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This life is all I see — Fireweed Rise 
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Played by Silvia who has 28 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Ambrosia Hellebore

With his eye cast up to the grey skies above, Ambrosia knew he’d have to find shelter soon. But with the clouds were only slowly rolling in and the cool air that was breezing by, Ambrosia felt like he could stay atop this knoll for a bit longer. Flopping onto his side once again, as he had been taking a nap before waking up and seeing the grey skies, Ambrosia closed his eye and instead of falling asleep, his mind began to wander as to why he had woken up in the first place.

Dreams of sharp claws and bright eyes tumbled in his mind’s eye, hisses and snarls filling his ears while pain erupted over his pelt as the feeling of something having gone wrong filled his chest to the brim. What had he done, to invoke such a painful reaction to his presence? And just who had attacked him? Wolves didn’t have sharp claws, that’s all he knew so it had to have been a lynx or a bear. But his memories were muddled of that day, both due to the pain and the fear. And either way, he had awoken, still alive and bleeding, after the attack so whatever it had been obviously didn’t care much for him, dead or alive.

Bearing his teeth unconsciously in a scowl, Ambrosia smoothly flipped up onto his paws before shaking his smooth coat out. It didn’t matter, whatever had happened had happened and now he had to live with a tattered ear and an eye that was sealed shut by heavy scarring. Looking up at the sky one last time, he began to move, in search of some sort of shelter, in case it started to pour, like he suspected it would.
(This post was last modified: Nov 09, 2016, 01:15 PM by Ambrosia.)
Played by wolfsi who has 50 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Zahira Asurn

The russet woman huffed as she looked around. Honestly, she had weary little idea of where she was now. She had walked with the mountains to on side so she knew that she could find her way back to where she had come, not that there were anything interesting back there but still. The russet woman growled as she destructively flung a branch out of her way eyes watching as it landed a bit away with a light bump the snow softening its fall. She snorted, her hopes of raising a proud Asurn pack was getting more and more tattered by the hour. She spend weeks wandering to find her way back and days traveling in these lands and not even a single pure blooded timber wolf had she come across. How were she to raise a pack of pure blood when there were not of pure blood to raise it from? Honestly, by now she take nay Timberwolf no matter how weak and useless, any weak runt could be turned into a real Asurn with just the right bite.

Zahira lifted her head to the sky feeling how the cold Autumn wind ruffled her fur, her eyes were drawn to the cloudy sky a grin on her lips. How she loved storms, they showed strong from weak and she really needed to find the strong once. She lowered her head and walked on stopping suddenly and looks around. She could have sworn the wind carried the scent of a wolf with it, did that mean there was someone nearby? She knew she had passed a pack not too long ago their borders had been heavily marked.

Zahira made her way closer to where she thought the scent originated, knowing that the wind could easily play tricks. However, it was soon proved that the wind had been telling the truth as a wolf soon came into view. The other where walking his frame perhaps a bit smaller than her own. He were beautiful, or almost, the tattered ear was a bit of a disappointment. But she could live with a tattered ear, yes this one would be just right and she knew he would. With no hesitation in her voice she let a bark escape her lips, the sound holding no thread as she walked closer “Hello” she called out her voice smooth and calm but not caring in any way.



Zahira Asurn
Every revolution begins with a Spark
(This post was last modified: Nov 09, 2016, 01:21 PM by Kyrios.)
Played by Silvia who has 28 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Ambrosia Hellebore
Lifting his head upon hearing a bark followed by a voice smoothly call out a “hello,”, Ambrosia flicked his tail as a woman came into view, noting her coat with a similar coloring to his own. This woman looked pretty, with her red coloring and her reddish brown eyes almost matching the coloring of her pelt

“Hello there, miss.”
He called back to her, dipping his head politely when he paused in his walk and allowing his body to go into a neutral but relaxed posture, his ears flicked forward in interest with his tail swinging casually near his legs. Granted, his half tattered ear simply flopped about with the movement but still, he had grown used to the appendage acting mostly on it’s own by now. His pawprints had begun to fill with slow falling snowflakes, the icy flakes settling calmly behind him, covering his trail from the knoll he had been sleeping on along with the print of his body atop of it. Truthfully, Ambrosia did prefer the colder months to the warmer ones, purely because they made him feel more...alive. Made him know he was alive in the sharp cold that blew over his pelt and the smells seemed crisper in those months. And the color changes too, from bright oranges, yellows and red, mixed with brown going slowly to grays and whites were always a joy to watch.

