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Winter Cherry Blossoms — Wild Cherry Orchard 
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Played by Brian who has 259 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Sylva Riverflow
@ Greer! here ya go!))
((Please scroll over the text, there's more than it seems!))

Sylva stepped out of of the dark and brooding trees that marked the border of the Ghastly woods. The small chocolate and black Yearling trotted out into the sparse and open area. her soft brown gaze drifted up to the bare, snow covered branches. A lot had been on Sylva’s mind since her odd encounter with @Wraith just hours prior, but she couldn’t help but admire the view.

“You always manage to surprise me…” She murmured out loud, her words directed toward the surrounding trees as she took in the beautiful scene for a few moments before her thoughts returned to the large black off from her previous meeting. She moved forward, stepping lightly as the snow crunched under her weight.

“Wraith...what bothered you..”She mused out loud as she searched for a spot to sit, this scene was just too peaceful not to admire further, and it seemed like a good place to stop and think over the odd dilemma she faced.

“Ok so what we know….he’s a big wolf..that’s for sure, he seemed to scratch his head a lot, maybe he had fleas?” Sylva lifted her muzzle up toward the trees as she settled down undertone, as though she was expecting a response, surprisingly none was given. After a few moments Sylva sighed, something, something, she knew had irritated Wraith, but she wasn’t sure what. Instead of trying to fret over it, she took a deep breath and closed her eyes to think on it more.

ThoughtSylva’s dialogue

Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Greer Archer-Lyall
don't mind Greer, he'll do anything to avoid conversation >.>

The shadow had found himself a little further north than he had anticipated. Since his father had discovered Isolde things had not been the same back in the Ridge. Greer found himself drifting more and more from the pack borders; he was unsure how to deal with his family’s grief along with his own. Emotions were not his specialty — he did not know what the ‘correct’ response was for specific emotions, so avoiding them completely was always his best option.

He was also angry at himself for disappointing his little brother. Greer had promised he would find Issi — alive and well — and bring her home. He had failed his brother — and his family. It was eating away at the proud Archer and he did not know how to handle it. More than anything, he wanted to seek out Kyna… but he did not want to bother the blonde. She was adjusting into her new pack and the last thing she needed was some brooding teenager to disrupt her.

A voice from within the orchard caught his attention, but he paid it no attention. It seemed as though someone was talking to themselves which usually meant they were bat-shit crazy and Greer had no time for crazy. He steered clear of the feminine voice while remaining close enough to keep a watchful eye out for any suspicious movement. The last thing he needed was multiple crazies lurking about, especially when he was already so distraught about what was going on back home. A sigh caused his shoulders to heave as he meandered around the trees, his silver gaze hardened as he began to head back to the willows. He felt guilty being gone for so long, especially when the Archers were dealing with a loss. He couldn’t avoid his family forever. 

[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]
Played by Brian who has 259 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Sylva Riverflow
@Greer !))
((Please scroll over the text,  there's more than it seems!))

Sylva’s nose had been the first thing to alert her to a nearby wolf. Brown eyes slowly opening as a stray breeze blow toward her from the south. her head tilted slightly to the side as she inhaled the scent again.That...smells familiar It had to be a pack scent, that much she was sure of, it was highly similar to the scent Wraith had carried, maybe a packmate?

The small wolf’s curiosity began to win over as she stood with a soft grunt. She jerked herself a little to dislodge any accumulating snow before setting off toward the south. As she stepped across the snow, eventually she caught sight of a black shape moving away. Is he ok?She hoped it was male by the scent, otherwise this would be very embarrassing.

She trotted a little quicker, her paw steps crunching over the snow as she moved, she was trying to give herself away. Sylva didn’t want to scare or terrify the the other wolf.  Cautious though, her run in with Oula had taught her that not all wolves were pleasant, she skidded to a stop at a fairly safe distance, able to turn and run if need be. “Hello?” she called out tentatively toward the retreating figure.

