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Played by Vet who has 88 posts.
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Zerxes Zamora
The loner was in a vile mood. A string of meetings gone sour and unsuccessful recruiting runs had left him plenty of pent up rage without a target to let loose on. His fury was reaching a fever pitch, and Z took out his perceived sleights on any pound of flesh he could get a hold of. What that meant was a string of disemboweled, dismembered small prey animals left behind in his wake. His aimless massacre ended at the base of a hollowed out tree long since abandoned by its previous occupants.

It was here that Z lay, licking clean his muzzle and paws while contemplating his next move. Perhaps he would move across that mountain pass he could spy in the distance to the east. Then again, there were tell tale signs of another pack farther south. He'd been playing with the idea of crossing their boundaries and taking a long, cocky piss before wandering off just to see if any of the wolves would be furious enough to chase after him to give him a piece of their mind. But such an act felt too tame.

Pups were starting to venture out now, he mused. Finding himself one such lostling would be interesting indeed. However, Z wasn't sure he had the patience to keep a mewling whelp alive long enough to have any fun with its parents. The male released a heavy sigh, aware now that he was being watched. It couldn't have been for too long, but still, he was impressed they'd gotten so close without him realizing.

Despite the layered charm, his tone was pregnant with unspoken threat should he be disobeyed. "Come on out, darlin'."
Played by Switch who has 389 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Renier Lyall
shoot it, shoot it out
renier lyall
cause they want a little more

The need for food, and space had brought him this far. Into the dead wood, where this part of the Lore seemed so far behind the rest. The irony wasn't lost on him. A stiff sigh dropped from his throat, as his golden eyes scanned the tall, charred trees that hadn't fallen over yet. It was a bit maddening, thinking about how strong those trees roots must be for them to still stand despite the fire, and everything else.

Quietly, with collected movement he proceeded forward, hoping to catch something off guard. This place had often lacked a lot of other wolf activity, and that made for a nice hunting spot.

The scent of prey reached his nostrils, but something wasn't quite right. Padding forward, there was a lot of blood, and organs ripped and scattered. Hardly consumed. It triggered a memory in him, the outbreak. When things had showed up dead, and animals had started acting weird. But, as he reached down, testing it with his nose it didn't smell like that. There was only the scent of a lone, older wolf. 

This gave him no comfort. The rogue's next step was more slow, more deliberate with his body in a crouch his golden eyes flicked ahead. He wanted to know just what he was dealing with.

Sight traced the trail of remains, and fell upon the brute, tucked by the tree. There was only a few half dead bushes between them, so he wasn't surprised to hear the loner speak. But, that voice, it was evident should Ren turn he would not be far behind.  He hadn't been looking for trouble, but hey he had a knack for finding it. He didn't like to turn from a challenge, or threat.

"Usually, I like dinner first before I let someone call me that," he interjected, his shoulders stiff, as he came into clear view. "But, it looks like you tried." Eyes glimpsed the other torn animals, before resting to the green of the stranger. He had never seen him nor anyone like him. The Lyall probably, shouldn't have been coolly standing there, greeting him in such a confident way. But, he did.

template base formed by GINNYSAURUS.
(This post was last modified: Aug 09, 2016, 11:53 PM by Renier. Edit Reason: code )
[Image: ps_sig_by_becuffin-dc2lwrc.png]
Played by Vet who has 88 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Zerxes Zamora
Zerxes was quiet for a moment as he observed the tawny male step out from the shadows. Boldly, green eyes stared into deep gold. Despite the wolf's snarky, cheeky reply, there was something there in his gaze. Something weighing heavy. Naturally, dark lips peeled up into a pleasant smile, belying his previous tone. Damaged goods were always the best playthings.

"Bit of a picky bastard, aren't you?" he commented in an almost familiar manner as if they were old friends rather than complete strangers. "Couldn't find a piece you liked?" There had been plenty to choose from, after all.

