For three days now citrus optics had noticed a most unwelcome silhouette nestled in the same spot each morning within the shadows of a sturdy cedar, the sparse canopy of the looming branches lending little aid to disguise the distinctive outline of a Golden Eagle. What left the recently promoted leader further at unease was just exactly where in the treetop the soil hued bird of prey situated its rendezvous point. Of course the pups of the pack had long outgrown the immediate danger of being picked off by a large feathered predator, but that didn't stop some braver birds from attempting to pick off small adults on occasion. It was this known factor that Eirian determined this bird perched directly in prime location for an unobstructed view of the den had to go. But how?
Muscled limbs circled the base of the elderly cedar serving as the eagle's temporary nest, hardened gaze trained skyward toward the general height level he knew the damned thing to be roosting. Catching a glimpse of the massive raptor a low growl rumbled the confines of the Asurn male's chest before front paws sought the ragged bark of the towering timber. "Shoo you damn thing! Go! Be gone!" A series of crude barks pass over his ebony lips shortly after in hopes of provoking the creature to buzz off, but his efforts were fruitless. All he earned was a small ruffling of feathers, a pair of calculating beady black eyes staring down at him and a near miss of having bird scat land upon the top of his muzzle. Clearly this eagle wasn't gonna leave cause one big bad wolf was barking up a storm.