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day in and day out. — Fallen Tree Cove 
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Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

Though he didn't have any doubt that Des would be accepted back into the cove without hesitation Namid's embrace made her acceptance back into the pack more real. He hoped that his words would also help Des to know that they wanted her back and there weren't any hard feelings. His alphas smile was returned with one of his own, they were both getting back someone that held a special place in their hearts. As Namid's attention returned to Des so did his as she told them she had missed the cove which brought an even wider smile to his face. Deep down he had know she wouldn't have just left them, him, and he felt her admission confirmed that.

She had a story but didn't want to share it just then, his head turned briefly to Moonshadow and Tagg. Des didn't know his student at all and Tagg, the beta wasn't sure of her relationship with him. It seemed she wasn't keen to share her story in front of them, which he understood knowing how hard it could be for her to trust. His attention then returned to Des and Namid as the alpha invited their lost member for food and rest. Des received her welcome home from Namid Kajika went to the tawny woman and brushed his muzzle against her cheek, “Welcome home, I'm glad to have you back with us,” he told her before he moved to follow Namid. Turning back once more to make sure she was coming he said, “Maybe we can talk once you've filled your belly and rested?”

(This post was last modified: Feb 18, 2017, 06:12 PM by Kajika.)
[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Grae who has 900 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Moonshadow Eastfall

OOC! Yay now Kajika can get better! Lol

Feeling odd man out faded away as her love joined her and the others at the border. Some of her anxiety melted away with his presence. He confirmed her suspicions that the woman was indeed Des. Moon guessed as much seeing how happy Kajika was. She hasn't seen that side of him in a very long time. Silver eyes found that of her loves as she gave him a smile and brushed the top of her muzzle against his chin before looking back to the happy trio. It warmed her heart to see both Namid and Kajika so happy and the woman seemed guilty that she had been gone. So any hesitation or distaste that the dark beta held faded away. Who was she to judge the ginger female? She doesn't know her and by the reactions of those around her she can't be all that bad. A warm smile formed on her maw as her silver tipped tail wagged slowly in welcome. The lake queen went to her in a wolfish hug showing she was welcomed back in. If her queen was going to accept her back then Moonshadow would do the same. She tipped her large ebony skull in welcome to the woman as Namid turned to head towards the nearest cache.  She would properly introduce herself later after Des had settled back in and Kajika has gotten the chance to catch up. With a nudge to Taggs cheek she turned to go do a border patrol, heading in the opposite way of the group. She looked back over her shoulder at her russet man giving him a smile as if to say 'aren't you coming'?


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Played by Flywolf33 who has 378 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tagg Eastfall



Word Count: 220

Tagg felt bad for Des. She’d called for an alpha and gotten half the pack.  He glanced at Moon. “This is why I don’t like howling.” He murmured. He’d done exactly as he hated others doing.  But to be fair, he hadn’t heard her call; he’d just followed Moon.

Still, if this many wolves had showed up when he’d returned, he might not have had a good reaction either.  Kajika seemed happy, and that’s what was important.  Tagg felt he’d done the right thing by warning his friend, and was glad she’d decided to come after all.  He’d been worried that she might not and he would have hurt Kajika for nothing.

Still, he wasn’t needed here.  Just as he was about to turn away, Moon nudged him and headed off.  He grinned and followed her. She beat me to it. He thought, heading deeper into the territory.  He could catch up with Des after the beta had had the time.  He’d earned it. The veteran couldn’t help but hope somebody would excoriate the recent returnee for hurting him, but at the same time he was afraid it would send her running again.  He would leave it be.

“Wait up! He called after Moon, picking up his pace and coming up alongside her. Things were finally looking up for his friend, and he couldn’t be happier.


"Speech"  Thought

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[Image: 100ksig_by_a_yellow_bird-db3e1g4.png]
Played by Ace who has 200 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Desideria Barreda
Desideria could have melted with the sheer amount of relief. Relief that Namid wasn’t mad, relief that Kajika didn’t seem to hate her – honestly, the invitation to return to Fallen Tree Cove and the offer of something to eat was really just icing on the cake. She could have gone without. That she still had friends – still had friends! – was almost more than enough. The wobble in her legs had nothing to do with the old injury at all. “Thanks,” she whispered hoarsely, bobbing her head once before she turned to follow after the alpha. She was stopped, albeit briefly, by the beta – and it seemed not only that Kajika didn’t hate her for her long term disappearance. The nuzzle wasn’t long, but it was something, and the older wolf finally found it within her to smile, bobbing her head again as she offered up a small lick across his chin, as subordinate as it was friendly.

“Thanks,” she said to him, this time, and began to trek after Namid, not willing to be behind. But the beta’s offer did not fall on deaf ears, and after a moment to turn the thought over in her head, she nodded again. It was easier to answer when the anxiety wasn’t allowed the time to stew. “Yeah. Let’s do that I’ll see you later.”

[Image: Desika_zps1xokdkap.png]