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Fire & Ice — The Wildwood 
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Played by Grae who has 187 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tyne Kersey
OOC Comments: OOO things are heating up :D

After standing up he looks down to see Ayla lookin’ up at him. Wow he is speechless and unable to answer her question and break eye contact until she stood up as well. He could feel the blood rushing to his cheeks. He hardly knew the creamy white female but he already liked spending time with her. As Ayla stood she shook the tiny snowflakes that clung to her coat. There is a patch of ice underneath a thin layer of snow that she slips on practically falling into the tawny boy. Instinctively he goes to catch her but she caught herself and leaped away gracefully before he could do anything. He laughs at her comment about running into him. He watches her leap away in awe she’s so pretty the thought runs through his mind. It surprises him; he had just met the silvery female.
He is torn from his thoughts when he realizes that Ayla had slightly disappeared between the trees towards the deer carcass. He bounds after full of energy and excitement about the easy meal. She looks back at him and a goofy smile spreads across his maw. “It’s alright; at least I have some of my packmates and didn’t end up here alone” he says catching up with her. “Haha, yea I guess it is a good thing that I'm alive” he responds with a chuckle. Taking a quick inhale he estimates the deer carcass to be further in the forest. Plenty far to have a little race…”race ya there” he says playfully nipping at her ear before taking off towards the deer.
“Speech”    Thought
[Image: tyne_by_becuffin-dblzjdk.png]

For OOC preferences just check Moonshadow's profile
Played by Tori who has 25 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ayla StarRiver
OOC:Ohhh yea! XD

Ayla giggled once more before answering him, "If you can keep up mister!" she yipped excitedly. With a burst of energy she propelled herself forward. Her strong hindquarters bunching up before she threw herself towards the deer carcass' direction. This was what the silver female loved, running. The cool air causing her ivory fur to dance in the wind as she moved faster and faster. Her legs grew greater and greater apart until she was fully stretched almost horizontal at her peak stride. Her ink dipped tail streamed behind her like a banner. She looked back to see the male following her if not beside her.

Ayla raced passed the fallen animal before circling back, unsure of who had gotten there first. But pure joy radiated off of her the woman as she trotted back to the carcass. Her sides heaved slightly as she inhaled deeply to catch her breath from the sudden burst of speed. She looked up at Tyne with a beaming smile, "I haven't ran like that in so long! I do not even know who won that one. I haven't felt this happy since, well since being in my birth pack. Speaking of pack, you said you have packmates? Where are they?" she asked now curious.

While she waited for his answer she sat down on her haunches to allow herself to relax. She could hear her heart beating in her ebony ears. Her midnight tipped tail swept the light snow behind her. She looked back to find she had made a half circle from her wagging tail. She chuckled to herself softly. This man is making me so happy already. I wonder...no. Don't get ahead of yourself Ayla, you literally just met. But he is rather sweet and very handsome. Only time will tell I suppose but a girl can hope right? the thought silently to herself. A shiver of excitement ran up her spine causing her to get to her feet quickly and quiver under her pelt. That was when her stomach reminded her ever so loudly what was a priority at the moment.
Played by Grae who has 187 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tyne Kersey
“Ha if I can keep up” he mused as he ran. He looked over his shoulder and was pleased to see that Ayla had bolted after him. She pasted him because he didn’t want to bolt and leave her behind. As they picked up speed their strides became longer and longer. The tawny male was easily able to catch up for his strides were longer than his silvery companion. The crisp snowy air blew in his face and he was pulled back to the coast. He loved running through the morning mist feeling the cool damp sand beneath his toes. Although nothing will ever beat running back home he was enjoying himself more than expected. His coral tongue was now hanging out as he sucked in lungfuls of winter air. Looking over at his companion he could see her looking for him over her other shoulder. He laughs loud enough to alert her that he was on the other side of her right as they blew past the deer.
Slowing his speed he came to a trot as he circled around a tree. His tongue was still hanging past his smiling ebony lips as he came up next to Ayla who had already made her way to their meal. Panting heavily he responds to her comment “It’s great having a good hard run once and a while.” A wave of joy filled him when she stated how happy she was “well I'm glad to be of assistance” he responds playfully while his tail wagged rapidly behind him. Her question about his packmates caused him to pause. He was actually unsure where he was exactly. “Uh—last I saw them they were near a lagoon. I think it’s about a day’s journey to the west. I decided to explore this new land where we ended up and so now I'm here” he smiles down at her meeting her emerald flaked eyes. He gets momentarily lost in them and is drawn back to reality when Aylas stomach rumbles again. “Shall we eat?” He inquires motioning to the deer before them.
“Speech”    Thought
[Image: tyne_by_becuffin-dblzjdk.png]

