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Unspoken — Hush Meadow 
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Played by Poppin' who has 176 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hecate Liar
Hecate addressing the change in ranks- take your time with this, I know things are super cramped up <3

[Image: tumblr_m4lcxhSayM1ruehg7o1_500.gif]

king of the hill

A large bull elk released his haunting bugle to the sky, his hooves shifting uneasily beneath him. Snow flew down in perfectly vertical trails form the heavens, mingling with his think beige coat. The winter was proving to be scarce already, the blankets of snow clung to the ground; freezing anything berries or shrubbery that might serve his herd through the cold months. The herbivores were suffering while the carnivores were thriving. Speaking of which, there was one here now. The bull's honey glazed eyes narrowed on the ghastly form at the tree line. Thankfully she was alone, he could not detect any other wolves in the area. He snorted and let another cry penetrate the still air, thumping his large hooves against the ground to say; Leave. 

Hecate glared back at the massive creature, his sheer rack was wider than her. She sneered and moved on, pads spreading to stay atop the fluffy snow. If the Ridge was wise, they would not bother him this winter. He would breed powerful offspring next fall, his lineage should be protected. But, she was out the door before the rest of the herd noticed her. Hecate had other things to attend to, a message of congratulations needed to be sent; and she took the position of postman. @Skoll couldn't be far and he wouldn't be difficult to spot in all of this white snow. She gave a few low chuffs into the air, calling his name. He would hear her if he wasn't already spying.

(This post was last modified: Dec 23, 2015, 10:52 PM by Hecate.)
the armed queen
Played by Grey who has 448 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sköll Archer
...but you’ll be able to feel me.

The evocative call of hoofed prey was not uncommon in these parts of Relic Lore but when the cry reverberated in the cold winter air, it summoned within Skoll Archer the energy he needed. It wasn't the motivation to hunt, per se, but it provoked from his mind a sense of curiosity that had not been touched upon in a very, very long time. With his two pointy black ears folded back, he crept through the willows that made up the immediate realm beyond Willow Ridge. Here and there, whenever he needed to mind where he stepped in the thick snow, he sneered - especially when the frost underfoot crunched and cracked under his weight, giving away his position.

It wasn't long until he spotted the rump of the great forest beast through the bare, skeleton foliage; but, it wasn't his presence that set the antlered creature on its way back to where he supposed his does where waiting for him to tend to their insecurity. Wide colorless eyes scanned his surroundings; his nose twitched twice, feeling instantly frostbitten. The prince shrugged to himself. He might as well check out the area while he was at it. Perhaps it would reveal something useful to bring back home.

What he discovered instead was that familiar perfume, the sight of someone he knew. Hecate, who beckoned to him as though she had already known that he was in her midst. A rather pleased smile slinked onto his ivory lips and he prowled forward as to present himself to her out in the openness of the meadow. His shoulders were relaxed and his head was held high. Even his devilish ears atop his head were poised skyward.

"Good evening," he pronounced, his voice bordering on a more velvety tone rather than the usual curt and edgy notes he used with his son and mother. He kept his distance from her, standing tall as he took her in. No questions of why she was so far from the Ridge or what she was doing; he could ask her in due time or she could supply him with answers, either way he knew by now that Hecate Liar was worth every bit of patience he could spare.

i'm a dreamer, i'm a man
i'm doing whatever i can to make the bad things go away
Played by Poppin' who has 176 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hecate Liar
[Image: tumblr_m4lcxhSayM1ruehg7o1_500.gif]

king of the hill

She didn't have to wait long before the inky shape took form between the skeletal trees. She kept her lips shut, waiting for him to fully arrive. She eyed him thoughtfully, watching the long strides and slippery shifts in his shoulders. The sneer on his lips were the after effects of a triumph. She bet that he could feel the confidence flowing through him, like an eternal stream. This glow, Skoll had, was what she wanted so desperately. His voice brought her eyes back up to level hight, a creamy smile pouring all over her muzzle. He stood over her, tall and proud. "Skoll Archer, King of Willow Ridge..." She announced, curtsying with grace.

"How does tha' sound?" Hecate purred deeply, creeping forward just a bit. The snow beneath her creaked as she inched to him. She had noticed the space that he placed between them; Hecate would not move closer, if he wanted to close the space between them, he would. She had missed him in the last few weeks, his absence was noted. He had been off doing things to promote himself; taking his uncle's then his father's place in the course of a month was something to be proud of. "So... what are ya plannin' Skoll?"

(This post was last modified: Feb 02, 2016, 02:23 AM by Hecate.)
the armed queen
Played by Grey who has 448 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sköll Archer
...but you’ll be able to feel me.

