of her weight on his side, even as he coughed and wheezed to regain his breath. A curse rasped from his throat as he exhaled, lifting his head so that he might cast a glance at her from the furthest reaches of his vision. "Definitely wasn't expecting that," he admitted, hacking once as he remained pinned underneath her. As easily as the situation could have turned into a rather playful one, he shied away from it, wanting to carry on with their little spar. He fought to prop himself up on an elbow with some difficulty and he openly smirked at her, teasing as his tail wagged, "If you don't keep me pinned in the right place, I could still nip you... Now what're you going to do about that?"

i'm a dreamer, i'm a man
i'm doing whatever i can to make the bad things go away
Played by Poppin' who has 176 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hecate Liar
Tiny bit of pp used? Shoot me a message if anything needs to be changed :)

hecate liar
[Image: chanel-scream-queens.gif]
i'm in love with a wicked man

Just as Hecate was about to crush him, a flicker of admiration was seen below her. She wanted to enjoy that moment, understand why he was struck with awe. But the laws of gravity brought her down heavy. Her paws hit him square on the chest, grinding Sköll deeper in the soil. Her abrupt attack was met by a slew of coughing and wheezing. She writhed underneath her, Hecate's paws loosing traction on him. She wasn't lame enough to let her guard down, watching her stance. She placed her legs on each side of him, creating a barricade. The woman would not let this man slip through her fingers, she had him.

The single worded curse sent prickles down her spine, a wicked smile transforming her face. Through his coughs and heaves, he tried to poke at her again. Sköll claimed he would be nipping her if she didn't watch herself. She rolled her eyes with a drawn out sigh, lifting her right paw. Hecate placed it on his shoulder, pushing him down even further. Hecate leaned down as if she was going to kiss him on the nose, eyes misleading and coy. But the young woman parted her jaws and went to clamp them down on his muzzle. If she had tricked him, this would be a point.
the armed queen
Played by Grey who has 448 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sköll Archer
the secrets that I hide, control us & it's just not fair

His words had prompted her to lift her paw and, without even realizing what sort of trap he had set up for himself, he moved, feeling her paw land back on his shoulder. The prince grew still, all too aware of her drawing close. As if to admit defeat, to accept this... kiss that she was so ready to take, his eyes averted and fluttered before fully closing. What came instead of an oh-so-innocent peck to his cheek was her teeth clasping around his muzzle. His eyes flew open in surprise, irises as fully and pale as the moon until his pupils dilated to focus on her.

He let out a huff, lifting his lip just enough to show the tips of his incisors before relaxing and allowing Hecate to do as she willed. Apparently, by now, that he was not the only one who could play his sort of tricks and execute them with such ease and grace. Something akin to excitement hummed as his chest as he waited for her to move. Even with his teeth clenched he managed something short, the low tone of his voice hinting that he was pleased in her feat, "We should do this again sometime..."

A smile curled up on one side of his snout as he sprawled back down into the windswept leaves beneath him, hoping that she would continue on in her quest to dominate him or simply take up a place at his side - a position she had just earned to keep.

i'm a dreamer, i'm a man
i'm doing whatever i can to make the bad things go away
Played by Poppin' who has 176 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hecate Liar
hecate liar
[Image: chanel-scream-queens.gif]
i'm in love with a wicked man

He fell into her open armed trap, sexual tension crackling between the two like a storm. She watched him with intensity, she was starting to see a seed of an issue. She was scratching the surface of who Skoll Archer really was. In a way, it reminded her of @Greer; afraid of physical contact based on emotion. This was only a hypothesis of course, he was one of the more complex creatures she had discovered here in Relic Lore. She was straddling him until he gave up, a sweet breath of defeat and pleasure rumbling from somewhere in his chest. She was about to release him when he murmured a gentle suggestion. "Mmhm.." She hummed softly, into his ear before unclamping her jaws from the scarred muzzle she loved oh so much.

He reclined back down to rest, leaving it up to her to decide what happened next. Hecate, pleased with the fight she put up with, sidestepped and knelt down beside him; leaving enough space for them both to breathe and such. The woman felt a little bad about how she so smoothly and effortlessly tricked him into thinking he was going to receive a passionate reward for putting up with her. She reached over to place a sweet kiss on the corner of Skoll's mouth. "Sorry 'bout tha'." She offered and then receded back into her space with a concealed smirk.
the armed queen