For OOC preferences just check Moonshadow's profile
Played by Tori who has 25 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ayla StarRiver
Ayla nodded her head rapidly, "Yes please! I am starving!" she laughed. She stepped towards the fallen prey and closed her eyes momentarily. She stood there very still for a few seconds before opening her emerald flecked orbs and smiled broadly. She looked over the deer deciding what she would like to feast on. Not much was missing from the fallen animal, its neck was mostly eaten, some insides and a portion of a haunch but otherwise it was whole.

The hard work had been done, the underbelly was already ripped open to reveal tender inside delicacies. Ayla nosed her way through the intestines and ever so carefully closed her jaws on a long piece of venison that ran along the inner spine. She peeled the tender meat from its place gingerly until it was free from the carcass. She repeated the process once more with the matching portion on the opposite side of the spine. With the two chunks of flesh in her ebony muzzle she walked a few yards from the kill and lowered her body to lay down.

Ayla placed the two tender morsel between her forelegs and looked at Tyne. "Yes it is very good to run like that at times. It is one of my favorite things to do. I love the feeling of the air racing through my pelt, the ground racing beneath me and it gives me a feeling that I can only describe as bliss." she smiled dreamily at the young man. Her ink dipped tail thudded the hard ground behind her as she waited for her companion to join her for their meal.
Played by Grae who has 187 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tyne Kersey
Her eagerness to eat caused a quiet chuckle to escape the tawny male’s muzzle. He watched her pause a moment before approaching their meal. Her silvery coat swayed ever so slightly as she walked. The way she moved was a spitting image of grace. Gold eyes were unable to move themselves from her as she gently removed two pieces of flesh from the inside of the deer.  The agouti male was completely in awe from watching her move away from the carcass. She lay down in the snow, setting the pieces of meat between her charcoal dusted forelegs. When she looked up at him he momentarily was lost in her emerald flaked eyes. Realizing he was staring with a goofy smile plastered across his maw the yearling quickly looks away nervously. Looking at his own feet he listened to her speak.
"Yes it is very good to run like that at times. It is one of my favorite things to do. I love the feeling of the air racing through my pelt, the ground racing beneath me and it gives me a feeling that I can only describe as bliss." Tyne’s tail thumped against the snow in agreement. Overcoming his embarrassment he looked back at Ayla “I'm the exact same way!” he exclaimed walking over to where she lay. “I loved running along the beach with crisp salty air whisking past my face.” Rust colored eyelids covered gold orbs briefly as he remembers the feeling. Looking back to his companion he wonders if she had grabbed him a piece or if he should go grab his own. “So – uh“he stammered unsure how to approach the question without seeming rude.
Deciding to just avoid the question altogether he goes to the carcass and get himself a portion. Looking the deer over he decided to take a chunk from the hindquarters. He always had a liking to the thick tough meat of the haunches. Pulling a sizable piece of meat into his mouth he walks back to Ayla lying across from her so that they could talk while they ate. “So how long have you been in these lands” he asked between bites.
“Speech”    “Others speech”
[Image: tyne_by_becuffin-dblzjdk.png]

For OOC preferences just check Moonshadow's profile
Played by Tori who has 25 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ayla StarRiver
Ayla couldn't help but giggle at the males staring and look down at her meal coyly. When she looked back up the woman watching him tear off a sizeable chunk from the carcass and her face lit up with admiration. He was strong and she really was enjoying the handsome strangers company. Her silver eyes softened as the agouti male laid down beside her with his portion. Her brows furrowed as she listened to him talk about salty air and beaches. What was he talking about? What was a beach and why was the air salty where he was from? the thought at her elegant head tilted sideways involuntarily. His next question snapped her back to reality suddenly and she thought for a moment before answering him, "Well lets see....I guess only a couple months. When I arrived there was snow on the ground and the snow is just melting now. So two maybe three months I suppose. What about you? How long have you been in this land?"

