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maybe i'll have to have a talk with the winner — Dragonfly Fen 
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Played by Dee who has 2 posts.
Aster Sovari
He would remain alone, he had yet to find his sister and that was weighing heavily on him. He would move like a man possessed through the lands. Head hung low enough that nose almost dragged on the ground and tail would hang limply at his hips. Massive paws would drag along the ground as legs moved without real purpose. Sickly green eyes were hooded as he stared only at the ground directly in front of him and nothing else. He was paying no mind to his surroundings, even less mind to the animals moving around him. He would climb and crawl over all the moss covered carcasses of the fallen trees with ease, muscles rippling beneath sleek black fur as he moved.

Lower jaw would unhinge as he paused for a moment, fore paws about to haul him up over a nearby stump when he would halt. For a moment he would simply stand there, one forepaw raised as his eyes would move to look over to the other fallen limbs around him. Had he heard something? Or was it just his mind once again playing tricks on him? Ears would flickers momentarily even as nose quivered in an attempt to pick up any scents nearby. But there was nothing. No Dahlia. Where was she? Had he gone too far for her to ever follow him? Or had she gone somewhere that he would never find him. He liked to think that maybe she didn't mind him following her around but maybe she had grown tired of her brother being her constant shadow. A snort would leave him, dismissing those thoughts even as he slowly hauled himself up and carried on his way.

(This post was last modified: Apr 08, 2016, 02:01 AM by Aster.)
Played by PuppyThief who has 181 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nalda Zamora

South. Further south than she had ever gone before, the slate and russet pup travelled on this day, moving through changing forests of red ferns and blue fog and green moss. Part of her wondered if she would run into any of the other pups she'd med down here before; She wasn't sure whether she wanted to. But her trek was quiet, disturbed only by the occasional small critter, scared up by her passage, none of which she attempted to hunt. She moved with an unusual urgency, trotting quickly along the woodland paths, without taking the time to study her surroundings like she usually did. There was something inside her urging her on, a strange, boiling, like she would explode if she stayed put for too long. Usually, just leaving the pack lands would ease her, but today she only grew more tense, and so she was prompted to go further, find somewhere completely new and unexplored, to hopefully sate her thirst for novelty.

Only when she'd gone far beyond her usual turning point did she pause, gasping slightly after the lengthy trot. Around her were trees not unlike the many she'd passed getting here, thought these stood notably closer than the Pines; Maybe because half of them haven't tumbled over..! These trees stood tall and slim, the oaks still mostly naked, while the coniferous trees sported tops of dark needles, with several bared branches near the bottom. The ground below her paws, lightly dusted in what snow had managed its way past the dense canopy, was frozen hard and knolled, like it had been dredged up shortly before the frost hit. There was something eerie about this whole place, though she couldn't put a paw on it, but it made her hackles stand on end. Golden eyes roamed the forest nervously, large ears perked high, twitching at every noise. Most of them were harmless enough, the stir of small animals, branches shifting as snow feel from them. But there was something else, something she couldn't quite place.

Her whole body tensed, the young wolf squinted through the dimness, catching eye off small movements all around. And then suddenly she saw something, much bigger than any mouse or squirrel, a dark shadow right up ahead, jumping over a fallen trunk and coming right towards her.

Word count: 385

”Speech” Thoughts
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Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
A young deer has been separated from the rest of its herd. Hunt Opportunity