“And what’s a lovely lady like you doing out here all alone?” Ambrosia had never been good with social interactions but this woman had come up to him so it was better to try and be polite at least. And if there was one thing he was good at, it was acting like he cared. His act was almost flawless now, only those who truly knew him would be able to see the slight tells in his posture and tone. And she was lovely.
(This post was last modified: Nov 09, 2016, 01:38 PM by Ambrosia.)
Played by wolfsi who has 50 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Zahira Asurn

The smile, which was no doubly more fake than not, faded almost immediately as the male faced her. A wasted ear she could handle but that eye were a clear sign of his uselessness. It was truly a shame he wasn’t bad looking, a bit thin perhaps but even the mightiest of wolves would be haunted by the life of a loner. She for a moment considered turning around and leaving hoping that he would just ignore her and leave Apparently her hopes were a waste of time as he called out his own greeting.


Zahira sighed as she forced the mask back in place a smile reappearing on her lips. Perhaps he wasn’t completely useless and even if he where could she really afford to let the only pure blooded she seen so far walk away? She nodded to him as she made took the last few steps to reach him her own stands relaxed as well, there was no reason for dominance with a pureblood and she could not risk scaring him away, at least not yet. “Greetings mister, it's been a while sins I have seen a pure timber wolf around these parts.” she said hoping that her eyes did not betray her and that he indeed were of pure blood.


She let out a light purr like sound by his words, ”Lovely eh? not a word I’m used to but thank you.” she here said her smile growing wider as bowed her head lightly as she thanked him. "must admit you ain’t all bad looking yourself" she commented after a short break of thinking her words over. Her eyes focusing on his one good eye to not stare at the other one or the tattered lump of an ear. ”And with you here, I am far from alone now am I?" she said with a light laugh "but I left my birth pack to see what the world looks like" and to raise a true pack she thought as she tilted her head lightly "what about you? why are you all alone out here?"



Zahira Asurn
Every revolution begins with a Spark
(This post was last modified: Nov 16, 2016, 03:34 PM by Zahira.)
Played by Silvia who has 28 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Ambrosia Hellebore

Ambrosia noticed the smile fade from her face as he turned to face her, his face keeping on slightly cheerful yet neutral side as he smiled lightly. His ear and eye threw others off often enough that he had grown used to the various reactions that came about seeing them. And it was easy to understand why, given how he had run away from his pack because he knew they wouldn’t tolerate such weakness in a member. It was easy to understand why she was staring off to the side, towards his good eye and not his bad. Many didn’t like to see such carnage on a still living wolf and even he disliked seeing it in the refection of water whenever dipping down to take a drink.

“I am new to these parts so you are the first wolf I have seen in quite some time.” He admitted, flicking his good ear back absentmindedly as he spoke. The life of a loner was not fun, his thin frame a testament to that.“Though I must admit, it is a nice welcome to see another pure timber wolf like myself, since I haven’t seen one since venturing from my own pack.” The pack he had once called family, that he once both loved and feared, had instilled in him the purity of bloodlines. That to lay with another outside of their own kind (the Pure, they had called themselves and had drummed into his own head as a pup.) was to sin and those who did were often cast out of the pack. (he knew better though, they were killed because they were seen as dirty.) And any pups that had lived because of that union, had they been found, were punished too.

So it was easy to see this woman perhaps had similar beliefs, mentioning how glad she was to see another pure timber wolf yet he didn’t question her about it. He had tried leave that life behind, to find better pastures. He supposed that no matter what, those beliefs would stick with him for quite sometime. They were very hard to shake off, once you were raised as a pup with them and only having recently left his pack, they still clung like parasites. Though it would be easy to sway him back, if pushed just enough to that side again...