Ayla couldn't push her curiosity to the side anymore, "What is a beach Tyne? Why is the air salty where you are from? I only know of plains and forest. I have never heard of such a thing as a beach." she shifted towards him slightly so their pelts began to touch. Her ebony ears were pricked forward listening to every word the tawny yearling said. Her eyes shimmered with interest and her thirst to know this young man more. Ayla barely noticed the meat that rested between her forelegs now as all of her attention was directed to the male. She curled her ink dipped tail over her forelegs as she shifted once more so that her back legs came out from under her. Now she could feel the warmth of the mans body against her own as she lay almost against him with her hindquarters. Her forebody was angled away from him slightly but her features were looking into his golden orbs. She began to feel a warmth envelope her slowly as she his liquid gold eyes consumed her. She felt herself swimming in the warmth of those eyes before his voice brought her back once again abruptly.
Played by Grae who has 187 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tyne Kersey
Her giggle caused butterflies to rise in the tawny mans belly. At first he was confused by what he was feeling for he had never experienced them before. Her voice answering his question allowed him to ignore his confusion about his emotions. Three months?!? He was flabbergasted by her answer. How could one be alone for that long? The yearling had never spent more than a day, maybe two, on his own. He always had either his whole pack, immediate family, or a friend with him. His eyebrows furrowed as he was enthralled in his thoughts. 
Her question about how long he had been here caused him to go further into his thoughts. "Uh I hadn't thought about it, ten days maybe two weeks" he responded more to himself than to Ayla. His companions own confusion brought him back to reality. Looking to her with shining eyes he tries to explain his home as best as he could. He had never considered that those not from around his home wouldn’t know what it was. “A beach is the shore of ocean. Filled with super small and fine rocks called sand” Studying her features he realizes that she may not even know what an ocean is. “An ocean is like…uh…like a large lake that seems to never end, spreading all the way to the horizon. The air has salt because it comes from the salt water of the ocean.” Feeling like this was a good description he smiles at the silvery female. When he was speaking he hadn’t noticed that her body had become so close to his due to him concentrating on how to best explain where he came from. Her warmth was comforting against his haunches.
“Now what is a plain?” he questions with his curiosity matching that of Aylas. He moves his tail so that it wraps around the smaller female’s haunches and lies next to her own tail.
“Speech”     Thought
(This post was last modified: Mar 01, 2016, 05:51 AM by Tyne. Edit Reason: forgot to answer one of her questions XD )
[Image: tyne_by_becuffin-dblzjdk.png]

For OOC preferences just check Moonshadow's profile
Played by Tori who has 25 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ayla StarRiver
OOC: Sorry for the really long wait! Been crazy here lately.

Ayla listened intently to the explanation of the ocean and a beach. How interesting, a huge lake that never seems to end? What would be in that water? The fine rocks on the beach sounded lovely! I wonder where he drank from then? Salty water can not taste very good can it? the female thought until her thoughts were interrupted by a tickling near her haunches. She looked back slowly to see what was causing the sensation only to find Tyne's tail had wrapped around her and was now resting near her own. Ayla lowered her head and looked up at the male through her thick lashes, "Uhmm well a plain is basically just flat land. There are little to no hills and its covered in tall grasses and shrubs. Trees are basically none existent on a plain too. But there are many many colorful flowers and cool streams covering the plain where I once lived." she said rather shyly.

