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Maybe we're from the same star — Whitestone Monadnock 
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Played by becuffin who has 879 posts.
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Morganna Archer-Lyall
For @Piety (and Wraith if he wants in on the gossip).

A low grumble left Morganna's chest as she raked her teeth through the thick fur over Piety's shoulder. When she wasn't out stirring up trouble of her own, she was passing her hours possessively guarding the dove. Even now she had one paw draped across the woman's back which should serve as a clear enough reminder to any casual observer that Morganna did not like to share.


@Wraith was the only one she would tolerate coming close to them as they lounged about in the snow. More than once she had run at a pack mate with teeth bared, and thankfully that had been enough (not that she wouldn't mind a decent scrap, given half a reason). With no sign of her own heat abating her one track mind could easily be pulled closer to killing than procreating, she just needed someone to push the right buttons, but that wasn't why she was here now. She needed to relax or her companion would feel the tension that ran across her shoulders and down her spine if she didn't start to breathe.

She ceased her incessant grooming with a sigh, resting her chin across Piety's back as she stared out across the tundra. She wished that Craw was around more, but he did have other things to deal with. "Anythin' interestin' 'appen while I was out?" she softly questioned her companion, knowing that Piety was watching the rest of the pack perhaps even closer than Morganna herself.

(This post was last modified: Mar 05, 2017, 12:22 AM by Morganna.)
[Image: hashtags-skollmorganna02.png][Image: hashtags-morgannarenier.png]
Played by Becca who has 524 posts.
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Piety Santoro
She was content to rest like this. The force of Morganna on her back and shoulders kept her rather calm. It was all a rather open reminder that the dark Archer cared for her. A happy smile pulled on her lips as she laid there with her eyes closed. She was close to falling asleep for a quick nap (positive that Morganna would ward off anyone or even wake her if needed) until she noticed the leader's change. The grooming stopped and it seemed like her breathing had lost its usual pace with that sigh. Her smile quickly tugged into a frown as she lifted her scarred head. Before the Santoro could ask a question of her own, Morg was doing just that.

"Interesting?" She asked softly before her brows furrowed as she thought about anything she'd caught. "Lorcan seems to be rather inviting." Piety gave a soft snort of laughter, something she did more often around Morganna. "I caught him and Saradathia being friendly, stood from a distance watching and he made a smart move. He left before anything too serious happened. I don't think I've seen him look so startled." The pale Monadnock female let her head settle down again. "Other than that I don't think I've caught much. Have you?" She asked with obvious interest as her tail gave a few quick wags. The dark female wasn't always by her side so of course, Piety was interested in what she did in her time away. Perhaps Morg had managed to snag Craw's attention or busied herself with usual tasks. Piety could only be in so many places at a time.
[Image: 5mjdmLH.gif]
# C W T
Played by becuffin who has 879 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Morganna Archer-Lyall

At first she smirked, an amused snort leaving her nose at the mention of the young medic, thinking perhaps Piety had caught sight of her own teasing of @Lorcan before @Wraith warned him off, but then she continued and Morganna's gaze turned thoughtful. While it was true that Saradathia had been working hard to earn her keep, her sister had been little more than a drain on resources and at the end of the day, she had convinced herself they cancelled each other out. If the hunter was now making moves on the medic, overstepping her bounds, then it was her duty as a leader to remind her of them, or remove herself of the problem all together. The other one? Well, Morganna should have dealt down judgement the night she returned home injured yet again.

She was pulled from her thoughts by the soft questioning of Piety, the wave of her tail enough to put the leaders teeth back to raking through the hair at the crown of her head, a low "Hmm," all she could manage before getting her own racing heart back under control, "Nothin' much, few prowlers out on th' lowlands lookin' fer an easy mark but otherwise, nothin'. Do yer think she's stupid enough ter get herself knocked up?" Morganna wouldn't put it past her. "An' 'er sister, wha'd'yer think of her?"

[Image: hashtags-skollmorganna02.png][Image: hashtags-morgannarenier.png]
Played by Becca who has 524 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Piety Santoro
There was a time when teeth from Morganna might have made her shudder out of pure fear. Things had changed rather drastically. All for the better, though as far as Piety was concerned. She knew the dark woman could be cruel but there was none of that here. So she'd let Morganna groom there her fur without thinking of missing another ear or having more marks to her face.

"You know if you want to go exploring I'm happy to tag along." The dove had to wonder if the leader had seen Edge Stone Pool yet. Maybe Piety might keep that a secret till the weather was finally warmer. There were questions to answer. She stayed silent for a few moments to really think it over. Would the small pale girl be dumb enough? Even after being caught almost getting too friendly with Lorcan? Oh, how Piety hoped not. "I don't like to think so. Saradathia seems alright. She pulls her weight and maybe just needs a little discipline is all. She's young, she can still learn." The pale Santoro shrugged her shoulders the best she could to show how she thought little of the situation.

Piety knew that Anaia was a bit of a different story. Entered the pack injured, returned from a trip injured, was likely off right now getting injured. The pale second let out a sigh. "I'm not sure of her." She started off simply. "On one paw it's easy to blame winter for injuries but what if it stretches beyond winter?" Piety asked as if Morganna might magically have the answer. "I think her heart's in a good place but she might not just be cut out to be here. Can always wait and see if anything changes. It's up to you and Craw, though." Her head settled down on her paws slowly. What was she truly to do or say to sound honest but not cruel?
[Image: 5mjdmLH.gif]
# C W T