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Following a Ghost — Mountain of Dire 
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Played by Hex who has 200 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Solas ColdHeart

He had been climbing the mountain all day. His muscles burned but he was bound and determined that he was going to find something. His father had liked mountains apparently. Solas could see why. It was like nature was daring them to climb and see what was at the top. Maybe there would be something there that would make it all worthwhile. Maybe not, but you had to reach the top first in order to find out. Solas wanted to but the weather was nasty. If he was smart he would turn around and head back down but what then? He had no pack to go back to and Winter was just going to make everything worse anyway. Might as well keep going.

Mist puffed out his open jaws and he panted. Each paw was placed with determination. He had found the mountain, now to find his father. . Solas glanced over his shoulder to see how far he had gone. It was easily twice the height of the trees. A fierce grin flashed across his face at the height. Facing forward once more he looked for an area where he could find a spot to rest and enjoy the view that he had earned. It didn't take that long to find what he was searching for. A tree clinging to the side of the mountain with a slight divot between its roots.

Solas carefully made his way over before sitting down. It was quite a place wasn't it. The view. The way the mountain begged to be climbed. It all felt so different compared to the forest below. Maybe it was the way the mountain seemed more rugged, more challenging. Solas let out a soft bark of laughter. Oh yes he understood why his father had liked the mountains. Maybe it was in the blood. Were they all mountain wolves? Solas honestly didn't know the only family member he had known had been his mother. A sudden ache filled him as he looked at the trees below. Hopefully he would know soon enough.
[Image: solas_sig_by_becuffin-dbocy7k.png]
[Image: vnuylcejuy1r9dyd_by_silversnake54-dc87n0m.gif]
Played by Kristen who has 499 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Namid Vuesain

Namid had been informed that they were running low on White Fir bark, known for its ability to heal cuts and sores. She would have liked to restock on other valuable plants, but being it winter they had more than likely shriveled up and died for the time being. These were the sort of things that really tried a wolf during the winter; lack of valuable medical items. They weren’t in any danger with their supplies, but she never liked to get anywhere close to the line. Living on the mountain left them very susceptible to both of the things that the White Fir bark cured, and so she wanted to make sure they could keep that well in stock since it was really the only thing that was available to them at this time of the year.

Because the bundle of trees that they usually used for gathered weren’t available within their territory, she had to venture further out into the mountain. Trodding along she began to think. She was feeling much better, she might even say that she was as close to being back to normal as she could get. And, with this normality she knew that it was almost time for her to retake the helm of their lands. She had allowed MoonShadow to bear the weight of what was supposed to be her burden alone for too long and it was about time that she removed it. Now, she was confident that she could retain her atlas responsibilities.

Climbing up the last hill the led to their gathering area, Namid was so lost in thought that she almost missed the wolf sitting at the base of one of the trees. But...once she saw them she stopped cold, her heart thundering in her chest. Her mouth went dry as she stared at the pelt of the wolf, unable to see their face. The build, the coloring, the markings...it couldn’t be. Could it?”A-Anthem?” she whispered, stunned.

[Image: 32zm32p.png]
[Image: 2qxvuio.png]
Played by Hex who has 200 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Solas ColdHeart
Even though he knew that he likely wouldn't find his father right away Solas couldn't help but feel anxious. Who wouldn't? He was going to be walking up to a complete stranger and telling him that he was their child. The dark man swallowed hard as the questions he had been trying to keep at bay flooded through his head. Did he have any siblings? What were the rest of his relatives like? Did he have anymore relatives and cousins? Did they live in the area? And the most important question of all. Would he be accepted or turned away? Solas hoped that it wouldn't be the latter but since the man that had sired him was a complete stranger he didn't know how it would turn out.

So preoccupied with his thoughts and the view Solas didn't hear the approach of the wolf from behind him. That is until they spoke. A-Anthem? It was merely a whisper but it was enough. A sound that shouldn't have been there and Solas's ears flicked before his eyes widened his questions vanishing like mist. He had been sneaked up on and they were at his back. Violently Solas turned his hackles raised, ears forward, and teeth bared while a low growl rolled up his throat. Hoping to stop them if they were going to attempt to attack him.

The first thing he noticed was that they weren't attacking him. In fact they seemed to be stunned and frozen still. Solas's eyes narrowed slightly as he watched them intently not giving ground. Then it dawned on him what they had said. Anthem. His father's name. Maybe they knew him and if they did they might know where he was. The growl died in his throat as he relaxed his posture but he was still tense. Who would sneak up on someone if they weren't going to do something?