"Skoll Archer," she addressed him. His ears came forward, having missed the sound of her voice. "King of Willow Ridge..." He gave her a smile that was genuinely pleased, satisfied at the very least. "From you, my petal, it sounds absolutely lovely." He watched as she inched closer to him; after months of working with her to hone some of her more tactical skills, he knew very well by now that he did not need to step away or anticipate what unexpected havoc she might wreak upon him (like with what Piety had done with her irritating kisses and ear-splitting whines). It had been in Skoll's good fortune that Hecate did neither of those things and she knew better than to immediately take up the open space before him with a wag of her tail and a lap of her tongue.

He had expected her to close the distance between them, to nudge at his digits with her nose or come close enough to tilt her head upward and touch her lips to his throat and jaw, but she didn't. Instead, she remained there, at what was a respectable distance from him - him, the (momentary) monarch of Willow Ridge. In one fluid move, he grazed his lips along the bridge of her muzzle before bowing his head and pressing hie forehead against hers. "I need to talk to you," he whispered, his eyes closing briefly before pulling away and looking into the fullness of her face, "about something important, and something I'd only like you to know. Can I trust you with this secret?"

i'm a dreamer, i'm a man
i'm doing whatever i can to make the bad things go away
Played by Poppin' who has 176 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hecate Liar
[Image: tumblr_m4lcxhSayM1ruehg7o1_500.gif]

king of the hill

A pleased smile crept its way onto her muzzle, a comfortable heat welling in her chest like it always did with him. Over the past few weeks, she had grown comfortable with Skoll. She was learning what made him tick and function the way he did, finding security in their bond. She fluttered her eyes down for a moment and when she looked up, his expression was changing. She raised a brow at his calculating eyes and thoughtful ears. Apparently, he expected her to squish herself up against him once it was okay. Hecate opened her mouth to make amends. She was assuming it was respectful to let her supreme make a move rather than herself. But, he took initiative in a quick swoop; which was met by a sharp inhale of cold air from her cracked lips. The young woman closed her eyes as he ghosted on her muzzle, pushing her lower chest against his to meet foreheads. In reality, she didn't like this cute touchy-feely stuff, it made her stomach feel weird. She preferred something a bit more serious and mature; but it wasn't that bad. Skoll broke the silence with a note of severity, responding with a deep hum to ensure that she was all ears.

She opened her eyes when he pulled away. She glared at him like glaring down the barrel of a 30-30 rifle. By now, he should know she wouldn't spill his plans to anybody. There was an undertone level on trust the two shared; at least she trusted him. "Y'know you can trust m'Skoll." She whispered smokily, tapping his chin coaxingly her her nose.

(This post was last modified: Feb 02, 2016, 02:27 AM by Hecate.)
the armed queen
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a rabbit\'s nest nearby. +1 Health
Played by Grey who has 448 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sköll Archer
...but you’ll be able to feel me.

Her affirmation was all he needed to hear to know that everything was going to be all right. With Morganna at the head of the pack and Angier knocked down a peg now that his eyesight was completely gone, all Skoll now needed was someone he could trust apart from his own blood. "I need to leave," he whispered, "Isolde has been gone for a long time and I cannot stand idly by and wait for her. Not in conditions like this. I was expecting to be sent out to retrieve her but no one has said anything. So I'm going to just deal with it all myself." He paused briefly, to gauge the expression on her face before continuing. No matter what she might have wanted to say after that first part, he wanted her to hear him out first.

"I'm going to tell @Nicolò and @Morganna that I need some time to myself," this part was actually also true. "This is the only part I'm telling them, but I needed you to let you know. That, and I need someone to help keep tabs on @Sven. You and I both know that his mother is never coming back. I can't imagine @Elettra or Angier would make sure he's managing on his own." He searched her face now for even a trace of willingness or determination, continuing further to set it all in stone, "When I come back - and I promise to come back for you - I will give you whatever you want to repay you for your time."

It seemed he was going to let her speak her piece just then, but only after he whispered something to help her decide, "We can be together and we can let them all know it... We'll have our children - our daughter. It'll just be the beginning of what we could look forward to."

i'm a dreamer, i'm a man
i'm doing whatever i can to make the bad things go away
Played by Poppin' who has 176 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hecate Liar
...420 word count ;))))
[Image: tumblr_m4lcxhSayM1ruehg7o1_500.gif]

king of the hill

The first words he uttered struck her on an odd note, a flash of confusion(and partial anger) flitted across her otherwise attractive features. But he quickly explained the dilemma. A brow raised, looking away in deep thought. As a matter of fact, she hadn't seen the Archer daughter in quite some time, but there was no real talk of it. It was odd to think there was no search party in order to find her or public announcement in her absence. A staggering doubt raised it's hand in inquiry of the pack's several unspoken mottos; "Family is family". He finished his line, a soft "you" escaping her lips before being cut off. He needed to get it all out, she agreed silently. He mentioned their current matriarchs and the lie he would be issuing out to them, that and her new responsibility. It was true, he needed someone to pose as a mother figure; who wasn't his aunt. The phantom that was Piety was gone and was to never return. Hecate gave him a response with a firm nod and huff of air. It shouldn't be that hard to check in on the kid every once and a while.

