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Lion's Den — Grizzly Hollow 
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Played by Silvia who has 164 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Amaryllis Azalea
(OOC Notes: This thread takes place after why not heal the world?, just for my own reference. @Pip and @Yvly

The snow was patchy across the ground, as Amaryllis stepped out of the small den she had made for herself, not too far from the main den but far enough away she could have some peace and quiet. The grey woman had stayed up all night, taking in the forest in its darkened state.

It was the day after talking with Veho. Amaryllis shook out her fur, clearing out her mind. Best to dwell on the decisions that had been later. First thing first, she wished to find Crystal. Though it was no big deal, she was still curious over the other’s name.

To keep calling her Crystal or to call her Yvly? That was a question she had to ask of the other tawny woman. It had been obvious as to why she gave another name to Amaryllis at the time they met but now they were pack mates, she had to know. Deciding it might be best to check the den first, to see if Crystal was resting at the main den, Amaryllis swung around and headed for it. Is she was not there, then she would give a small call for her.

Though if she ran into anyone else that was at the main den, she would not hesitate to introduce herself to them either...

Played by Melorama who has 194 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Yvly Doramor

RE Event for this thread: Grizzly Hollow, an eagle is spying on your den. // @Pip

The day had started nicely, she had even decided to chill out by the main den for a change. It wasn't too cold or hot either. Just perfect for some time alone. However, it seemed a certain someone planned on ruining her good mood. Sitting up in the entrance of the den, Yvly glared at the eagle that had landed on a low hanging branch nearby, clearing spying on her. "Shoo," she mumbled, willing the creature to go away with the powers of her mind. In response it flapped its wings, cawing at her almost sardonically. Now standing up the tawny female let out a short sharp bark. "Away with you!" The eagle cawed again, multiple times, almost daring her to make a go at it. It's shrieks sounded suspiciously supercilious, and she didn't like it one bit.

"Don't make me come up there you feathery bastard!" She angrily cried out as it began hopping gleefully on the branch, apparently happy with itself for annoying her. Grumbling under her breath, Yvly turned around after one last glare (and the hope of the branch snapping beneath the eagle's weight) and lay down once more at the den entrance, trying and failing miserably to block out its cawing. Soon, though, everything became silent, and she hopefully lifted her head to check it was gone. Nope. It had hopped down onto the ground and was strutting around close by. "Why won't you just leave me alone?" She was so sick of this bird.

250 words

Yvly Doramor

imagine we are higher than the arrows,
casually we're breathing with the pharaohs,
tragically we fall just like the arrows.
Played by Vet who has 345 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Pip Mizuno-Sørenson
References this thread that is still in progress. @Amaryllis

She had been behaving as she was asked; resting quietly in the med den after treatment for her recent attack. But hearing the ruckus piqued Pip's curiosity, and with nothing else to do in the den but rest, she found she could use any kind of stimulation so long as it didn't involve more beaver attacks. Carefully, the yearling got up on three paws and slowly limped her way towards the main den.

While Crystal snarling and snapping was a strange sight, the yearling couldn't help but wag her tail at the more familiar one. Many a bird - gull, eagle, and osprey alike - had come begging for scraps while she was fishing back in Bella Coola. Occasionally, she would give in and offer a small fry to an eagle or two as thanks for spotting a school of fish from high above. In exchange, they didn't steal her meals as they would try from others.

It was always helpful to maintain a good relationship with the eyes in the sky, but Pip understood why many didn't agree. Her chest shook in silent laughter, tail wagging with amusement as she hopped her way towards the eagle. Stopping a few paces away from the strutting bird, the yearling offered a chirp of greeting that earned a curious head tilt and feather ruffle.

Pleased with having introduced herself, Pip made her way over to her grouchy friend, nibbling affectionately at her muzzle before settling down nearby, taking care not to dirty her wound as she'd been warned. Her left hind leg was swollen thickly at the caudal most aspect of her thigh, still angry from the puncture marks just above her hock. The scratches along her ankle were of less concern than they had been, but were still tender to the touch. At least she was laying down as she was supposed to be - couldn't get chastised for not listening if she was still following the rules. It shouldn't matter if she rested in the med den or the main den, she supposed.

Not in the least worried about the eagle, Pip's ears flickered forward when she heard approaching paw steps. She let out a quiet chirp of warning to Crystal in case she was still too preoccupied with Grizzly Hollow's new shadow.