ThoughtSylva’s dialogue

Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Greer Archer-Lyall

Thoughts of his brother consumed him, driving him forward as he retreated in the direction of the willows. He needed to be there for Niles, even if he had failed to keep his promise. It was his littermate who had turned up dead; their father had been a mess upon finding Isolde’s body, Greer could only imagine how his little brother was dealing with the loss. A shiver ran down his spine at the thought while a bitter taste formed in his mouth. It made him wonder what happened to his own littermate — Deacon and Castiel. They had both disappeared from the Ridge many moons ago; had the cold claimed their bodies as well, or had they pursued different endeavours? The shadow prince hoped for the latter; the Archer family couldn’t handle any more grief.

It seemed his silent nature attraced others instead of pushing them away — perhaps he needed to work on his strategy. A frown creased his lips as he continued forward. He hoped that the girl would quickly lose interest in him and seek out another wolf to bother. The prince needed to get back home, to his family.

However the universe had different plans, as usual. His ears twitched as he listened to her quick steps in the distance, his features turning sour as his tail flicked in annoyance. From her scent the prince could tell that she was a fresh yearling, which meant her curiosity was still fuelled most of her actions. Then, a voice — ’Hello?’ Restraining himself from rolling his eyes, the boy called back over his shoulder with a short, gruff woof, and nothing more.

[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]
Played by Brian who has 259 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Sylva Riverflow
@Greer !))
((Please scroll over the text,  there's more than it seems!))

Sylva paused, uncertain when she saw the tail flicking. She didn’t want to anger or upset the larger wolf, and she most definitely didn’t want to die, that would be very bad for her health. Chocolate tipped ears pricked at the short greeting and she cocked her head slightly.

“You really remind me of Wraith..” She murmured, more to herself but fairly adiuable.  The other male had a very agitated air around him and the small yearling was starting to wonder if that was just natural for male wolves. Hazel eyes slowly looked the male over as she took a step forward before quietly asking “Are...you ok sir?”  Slowly Sylva started to side step in order to get a better view of the charcoal wolf.

All the signs were telling her that he wanted to be left alone, but something within Sylva just wouldn’t let her leave. After being alone for months the young wolf sought to help anyone she met , how ever she could. Slowly she angled her muzzled toward him before speaking again. “Is there...anyway I could help you?” She had been assuming that something was bothering Greer. “Oh!” she blurted out after a few seconds lapsed after her last question ”I’m Sylva!”

ThoughtSylva’s dialogue

Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Greer Archer-Lyall

She was persistent, a quality that seemed to plague most of the wolves he encountered. His pace slowed but he did not stop until she mentioned a name — Wraith. He had met the older male a few weeks back, and although their meeting had been less than ideal (Greer was not fond of the female that had joined them) he held no ill feelings toward the older shadow. They were pack mates and quite possibly friends, even though the Archer preferred not to keep any of the latter. Aside from Kyna, of course. His toes curled into the dirt as he turned to the chocolate female, his mercury gaze hardened as he studied her slender physique. She was still young, naive, and clearly did not know when to leave a wolf to his business.

He snorted at her question, his tongue clucking against the roof of his mouth. She was much smaller than him, which should have deterred her from her pursuit. Yet, here she was, spewing questions into the air between them. Wanting to help. He almost rolled his eyes at the comment, but held back (for now). He was not a cruel wolf by nature; he was of the shadows and preferred to stay that way. Conversation and getting to know others… it was beneath him. He had little patience for inquisitive wolves. “No help,” he muttered finally, his tail twitching a second time. She gave her name — Sylva — but did not release his own just yet. Due to the way he spoke, it would come out sooner or later without him having to introduce himself. It was the downside to his choppy speech.

His stone-coloured eyes remained focused on the younger female. It was good she had not pursued the Willows for a home: she would not have faired well in the presence of his sister, or any other Ridge wolves. 

[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]
Played by Brian who has 259 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Sylva Riverflow
@Greer !))
((Please scroll over the text,  there's more than it seems!))

He’s quiet...why are so many males quietThe small yearling wondered as Greer looked back at her. So, he does know Wraith? Maybe? Or is he just staring at us? I hope he doesn't find yearlings to be tasty...Males, something that fascinated and confused Sylva, and yet here was another quiet and seemingly brooding one. Wasn’t there any that even smiled?