Lastly came the mushy rewards and promises. But, he had ought to have a vivid picture of what she wanted. Just as she was going to announce the required prize, he had already named half of it. A daughter. The silvery inamorata remained silent for quite some time, turning over the variables in her head before speaking. "Skoll..." She took more time to organize her words. "There is nothin' more that I want t'share with you than a child. But we must discuss where y'lie with yer sister and I. Y'know she will not bide with it..." She liked Morganna a great deal, but there were things that needed to be taken into account. Hecate was done observing from the sidelines, she wanted the crown for herself and Skoll to share. Not only would their partnership enrage the rest of the Willows family, but @Sven too. Yet all of it was not even close to the cost of forfeiting what Hecate and Skoll had. "What are w'gonna say to him Skoll? He'll be heartbroken!" Never once before had she thought this deeply into what others wanted; was it to be taken into consideration? She let out a hefty sigh and looked back up at him after searching the ground for answers. "Th' answer is yes, I want a daughter."

(This post was last modified: Feb 03, 2016, 03:19 AM by Hecate.)
the armed queen
Played by Grey who has 448 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sköll Archer
...but you’ll be able to feel me.

What Hecate voiced when she was allowed to figuratively put in her two cents shed light on what Skoll had subconsciously been dismissing at the back of his head. For years, he had assumed that @Morganna would be "all right" with his choice of a mate. After what had happened with Piety, he knew better than to continue to believe she would be fine. The last time they had really had a heart-to-heart talk, it was actually enlightening for him to realize that she was just as protective of him as he was of her. They were the only true Archers left; and Asriel's leave still lingered in their minds whenever the both of them realized that they would have to take charge in their mother's stead. The fault was all in Skoll's thinking that he and Morganna would share power, leaving their mates as their seconds-in-command. Hecate also made certain that Morganna was not the only one the dark royal had to deal with. There was also his son, Sven.

Skoll's lips pursed. As much as he was relieved that the ghost prince had decided to stay within the Willows - and not abandon it for the shadowy wilderness that was Grizzly Hollow, like Piety had done - he had come to a point in his single-fatherhood where he was merely exhausted. Sven was able to fend for himself; and, while Skoll did not mind checking up on his son every so often, he partially wished the boy would concern himself in matters that related to his own future. Preferably ones that didn't clash with his father's plans...

"I can deal with Sven," he persuaded. "Always have. He doesn't need to be coddled; I would just like to have someone look out for him. He's old enough to stand on his own four feet; just make sure he and Niles or Ravenna don't get into a fight. I was the same way when I was younger." He scoffed as he thought of himself; he bit just about anyone who tried to get a hold of his maowse. For the most part, that was everyone except Elettra, Morganna, and Skana...

"Spar or hunt with him a bit," he offhandedly suggested before coming back off that tangent. "He won't be heartbroken though. He shouldn't be. If it will make you feel a little better, get to know him while I'm gone, then, and tell me how it goes when I get back. He should know by now that I have the right to be happy, too. I'm not worried about the rest of the pack. If they thought Piety was a terrible choice, they ought to realize that, with you, I've learned my lesson; and, you and I are not to be reckoned with. I can guarantee that."

i'm a dreamer, i'm a man
i'm doing whatever i can to make the bad things go away
Played by Poppin' who has 176 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hecate Liar
[Image: tumblr_m4lcxhSayM1ruehg7o1_500.gif]

king of the hill

She turned her head away, trying to build the pieces up together. What Skoll was saying was true, he no longer needed to be protected from the truth. In a way, she was glad to hear this. Sven would no longer be treated like a child but this was a test to see if he could restrain from acting like one. Her mind was still agitated at the thought of going behind the boy's back, this is what they both verbally desired. She hummed in concurrence, meeting his gaze for the millionth time; each contact becoming increasingly fierce. Not to be reckoned with. Her chest rumbled with laughter, she liked that. "When y'are gone, I'm going to try an' move up. If I can't be first; then I sure az'hell will be second." Notes of determination where struck in her lungs, tail raising slightly. Hecate would be satisfied with being a second in command for now, but her need for authority was growing each and everyday and he should know that by now. After all, if he just thought training for battle was just a, "thing to learn", then he was sorely mistaken.

"Now, don't you go making decisions without thinkin' of me." Hecate lectured, raising her right brow slightly as to warn him if anything were to alter the deal they had struck. After all, she actually had a thing for this one. She allowed herself to be enveloped into his warmth, closing the discussion on her end. If he needed to speak, he ought to say something now.

the armed queen