[Image: pipwave_by_becuffin-dblzaqt.png]
Played by Silvia who has 164 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Amaryllis Azalea
Ears perked as she neared the den and heard a familiar voice. Crystal was trying to...shoo something away? Amaryllis fronwed and weaved between the last few trees only to stare at the eagle looking as if it was strutting around near the main pack entrance. Crystal seemed to be sulking by the entrance, snapping and snarling at it. Maybe she tried to chase it off and it was a failed attempt? Another wokf was beside Crystal and she let out a small yip, a warning of sort to Crystal most likely, since she seemed preoccupied with the eagle.

A thought occured to her and she hoped the other's small noise didn't alert the eagle to her presence. If it didn't, then this would work. Amaryllis kept her paws as quiet and as soft as she could keep them in the patchy snow as she crept up behind the eagle, hoping its attention was still on Crystal as it fluttered about.

If it didn't fly off or notice her before she got to it, she would snap her teeth right near its tail feathers, her front fangs just snagging one feather and making it fall from it as she scared it away.

If it noticed her before then, well it would just fly off to a nearby branch and nothing would come of it. Birds were useful but to play a small harmless prank on one wouldn't harm it. And it would entertain her somewhat.
(This post was last modified: Feb 25, 2016, 06:04 AM by Amaryllis.)
[Image: ama_sig_by_becuffin-db825cv.png]
Played by Melorama who has 194 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Yvly Doramor

Silly phone lol :P

Yvly only noticed her friend had arrived when she heard the familiar soft chirp (to which the eagle was more than happy enough to simply tilt it's head in wonder). Dark amber eyes lifted up to see Squeak's face as she gave her an affectionate nibble on the muzzle. She was getting used to it now, and woofed softly in response. It was only when her friend went to lay down that  the tawny female noticed the fang marks on her swollen leg, and instantly she became worried. "What happened?" She blurted out, before realizing she needed to be just a bit more specific. "Did you run into another wolf? Are you okay?" Though it looked like she had received medical attention, so Yvly didn't fret too much over it. She just wanted to know if her friend was feeling okay. Bite wounds could easily become infected.

However, the sound of paw steps nearby caught her attention, and she turned her head to glance in the direction Squeak was looking, tawny ears pricked forward. She wasn't sure which member it was, and she'd rather not have to explain everything to another, especially Oula. they were still on not-quite-friendly terms. It was simply Lily, and the tawny female wagged her tail in response, idly wondering what the darned eagle would do when it saw the newest member of the pack. The bird had stopped giving Squeak funny looks and had returned to squawking at her in the manner of a young child insulting its older sibling using made up words. "I don't speak bird," she deadpanned to the eagle, a slight look of irritation upon her maw. Back in her birth pack birds were more a way of getting the young ones to learn basic hunting techniques, but beyond that they were a nuisance.

It seemed Lily had a plan in mind as she snuck up on the prancing bird, body low to the ground and pale eyes fixed on its body. With a swift leap the greyscale female snapped her teeth at the tail feathers of the eagle as it rocketed up into the sky with a furious squawk, her jaws snagging on a single feather. Sadly, the eagle, though now not keen on being on the ground with the myriad of wolves, flew back up to the branch it had previously been on, ruffling its feather as it seemed to glare down at Lily. A soft laugh escaped her at the scene as she watched the single feather slowly float down until it rested upon the ground. "Maybe now it will decide to fly away," Yvly said softly, though by the looks of it the eagle was planning on staying a little longer.

454 words

Yvly Doramor

imagine we are higher than the arrows,
casually we're breathing with the pharaohs,
tragically we fall just like the arrows.
(This post was last modified: Feb 28, 2016, 01:53 AM by Yvly.)
Played by Vet who has 345 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Pip Mizuno-Sørenson

At her friend's worried questions, Pip only lowered her head to her paws and wagged her tail to assure her that all was well. Of course, it most certainly hadn't been during the attack. The yearling had never been more terrified! Even waking up on her own away from all that was familiar paled in comparison to facing down those giant orange teeth in that ugly brown face. While the episode had given her much trepidation about these sylvan waters, she knew she would go fishing again. After all, she'd promised Crystal she would teach her.

Watching Crystal's friendly reaction to the approaching female had the young wolf settling comfortably again to observe. Part of Pip wanted to interrupt the stalking nature of the new female - the bird meant no harm! - but she stayed as she was, too meek to make her opinion known. When the newcomer only pulled free one tail feather, Pip smiled. No harm done. Her chest shook with silent laughter when the eagle flew back up to its branch and puffed out its chest feathers importantly while imparting the gray female with a hard glare.