“Ok…” She said in response the two words she had managed to squeeze out of him. She hadn’t really expected him to give his name in response to her inquiry, she had learned only recently that it was somewhat of a social norm to do.

“Wait…were you a loner too? is that why you're so quiet? I know what that's like...nothing but the trees to talk to….” A small sigh escaped Sylva as she thought back over those months alone before slowly returning her attention to Greer “Would it be better if I left? I-I mean i don’t want to cause any discomfort or-”

She suddenly stopped when she saw his eyes “Woah...pretty…” it was an old habit of hers, she usually thought out loud, that combined with her short attention span sometimes provided unusual or awkward moments. Sylva groaned when she realized she had spoken out loud and quickly turned toward Greer “I-i'm not crazy, it’s just your eyes...they're pretty…”

ThoughtSylva’s dialogue

Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
A young deer has been separated from the rest of its herd. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Greer Archer-Lyall

It seemed that the shadow prince would be destined to encounter wolves who did not possess a quiet bone in their entire body. He was an oddity — a recluse who only spat out words when he felt they were needed. Words were precious and not to be wasted; he did not like tossing around his voice so lightly. There were a few, mostly family, who could pry more than a handful of words from him. That was the way he liked it. It appeared that the yearling before him was one of those quietophobes; she constantly needed to hear her own voice and would not allow silence to consume her. An ear flopped at the thought — just his luck.

More questions… she really did like rambling. It was as though she was merely talking to comfort herself; a distraction. Once she confessed she had been a loner it all made sense — loners were always a little batty, especially those who had always been alone. Greer, luckily, had been surrounded by doting family members, who were fiercely protective of their brood. He snorted at her comment about leaving and shrugged to show his indifference. While her voice disrupted the silence he craved, she clearly was of no her (other than she was probably going to talk his ears off).

Her next comment took him by surprise, but he did not allow his composure to fall. The long-legged boy had never really gotten a chance to study his own appearance for he did not care how he looked to others. Like most Archers he was adorned with a pelt of obsidian; however, his was completely void of any other colour. It was almost as though all the light around him was trapped in the darkness that engulfed him, and there was only black. He was built more like a deer than a wolf but it did not bother him; it made it easier for the shadow to stalk through the trees unnoticed. And it made him fast. He was undeniably handsome to others, but Greer did not know attractive from unattractive. To him, wolves were all the same — they were bringers of noise and had no appreciation for the quiet. Except Kyna, of course — she was always the exception.

Not loner,” he responded finally, dismissing her compliment completely as he narrowed his brows. She was … amusing, almost. She was definitely strange and not from around here. How had such a peculiar creature found her way into Relic Lore? While the question hesitated on the tip of his tongue, the boy quickly swallowed it. Despite his curiosity he did not care. She was of no harm to him or the Ridge wolves — learning more about her would prove useless. “Greer like quiet,” he added with an uninterested shrug. 

[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]
Played by Brian who has 259 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Sylva Riverflow
@Greer !))
((Please scroll over the text, there's more than it seems!))

An encouraging smile formed on Sylva’s maw as she managed to coax him into speaking again, still only two words , but it had been a total of four words! Something that she found to be proud of, considering how closed lipped Greer seemed. Her tail wagged slightly as she heard his name, quickly she chose to repeat it.

“Greer...very solid! A good name.” She yipped before realizing that he had said more than just a name. Wait..Greer likes quiet..He’s Greer right? or is there another wolf around?Deciding to play it safe and assume that Greer was indeed the name of the wolf in front of her. “You like quietness? Is that why you came out here?” She gestured around the orchid with her muzzle.

“It’s nice and peaceful...probably the only place I'm willing to shut up and just listen to the trees, the soft creaking of the branches...the gentle murmur of the bark..it’s just so...serene.”

A gentle sigh escaped the wolf as she tilted her muzzle upward and looked toward the overhanging branches. After a few moments she settled down onto her haunches as she faced Greer yet again “If you need to go..It’s been a pleasure to meet you Greer…” The female genuinely meant it, even if he only shares a total of seven words with her.

ThoughtSylva’s dialogue