The masked loner stood and gave a lazy, languid stretch before padding closer to circle his visitor with interest. He didn't bother lofting his tail high - they were equals here. At least until Z found a reason to think him beneath his attention. Then he could make things really interesting. He recalled pleasantly his encounter with that sniveling, stuttering pack wolf and the resulting chase that had ended in a good brawl with a wolf with as much of the devil in his eyes as Z himself. Somehow, even if this one turned into anything like that, he didn't imagine anyone coming to the defense of this one. He practically broadcasted his loneliness.

"What brings you out this way, darlin'?" He used the term again, amused by the possibility of even having one such as the male under him for a romp. While Zerxes preferred female company in that aspect, he honestly wasn't picky. Perhaps one day he'd find a willing partner in a man. Thus far, every female had been...well, less than willing. "Lose your way?"
Played by Switch who has 389 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Renier Lyall
shoot it, shoot it out
renier lyall
cause they want a little more

Those pale,green eyes bore into more than his stare, but he made a point to hold it. He was sure it was some kind of test for the stranger, and even at a young age he had been bold.

"I can be," he interjected with a quirk of his lip, and for good reason. He had standards, or he probably would have still been in the tundra, crawling on his belly to appease Craw. But, it wasn't the average wolf that strew pieces of perfectly good food all over the woods. He himself wasn't hungry. He had hoped to take it something to the Ridge where they would hopefully use it, even if they weren't disgusted by the action."Maybe, but I figured none of it was mine to take when I spotted you ." The loner was lean, but Ren could tell what was there was muscle. Despite his odd taste in preparing meals, he must know how to take care of himself.

Darlin' was going to stick. "Well, buttercup, it's a good place to be, and hunt without pack wolves interfering. Usually." Under the circumstances he didn't want to explain his full reasons, surely this man would laugh at him. Or inquire his reasoning. The way the brute posed his last question, forced a bark of his own laughter. It reminded him of the preaching. When one lost their way it meant they had sinned, and needed to see the light. "Not exactly. Life has given me a new perspective, but I know this place pretty well. What about you? Someone tell you about the Lore? Or are you on the search?" Though it wasn't unheard of lone wolves with a want for a new life to stumble upon these lands, most had something that pulled.

template base formed by GINNYSAURUS.
(This post was last modified: Aug 12, 2016, 02:22 AM by Renier.)
[Image: ps_sig_by_becuffin-dc2lwrc.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a moose carcass that has been scavenged by coyotes nearby. +15 Health
Played by Vet who has 88 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Zerxes Zamora
He liked this one. Zerxes hadn't truly expected to with the sour mood he'd been in, but this one was alright. The tawny male had sarcasm in spades and a sense of humor to go along with it. A genuine smile spread, though as always, it was just a tick too wide. Z laughed outright as the male called him buttercup. Oh, this could turn out to be a mighty fine friendship indeed!

The stranger's answer was a bit more direct than he would have expected with concerns to whether or not he'd lost his way. Z expected the usual yes or no reply perhaps with some added humor thrown in based on his personality. Seven words told Zerxes plenty. A new perspective on life, hm? Must be a woman. The damn bitches always gave a new perspective, didn't they?

His mind strayed to a woman of his own. Or she would be eventually, whether she liked it or not. That feisty little vixen was just as vexing to him as he imagined this male's woman was for him.

"So you're not lost," Z surmised, "but maybe looking to get lost." The male lifted a shoulder as if he had experience to offer in that aspect. "On the search? Mmm, you could say that. Not for anyone or anyplace in particular, mind you. Just what is it you're looking for?"
Played by Switch who has 389 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Renier Lyall
shoot it, shoot it out
renier lyall
cause they want a little more

Other than his odd dismemberment of perfectly good food, he wasn't bothered by the man. He wasn't being a cocky son-of-a-bitch, or kissing his ass. Why Ren didn't see himself leaving strews of carcasses around, he wasn't about to judge. There was a lot in his life he hadn't 'pictured'. Why he hoped he didn't get to such a low point in his life, one could never be sure.