“I’m like you, just seeing what the world looks like,” Answering her question was easy. It was one every wolf that he had ever met had asked him on his journey. For some reason, others seemed to want to know what you were doing, what goal you had in mind on your adventure. Truthfully, Ambrosia didn’t know what he was doing or where he was going. He just continued on and on, until something like the need for food or sleep overcame him and he ate his fill or collapsed into often terror filled dreams. Sometimes, he felt bliss and simply woke up of his own violation and not because of the bright eyes and sharp claws.

Sometimes, his dreams were filled with other things, happy things that cooed at him and coaxed him to keep on going, that things would get better. He was often tempted to believe those dreams when they came about. But darker things quickly took over again and he swore the Gods were punishing him for abandoning his pack like he had and not facing the consequences like he deserved. “And yes, I can keep a lovely lady such as yourself company in this cold weather,” He laughed lightly, the laughter rich as it dripped off his tongue. Had the Gods sent this woman to test him, to see if he’d give in and return to his old pack’s ways? It seemed only time would be able to tell him that.

"And my apologies, it seems my politeness has escaped me at the moment. My name is June Berry," The fake name rolled off his tongue with practiced ease, having chanted the name out loud until it felt like a second skin. June Berry, the wolf who had simply left his pack to explore and most certainly didn't run off in fear of punishment. "And who are you, my dear? Surely you have a beautiful name to match."
(This post was last modified: Nov 10, 2016, 01:31 PM by Ambrosia. Edit Reason: slight grammar and spelling edits )
Played by wolfsi who has 50 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Zahira Asurn
No need to tagg me in your posts I have subscribed to the thread so I get a notification when you reply :)


Her ears peaked as he mentioned that he to was happy to see a pure blood, did that mean he that his birth pack had similar beliefs too that of her own? She knew that the Asurn pack thought to hold unchallenged strength without soiling their blood with that of others. Weak members and pups were taken care of to ensure the survival of the stronger once. Perhaps this stranger was not as bad as she had thought. A wolf with an already basic understanding of the most basic Asurn principles would be a great starting point, perhaps this stranger was not as useless as she had first thought him to be. But as he said no more of his pack she cursed her luck, she would like to know more about this stranger, like to know just how much potential he had and if this so potential could be great enough to overlook his weakness. "wish I could say you were my first encounter as well but a jerk of a mutt kinda took that place" she purposely used the word mutt wanting to see the other reaction to such a clear discrimination of non Timberwolves.


By his next word she honestly wanted to bite of his mussel for his words but forced herself to stay calm and in role with a soft smile on her lips. He was nothing like her, he were weak and damaged, and had she been able to afford losing him she would have ensured he were laying bleeding on the ground for the wolf-birds to feed upon.


Her tail wagged lightly behind her as she giggled, a sound she like any other girl could produce, And a sound she wanted to barf over. ”You dislike the cold?” she questioned as his laughter filled her ears, he had a good laugh she had to admit. She look up watching as small white flakes fell from the sky ”honestly I think I prefer it, the cold, it brings many things with it some good some bad”. she said as she returned her gaze to him, wondering if she could keep this squared up or if it was better to see his reaction to an Azurn. Perhaps it was for the better to appear less like what she was and more like what she wasn’t, but to wobble around like some sharding yearling wasn’t a preferred act


she laughed as he apologisesed for a lack of politesses ”no need to worry June Berry it appears that I to lack grace. I am Zahira Asurn” she said making a dip with her head, it was a bit odd using her name still something she had to get used to. Last time she had come to these lands she had only gone by her first name in the belief that her brother had without a doubt created a mess already. But with her brother most likely dead she saw no reason to keep that up, besides it would not hurt to let the all know that the Asurn were back in town.


”So going by the, I am like you, I guess that means you don’t have a pack yet or am I wrong?” she questioned taking in his scent, no he didn’t carry any sign of a pack but she rather be safe the sorry. "also if you don’t mind me asking what brought you to these parts? what lead you to travel away from home?”  a question that had been bothering her for a while, why would some on in such a bad shape leave their pack? sure she knew how her own home dealt with weakness but she had also heard how packs ruled by mutts did things.



Zahira Asurn
Every revolution begins with a Spark
(This post was last modified: Nov 10, 2016, 04:14 PM by Zahira. Edit Reason: trying to do grammar and stuff )
Played by Silvia who has 28 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Ambrosia Hellebore
At her mention of meeting a mutt, in her words, his upbringing decided to rear its ugly head up making his teeth showed in a slight snarl.