You said Anthem didn't you? Solas spoke voice wary. Do you know him? Anthem Coldheart? Maybe he had misheard but he needed to make sure. No, he had to make sure.
(This post was last modified: Dec 28, 2016, 03:11 PM by Solas.)
[Image: solas_sig_by_becuffin-dbocy7k.png]
[Image: vnuylcejuy1r9dyd_by_silversnake54-dc87n0m.gif]
Played by Kristen who has 499 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Namid Vuesain

The man rounded, teeth bared and hackles raised and Namid’s tail instantly flagged, muscles going rigid and a frown creasing her brows. This man could have been every bit Anthem in appearance, until she saw the eyes. Firey, molten gold and the complete opposite of the oceanic blue of the previous Cove second. He relaxed but Namid was now wary, mismatched gaze watching his movements. This was now an unknown wolf, someone completely unaffiliated with her and she needed to be somewhat on guard. She was confident in her ability to defend herself, but she was naturally against violence and would much rather it not resort to that.

”Do you know him? Anthem Coldheart?” he asked and she looked at him for a moment, unsure. Part of her inner self was being snarky. Of course she knew him, she’d just said his name hadn’t she? That seemed rather obvious to her. But, did he know Anthem? And why did he look so much like him? What did it mean? “Yes, I knew Anthem. He was my pack’s second in command for a long time.” she revealed. Hopefully he would reveal something about himself too.

[Image: 32zm32p.png]
[Image: 2qxvuio.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
Shallow water has trapped several fish in a small pond. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Hex who has 200 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Solas ColdHeart
She had started to tense up and Solas couldn't blame her for it. He had just snarled at her after all. What he didn't like was when her tail raised in dominance. Golden eyes narrowed in annoyance and the urge to raise his own tail in response made itself known. He would've done it to if it weren't for the fact that she seemed to have known his father. So for the time being he would let her think what she would but he sure as heck didn't bow to her.

“Yes, I knew Anthem. He was my pack’s second in command for a long time.”

Solas let out the breath he had been unintentionally holding in a whoosh. She knew him. That must mean he was getting closer to him. The anxiousness seeped back into him at the idea that Anthem might be around the very mountain he was climbing. But wait had she said my pack? Didn't that mean she was an alpha? Solas didn't like the idea of ticking off an alpha and potentially having a pack try and hunt him down. But that was outweighed by his desire to know about his father and if he made her mad then so be it.

Could you tell me where I can find him? I want to talk to him about something important. Solas finally spoke. He didn't know if she was on good terms with Anthem. All she had said was that he had been the second of her pack. That didn't mean that she had been on good terms with him and he didn't want to get enemies simply because he was his father's son. No, if he was going to get enemies he wanted to do that all on his own.
(This post was last modified: Jan 01, 2017, 10:14 PM by Solas.)
[Image: solas_sig_by_becuffin-dbocy7k.png]
[Image: vnuylcejuy1r9dyd_by_silversnake54-dc87n0m.gif]
Played by Kristen who has 499 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Namid Vuesain

The tension grew in the air between them and she was very unsure about how this was going to go. But, if they were going to get anywhere they both needed to calm down a little. So, with that she allowed her tail to lower into a neutral position and offered a posture of peace. She didn’t want a fight and now she was an curious as he was for answers. Who was this look alike and what important thing did he have to ask a dead wolf?

She allowed a brief silence to expand between them as she thought, trying to make connections in her mind. Very few had ever come looking for Anthem, save for Nathaniel and Angele, and then they had been family. Perhaps this was a similar situation? She took in a small breath. Things just became more complicated. “I am afraid the situation is not that simple,” she replied. She allowed another once over look of him. “Are you, perhaps, family to him? Not many have come looking for Anthem if they have not been of his blood,” his response would dictate her next course of action. If he was family, there was only one place she could take him for answers.

[Image: 32zm32p.png]
[Image: 2qxvuio.png]
Played by Hex who has 200 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Solas ColdHeart
She seemed to realize that holding a dominate position was getting her points as she relaxed her posture some. It was enough though to let Solas relax a bit more. He had hoped that she would spit out the location of his father but she wasn't. In fact it almost seemed like she was stalling. For what purpose though? They were alone, and as for as he could tell her pack wasn't in the immediate area. So why was she holding off? The look on her face seemed concentrated and Solas held his tongue between his teeth as he waited. He wanted her to answer his questions not just stare at him like that. He wasn't even asking hard questions.

I am afraid the situation is not that simple.Those were not the words he wanted to hear. What could possibly make this lady hold her tongue? Was his father in trouble? Was that why she wasn't giving away the location? To Solas it seemed that she was hiding something and he didn't like it. Yet, he hadn't exactly given her a reason to trust him with his father's location. Are you, perhaps, family to him? Not many have come looking for Anthem if they have not been of his blood. Solas's eyes widened a little in surprise. Did that mean that he had more family in the area? Family that he could interact with along with his father? The idea excited him as well as made him nervous but he needed to focus on the lady and the conversation that they were having.

I'm... Solas began to speak before pausing. Should he tell her? She seemed to know more about his family than he did and it looked like he wasn't getting anywhere by avoiding it. So Solas decided he should probably just spit it out and hope that she would be more willing to talk once she knew why he was looking for Anthem. If he was lucky she might just take him right to his father and they would go from there.