Ayla's face felt warm as blood rushed to her cheeks. Her ebony ears lay flat against her head as she stared at Tyne's sunset colored orbs. she had to tilt her head ever so slightly up to meet his gaze. Without really realizing it the silver woman leaned towards him until her shoulder was against his warm pelt. Any tension that may have settled into her muscles slipped away into the abyss. Ayla sighed heavily as she turned away from the younger male and looked at her meal between her paws. She gingerly tore off a piece of the loin. She chewed the red meat slowly, savoring its gamey flavor. She did this repeatedly until one whole loin was devoured and only one remained resting on her forelegs. Her dark muzzle held traces of tiny bits and red blood before she snaked her magenta tongue from her black lips. She slid her soft tongue along her muzzled attempting to clean what was clinging to her whiskers and tiny muzzle hairs. Her ink dipped tail swept slowly behind her and intertwined with Tyne's where she became ever so still gauging the handsome man's reaction.
Played by Grae who has 187 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tyne Kersey
OOC Comments: No worries! I totally get that! I just started a second job so things are about to get hectic XD

A sly grin formed upon inky lips as golden eyes watched the silvery female become aware of where he had positioned his tail. Silver and emerald irises look back at him through thick lashes and the tawny man’s heart skips. He could spend an eternity looking into such beautiful pools of green and grey. Realizing his thoughts he shakes his head ever so slightly as to shake them out of his head. Coming back to reality he catches the latter half of Ayla’s explanation “…But there are many many colorful flowers and cool streams covering the plain where I once lived.” The agouti male realized he missed the first half of her explanation but decides to pretend like he heard it all. “Sounds like a wonderful place to live” he comments subtly noticing her move closer to him. She leans against him as she turns to eat her meal. He had forgotten about the easy meal that was bestowed upon them.
With the meat at the forefront of his thoughts, Tyne’s cream coated belly rumbled quietly and impatiently. He looks at his hunk of meat that lies between large white paws waiting to be eaten then back to his companion. She had already begun eating one of her loins, tearing it ever so gently and gracefully. The young hunter however would not be as graceful as he tears into the tough hindquarters. He hadn’t been aware of how hungry he was until the sweet metallic taste of blood hit his coral tongue. Powerful jaws devour the chunk of meat rather quickly and a coral tongue attempts to clean off any leftovers.
With a goofy smile he looks at the silver girl to see that she had finished her one loin and was also attempting to clean her muzzle. Noticing that she had missed a piece and without thinking twice about how she may react he leans over and licks the spot she missed. “you – uh – missed a spot” he explained with a nervous laugh. He adverted his eyes from her from slight embarrassment of what he just did. Keeping his eyes down, he smiles as he feels her charcoal tipped tail slowly intertwine with his own.
[Image: tyne_by_becuffin-dblzjdk.png]

For OOC preferences just check Moonshadow's profile
Played by Tori who has 25 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ayla StarRiver
Ayla's cheeks heat as Tyne's coral tongue reached for her missed morsel on her muzzle. A shiver crept up her spine as the tender man's actions hit the woman like a truck. This was the first male since her father that was showing affection towards her. Tilting her face towards him she tried to look him in the eye. Her silver orbs seemed to search his golden ones. She hoped to not see the [*word]skulduggery[/*word] that Skoll's eyes had held. With her darkly tipped ears flattened against her skull, Ayla allowed her velvety pink tongue to slip between her lips and caress the tawny man's cheek gently. Her voice was cool as morning dew when she spoke, "Tyne, I know we just met but umm. Would you mind if I stayed with you. I mean, I really would like to meet some of your pack and I umm well. I really like you Tyne." she stuttered the last part.

The she wolf looked down at her last loin and began peeling it apart just as she had done the last one. She kept her mouth full as she chewed very slowly waiting for the handsome males answer. She couldn't believe she was so nervous, she was normally so self assured and confident. He just made her self conscience and she wanted to please him. Though she had no reason to want to make a stranger happy. She just felt some kind of connection with the younger male that she had never experienced and it scared the woman slightly. Because such feelings could really leave a wolf devastated and lifeless if they got out of control.