But, he was a little surprised the man did not poke at his comment, though surely his silence said something. If he was doing that reading between the lines. There was a temptation to supply more, but he held his tongue in check. Some how he didn't think this one would mind if he ranted about Morganna and Craw, but he had rules about spilling his guts.

Rules were pretty good for throwing aside these days.

The Lyall gave a short chuckle. "It changes daily," he admitted. He was a leaf blowing in the wind, then he'd get closer to a life he was familiar with. Think he had an idea of what he wanted instead. So, as it came for the other man's turn to reply it did not surprise him the loner didn't give him any more. It seemed an honest answer. A feeling he could relate to. "Now? I was hoping to spy a deer. Take a shot on getting some real food. That interest you?"

template base formed by GINNYSAURUS.
(This post was last modified: Sep 08, 2016, 03:38 AM by Renier.)
[Image: ps_sig_by_becuffin-dc2lwrc.png]
Played by Vet who has 88 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Zerxes Zamora
Asking for his help? Well, now that was interesting. Cooperating with a complete and total stranger that he wasn't already well on his way to manipulate was a new experience to be certain. Z found he rather delighted in the opportunity. And if something unfortunate should happen to his partner on his hunt, well, that was neither here nor there. Convincing the male that they could take on a bull elk for example would no doubt result in a hairy situation.

"It could," Z replied with a lifted brow, lips twisting into some semblance of a smile. "With my earlier activities, I've definitely worked up an appetite. I could do with some real prey." The masked male stood and gave a languid stretch in front of Renier, green eyes glinting with some mischief. "What do you say we take on something worth the hunt, darlin'? Care for a romp in the woods?" The double meaning was most certainly implied, though it was difficult to say whether it was simply in jest. Z certainly wouldn't mind the extra activity so long as he was the one rutting.

"There are some elk a ways off. It's not too far a trot," he suggested as he straightened to stand tall.
Played by Switch who has 389 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Renier Lyall
shoot it, shoot it out
renier lyall
cause they want a little more

He had no interest to know of his earlier activities, and was a little surprised he didn't elaborate. He could have been referring to the scattered carcasses. Maybe, that was where the line was kept until he started using it for a jump rope....

There was something to the loner's eyes that left the rogue with a feeling to watch his back. Uncertain what it may come down to. But, he merely cocked his head, a faint smirk on his muzzle. "A hunt is the only thing I got time for," was his witty reply. He had no intention to romp with anyone again, least of all him. He was hoping it was merely another taunt. A challenge to this game. Though, the longer he stayed in this man company, the more he felt his skin prickle in warning. Anything could happen.

At the mention of elk, Ren let out a snort. "You suggesting I'm suicidal? Unless one of them has a limp and a cough I rather keep my legs the same way I got them." Golden eyes kept the brute in their sights, tension in his neck, wondering what his next bold or perhaps crazy move would be.

template base formed by GINNYSAURUS.
[Image: ps_sig_by_becuffin-dc2lwrc.png]
Played by Vet who has 88 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Zerxes Zamora
@Renier - Sorry for the wait!

"Shame," Zerxes commented with a wry grin. This wolf wasn't half bad. In his younger days, they would have made fast, true friends. Shame indeed that his parents had denied him a birth right and all that came with it. Though Z had been entitled even as a youth, he'd been more willing to follow the rules. Thus far, the tawny male inspired him to behave in a way he hadn't in quite some time; civilized.

"There are so many more enjoyable activities than hunts, but we'll have it your way," he said with a playful lilt in his voice, not unlike when he was taunting prey. "But by your denial, I'm now suggesting you're a pansy." Z's smile could almost be described as good-natured, though it had been quite some time since such a nature existed within him at all. Taking a few teasing steps towards his newest acquaintance, Z inclined his head a little to finally introduce himself. "Zerxes Zamora. And you, whoever you are, are in sore need of a lesson in hunting if all you ever go for are the dead. Scavenging is meant for weaker species. Fox come to mind."

Finally turning his devilish green eyes away from his new hunting partner, Z began walking northbound. "Come on. I'm sure we can find some sick, ailing half-dead beast waiting for a mercy kill."