“I do hope that mutt didn’t do anything unsavory towards you.” It made him growl out. “They can be quite uncouth, I’ve noticed.” It wiggled inside of him like a worm, wanting to come out even further but he quickly realised what was happening and inwardly stomped it down. “And yes, you’re correct, I have no pack as of yet. Hopefully this land has some good prospects otherwise, I may find elsewhere to settle for the winter. A lone wolf in winter? It can be harsh to survive on one's own.” It was the truth, after all. Lone wolves were dealt a harsher hand if they chose to stay by themselves during winter. “And no, I do not dislike the cold. I have been traveling by myself for quite some time so it’s nice to see another, as I have said.” Ambrosia then went silent for a few moments as he pondered how to answer the woman's, Zahira’s question. He disliked sharing much of his past, not only because of how ashamed of it he is but how he had left it as well.

“While out hunting, I was attacked and became somewhat disoriented, thus losing my way from my home. When I came to my senses again, I was already far from home and figured it better to act on my plans to travel anyway, albeit earlier than I had anticipated.” While it was the truth, Ambrosia didn't voice why he hadn't made any attempt to make his way home. There had been no desire to head back home, after discovering his injuries. The wind picked up and ruffle his fur, making him pause in his talking. “It was a tradition, of sorts, to find one’s self while out traveling once we reached adulthood. My family were already aware of my travel plans and had encouraged them, so I supposed it was as good of time as any, though the farewell could have been down a little better.” It had nothing to do with his blindness or anything, nope. He left of his own accord and had made no mention of it to his family, who he knew would kill him on sight. The feeling this woman also grew up in a similar fashion was still bugging him, the curiosity building slowly as they talked.

“I am sorry if this a rude question to ask but I feel I must ask it.” The words tumbled from his maw before he could stop himself and had he been the sort to swear, he would have. Best to keep going, he thought. “But your words earlier about how you were happy to see another pure timber wolf, I assume your pack held a high regard for bloodlines and disliked weakness of any sort?”
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There are several fresh rabbit tracks in the mud. Hunt Opportunity
Played by wolfsi who has 50 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Zahira Asurn

She could not help but grin as he changed character on a whim. ”I have seen worse. Besides, in a land where these mutts have never been showed into place how were they supposed to know how to act accordingly to our demands?” she questioned him her voice a bit cold and yet there where something ells a certain hint of surprise and satisfaction. She was starting to like this poor excuse for a timber more and more by the minute. It was true he did not fit the Asurn standard for a valuable pack member but to find true strength sometimes one had to bring in weakness as well. Her ears perked as he spoke of no pack to call his own nor his home, and her grin returns back to a smile ”Indeed winter is a challenging time, but it is also the greatest trail” she answered. For indeed no wolf would willingly place themselves in winters ruthless hands, but the once who did and survived was often either foolishly lucky or a truly remarkable wolf.


She listened in silence as he told his story, her face a mask showing no emotions. But perhaps her jaw tightened a bit at the mention of his old homes traveling tradition, as such practices would never have been accepted in her own. One did not just simply leave the pack to travel, the only reason one had to leave where to spread the Asurn blood and power or to run like a coward to save once own tail. There were no acceptance of treason or weakness no space for some one's heathen ways. There were only time and space for duty, duty to the Asurn name and cause. ”So your plan to return to your home in the future?” she asked cursing her own luck, for what use was a wolf who already now were planned on leaving?


She lifted a brow as he politely questioned her about her own past and she nodded a bit, a tooth for a tooth it seemed.  ”You are assuming right.” she said with a certain strength in her words as she continued, might as well tell him about the Asurns. ”The Asurn believe in pure strength and the main pack is mainly made up of family members and breeding partners. It’s rare to find outsiders with no connection to any wolf of Asurn blood inside the main pack. And yes due to completion for territory weakness isn’t tolerated. We don’t interbreed with other wolf spices to prove that we can prevail over the larger breeds on our own. I guess you can say it's against our pack laws to do so. she said her eyes constantly searching his face and body for hints of his reaction to her families way of life.



Zahira Asurn
Every revolution begins with a Spark