Ignoring the eagle for now, unbothered by its presence, the yearling turned to lick a few times at her injury before forcing herself to ignore it again. Shifting her orange gaze on the female momentarily, Pip took in more of her features. Pale yellow eyes that held a cunning sense of playfulness that the yearling found she didn't mind so much. She was pretty in an easy way, but struck Pip as lonely despite being surrounded by packmates. While watching the pair before her, Pip entertained herself with thoughts about just who this wolf was and where she'd come from, what she'd seen.

(This post was last modified: Feb 26, 2016, 03:41 AM by Pip.)
[Image: pipwave_by_becuffin-dblzaqt.png]
Played by Silvia who has 164 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Amaryllis Azalea
Amaryllis laughed lightly as the eagle rocketed into the sky, a furiously indignat squawk coming from it. The fact it was glaring at her from high above did not bother her. There were three wolves in the vicinity now and so she doubted it would do much at all.

"That is what you get for being so proud and not keeping check on your surroundings." She yipped up at the large bird, shaking her pelt out as she glanced at the lone feather that had floated down to the ground. The feather that had floated down to the ground briefly caught her attention.

Another idea entered her mind and carefully picking it up, the greyscaled woman went over to the den and placed the feather near the entrance to the den, a small pebble weighing it down so it would not blow away so easily.

"I heard a story, fron a lone wolf once, that eagle feathers represented many things, like honesty, strength, courage and wisdom." She turned her lemon eyes around to Crystal and the other wolf that were by the den, who she smiled kindly at. "So maybe if it stays there, it'll help those who are in need of some guidence." Taking a few steps back, Amaryllis settled nearby, though making sure her back was not to the eagle so she could keep an eye on it. "It shall go soon, I'm sure." Flicking her eyes over to the other wolf, who she didn't know but seemed to be studying her features, she dipped her head and introduced herself. She wasn't self conscious about her looks at all so she didn't mind her looking. Though if asked about her scar, she would become solemn about it. "I am Lily. Pleased to meet you."
[Image: ama_sig_by_becuffin-db825cv.png]
Played by Melorama who has 194 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Yvly Doramor

OOC here!

The corner's of Yvly's lips twitched up slightly at the greyscale female's comment up at the eagle. She liked a wolf that spoke its mind, but not when they began to natter. Then it just became annoying. Her tawny ears flicked forward in interest as Lily gently grabbed the lone feather in her jaws, placing it down near the main den entrance with a pebble resting on top so it, presumably, would not blow away. The short story that followed had her wolfy brows raising slightly. Yvly had heard tales and legends before that spoke of bravery or loyalty, but they mainly consisted of a being of some sort. Though she supposed each wolf was to their own, and if a feather represented values they believed in then she wouldn't not intrude.

Dark amber eyes followed Lily as she settled off to the side, commenting that the bird would leave soon. "I sure hope so," Yvly grumbled light heartedly, not minding the eagle so much now that it wasn't squawking at her. It must be in shock from nearly being pounced upon. The tawny female grinned momentarily at that thought. Birds, in her mind, were not that useful. More like prey that could not be caught very easily and taunted wolves because of it. When Lily introduced herself, Yvly rested her gaze upon Squeak, lips parting slightly as she considered saying something or not. Her friend could not speak, and it would be much easier to just say it straight off the bat. "I call her squeak," She finally said with a small smile, now looking at Lily. "But only because she can't talk herself." The eagle then cawed softly, as if saying hey, I can speak for the mute wolf!

291 words

Yvly Doramor

imagine we are higher than the arrows,
casually we're breathing with the pharaohs,
tragically we fall just like the arrows.
Played by Vet who has 345 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Pip Mizuno-Sørenson

Pip listened with rapt attention as Lily spoke of eagle feathers and their meanings. Guidance. The yearling smiled and glanced up at the bird whose head turned to blink at her. They were great guides in her opinion, and quite useful for those who took the time to figure out what they wanted. Speaking of...it was curious that this one was hanging around. Clearly, it wanted something of them.

Her attention was drawn back when Crystal spoke her name - or rather than name she'd given her - and her tail swished across the ground behind her in response. Of course, the eagle's chattering pulled her eyes back to it again and the yearling stood, gingerly letting her injured leg rest on the ground as she looked up. She yipped at it, earning more chattering in response and excited hopping along the branch before it flew to another one nearby.

Pip glanced at her packmates, tail wagging. It wants us to follow! Guides, yes, but because they wanted something. Scavengers as they were, it must be a fallen animal it wanted them to open up for it. While still looking to Lily and Crystal, Pip limped onward as if to follow the eagle who flew to yet another branch. Satisfied that she was right, Pip chirped at her packmates in encouragement.

Must be something big!

[Image: pipwave_by_becuffin-dblzaqt.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There are several fresh rabbit tracks in the mud. Hunt Opportunity