I'm his son. Solas finally said. From what I know he isn't aware of me so I'm trying to find him to tell him. What he didn't say was that he hoped that he could stick around as well. That he wanted to learn from the man and learn about him.
[Image: solas_sig_by_becuffin-dbocy7k.png]
[Image: vnuylcejuy1r9dyd_by_silversnake54-dc87n0m.gif]
Played by Kristen who has 499 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Namid Vuesain

She could tell that he was becoming impatient with her, but she honestly couldn’t help it. They’d all been haunted by Anthem’s passing. It had felt like she was losing a brother and it had even been enough to send her husband, as strong and steadfast as he was, into a bit of loop. Now, here was this man who apparently was his son? Certainly no one could blame her for being a little astonished. It felt like they had been given a second chance, but she had to remind herself that there was no indication that he was going to stay with them. Especially after what she had to show him next.

Her smile grew wide and her mismatched eyes warm, but there was still a hint of sadness to them. “I will take you to your father. Please, follow me,” she said turning and heading back down into the territory. Even though he wasn’t one of theirs, Namid knew that her husband would not fault her for allowing the man entrance. Especially if he knew who he was. They made their way toward the birthing den, moving at a steady pace. “My name is Namid Vuesain. Can I ask what yours is?” the pale woman asked idly as they went. Certainly she’d want to know his name.

The pair crossed over the embankment and a little past the birthing den to arrive at the outlook. There, beneath the tree that hung haphazardly off the side over the waters, his father would be buried next to her stillborn son. She paused and took a breath then turned around to face Solas, nodding to the spot. “I am sorry for not saying it out right but...here is Anthem. He passed away from hypothermia a little over a year ago now. I brought you here because I thought you would want the chance to still speak with him, to tell him who you are and what your life has been like. He is not here in body, but I know he is here in spirit. I come and talk to him often,” she said, auds lowering in a quiet apology. “Anthem founded this pack with my mate, Vespertio. He saved us from ruin many times, and he served as Vespertio’s second until a month before he disappeared. He was brave and kind, joyful with a soft spot for pups but with the courage to stand up to any bear or cougar. Here, we are all a family and he devoted himself to us entirely but I think he might have always wished for a family of his own blood,” she murmured gently. “I know he would have been so overjoyed to have met you. You are the spitting image of him.”

[Image: 32zm32p.png]
[Image: 2qxvuio.png]
Played by Hex who has 200 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Solas ColdHeart
OOC: Sorry for the length

He didn't know what he had expected. Maybe something closer to brush-off. After all he didn't have any proof that what he was saying was true. The only things that he had was the name and apparently his father's coat. Seeing as how Solas had never seen his father he had no idea if that was true or not. For all he knew his father was white and his mother had made up Anthem. In any case would find out though once he saw the man. If the lady in front of him decided t reveal his location.

Her smile was the first thing that clued him in on the fact that he had said the right thing. Yet why was there a touch of sorrow staring out from her eyes? She asked him to follow her before turning and walking away from him down the side of the mountain. He hesitated briefly. Was she leading him into a trap? She had seemed sincere though and Solas didn't think that she had faked the emotions that her mismatched eyes had held. Deciding that he could trust her for this he began to follow her.

I'm Solas. Solas Coldheart. The stormy man responded as she lead him across pack borders. She didn't seem to think that it was a bad idea either, if the lack of hesitation meant anything. Hopefully they wouldn't meet up with any other wolves on this little trip. He doudted that they would be as kind to him as Namid was being at the moment. His concerns were for nothing though as the two of them made there way closer to the lake near a tree that hang over the water, like it wanted to reach out as far as could. She stopped then and Solas found himself growing confused. Why had she brought him here and where was his father?He didn't have to wait long for her to explain why they were there.

His father was dead.

The words sent a visible shudder through Solas. Images of him learning and laughing with his father flashed in his mind before shattering to pieces. He was alone now wasn't he and at that thought emotions flared to life inside him. Frustration, sadness, anger, helplessness. Emotions that made him want to snarl and to tear into something. How far had he come? How long had he worried over the opinions of his father? The father that he had never met. The father he couldn't meet. Taking shuddering breaths as his body shook slighty Solas tried to calm the emotions that raged through him. Why had he never given that idea a chance to surface? Because, he hadn't it to be true. Now it was staring him in that face. The slight mound near the tree.

He raised his eyes to @Namid only then understanding why she had looked so sad. He couldn't blame her for not telling him right away. It wasn't something that one could say so easily when you had been close to the deceased. Taking another breath Solas carefully but a lid on his emotions. He would vent more fully later right now he had a wolf to thank and a grave that he would need to visit later. Right now he just couldn't do it.

Thank you. Solas said softly. Thank you for bringing me here and for showing me this. I Solas took another shuddering breath. I can't talk to him right now. I need a chance to go through my emotions first and then i'll come back to this spot again. You were his family right? Solas asked then. If they were his father's family even if it wasn't by blood then maybe just maybe they could be his as well. That way he wouldn't feel quite as alone, or at least he hoped.Could you tell me more about him and if possible let me stay so that I can visit him some more? He felt like he was asking for a lot but he just didn't know what else to do at that moment.
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